mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2153 lines
81 KiB
2153 lines
81 KiB
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import Draggable from 'vuedraggable' |
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2' |
import { Pane, Splitpanes } from 'splitpanes' |
import 'splitpanes/dist/splitpanes.css' |
import { |
type AttachmentResType, |
type ColumnType, |
type LinkToAnotherRecordType, |
ProjectRoles, |
RelationTypes, |
UITypes, |
ViewTypes, |
getSystemColumns, |
isLinksOrLTAR, |
isVirtualCol, |
} from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import type { ValidateInfo } from 'ant-design-vue/es/form/useForm' |
import type { ImageCropperConfig } from '#imports' |
provide(IsFormInj, ref(true)) |
provide(IsGalleryInj, ref(false)) |
// todo: generate hideCols based on default values |
const hiddenCols = ['created_at', 'updated_at'] |
const hiddenBubbleMenuOptions = [ |
RichTextBubbleMenuOptions.code, |
RichTextBubbleMenuOptions.blockQuote, |
RichTextBubbleMenuOptions.bulletList, |
RichTextBubbleMenuOptions.numberedList, |
RichTextBubbleMenuOptions.taskList, |
] |
const enum NcForm { |
heading = 'nc-form-heading', |
subheading = 'nc-form-sub-heading', |
} |
const { isMobileMode, user } = useGlobal() |
const { $api, $e } = useNuxtApp() |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() |
const { metas, getMeta } = useMetas() |
const { base } = storeToRefs(useBase()) |
const { getPossibleAttachmentSrc } = useAttachment() |
const secondsRemain = ref(0) |
const isLocked = inject(IsLockedInj, ref(false)) |
const isEditable = isUIAllowed('viewFieldEdit' as Permission) |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref()) |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const { loadFormView, insertRow, formColumnData, formViewData, updateFormView } = useViewData(meta, view) |
const { |
formState, |
localColumns, |
visibleColumns, |
activeRow, |
activeField, |
activeColumn, |
isRequired, |
updateView, |
updateColMeta, |
validateInfos, |
validate, |
clearValidate, |
fieldMappings, |
isValidRedirectUrl, |
loadAllviewFilters, |
allViewFilters, |
checkFieldVisibility, |
} = useProvideFormViewStore(meta, view, formViewData, updateFormView, isEditable) |
const { preFillFormSearchParams } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
const reloadEventHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj, createEventHook()) |
reloadEventHook.on(async (params) => { |
if (params?.isFormFieldFilters) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
checkFieldVisibility() |
}, 100) |
} else { |
await Promise.all([loadFormView(), loadReleatedMetas()]) |
setFormData() |
} |
}) |
const { fields, showAll, hideAll } = useViewColumnsOrThrow() |
const { state, row } = useProvideSmartsheetRowStore( |
ref({ |
row: formState.value, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}), |
) |
const columns = computed(() => meta?.value?.columns || []) |
const draggableRef = ref() |
const systemFieldsIds = ref<Record<string, any>[]>([]) |
const dropdownStates = ref({ |
showColumnMenu: false, |
showEditColumn: false, |
showAddColumn: false, |
}) |
const drag = ref(false) |
const emailMe = ref(false) |
const submitted = ref(false) |
const isLoadingFormView = ref(false) |
const showCropper = ref(false) |
const imageCropperData = ref<{ |
imageConfig: { |
src: string |
type: string |
name: string |
} |
cropperConfig: ImageCropperConfig |
uploadConfig?: { |
path?: string |
} |
cropFor: 'banner' | 'logo' |
}>({ |
imageConfig: { |
src: '', |
type: '', |
name: '', |
}, |
cropperConfig: { |
stencilProps: {}, |
minHeight: 0, |
minWidth: 0, |
imageRestriction: 'none', |
}, |
uploadConfig: { |
path: '', |
}, |
cropFor: 'banner', |
}) |
const focusLabel = ref<HTMLTextAreaElement>() |
const searchQuery = ref('') |
