mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1957 lines
55 KiB
1957 lines
55 KiB
import MdiCheckBold from '~icons/mdi/check-bold' |
import MdiCropSquare from '~icons/mdi/crop-square' |
import MdiCheckCircleOutline from '~icons/mdi/check-circle-outline' |
import MdiCheckboxMarkedCircle from '~icons/mdi/checkbox-marked-circle' |
import MdiCheckboxBlankCircleOutline from '~icons/mdi/checkbox-blank-circle-outline' |
import MdiStar from '~icons/mdi/star' |
import MdiStarOutline from '~icons/mdi/star-outline' |
import MdiHeart from '~icons/mdi/heart' |
import MdiHeartOutline from '~icons/mdi/heart-outline' |
import MdiMoonFull from '~icons/mdi/moon-full' |
import MdiMoonNew from '~icons/mdi/moon-new' |
import MdiThumbUp from '~icons/mdi/thumb-up' |
import MdiThumbUpOutline from '~icons/mdi/thumb-up-outline' |
import MdiFlag from '~icons/mdi/flag' |
import MdiFlagOutline from '~icons/mdi/flag-outline' |
import MsMove from '~icons/material-symbols/drive-file-move-outline' |
import MSCloseRounded from '~icons/material-symbols/close-rounded' |
import MdiTableLarge from '~icons/mdi/table-large' |
import TablerColumnInsertLeft from '~icons/tabler/column-insert-left' |
import TablerColumnInsertRight from '~icons/tabler/column-insert-right' |
import MdiEyeCircleOutline from '~icons/mdi/eye-circle-outline' |
import NcEye from '~icons/nc-icons/eye' |
import MsGroup from '~icons/material-symbols/groups-outline-rounded' |
import MsAddBoxOutline from '~icons/nc-icons/add-box' |
import MsDownloadRounded from '~icons/nc-icons/download' |
import LogosAirtable from '~icons/logos/airtable' |
import NcStar from '~icons/nc-icons/star' |
import NcUnStar from '~icons/nc-icons/star-remove' |
import MsSort from '~icons/material-symbols/sort' |
import MaterialSymbolsEdit from '~icons/material-symbols/edit-outline-rounded' |
import MaterialDuplicate from '~icons/material-symbols/file-copy-outline-rounded' |
import MaterialSymbolsWarningOutlineRounded from '~icons/material-symbols/warning-outline-rounded' |
import MaterialSymbolsDragIndicator from '~icons/ri/draggable' |
import NcSearch from '~icons/nc-icons/search' |
import NcCreditCard from '~icons/nc-icons/credit-card' |
import NcLayers from '~icons/nc-icons/layers' |
import NcUsers from '~icons/nc-icons/users' |
import NcCheck from '~icons/nc-icons/check' |
import PlusSquare from '~icons/nc-icons/plus-square' |
import MobileShare from '~icons/nc-icons/share' |
import PhLayout from '~icons/ph/layout' |
import Delete from '~icons/material-symbols/delete-outline-rounded' |
import CiFilter from '~icons/mdi/filter-outline' |
import Minus from '~icons/material-symbols/remove-rounded' |
import Code from '~icons/material-symbols/code-rounded' |
import Palette from '~icons/material-symbols/palette-outline' |
import MsSync from '~icons/material-symbols/sync-rounded' |
import MdiRefresh from '~icons/mdi/refresh' |
import ApiSnippet from '~icons/material-symbols/settings-ethernet-rounded' |
import Phishing from '~icons/material-symbols/phishing-outline-rounded' |
import MdiAccountGroup from '~icons/mdi/account-group' |
import MdiDotsVertical from '~icons/mdi/dots-vertical' |
import MdiDotsHorizontal from '~icons/mdi/dots-horizontal' |
import PhExcelThin from '~icons/ph/microsoft-excel-logo-light' |
import VscodeIconsExcelColored from '~icons/vscode-icons/file-type-excel' |
import PhCsvThin from '~icons/ph/file-csv' |
import PhSplitVerticalThin from '~icons/material-symbols/height-rounded' |
import LogosDiscordIcon from '~icons/logos/discord-icon' |
import LogosRedditIcon from '~icons/logos/reddit-icon' |
import RiTwitterXFill from '~icons/ri/twitter-x-line' |
import PhGithubLogoLight from '~icons/ph/github-logo-light' |
import NcIconsRowHeightMedium from '~icons/nc-icons/row-height-medium' |
import NcIconsRowHeightShort from '~icons/nc-icons/row-height-short' |
import NcIconsRowHeightTall from '~icons/nc-icons/row-height-tall' |
import NcIconsRowHeightExtraTall from '~icons/nc-icons/row-height-extra-tall' |
import MsInfo from '~icons/material-symbols/info-outline-rounded' |
import PhSparkleFill from '~icons/ph/sparkle-fill' |
import NcArticle from '~icons/nc-icons/article' |
import MsDatabase from '~icons/mdi/database-outline' |
import MdiDatabaseSearch from '~icons/mdi/database-search' |
import MdiMagicStaff from '~icons/mdi/magic-staff' |
import PhCaretDoubleLeftThin from '~icons/ph/caret-double-left-light' |
import NcNotification from '~icons/material-symbols/notifications-outline' |
import Right from '~icons/material-symbols/chevron-right-rounded' |
import Left from '~icons/material-symbols/chevron-left-rounded' |
import Up from '~icons/material-symbols/keyboard-arrow-up-rounded' |
import Down from '~icons/material-symbols/keyboard-arrow-down-rounded' |
import PhTriangleFill from '~icons/ph/triangle-fill' |
import LcSend from '~icons/lucide/send' |
import NcCommentHere from '~icons/nc-icons/comment-here' |
import NcAddDataSource from '~icons/nc-icons/add-data-source' |
import NcDatabaseIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/database' |
import HasManyIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/hasmany' |
import ManytoManyIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/manytomany' |
import BelongsToIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/belongsto' |
import HasManySolidIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/hm-solid' |
import ManytoManySolidIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/mm-solid' |
import BelongsToSolidIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/bt-solid' |
import Record from '~icons/nc-icons/record' |
import Project from '~icons/nc-icons/project' |
// Roles |
import Owner from '~icons/nc-icons/owner' |
import Creator from '~icons/nc-icons/creator' |
import Editor from '~icons/nc-icons/editor' |
import Commentor from '~icons/nc-icons/commentor' |
import Viewer from '~icons/nc-icons/viewer' |
import NoAccess from '~icons/nc-icons/no-access' |
// keep it for reference |
// todo: remove it after all icons are migrated |
/* export const iconMapOld = { |
info: MdiInformationOutline, |
loading: MdiLoading, |
arrowCollapse: MdiArrowCollapse, |
markerAlert: MdiMapMarkerAlert, |
appStore: MdiStorefrontOutline, |
chevronLeft: MdiChevronLeft, |
chevronRight: MdiChevronRight, |
imagePlaceholder: MdiFileImageBox, |
linkRemove: MdiLinkVariantRemove, |
closeThick: MdiCloseThick, |
role: MdiDramaMasks, |
tableKey: MdiTableKey, |
export: PhExportLight, |
colInsertAfter: MdiTableColumnPlusAfter, |
colInsertBefore: MdiTableColumnPlusBefore, |
star: PhStar, |
sortAsc: PhSortAscendingThin, |
sortDesc: PhSortDescendingThin, |
contentSaveExit: MdiContentSave, |
contentSaveStay: MdiContentSaveEdit, |
exit: MdiExitToApp, |
snippet: PhBracketsAngleThin, |
embed: PhBracketsAngleThin, |
list: PhListBulletsThin, |
cloud: PhCloudLightningThin, |
apiAndSupport: PhChatTextThin, |
sort: PhSortAscendingThin, |
translate: PhTranslateThin, |
preview: PhPresentationThin, |
link: PhLinkSimpleHorizontalLight, |
returnKey: PhKeyReturnThin, |
keyboard: PhKeyboardLight, |
accountPlus: PhUserPlusLight, |
database: PhDatabaseLight, |
discord: LogosDiscordIcon, |
reddit: LogosRedditIcon, |
github: PhGithubLogoLight, |
twitter: RiTwitterXFill, |
at: PhAtLight, |
plusCircle: PhPlusCircleLight, |
minusCircle: PhMinusCircleLight, |
save: PhFloppyDiskLight, |
signin: PhSignInLight, |
signout: PhSignOutLight, |
lock: PhLockIcon, |
account: PhAccountIcon, |
accountCircle: PhUserCircleLight, |
users: PhUsersThreeThin, |
download: PhDownloadThin, |
upload: PhUploadThin, |
hook: PhHookThin, |
erd: PhTreeThin, |
plus: PhPlusThin, |
search: PhSearchThin, |
copy: PhCopySimpleThin, |
duplicate: PhCopySimpleThin, |
clipboard: PhClipboardThin, |
settings: PhGearThin, |
image: PhImageThin, |
