You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

159 lines
3.9 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { Tooltip as ATooltip, Empty } from 'ant-design-vue'
import type { AuditType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { timeAgo } from 'nocodb-sdk'
interface Props {
sourceId: string
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const baseStore = useBase()
const { base } = storeToRefs(baseStore)
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const isLoading = ref(false)
const audits = ref<null | Array<AuditType>>(null)
const totalRows = ref(0)
const currentPage = ref(1)
const currentLimit = ref(25)
const { appInfo } = useGlobal()
async function loadAudits(page = currentPage.value, limit = currentLimit.value) {
try {
if (!props.sourceId) return
isLoading.value = true
const { list, pageInfo } = await $api.base.auditList(base.value.id!, {
offset: limit * (page - 1),
sourceId: props.sourceId,
audits.value = list
totalRows.value = pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0
} catch (e) {
} finally {
isLoading.value = false
onMounted(async () => {
if (audits.value === null) {
await loadAudits(currentPage.value, currentLimit.value)
const tableHeaderRenderer = (label: string) => () => h('div', { class: 'text-gray-500' }, label)
const columns = [
// Operation Type
title: tableHeaderRenderer(t('labels.operationType')),
dataIndex: 'op_type',
key: 'op_type',
width: 120,
// Operation sub-type
title: tableHeaderRenderer(t('labels.operationSubType')),
dataIndex: 'op_sub_type',
key: 'op_sub_type',
width: 160,
// Description
title: tableHeaderRenderer(t('labels.description')),
dataIndex: 'description',
key: 'description',
customRender: (value: { text: string }) => h('pre', {}, value.text),
width: 350,
// User
title: tableHeaderRenderer(t('objects.user')),
dataIndex: 'user',
key: 'user',
customRender: (value: { text: string }) => h('div', {}, value.text || 'Shared base'),
width: 200,
// Created
title: tableHeaderRenderer(t('labels.created')),
dataIndex: 'created_at',
key: 'created_at',
sort: 'desc',
customRender: (value: { text: string }) =>
h(ATooltip, { placement: 'bottom', title: h('span', {}, value.text) }, () => timeAgo(value.text)),
width: '13%',
<div class="flex flex-col gap-4 w-full">
<div v-if="!appInfo.auditEnabled" class="text-red-500">Audit logs are currently disabled by administrators.</div>
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between items-center">
<h6 class="mb-4 first-letter:capital font-bold">Audit : {{ base.title }}</h6>
<a-button class="self-start !rounded-md" @click="loadAudits">
<!-- Reload -->
<div class="flex items-center gap-2 text-gray-600 font-light">
<component :is="iconMap.reload" :class="{ 'animate-infinite animate-spin !text-success': isLoading }" />
{{ $t('general.reload') }}
class="nc-audit-table w-full"
:data-source="audits ?? []"
<template #emptyText>
<a-empty :image="Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE" :description="$t('labels.noData')" />
<div class="flex flex-row justify-center items-center">
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.nc-audit-table pre {
display: table;
table-layout: fixed;
width: 100%;
white-space: break-spaces;
font-size: unset;
font-family: unset;
.pagination {
.ant-select-dropdown {
@apply !border-1 !border-gray-200;