const autoScrollFormField = ref(false) |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { open, onChange: onChangeFile } = useFileDialog({ |
accept: 'image/*', |
multiple: false, |
reset: true, |
}) |
const editOrAddProviderRef = ref() |
const onVisibilityChange = (state: 'showAddColumn' | 'showEditColumn') => { |
dropdownStates.value[state] = true |
if (editOrAddProviderRef.value && !editOrAddProviderRef.value?.shouldKeepModalOpen()) { |
dropdownStates.value[state] = false |
} |
} |
const getFormLogoSrc = computed(() => getPossibleAttachmentSrc(parseProp(formViewData.value?.logo_url))) |
const isOpenRedirectUrlOption = ref(false) |
const redirectLinkValidation = ref<ValidateInfo>({ |
validateStatus: '', |
help: undefined, |
}) |
const isOpenRedirectUrl = computed({ |
get: () => { |
return typeof formViewData.value?.redirect_url === 'string' |
}, |
set: (value: boolean) => { |
isOpenRedirectUrlOption.value = value |
if (value) { |
formViewData.value = { |
...formViewData.value, |
redirect_url: '', |
} |
} else { |
formViewData.value = { |
...formViewData.value, |
redirect_url: null, |
} |
redirectLinkValidation.value = { |
validateStatus: '', |
help: undefined, |
} |
} |
updateView() |
}, |
}) |
const handleUpdateRedirectUrl = () => { |
const validStatus = isValidRedirectUrl() |
redirectLinkValidation.value = { |
...validStatus, |
} |
if (validStatus.validateStatus === 'error') { |
return |
} |
updateView() |
} |
const getPrefillValue = (c: ColumnType, value: any) => { |
let preFillValue: any |
switch (c.uidt) { |
case UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord: |
case UITypes.Links: { |
const values = Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value] |
const fk_related_model_id = (c?.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType)?.fk_related_model_id |
if (!fk_related_model_id) return |
const rowIds = values |
.map((row) => { |
return extractPkFromRow(row, metas.value[fk_related_model_id].columns || []) |
}) |
.filter((rowId) => !!rowId) |
.join(',') |
preFillValue = rowIds || undefined |
// if bt/oo then extract object from array |
if (c.colOptions?.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO || c.colOptions?.type === RelationTypes.ONE_TO_ONE) { |
preFillValue = rowIds[0] |
} |
break |
} |
default: { |
return value |
} |
} |
return preFillValue |
} |
const updatePreFillFormSearchParams = useDebounceFn(() => { |
if (isLocked.value || !isUIAllowed('dataInsert')) return |
const preFilledData = { ...formState.value, ...state.value } |
const searchParams = new URLSearchParams() |
for (const c of visibleColumns.value) { |
if ( |
!c.title || |
!isValidValue(preFilledData[c.title]) || |
(isVirtualCol(c) && !isLinksOrLTAR(c)) || |
isAttachment(c) || |
c.uidt === UITypes.SpecificDBType |
) { |
continue |
} |
const preFillValue = getPrefillValue(c, preFilledData[c.title]) |
if (preFillValue !== undefined) { |
searchParams.append(c.title, preFillValue) |
} |
} |
preFillFormSearchParams.value = searchParams.toString() |
}, 250) |
async function submitForm() { |
if (!isUIAllowed('dataInsert')) return |
for (const col of localColumns.value) { |
if (col.show && col.title && isRequired(col, col.required) && formState.value[col.title] === undefined) { |
formState.value[col.title] = null |
} |
// handle filter out conditionally hidden field data |
if ((!col.visible || !col.show) && col.title) { |
delete formState.value[col.title] |
delete state.value[col.title] |
} |
} |
try { |
await validate( |
Object.keys(formState.value) |
.map((title) => fieldMappings.value[title]) |
.filter((v) => v !== undefined), |
) |
} catch (e: any) { |
console.error(e) |
if (e?.errorFields?.length) { |
message.error(t('msg.error.someOfTheRequiredFieldsAreEmpty')) |
return |
} |
} |
const res = await insertRow({ |