datasource: PhHardDriveThin, |
book: PhBookThin, |
arrowDown: PhCaretDownLight, |
arrowRight: PhCaretRightLight, |
sidebarMinimise: PhCaretDoubleLeftLight, |
threeDotVertical: MdiDotsVertical, |
threeDotHorizontal: MdiDotsHorizontal, |
table: PhTableThin, |
excel: PhExcelThin, |
csv: PhCsvThin, |
code: PhBracketsCurlyThin, |
delete: PhTrashThin, |
edit: PhPencilSimpleThin, |
lookup: PhListMagnifyingGlassThin, |
text: PhStringIcon, |
longText: PhTextAreaIcon, |
clock: ClockIcon, |
web: WebIcon, |
boolean: BooleanIcon, |
calendar: CalendarIcon, |
singleSelect: SingleSelectIcon, |
multiSelect: PhListBulletsThin, |
datetime: DatetimeIcon, |
geoData: GeoDataIcon, |
rating: PhStar, |
generic: GenericIcon, |
numeric: NumericIcon, |
email: EmailIcon, |
sendEmail: MdiEmailArrowRightOutline, |
currency: CurrencyIcon, |
percent: PercentIcon, |
decimal: DecimalIcon, |
specificDbType: MdiDatabaseSettingsOutline, |
duration: DurationIcon, |
phone: FilePhoneIcon, |
formula: PhFunctiontone, |
function: PhFunctiontone, |
key: KeyIcon, |
json: PhBracketsCurlyThin, |
qrCode: PhQrCodeThin, |
qrCodeScan: MdiQrcodeScan, |
barCode: PhBarcodeThin, |
calculator: PhCalculatorThin, |
rollup: PhLifebuoyThin, |
eye: PhEyeThin, |
eyeSlash: PhEyeSlashThin, |
expand: PhExpandThin, |
check: PhCheckThin, |
acl: PhFolderLockThin, |
sync: MdiDatabaseSync, |
warning: PhWarningThin, |
share: PhShareThin, |
reload: PhReloadThin, |
xml: PhCodeThin, |
airtable: PhGridNineThin, |
grid: PhGridThin, |
gallery: PhImageThin, |
form: PhComputerTowerThin, |
map: MdiMapIcon, |
kanban: PhSquareHalfBottomThin, |
view: PhEyeThin, |
rowHeight: PhSplitVerticalThin, |
filter: PhFunnelThin, |
closeCircle: PhXCircleLight, |
closeBox: PhXSquareLight, |
close: PhXLight, |
openInNew: MdiOpenInNew, |
mm: MMIcon, |
hm: HMIcon, |
bt: BTIcon, |
passwordChange: MdiKeyChange, |
mapMarker: MdiMapMarker, |
currentLocation: MdiGpsFixed, |
plusThick: MdiPlusThick, |
dragVertical: MdiDragVertical, |
databaseSync: MdiDatabaseSync, |
fileUpload: MdiFileUploadOutline, |
drag: MdiDrag, |
comment: MdiCommentTextOutline, |
heightShort: NcIconsRowHeightShort, |
heightMedium: NcIconsRowHeightMedium, |
heightTall: NcIconsRowHeightTall, |
heightExtra: NcIconsRowHeightExtraTall, |
} as const */ |
export const iconMap = { |
mm: ManytoManyIcon, |
hm: HasManyIcon, |
bt: BelongsToIcon, |
mm_solid: ManytoManySolidIcon, |
hm_solid: HasManySolidIcon, |
bt_solid: BelongsToSolidIcon, |
workspaceDefault: MsGroup, |
project: Project, |
search: NcSearch, |
error: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'error'), |
info: h(MsInfo, {}, () => 'info'), |
inbox: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'inbox'), |
addOutlineBox: MsAddBoxOutline, |
loading: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'autorenew'), |
arrowCollapse: Up, |
markerAlert: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'warning'), |
appStore: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'apps'), |
chevronLeft: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'chevron_left'), |
chevronRight: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'chevron_right'), |
imagePlaceholder: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'insert_photo'), |
linkRemove: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'link_off'), |
closeThick: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cancel'), |
role: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'badge'), |
tableKey: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'table_rows'), |
export: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'get_app'), |
colInsertAfter: TablerColumnInsertRight, |
colInsertBefore: TablerColumnInsertLeft, |
star: NcStar, |
unStar: NcUnStar, |
sortDesc: MsSort, |
article: NcArticle, |
triangleFill: PhTriangleFill, |
sortAsc: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols', style: { transform: 'scaleY(-1)' } }, 'sort'), |
contentSaveExit: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'save'), |
contentSaveStay: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'save_as'), |
exit: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'exit_to_app'), |
snippet: ApiSnippet, |
embed: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'code'), |
list: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'list'), |
viewList: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'view_list'), |
cloud: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cloud'), |
apiAndSupport: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'api'), |
sort: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols', style: { transform: 'scaleY(-1)' } }, 'sort'), |
translate: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'translate'), |
preview: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'visibility'), |
link: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'link'), |
returnKey: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'keyboard_return'), |
keyboard: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'keyboard'), |
accountPlus: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'person_add'), |
database: MsDatabase, |
discord: LogosDiscordIcon, |
reddit: LogosRedditIcon, |
github: PhGithubLogoLight, |
twitter: RiTwitterXFill, |
at: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'alternate_email'), |
plusCircle: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'add_circle'), |
minusCircle: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'remove_circle'), |
save: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'save'), |
signin: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'login'), |
signout: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'logout'), |
lock: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'lock'), |
account: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'person'), |
accountCircle: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'account_circle'), |
users: NcUsers, |
cloudDownload: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cloud_download'), |
download: MsDownloadRounded, |
upload: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cloud_upload'), |
hook: Phishing, |
erd: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'account_tree'), |
plus: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols', style: '-webkit-text-stroke: 0.3px' }, 'add'), |
plusSquare: PlusSquare, |
minus: Minus, |
help: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'help'), |
copy: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'content_copy'), |
duplicate: MaterialDuplicate, |
clipboard: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'content_paste'), |
settings: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'settings'), |
image: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'image'), |
datasource: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'hard_drive'), |
book: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'menu_book'), |
arrowDown: Down, |
arrowRight: Right, |
arrowLeft: Left, |
arrowUp: Up, |
layout: PhLayout, |
doubleRightArrow: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols', style: '-webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px' }, 'keyboard_double_arrow_right'), |
doubleLeftArrow: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols', style: '-webkit-text-stroke: 0.5px' }, 'keyboard_double_arrow_left'), |
sidebarMinimise: PhCaretDoubleLeftThin, // h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'left_panel_close'), |
// threeDotVertical: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'more_vert'), |
// threeDotHorizontal: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'more_horiz'), |
threeDotVertical: MdiDotsVertical, |
threeDotHorizontal: MdiDotsHorizontal, |
table: Record, |
