mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
185 lines
5.7 KiB
185 lines
5.7 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import type { BaseType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' |
import NcTooltip from '~/components/nc/Tooltip.vue' |
const { activeTables } = storeToRefs(useTablesStore()) |
const { openTable } = useTablesStore() |
const { openedProject } = storeToRefs(useProjects()) |
const isNewBaseModalOpen = ref(false) |
const isDataSourceLimitReached = computed(() => Number(openedProject.value?.bases?.length) > 1) |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() |
const { $e } = useNuxtApp() |
const isImportModalOpen = ref(false) |
const defaultBase = computed(() => { |
return openedProject.value?.bases?.[0] |
}) |
const bases = computed(() => { |
// Convert array of bases to map of bases |
const baseMap = new Map<string, BaseType>() |
openedProject.value?.bases?.forEach((base) => { |
baseMap.set(base.id!, base) |
}) |
return baseMap |
}) |
function openTableCreateDialog(baseIndex?: number | undefined) { |
$e('c:table:create:navdraw') |
const isOpen = ref(true) |
let baseId = openedProject.value!.bases?.[0].id |
if (typeof baseIndex === 'number') { |
baseId = openedProject.value!.bases?.[baseIndex].id |
} |
if (!baseId || !openedProject.value?.id) return |
const { close } = useDialog(resolveComponent('DlgTableCreate'), { |
'modelValue': isOpen, |
baseId, // || bases.value[0].id, |
'projectId': openedProject.value.id, |
'onCreate': closeDialog, |
'onUpdate:modelValue': () => closeDialog(), |
}) |
function closeDialog(table?: TableType) { |
isOpen.value = false |
if (!table) return |
// TODO: Better way to know when the table node dom is available |
setTimeout(() => { |
const newTableDom = document.querySelector(`[data-table-id="${table.id}"]`) |
if (!newTableDom) return |
newTableDom?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'nearest' }) |
}, 1000) |
close(1000) |
} |
} |
const onCreateBaseClick = () => { |
if (isDataSourceLimitReached.value) return |
isNewBaseModalOpen.value = true |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="nc-all-tables-view"> |
<div class="flex flex-row gap-x-6 pb-3 pt-6"> |
<div |
v-if="isUIAllowed('tableCreate')" |
role="button" |
class="nc-project-view-all-table-btn" |
data-testid="proj-view-btn__add-new-table" |
@click="openTableCreateDialog()" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="addOutlineBox" /> |
<div class="label">{{ $t('general.new') }} {{ $t('objects.table') }}</div> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="isUIAllowed('tableCreate')" |
v-e="['c:table:import']" |
role="button" |
class="nc-project-view-all-table-btn" |
data-testid="proj-view-btn__import-data" |
@click="isImportModalOpen = true" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="download" /> |
<div class="label">{{ $t('activity.import') }} {{ $t('general.data') }}</div> |
</div> |
<component :is="isDataSourceLimitReached ? NcTooltip : 'div'" v-if="isUIAllowed('baseCreate')"> |
<template #title> |
<div> |
{{ $t('tooltip.reachedSourceLimit') }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<div |
v-e="['c:table:create-source']" |
role="button" |
class="nc-project-view-all-table-btn" |
data-testid="proj-view-btn__create-source" |
:class="{ |
disabled: isDataSourceLimitReached, |
}" |
@click="onCreateBaseClick" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="dataSource" /> |
<div class="label">{{ $t('labels.connectDataSource') }}</div> |
</div> |
</component> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-full text-gray-400 border-b-1 border-gray-50 py-3 px-2.5"> |
<div class="w-2/5">{{ $t('objects.table') }}</div> |
<div class="w-1/5">{{ $t('general.source') }}</div> |
<div class="w-1/5">{{ $t('labels.createdOn') }}</div> |
</div> |
<div |
class="nc-project-view-all-table-list nc-scrollbar-md" |
:style="{ |
height: 'calc(100vh - var(--topbar-height) - 18rem)', |
}" |
> |
<div |
v-for="table in [...activeTables].sort( |
(a, b) => a.base_id!.localeCompare(b.base_id!) * 20 |
)" |
:key="table.id" |
class="py-4 flex flex-row w-full cursor-pointer hover:bg-gray-100 border-b-1 border-gray-100 px-2.25" |
data-testid="proj-view-list__item" |
@click="openTable(table)" |
> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-2/5 items-center gap-x-2" data-testid="proj-view-list__item-title"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="table" class="text-gray-700" /> |
{{ table?.title }} |
</div> |
<div class="w-1/5 text-gray-600" data-testid="proj-view-list__item-type"> |
<div v-if="table.base_id === defaultBase?.id" class="ml-0.75">-</div> |
<div v-else> |
<GeneralBaseLogo :base-type="bases.get(table.base_id!)?.type" class="w-4 mr-1" /> |
{{ bases.get(table.base_id!)?.alias }} |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="w-1/5 text-gray-400 ml-0.25" data-testid="proj-view-list__item-created-at"> |
{{ dayjs(table?.created_at).fromNow() }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<ProjectImportModal v-if="defaultBase" v-model:visible="isImportModalOpen" :base="defaultBase" /> |
<GeneralModal v-model:visible="isNewBaseModalOpen" size="medium"> |
<div class="py-6 px-8"> |
<LazyDashboardSettingsDataSourcesCreateBase @close="isNewBaseModalOpen = false" /> |
</div> |
</GeneralModal> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.nc-project-view-all-table-btn { |
@apply flex flex-col gap-y-6 p-4 bg-gray-100 rounded-xl w-56 cursor-pointer text-gray-600 hover:(bg-gray-200 text-black); |
.nc-icon { |
@apply h-10 w-10; |
} |
.label { |
@apply text-base font-medium; |
} |
} |
.nc-project-view-all-table-btn.disabled { |
@apply bg-gray-50 text-gray-400 hover:(bg-gray-50 text-gray-400) cursor-not-allowed; |
} |