row: { ...formState.value, ...state.value }, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}) |
if (res) { |
submitted.value = true |
} |
} |
async function clearForm() { |
if (!isUIAllowed('dataInsert')) return |
formState.value = {} |
state.value = {} |
clearValidate() |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
} |
function isDbRequired(column: Record<string, any>) { |
if (hiddenCols.includes(column.fk_column_id)) { |
return false |
} |
let isRequired = |
// confirm column is not virtual |
(!isVirtualCol(column) && |
// column required / not null |
column.rqd && |
// column default value |
!isValidValue(column?.cdf) && |
// confirm it's not foreign key |
!columns.value.some( |
(c: Record<string, any>) => |
isLinksOrLTAR(c.uidt) && |
c?.colOptions?.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO && |
column.fk_column_id === c.colOptions.fk_child_column_id, |
)) || |
// primary column |
(column.pk && !column.ai && !column.cdf) |
if (column.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord && column.colOptions.type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO) { |
const col = columns.value.find((c: Record<string, any>) => c.id === column.colOptions.fk_child_column_id) as Record< |
string, |
any |
> |
if (col.rqd && !col.default) { |
isRequired = true |
} |
} |
return isRequired |
} |
/** Block user from drag n drop required column to hidden fields */ |
function onMoveCallback(event: any) { |
if (event.from !== event.to && shouldSkipColumn(event.draggedContext.element)) { |
return false |
} |
} |
async function onMove(event: any, isVisibleFormFields = false) { |
if (isLocked.value || !isEditable) return |
let { newIndex, element } = event.moved |
const fieldIndex = fields.value?.findIndex((f) => f?.fk_column_id === element.fk_column_id) |
if (fieldIndex === -1 || fieldIndex === undefined || !fields.value?.[fieldIndex]) return |
if (isVisibleFormFields) { |
element = localColumns.value[localColumns.value?.findIndex((c) => c.fk_column_id === element.fk_column_id)] |
newIndex = localColumns.value.findIndex((c) => c.fk_column_id === visibleColumns.value[newIndex].fk_column_id) |
} |
if (!localColumns.value.length || localColumns.value.length === 1) { |
element.order = 1 |
} else if (localColumns.value.length - 1 === newIndex) { |
element.order = Math.max(...localColumns.value.map((e) => e?.order ?? 0)) + 1 |
} else if (newIndex === 0) { |
element.order = Math.min(...localColumns.value.map((e) => e?.order ?? 0)) / 2 |
} else { |
element.order = ((localColumns.value[newIndex - 1]?.order ?? 0) + (localColumns.value[newIndex + 1].order ?? 0)) / 2 |
} |
await $api.dbView.formColumnUpdate(element.id, element) |
fields.value[fieldIndex] = element as any |
localColumns.value = [...localColumns.value].sort((a, b) => { |
if (a.order !== undefined && b.order !== undefined) { |
return a.order - b.order |
} |
return 0 |
}) |
checkFieldVisibility() |
$e('a:form-view:reorder') |
} |
async function showOrHideColumn(column: Record<string, any>, show: boolean, isFormSettings = false) { |
if (isLocked.value || !isEditable) return |
if (shouldSkipColumn(column)) { |
// Required field can't be moved |
!isFormSettings && message.info(t('msg.info.requriedFieldsCantBeMoved')) |
return |
} |
const fieldIndex = fields.value?.findIndex((f) => f?.fk_column_id === column.fk_column_id) |
if (fieldIndex !== -1 && fieldIndex !== undefined && fields.value?.[fieldIndex]) { |
column.show = show |
await $api.dbView.formColumnUpdate(column.id, column) |
fields.value[fieldIndex] = column as any |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
if (show) { |
$e('a:form-view:show-columns') |
} else { |
$e('a:form-view:hide-columns') |
} |
} |
if (!show && !isFormSettings && activeRow.value) { |
activeRow.value = '' |
} |
} |