excel: PhExcelThin, // h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'grid_on'), |
csv: PhCsvThin, // h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'grid_on'), |
code: Code, |
palette: h(Palette, {}, () => 'palette'), |
delete: Delete, |
deleteListItem: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'delete'), |
import: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'system_update_alt'), |
edit: MaterialSymbolsEdit, |
lookup: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'search'), |
text: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'text_fields'), |
longText: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'view_headline'), |
clock: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'access_time'), |
web: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'web'), |
webhook: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'webhook'), |
boolean: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'check_box'), |
calendar: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'event_note'), |
singleSelect: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'radio_button_checked'), |
multiSelect: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'check_box_outline_blank'), |
datetime: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'date_range'), |
geoData: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'place'), |
rating: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'star_half'), |
generic: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'toc'), |
number: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'looks_one'), |
email: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'email'), |
sendEmail: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'email'), |
send: LcSend, |
dataSource: NcAddDataSource, |
currency: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'attach_money'), |
percent: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'percent'), |
decimal: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'decimal_increase'), |
specificDbType: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'inbox_customize'), |
duration: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'timer'), |
phone: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'phone'), |
formula: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'function'), |
function: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'functions'), |
key: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'key'), |
json: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'code'), |
qrCode: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'qr_code'), |
qrCodeScan: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'qr_code_scanner'), |
barCode: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'barcode'), |
calculator: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'calculate'), |
rollup: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'group_work'), |
eye: NcEye, |
eyeSlash: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'visibility_off'), |
expand: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'open_in_full'), |
shrink: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'close_fullscreen'), |
check: NcCheck, |
circleCheck: MdiCheckboxMarkedCircle, |
acl: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'shield'), |
sync: MsSync, |
warning: MaterialSymbolsWarningOutlineRounded, |
share: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'share'), |
mobileShare: MobileShare, |
reload: MdiRefresh, |
xml: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'code'), |
airtable: LogosAirtable, |
excelColored: VscodeIconsExcelColored, |
grid: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'grid_view'), |
gallery: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'image'), |
form: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'article'), |
map: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'map'), |
kanban: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'view_kanban'), |
view: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'visibility'), |
// rowHeight: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'height'), |
rowHeight: h(PhSplitVerticalThin, { style: { fontSize: '14px' } }), |
filter: CiFilter, |
closeCircle: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cancel'), |
closeBox: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'close'), |
close: MSCloseRounded, |
openInNew: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'open_in_new'), |
passwordChange: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'vpn_key'), |
mapMarker: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'room'), |
currentLocation: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'my_location'), |
plusThick: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'add_box'), |
dragVertical: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'drag_indicator'), |
databaseSync: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'sync_alt'), |
fileUpload: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'cloud_upload'), |
drag: MaterialSymbolsDragIndicator, |
comment: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'comment'), |
doc: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'menu_book'), |
menu: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'menu'), |
move: MsMove, |
creditCard: NcCreditCard, |
heightShort: NcIconsRowHeightShort, |
heightMedium: NcIconsRowHeightMedium, |
heightTall: NcIconsRowHeightTall, |
heightExtra: NcIconsRowHeightExtraTall, |
databaseSearch: MdiDatabaseSearch, |
layers: NcLayers, |
ncDatabase: NcDatabaseIcon, |
magic: PhSparkleFill, |
magic1: MdiMagicStaff, |
workspace: h('span', { class: 'material-symbols' }, 'dataset'), |
notification: NcNotification, |
role_owner: Owner, |
role_creator: Creator, |
role_editor: Editor, |
role_commenter: Commentor, |
role_viewer: Viewer, |
role_no_access: NoAccess, |
commentHere: NcCommentHere, |
} |
export const getMdiIcon = (type: string): any => { |
switch (type) { |
case 'mdi-check-bold': |
return MdiCheckBold |
case 'mdi-crop-square': |
return MdiCropSquare |
case 'mdi-check-circle-outline': |
return MdiCheckCircleOutline |
case 'mdi-checkbox-blank-circle-outline': |
return MdiCheckboxBlankCircleOutline |
case 'mdi-star': |
return MdiStar |
case 'mdi-star-outline': |
return MdiStarOutline |
case 'mdi-heart': |
return MdiHeart |
case 'mdi-heart-outline': |
return MdiHeartOutline |
case 'mdi-moon-full': |
return MdiMoonFull |
case 'mdi-moon-new': |
return MdiMoonNew |
case 'mdi-thumb-up': |
return MdiThumbUp |
case 'mdi-thumb-up-outline': |
return MdiThumbUpOutline |
case 'mdi-flag': |
return MdiFlag |
case 'mdi-flag-outline': |
return MdiFlagOutline |
case 'mdi-table-large': |
return MdiTableLarge |
case 'mdi-eye-circle-outline': |
return MdiEyeCircleOutline |
case 'mdi-account-group': |
return MdiAccountGroup |
} |
} |
export const emojiIcons = [ |
'world-map', |
'map-of-japan', |
'snow-capped-mountain', |
'mountain', |
'volcano', |
'mount-fuji', |
'camping', |
'beach-with-umbrella', |
'desert', |
'desert-island', |
'national-park', |
'stadium', |
'classical-building', |
'building-construction', |
'houses', |
'derelict-house', |
'house', |
'house-with-garden', |
'office-building', |
'japanese-post-office', |
'post-office', |
'hospital', |
'bank', |
'hotel', |
'love-hotel', |
'convenience-store', |
'school', |
'department-store', |
'factory', |
'japanese-castle', |
'castle', |
'wedding', |
'tokyo-tower', |
'statue-of-liberty', |
'church', |
'mosque', |
'synagogue', |
'shinto-shrine', |
'kaaba', |
'fountain', |
'tent', |
'foggy', |
'night-with-stars', |
'cityscape', |
'sunrise-over-mountains', |
'sunrise', |
'cityscape-at-dusk', |
'sunset', |
'bridge-at-night', |
'hot-springs', |
