You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

65 lines
1.9 KiB

const { apiConfig, routes, utils, config } = it;
const { info, servers, externalDocs } = apiConfig;
const { _, require, formatDescription } = utils;
const server = (servers && servers[0]) || { url: "" };
const descriptionLines = _.compact([
`@title ${info.title || "No title"}`,
info.version && `@version ${info.version}`,
info.license && `@license ${_.compact([
info.license.url && `(${info.license.url})`,
]).join(" ")}`,
info.termsOfService && `@termsOfService ${info.termsOfService}`,
server.url && `@baseUrl ${server.url}`,
externalDocs.url && `@externalDocs ${externalDocs.url}`,
info.contact && `@contact ${_.compact([
info.contact.email && `<${info.contact.email}>`,
info.contact.url && `(${info.contact.url})`,
]).join(" ")}`,
info.description && " ",
info.description && _.replace(formatDescription(info.description), /\n/g, "\n * "),
<% if (config.httpClientType === config.constants.HTTP_CLIENT.AXIOS) { %> import { AxiosRequestConfig, AxiosResponse } from "axios"; <% } %>
<% if (descriptionLines.length) { %>
<% descriptionLines.forEach((descriptionLine) => { %>
* <%~ descriptionLine %>
<% }) %>
<% } %>
export class Api<SecurityDataType extends unknown><% if (!config.singleHttpClient) { %> extends HttpClient<SecurityDataType> <% } %> {
<% if(config.singleHttpClient) { %>
http: HttpClient<SecurityDataType>;
constructor (http: HttpClient<SecurityDataType>) {
this.http = http;
<% } %>
<% routes.outOfModule && routes.outOfModule.forEach((route) => { %>
<%~ includeFile('./procedure-call.eta', { ...it, route }) %>
<% }) %>
<% routes.combined && routes.combined.forEach(({ routes = [], moduleName }) => { %>
<%~ moduleName %> = {
<% routes.forEach((route) => { %>
<%~ includeFile('./procedure-call.eta', { ...it, route }) %>
<% }) %>
<% }) %>