declared by application or other plugins. Also a plugin can define extension points.
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PF4J is an open source (Apache license) lightweight (around 35KB) plugin framework for java, with minimal dependencies and very extensible (see PluginDescriptorFinder and ExtensionFinder).
You can mark any interface or abstract class as an extension point (with marker interface ExtensionPoint) and you specified that an class is an extension with @Extension annotation.
Also, PF4J can be used in web applications. For my web applications when I want modularity I use [Wicket Plugin](
Each available plugin is loaded using a different java class loader, **PluginClassLoader**.
The **PluginClassLoader** contains only classes found in **PluginClasspath** (default _classes_ and _lib_ folders) of plugin and runtime classes and libraries of the required/dependent plugins.
The plugins are stored in a folder. You can specify the plugins folder in the constructor of DefaultPluginManager. If the plugins folder is not specified
In above manifest I described a plugin with id `welcome-plugin`, with class `ro.fortsoft.pf4j.demo.welcome.WelcomePlugin`, with version `0.0.1` and with dependencies
You can inject your custom component (for example PluginDescriptorFinder, ExtensionFinder, PluginClasspath, ...) in DefaultPluginManager just override createXXX methods (factory method pattern).
PF4J can run in two modes: **DEVELOPMENT** and **DEPLOYMENT**.
The DEPLOYMENT(default) mode is the standard workflow for plugins creation: create a new maven module for each plugin, codding the plugin (declares new extension points and/or
add new extensions), pack the plugin in a zip file, deploy the zip file to plugins folder. These operations are time consuming and from this reason I introduced the DEVELOPMENT runtime mode.
The main advantage of DEVELOPMENT runtime mode for a plugin developer is that he/she is not enforced to pack and deploy the plugins. In DEVELOPMENT mode you can developing plugins in a simple and fast mode.
You can retrieve the current runtime mode using `PluginManager.getRuntimeMode()` or in your Plugin implementation with `getWrapper().getRuntimeMode()`(see [WelcomePlugin](
The DefaultPluginManager determines automatically the correct runtime mode and for DEVELOPMENT mode overrides some components(pluginsDirectory is __"../plugins"__, __PropertiesPluginDescriptorFinder__ as PluginDescriptorFinder, __DevelopmentPluginClasspath__ as PluginClassPath).
In theory, it's a relation **1:N** between an extension point and the extensions for this extension point.
This works well, except for when you develop multiple plugins for this extension point as different options for your clients to decide on which one to use.
In this situation you wish a possibility to disable all but one extension.