'carousel-horse', |
'ferris-wheel', |
'roller-coaster', |
'barber-pole', |
'circus-tent', |
'locomotive', |
'railway-car', |
'high-speed-train', |
'bullet-train', |
'train', |
'metro', |
'light-rail', |
'station', |
'tram', |
'monorail', |
'mountain-railway', |
'tram-car', |
'bus', |
'oncoming-bus', |
'trolleybus', |
'minibus', |
'ambulance', |
'fire-engine', |
'police-car', |
'oncoming-police-car', |
'taxi', |
'oncoming-taxi', |
'automobile', |
'oncoming-automobile', |
'sport-utility-vehicle', |
'delivery-truck', |
'articulated-lorry', |
'tractor', |
'racing-car', |
'motorcycle', |
'motor-scooter', |
'bicycle', |
'kick-scooter', |
'bus-stop', |
'motorway', |
'railway-track', |
'oil-drum', |
'fuel-pump', |
'police-car-light', |
'horizontal-traffic-light', |
'vertical-traffic-light', |
'stop-sign', |
'construction', |
'anchor', |
'sailboat', |
'canoe', |
'speedboat', |
'passenger-ship', |
'ferry', |
'motor-boat', |
'ship', |
'airplane', |
'small-airplane', |
'airplane-departure', |
'airplane-arrival', |
'seat', |
'helicopter', |
'suspension-railway', |
'mountain-cableway', |
'aerial-tramway', |
'satellite', |
'rocket', |
'bellhop-bell', |
'hourglass-done', |
'hourglass-not-done', |
'watch', |
'alarm-clock', |
'stopwatch', |
'timer-clock', |
'mantelpiece-clock', |
'twelve-oclock', |
'twelve-thirty', |
'one-oclock', |
'one-thirty', |
'two-thirty', |
'three-oclock', |
'three-thirty', |
'four-oclock', |
'four-thirty', |
'five-oclock', |
'five-thirty', |
'six-oclock', |
'six-thirty', |
'seven-oclock', |
'seven-thirty', |
'eight-oclock', |
'eight-thirty', |
'nine-oclock', |
'nine-thirty', |
'ten-oclock', |
'ten-thirty', |
'eleven-oclock', |
'eleven-thirty', |
'new-moon', |
'waxing-crescent-moon', |
'first-quarter-moon', |
'waxing-gibbous-moon', |
'full-moon', |
'waning-gibbous-moon', |
'last-quarter-moon', |
'waning-crescent-moon', |
'crescent-moon', |
'new-moon-face', |
'first-quarter-moon-face', |
'last-quarter-moon-face', |
'thermometer', |
'sun', |
'full-moon-face', |
'sun-with-face', |
'star', |
'glowing-star', |
'shooting-star', |
'milky-way', |
'cloud', |
'sun-behind-cloud', |
'cloud-with-lightning-and-rain', |
'sun-behind-small-cloud', |
'sun-behind-large-cloud', |
'sun-behind-rain-cloud', |
'cloud-with-rain', |
'cloud-with-snow', |
'cloud-with-lightning', |
'tornado', |
'fog', |
'wind-face', |
'cyclone', |
'rainbow', |
'closed-umbrella', |
'umbrella', |
'umbrella-with-rain-drops', |
'umbrella-on-ground', |
'high-voltage', |
'snowflake', |
'snowman', |
'snowman-without-snow', |
'comet', |
'fire', |
'droplet', |
'water-wave', |
'jack-o-lantern', |
'christmas-tree', |
'fireworks', |
'sparkler', |
'sparkles', |
'balloon', |
'party-popper', |
'confetti-ball', |
'tanabata-tree', |
'pine-decoration', |
'japanese-dolls', |
'carp-streamer', |
'wind-chime', |
'moon-viewing-ceremony', |
'ribbon', |
'wrapped-gift', |
'reminder-ribbon', |
'admission-tickets', |
'ticket', |
'military-medal', |
'trophy', |
'sports-medal', |
'1st-place-medal', |
'2nd-place-medal', |
'3rd-place-medal', |
'soccer-ball', |
'baseball', |
'basketball', |
'volleyball', |
'american-football', |
'rugby-football', |
'tennis', |
'bowling', |
'cricket-game', |
'field-hockey', |
'ice-hockey', |
'ping-pong', |
'badminton', |
'boxing-glove', |
'martial-arts-uniform', |
'goal-net', |
'flag-in-hole', |
'ice-skate', |
'fishing-pole', |
'running-shirt', |
'skis', |
'direct-hit', |
'pool-8-ball', |
'crystal-ball', |
'video-game', |
'joystick', |
'slot-machine', |
'game-die', |
'spade-suit', |
'heart-suit', |
'diamond-suit', |
'club-suit', |
'joker', |
'mahjong-red-dragon', |
'flower-playing-cards', |
'performing-arts', |
'framed-picture', |
'artist-palette', |
'glasses', |
'sunglasses', |
'necktie', |
't-shirt', |
'jeans', |
'dress', |
'kimono', |
'bikini', |
'womans-clothes', |
'purse', |
'handbag', |
'clutch-bag', |
'shopping-bags', |
'backpack', |
'mans-shoe', |
'running-shoe', |
'high-heeled-shoe', |
'womans-sandal', |
'womans-boot', |
'crown', |
'womans-hat', |
'top-hat', |
'graduation-cap', |
'rescue-workers-helmet', |
'prayer-beads', |
'lipstick', |
'ring', |
'gem-stone', |
'muted-speaker', |
'speaker-low-volume', |
'speaker-medium-volume', |
'speaker-high-volume', |
'loudspeaker', |
'megaphone', |
'postal-horn', |
'bell', |
'bell-with-slash', |
'musical-score', |
'musical-note', |
'musical-notes', |
'studio-microphone', |
'level-slider', |
'control-knobs', |
'microphone', |
'headphone', |
'radio', |
'saxophone', |
'guitar', |
'musical-keyboard', |
'trumpet', |
'violin', |
'drum', |
'mobile-phone', |
'mobile-phone-with-arrow', |
'telephone', |
'telephone-receiver', |
'pager', |
'fax-machine', |
'battery', |
'electric-plug', |
'desktop-computer', |
'printer', |
'keyboard', |
'computer-mouse', |
'trackball', |
'computer-disk', |
'floppy-disk', |
'optical-disk', |
'dvd', |
'movie-camera', |
'film-frames', |
'film-projector', |
'clapper-board', |
'television', |
'camera', |
'camera-with-flash', |
'video-camera', |
'videocassette', |
'magnifying-glass-tilted-left', |
'magnifying-glass-tilted-right', |
'candle', |
'light-bulb', |
'flashlight', |
'red-paper-lantern', |
'notebook-with-decorative-cover', |
'closed-book', |
'open-book', |
'green-book', |
'blue-book', |
'orange-book', |
'books', |
'notebook', |
'ledger', |
'page-with-curl', |
'scroll', |
'page-facing-up', |
'newspaper', |
'rolled-up-newspaper', |
'bookmark-tabs', |
'bookmark', |
'label', |
'money-bag', |
'yen-banknote', |
'dollar-banknote', |
'euro-banknote', |
'pound-banknote', |
'money-with-wings', |
'credit-card', |
'chart-increasing-with-yen', |
'envelope', |
'e-mail', |
'incoming-envelope', |
'envelope-with-arrow', |
'outbox-tray', |
'inbox-tray', |
'package', |
'closed-mailbox-with-raised-flag', |
'closed-mailbox-with-lowered-flag', |
'open-mailbox-with-raised-flag', |
'open-mailbox-with-lowered-flag', |
'postbox', |
'ballot-box-with-ballot', |
'pencil', |
'black-nib', |
'fountain-pen', |
'pen', |
'paintbrush', |
'crayon', |
'memo', |
'briefcase', |
'file-folder', |
'open-file-folder', |
'card-index-dividers', |
'calendar', |
'tear-off-calendar', |
'spiral-notepad', |
'spiral-calendar', |
'card-index', |
'chart-increasing', |
'chart-decreasing', |
'bar-chart', |
'clipboard', |
'pushpin', |
'round-pushpin', |
'paperclip', |
'linked-paperclips', |
'straight-ruler', |
'triangular-ruler', |
'scissors', |
'card-file-box', |
'file-cabinet', |
'wastebasket', |
'locked', |
'unlocked', |
'locked-with-pen', |
'locked-with-key', |
'key', |
'old-key', |
'hammer', |
'pick', |
'hammer-and-pick', |
'hammer-and-wrench', |
'dagger', |
'crossed-swords', |
'pistol', |
'bow-and-arrow', |
'shield', |
'wrench', |
'nut-and-bolt', |
'gear', |
'clamp', |
'balance-scale', |
'link', |
'chains', |
'alembic', |
'microscope', |
'telescope', |
'satellite-antenna', |
'syringe', |
'pill', |
'door', |
'bed', |
'couch-and-lamp', |
'toilet', |
'shower', |
'bathtub', |
'shopping-cart', |
'cigarette', |
'coffin', |
'funeral-urn', |
'moai', |
'atm-sign', |
'litter-in-bin-sign', |
'potable-water', |
'wheelchair-symbol', |
'mens-room', |
'womens-room', |
'restroom', |
'baby-symbol', |
'water-closet', |
'passport-control', |
'customs', |
'baggage-claim', |
'left-luggage', |
'warning', |
'children-crossing', |
'no-entry', |
'prohibited', |
'no-bicycles', |
'no-smoking', |
'no-littering', |
'non-potable-water', |
'no-pedestrians', |
'no-mobile-phones', |
'no-one-under-eighteen', |
'radioactive', |
'biohazard', |
'up-arrow', |
'up-right-arrow', |
'right-arrow', |
'down-right-arrow', |
'down-arrow', |
'down-left-arrow', |
'left-arrow', |
'up-left-arrow', |
'up-down-arrow', |
'left-right-arrow', |
'right-arrow-curving-left', |
'left-arrow-curving-right', |
'right-arrow-curving-up', |
'right-arrow-curving-down', |
'clockwise-vertical-arrows', |
'counterclockwise-arrows-button', |
'back-arrow', |
