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{namespace com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirrorrepositoryhook}
* @param config
* @param? errors
{template .view}
{call aui.form.textField}
{param id: 'mirrorRepoUrl' /}
{param value: $config['mirrorRepoUrl'] /}
{param labelContent}
{stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.mirrorRepoUrl.label', 'Mirror Repo URL')}
{param isRequired: true /}
{param descriptionText: stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.mirrorRepoUrl.description',
'URL to the remote Stash mirrored repo') /}
{param extraClasses: 'long' /}
{param errorTexts: $errors ? $errors['mirrorRepoUrl'] : null /}
{call aui.form.textField}
{param id: 'username' /}
{param value: $config['username'] /}
{param labelContent}
{stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.username.label', 'Username')}
{param isRequired: true /}
{param descriptionText: stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.username.description',
'The username to use for pushing to the mirror') /}
{param extraClasses: 'long' /}
{param errorTexts: $errors ? $errors['username'] : null /}
{call aui.form.passwordField}
{param id: 'password' /}
{param value: $config['password'] /}
{param labelContent}
{stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.password.label', 'Password')}
{param isRequired: true /}
{param descriptionText: stash_i18n('com.englishtown.stash.hook.mirror.strings.password.description',
'The password to use for pushing to the mirror') /}
{param extraClasses: 'long' /}
{param errorTexts: $errors ? $errors['password'] : null /}