function shouldSkipColumn(col: Record<string, any>) { |
return ( |
isDbRequired(col) || !!col.required || (!!col.rqd && !col.cdf) || col.uidt === UITypes.QrCode || col.uidt === UITypes.Barcode |
) |
} |
async function handleAddOrRemoveAllColumns<T>(value: T) { |
if (isLocked.value || !isEditable) return |
if (value) { |
for (const col of (localColumns as Record<string, any>)?.value) { |
col.show = true |
} |
await showAll(systemFieldsIds.value) |
$e('a:form-view:add-all') |
} else { |
for (const col of (localColumns as Record<string, any>)?.value) { |
if (!shouldSkipColumn(col)) col.show = false |
} |
await hideAll( |
(localColumns as Record<string, any>)?.value |
.filter((col: Record<string, any>) => shouldSkipColumn(col)) |
.map((col: Record<string, any>) => col.fk_column_id), |
) |
$e('a:form-view:remove-all') |
} |
} |
async function checkSMTPStatus() { |
if (emailMe.value && !isEeUI) { |
const emailPluginActive = await $api.plugin.status('SMTP') |
if (!emailPluginActive) { |
emailMe.value = false |
// Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification |
message.info(t('msg.toast.formEmailSMTP')) |
return false |
} |
} |
return true |
} |
function setFormData() { |
const col = formColumnData?.value || [] |
systemFieldsIds.value = getSystemColumns(col).map((c) => c.fk_column_id) |
formViewData.value = { |
banner_image_url: null, |
logo_url: null, |
...formViewData.value, |
submit_another_form: !!(formViewData.value?.submit_another_form ?? 0), |
show_blank_form: !!(formViewData.value?.show_blank_form ?? 0), |
meta: { |
hide_branding: false, |
background_color: '#F9F9FA', |
hide_banner: false, |
...(parseProp(formViewData.value?.meta) ?? {}), |
}, |
} |
// email me |
let data: Record<string, boolean> = {} |
try { |
data = JSON.parse(formViewData.value?.email || '') || {} |
} catch (e) {} |
emailMe.value = data[user.value?.email as string] |
localColumns.value = col |
.filter((f) => !formViewHiddenColTypes.includes(f.uidt) && !systemFieldsIds.value.includes(f.fk_column_id)) |
.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order) |
.map((c) => ({ ...c, required: !!c.required })) |
checkFieldVisibility() |
} |
async function updateEmail() { |
try { |
if (!(await checkSMTPStatus())) return |
const data = formViewData.value?.email ? JSON.parse(formViewData.value?.email) : {} |
data[user.value?.email as string] = emailMe.value |
formViewData.value!.email = JSON.stringify(data) |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
function onEmailChange() { |
updateEmail() |
updateView() |
} |
function resetFormFieldState() { |
if (!activeField.value) return |
// Reset the formstate if column type is changed or if column is deleted |
delete formState.value[activeField.value.title] |
if (isVirtualCol(activeField.value)) { |
delete state.value[activeField.value.title] |
} |
} |
async function addColumnCallback() { |
dropdownStates.value.showAddColumn = false |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
} |
async function editColumnCallback() { |
dropdownStates.value.showEditColumn = false |
if (activeField.value && activeField.value.uidt !== activeColumn.value?.uidt) { |
resetFormFieldState() |
} |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
} |
async function deleteColumnCallback() { |
resetFormFieldState() |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
} |
const onFormItemClick = (element: any, sidebarClick: boolean = false) => { |
if (isLocked.value || !isEditable) return |
if (sidebarClick) { |
autoScrollFormField.value = true |
} |
activeRow.value = element.id |
} |
const handleChangeBackground = (color: string) => { |
if (isLocked.value || !isEditable) return |
const tcolor = tinycolor(color) |
if (tcolor.isValid()) { |
;(formViewData.value?.meta as Record<string, any>).background_color = color |