'end-arrow', |
'on-arrow', |
'soon-arrow', |
'top-arrow', |
'place-of-worship', |
'atom-symbol', |
'om', |
'star-of-david', |
'wheel-of-dharma', |
'yin-yang', |
'latin-cross', |
'orthodox-cross', |
'star-and-crescent', |
'peace-symbol', |
'menorah', |
'dotted-six-pointed-star', |
'aries', |
'taurus', |
'gemini', |
'cancer', |
'leo', |
'virgo', |
'libra', |
'scorpio', |
'sagittarius', |
'capricorn', |
'aquarius', |
'pisces', |
'ophiuchus', |
'shuffle-tracks-button', |
'repeat-button', |
'repeat-single-button', |
'play-button', |
'fast-forward-button', |
'next-track-button', |
'play-or-pause-button', |
'reverse-button', |
'fast-reverse-button', |
'last-track-button', |
'upwards-button', |
'fast-up-button', |
'downwards-button', |
'fast-down-button', |
'pause-button', |
'stop-button', |
'record-button', |
'eject-button', |
'cinema', |
'dim-button', |
'bright-button', |
'antenna-bars', |
'vibration-mode', |
'mobile-phone-off', |
'double-exclamation-mark', |
'exclamation-question-mark', |
'question-mark', |
'white-question-mark', |
'white-exclamation-mark', |
'exclamation-mark', |
'wavy-dash', |
'currency-exchange', |
'heavy-dollar-sign', |
'recycling-symbol', |
'fleur-de-lis', |
'trident-emblem', |
'name-badge', |
'japanese-symbol-for-beginner', |
'cross-mark', |
'cross-mark-button', |
'curly-loop', |
'double-curly-loop', |
'part-alternation-mark', |
'eight-spoked-asterisk', |
'eight-pointed-star', |
'sparkle', |
'copyright', |
'registered', |
'trade-mark', |
'keycap-asterisk', |
'keycap-10', |
'input-latin-uppercase', |
'input-latin-lowercase', |
'input-numbers', |
'input-symbols', |
'input-latin-letters', |
'cl-button', |
'cool-button', |
'free-button', |
'information', |
'id-button', |
'circled-m', |
'new-button', |
'ng-button', |
'ok-button', |
'p-button', |
'sos-button', |
'vs-button', |
'japanese-here-button', |
'japanese-service-charge-button', |
'japanese-monthly-amount-button', |
'japanese-not-free-of-charge-button', |
'japanese-reserved-button', |
'japanese-bargain-button', |
'japanese-discount-button', |
'japanese-free-of-charge-button', |
'japanese-prohibited-button', |
'japanese-acceptable-button', |
'japanese-application-button', |
'japanese-passing-grade-button', |
'japanese-vacancy-button', |
'japanese-congratulations-button', |
'japanese-secret-button', |
'japanese-open-for-business-button', |
'japanese-no-vacancy-button', |
'black-circle', |
'white-circle', |
'black-large-square', |
'white-large-square', |
'black-medium-square', |
'white-medium-square', |
'black-medium-small-square', |
'white-medium-small-square', |
'black-small-square', |
'white-small-square', |
'large-orange-diamond', |
'large-blue-diamond', |
'small-orange-diamond', |
'small-blue-diamond', |
'red-triangle-pointed-up', |
'red-triangle-pointed-down', |
'diamond-with-a-dot', |
'radio-button', |
'white-square-button', |
'black-square-button', |
'flag-england', |
'flag-scotland', |
'digit-zero', |
'asterisk', |
'digit-nine', |
'digit-one', |
'digit-two', |
'digit-three', |
'digit-four', |
'digit-five', |
'digit-six', |
'digit-seven', |
'digit-eight', |
'grinning-face', |
'grinning-face-with-big-eyes', |
'grinning-face-with-smiling-eyes', |
'beaming-face-with-smiling-eyes', |
'grinning-squinting-face', |
'grinning-face-with-sweat', |
'rolling-on-the-floor-laughing', |
'face-with-tears-of-joy', |
'slightly-smiling-face', |
'upside-down-face', |
'winking-face', |
'smiling-face-with-smiling-eyes', |
'smiling-face-with-halo', |
'smiling-face-with-heart-eyes', |
'face-blowing-a-kiss', |
'kissing-face', |
'smiling-face', |
'kissing-face-with-closed-eyes', |
'kissing-face-with-smiling-eyes', |
'face-savoring-food', |
'face-with-tongue', |
'winking-face-with-tongue', |
'squinting-face-with-tongue', |
'money-mouth-face', |
'hugging-face', |
'thinking-face', |
'zipper-mouth-face', |
'neutral-face', |
'expressionless-face', |
'face-without-mouth', |
'smirking-face', |
'unamused-face', |
'face-with-rolling-eyes', |
'grimacing-face', |
'lying-face', |
'relieved-face', |
'pensive-face', |
'sleepy-face', |
'drooling-face', |
'sleeping-face', |
'face-with-medical-mask', |
'face-with-thermometer', |
'face-with-head-bandage', |
'nauseated-face', |
'sneezing-face', |
'dizzy-face', |
'cowboy-hat-face', |
'smiling-face-with-sunglasses', |
'nerd-face', |
'confused-face', |
'worried-face', |
'slightly-frowning-face', |
'frowning-face', |
'face-with-open-mouth', |
'hushed-face', |
'astonished-face', |
'flushed-face', |
'frowning-face-with-open-mouth', |
'anguished-face', |
'fearful-face', |
'anxious-face-with-sweat', |
'sad-but-relieved-face', |
'crying-face', |
'loudly-crying-face', |
'face-screaming-in-fear', |
'confounded-face', |
'persevering-face', |
'disappointed-face', |
'downcast-face-with-sweat', |
'weary-face', |
'tired-face', |
'face-with-steam-from-nose', |
'pouting-face', |
'angry-face', |
'smiling-face-with-horns', |
'angry-face-with-horns', |
'skull', |
'skull-and-crossbones', |
'pile-of-poo', |
'clown-face', |
'ogre', |
'goblin', |
'ghost', |
'alien', |
'alien-monster', |
'see-no-evil-monkey', |
'hear-no-evil-monkey', |
'speak-no-evil-monkey', |
'kiss-mark', |
'love-letter', |
'heart-with-arrow', |
'heart-with-ribbon', |
'sparkling-heart', |
'growing-heart', |
'beating-heart', |
'revolving-hearts', |
'two-hearts', |
'heart-decoration', |
'broken-heart', |
'red-heart', |
'yellow-heart', |
'green-heart', |
'blue-heart', |
'purple-heart', |
'black-heart', |
'hundred-points', |
'anger-symbol', |
'collision', |
'dizzy', |
'sweat-droplets', |
'dashing-away', |
'hole', |
'bomb', |
'speech-balloon', |
'eye-in-speech-bubble', |
'left-speech-bubble', |
'right-anger-bubble', |
'thought-balloon', |
'zzz', |
'waving-hand', |
'waving-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'waving-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'waving-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'waving-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'waving-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-back-of-hand', |
'raised-back-of-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-back-of-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-back-of-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'raised-back-of-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-back-of-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed-light-skin-tone', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed-medium-skin-tone', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'hand-with-fingers-splayed-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-hand', |
'raised-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'raised-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'vulcan-salute', |
'vulcan-salute-light-skin-tone', |
'vulcan-salute-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'vulcan-salute-medium-skin-tone', |
'vulcan-salute-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'vulcan-salute-dark-skin-tone', |
'ok-hand', |
'ok-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'ok-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'ok-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'ok-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'ok-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'victory-hand', |
'victory-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'victory-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'victory-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'victory-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'victory-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'crossed-fingers', |
'crossed-fingers-light-skin-tone', |
'crossed-fingers-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'crossed-fingers-medium-skin-tone', |
'crossed-fingers-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'crossed-fingers-dark-skin-tone', |
'sign-of-the-horns', |
'sign-of-the-horns-light-skin-tone', |
'sign-of-the-horns-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'sign-of-the-horns-medium-skin-tone', |
'sign-of-the-horns-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'sign-of-the-horns-dark-skin-tone', |
'call-me-hand', |
'call-me-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'call-me-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'call-me-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'call-me-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'call-me-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left-medium-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-left-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right-medium-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-right-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up-medium-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-up-dark-skin-tone', |
'middle-finger', |
'middle-finger-light-skin-tone', |
'middle-finger-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'middle-finger-medium-skin-tone', |
'middle-finger-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'middle-finger-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down-medium-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'backhand-index-pointing-down-dark-skin-tone', |
'index-pointing-up', |
'index-pointing-up-light-skin-tone', |
'index-pointing-up-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'index-pointing-up-medium-skin-tone', |
'index-pointing-up-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'index-pointing-up-dark-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-up', |
'thumbs-up-light-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-up-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-up-medium-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-up-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-up-dark-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-down', |
'thumbs-down-light-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-down-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-down-medium-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-down-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'thumbs-down-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-fist', |
'raised-fist-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-fist-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'raised-fist-medium-skin-tone', |
'raised-fist-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'raised-fist-dark-skin-tone', |
'oncoming-fist', |
'oncoming-fist-light-skin-tone', |
'oncoming-fist-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'oncoming-fist-medium-skin-tone', |
'oncoming-fist-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'oncoming-fist-dark-skin-tone', |
'left-facing-fist', |
'left-facing-fist-light-skin-tone', |
'left-facing-fist-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'left-facing-fist-medium-skin-tone', |
'left-facing-fist-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'left-facing-fist-dark-skin-tone', |
'right-facing-fist', |
'right-facing-fist-light-skin-tone', |
'right-facing-fist-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'right-facing-fist-medium-skin-tone', |
'right-facing-fist-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'right-facing-fist-dark-skin-tone', |
'clapping-hands', |
'clapping-hands-light-skin-tone', |
'clapping-hands-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'clapping-hands-medium-skin-tone', |
'clapping-hands-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'clapping-hands-dark-skin-tone', |
'raising-hands', |
'raising-hands-light-skin-tone', |
'raising-hands-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'raising-hands-medium-skin-tone', |
'raising-hands-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'raising-hands-dark-skin-tone', |
'open-hands', |
'open-hands-light-skin-tone', |
'open-hands-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'open-hands-medium-skin-tone', |
'open-hands-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'open-hands-dark-skin-tone', |
'handshake', |
'handshake-light-skin-tone', |
'handshake-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'handshake-medium-skin-tone', |
'handshake-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'handshake-dark-skin-tone', |
'folded-hands', |
'folded-hands-light-skin-tone', |
'folded-hands-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'folded-hands-medium-skin-tone', |
'folded-hands-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'folded-hands-dark-skin-tone', |
'writing-hand', |
'writing-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'writing-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'writing-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'writing-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'writing-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'nail-polish', |
'nail-polish-light-skin-tone', |
'nail-polish-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'nail-polish-medium-skin-tone', |
'nail-polish-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'nail-polish-dark-skin-tone', |
'selfie', |
'selfie-light-skin-tone', |
'selfie-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'selfie-medium-skin-tone', |
'selfie-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'selfie-dark-skin-tone', |
'flexed-biceps', |
'flexed-biceps-light-skin-tone', |
'flexed-biceps-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'flexed-biceps-medium-skin-tone', |
'flexed-biceps-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'flexed-biceps-dark-skin-tone', |
'ear', |
'ear-light-skin-tone', |
'ear-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'ear-medium-skin-tone', |
'ear-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'ear-dark-skin-tone', |
'nose', |
'nose-light-skin-tone', |
'nose-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'nose-medium-skin-tone', |
'nose-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'nose-dark-skin-tone', |
'eyes', |
'eye', |
'tongue', |
'mouth', |
'baby', |
'baby-light-skin-tone', |
'baby-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'baby-medium-skin-tone', |
'baby-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'baby-dark-skin-tone', |
'boy', |
'boy-light-skin-tone', |
'boy-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'boy-medium-skin-tone', |
'boy-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'boy-dark-skin-tone', |
'girl', |
'girl-light-skin-tone', |
'girl-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'girl-medium-skin-tone', |
'girl-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'girl-dark-skin-tone', |
'man', |
'man-light-skin-tone', |
'man-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'man-medium-skin-tone', |
'man-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'man-dark-skin-tone', |
'woman', |
'woman-light-skin-tone', |
'woman-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'woman-medium-skin-tone', |
'woman-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'woman-dark-skin-tone', |
'old-man', |
'old-man-light-skin-tone', |
'old-man-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'old-man-medium-skin-tone', |
'old-man-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'old-man-dark-skin-tone', |
'old-woman', |
'old-woman-light-skin-tone', |
'old-woman-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'old-woman-medium-skin-tone', |
'old-woman-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'old-woman-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-frowning', |
'person-frowning-light-skin-tone', |
'person-frowning-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-frowning-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-frowning-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-frowning-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-pouting', |
'person-pouting-light-skin-tone', |
'person-pouting-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-pouting-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-pouting-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-pouting-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-no', |
'person-gesturing-no-light-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-no-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-no-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-no-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-no-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-ok', |
'person-gesturing-ok-light-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-ok-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-ok-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-ok-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-gesturing-ok-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-tipping-hand', |
'person-tipping-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'person-tipping-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-tipping-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-tipping-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-tipping-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-raising-hand', |
'person-raising-hand-light-skin-tone', |
'person-raising-hand-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-raising-hand-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-raising-hand-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-raising-hand-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-bowing', |
'person-bowing-light-skin-tone', |
'person-bowing-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-bowing-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-bowing-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-bowing-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-facepalming', |
'person-facepalming-light-skin-tone', |
'person-facepalming-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-facepalming-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-facepalming-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-facepalming-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-shrugging', |
'person-shrugging-light-skin-tone', |
'person-shrugging-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-shrugging-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-shrugging-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-shrugging-dark-skin-tone', |
'police-officer', |
'police-officer-light-skin-tone', |
'police-officer-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'police-officer-medium-skin-tone', |
'police-officer-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'police-officer-dark-skin-tone', |
'detective', |
'detective-light-skin-tone', |
'detective-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'detective-medium-skin-tone', |
'detective-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'detective-dark-skin-tone', |
'guard', |
'guard-light-skin-tone', |
'guard-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'guard-medium-skin-tone', |
'guard-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'guard-dark-skin-tone', |
'construction-worker', |
'construction-worker-light-skin-tone', |
'construction-worker-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'construction-worker-medium-skin-tone', |
'construction-worker-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'construction-worker-dark-skin-tone', |
'prince', |
'prince-light-skin-tone', |
'prince-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'prince-medium-skin-tone', |
'prince-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'prince-dark-skin-tone', |
'princess', |
'princess-light-skin-tone', |
'princess-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'princess-medium-skin-tone', |
'princess-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'princess-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-wearing-turban', |
'person-wearing-turban-light-skin-tone', |
'person-wearing-turban-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-wearing-turban-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-wearing-turban-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-wearing-turban-dark-skin-tone', |
'man-in-tuxedo', |
'man-in-tuxedo-light-skin-tone', |
'man-in-tuxedo-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'man-in-tuxedo-medium-skin-tone', |
'man-in-tuxedo-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'man-in-tuxedo-dark-skin-tone', |
'pregnant-woman', |
'pregnant-woman-light-skin-tone', |
'pregnant-woman-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'pregnant-woman-medium-skin-tone', |
'pregnant-woman-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'pregnant-woman-dark-skin-tone', |
'baby-angel', |
'baby-angel-light-skin-tone', |
'baby-angel-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'baby-angel-medium-skin-tone', |
'baby-angel-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'baby-angel-dark-skin-tone', |
'santa-claus', |
'santa-claus-light-skin-tone', |
'santa-claus-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'santa-claus-medium-skin-tone', |
'santa-claus-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'santa-claus-dark-skin-tone', |
'mrs-claus', |
'mrs-claus-light-skin-tone', |
'mrs-claus-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'mrs-claus-medium-skin-tone', |
'mrs-claus-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'mrs-claus-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-massage', |
'person-getting-massage-light-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-massage-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-massage-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-massage-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-massage-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-haircut', |
'person-getting-haircut-light-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-haircut-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-haircut-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-haircut-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-getting-haircut-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-walking', |
'person-walking-light-skin-tone', |
'person-walking-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-walking-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-walking-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-walking-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-running', |
'person-running-light-skin-tone', |
'person-running-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-running-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-running-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-running-dark-skin-tone', |
'woman-dancing', |
'woman-dancing-light-skin-tone', |
'woman-dancing-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'woman-dancing-medium-skin-tone', |
'woman-dancing-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'woman-dancing-dark-skin-tone', |
'man-dancing', |
'man-dancing-light-skin-tone', |
'man-dancing-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'man-dancing-medium-skin-tone', |
'man-dancing-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'man-dancing-dark-skin-tone', |
'people-with-bunny-ears', |
'person-fencing', |
'horse-racing', |
'horse-racing-light-skin-tone', |
'horse-racing-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'horse-racing-medium-skin-tone', |
'horse-racing-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'horse-racing-dark-skin-tone', |
'skier', |
'snowboarder', |
'person-golfing', |
'person-surfing', |
'person-surfing-light-skin-tone', |
'person-surfing-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-surfing-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-surfing-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-surfing-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-rowing-boat', |
'person-rowing-boat-light-skin-tone', |
'person-rowing-boat-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-rowing-boat-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-rowing-boat-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-rowing-boat-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-swimming', |
'person-swimming-light-skin-tone', |
'person-swimming-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-swimming-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-swimming-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-swimming-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-bouncing-ball', |
'person-bouncing-ball-light-skin-tone', |
'person-bouncing-ball-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-bouncing-ball-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-bouncing-ball-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-bouncing-ball-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-lifting-weights', |
'person-lifting-weights-light-skin-tone', |
'person-lifting-weights-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-lifting-weights-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-lifting-weights-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-lifting-weights-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-biking', |
'person-biking-light-skin-tone', |
'person-biking-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-biking-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-biking-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-biking-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-mountain-biking', |
'person-mountain-biking-light-skin-tone', |
'person-mountain-biking-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-mountain-biking-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-mountain-biking-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-mountain-biking-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-cartwheeling', |
'person-cartwheeling-light-skin-tone', |
'person-cartwheeling-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-cartwheeling-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-cartwheeling-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-cartwheeling-dark-skin-tone', |
'people-wrestling', |
'person-playing-water-polo', |
'person-playing-water-polo-light-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-water-polo-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-water-polo-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-water-polo-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-water-polo-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-handball', |
'person-playing-handball-light-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-handball-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-handball-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-handball-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-playing-handball-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-juggling', |
'person-juggling-light-skin-tone', |
'person-juggling-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-juggling-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-juggling-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-juggling-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-taking-bath', |
'person-taking-bath-light-skin-tone', |
'person-taking-bath-medium-light-skin-tone', |
'person-taking-bath-medium-skin-tone', |
'person-taking-bath-medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-taking-bath-dark-skin-tone', |
'person-in-bed', |
'kiss', |
'kiss-man-man', |
'kiss-woman-woman', |
'couple-with-heart', |
'couple-with-heart-man-man', |
'couple-with-heart-woman-woman', |
'family', |
'family-man-woman-girl', |
'family-man-woman-girl-boy', |
'family-man-woman-boy-boy', |
'family-man-woman-girl-girl', |
'family-man-man-boy', |
'family-man-man-girl', |
'family-man-man-girl-boy', |
'family-man-man-boy-boy', |
'family-man-man-girl-girl', |
'family-woman-woman-boy', |
'family-woman-woman-girl', |
'family-woman-woman-girl-boy', |
'family-woman-woman-boy-boy', |
'family-woman-woman-girl-girl', |
'speaking-head', |
'bust-in-silhouette', |
'busts-in-silhouette', |
'footprints', |
'light-skin-tone', |
'medium-light-skin-tone', |
'medium-skin-tone', |
'medium-dark-skin-tone', |
'dark-skin-tone', |
'monkey-face', |
'monkey', |
'gorilla', |
'dog-face', |
'dog', |
'poodle', |
'wolf', |
'fox', |
'cat-face', |
'cat', |
'tiger-face', |
'tiger', |
'leopard', |
'horse-face', |
'horse', |
'deer', |
'cow-face', |
'ox', |
'water-buffalo', |
'cow', |
'pig-face', |
'pig', |
'boar', |
'pig-nose', |
'ram', |
'ewe', |
'goat', |
'camel', |
'two-hump-camel', |
'elephant', |
'rhinoceros', |
'mouse-face', |
'mouse', |
'rat', |
'rabbit-face', |
'rabbit', |
'chipmunk', |
'bat', |
'koala', |
'paw-prints', |
'turkey', |
'chicken', |
'rooster', |
'hatching-chick', |
'baby-chick', |
'front-facing-baby-chick', |
'bird', |
'penguin', |
'dove', |
'eagle', |
'duck', |
'owl', |
'crocodile', |
'turtle', |
'lizard', |
'snake', |
'dragon-face', |
'dragon', |
'spouting-whale', |
'whale', |
'dolphin', |
'fish', |
'tropical-fish', |
'blowfish', |
'shark', |
'octopus', |
'spiral-shell', |
'snail', |
'butterfly', |
'bug', |
'ant', |
'honeybee', |
'lady-beetle', |
'spider', |
'spider-web', |
'scorpion', |
'bouquet', |
'cherry-blossom', |
'white-flower', |
'rosette', |
'rose', |
'wilted-flower', |
'hibiscus', |
'sunflower', |
'blossom', |
'tulip', |
'seedling', |
'evergreen-tree', |
'deciduous-tree', |
'palm-tree', |
'cactus', |
'sheaf-of-rice', |
'herb', |
'shamrock', |
'four-leaf-clover', |
'maple-leaf', |
'fallen-leaf', |
'leaf-fluttering-in-wind', |
'grapes', |
'melon', |
'watermelon', |
'tangerine', |
'lemon', |
'banana', |
'pineapple', |
'red-apple', |
'green-apple', |
'pear', |
'peach', |
'cherries', |
'strawberry', |
'kiwi-fruit', |
'tomato', |
'avocado', |
'eggplant', |
'potato', |
'carrot', |
'ear-of-corn', |
'hot-pepper', |
'cucumber', |
'mushroom', |
'peanuts', |
'chestnut', |
'bread', |
'croissant', |
'baguette-bread', |
'pancakes', |
'cheese-wedge', |
'meat-on-bone', |
'poultry-leg', |
'bacon', |
'hamburger', |
'french-fries', |
'pizza', |
'hot-dog', |
'taco', |
'burrito', |
'stuffed-flatbread', |
'egg', |
'cooking', |
'shallow-pan-of-food', |
'pot-of-food', |
'green-salad', |
'popcorn', |
'bento-box', |
'rice-cracker', |
'rice-ball', |
'cooked-rice', |
'curry-rice', |
'steaming-bowl', |
'spaghetti', |
'roasted-sweet-potato', |
'oden', |
'sushi', |
'fried-shrimp', |
'fish-cake-with-swirl', |
'dango', |
'crab', |
'shrimp', |
'squid', |
'soft-ice-cream', |
'shaved-ice', |
'ice-cream', |
'doughnut', |
'cookie', |
'birthday-cake', |
'shortcake', |
'chocolate-bar', |
'candy', |
'lollipop', |
'custard', |
'honey-pot', |
'baby-bottle', |
'glass-of-milk', |
'hot-beverage', |
'teacup-without-handle', |
'sake', |
'bottle-with-popping-cork', |
'wine-glass', |
'cocktail-glass', |
'tropical-drink', |
'beer-mug', |
'clinking-beer-mugs', |
'clinking-glasses', |
'tumbler-glass', |
'fork-and-knife-with-plate', |
'fork-and-knife', |
'spoon', |
'kitchen-knife', |
'amphora', |
'globe-showing-europe-africa', |
'globe-showing-americas', |
'globe-showing-asia-australia', |
'globe-with-meridians', |