updateView() |
} |
} |
const openUploadImage = (isUploadBanner: boolean) => { |
if (!isEditable || !isEeUI) return |
imageCropperData.value.uploadConfig = { |
path: [NOCO, base.value.id, meta.value?.id, formViewData.value?.id].join('/'), |
} |
if (isUploadBanner) { |
imageCropperData.value.cropperConfig = { |
...imageCropperData.value.cropperConfig, |
stencilProps: { |
aspectRatio: 4 / 1, |
}, |
minHeight: 100, |
minWidth: 0, |
} |
imageCropperData.value.cropFor = 'banner' |
} else { |
imageCropperData.value.cropperConfig = { |
...imageCropperData.value.cropperConfig, |
stencilProps: { |
aspectRatio: undefined, |
}, |
minHeight: 150, |
minWidth: 150, |
} |
imageCropperData.value.cropFor = 'logo' |
} |
open() |
} |
onChangeFile((files) => { |
if (files && files[0]) { |
// 1. Revoke the object URL, to allow the garbage collector to destroy the uploaded before file |
if (imageCropperData.value.imageConfig.src) { |
URL.revokeObjectURL(imageCropperData.value.imageConfig.src) |
} |
// 2. Create the blob link to the file to optimize performance: |
const blob = URL.createObjectURL(files[0]) |
// 3. Update the image. The type will be derived from the extension |
imageCropperData.value.imageConfig = { |
src: blob, |
type: files[0].type, |
name: files[0].name, |
} |
showCropper.value = true |
} |
}) |
const handleOnUploadImage = (data: AttachmentResType = null) => { |
if (imageCropperData.value.cropFor === 'banner') { |
formViewData.value!.banner_image_url = data |
} else { |
formViewData.value!.logo_url = data |
} |
updateView() |
} |
const onFocusActiveFieldLabel = (e: FocusEvent) => { |
;(e.target as HTMLTextAreaElement).select() |
} |
const updateFieldTitle = (value: string) => { |
if (!activeField.value) return |
if (activeField.value.title === value) { |
activeField.value.label = null |
} else { |
activeField.value.label = value |
} |
} |
const handleAutoScrollFormField = (title: string, isSidebar: boolean) => { |
const field = document.querySelector( |
`${isSidebar ? '.nc-form-field-item-' : '.nc-form-drag-'}${CSS.escape(title?.replaceAll(' ', ''))}`, |
) |
if (field) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
field?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'center' }) |
}, 50) |
} |
} |
async function loadReleatedMetas() { |
await Promise.all( |
(localColumns.value || []).map(async (c: ColumnType) => { |
const fk_related_model_id = (c?.colOptions as LinkToAnotherRecordType)?.fk_related_model_id |
if (isVirtualCol(c) && isLinksOrLTAR(c) && fk_related_model_id) { |
await getMeta(fk_related_model_id) |
} |
return c |
}), |
) |
} |
const updateActiveFieldDescription = (value) => { |
if (!activeField.value || activeField.value?.description === value) return |
activeField.value.description = value |
updateColMeta(activeField.value) |
} |
onMounted(async () => { |
if (imageCropperData.value.src) { |
URL.revokeObjectURL(imageCropperData.value.imageConfig.src) |
} |
preFillFormSearchParams.value = '' |
isLoadingFormView.value = true |
await Promise.all([loadFormView(), loadReleatedMetas(), loadAllviewFilters()]) |
setFormData() |
isLoadingFormView.value = false |
}) |
watch(submitted, (v) => { |
if (v && formViewData.value?.show_blank_form) { |
secondsRemain.value = 5 |
const intvl = setInterval(() => { |
if (--secondsRemain.value < 0) { |
submitted.value = false |
clearForm() |
clearInterval(intvl) |
} |
}, 1000) |
} |
}) |
watch(view, (nextView, oldView) => { |
if (nextView?.type === ViewTypes.FORM && nextView?.id !== oldView?.id) { |
reloadEventHook.trigger() |
} |
}) |
watch( |
[formState, state], |
async () => { |
for (const virtualField in state.value) { |
formState.value[virtualField] = state.value[virtualField] |
} |
updatePreFillFormSearchParams() |
try { |
await validate( |
Object.keys(formState.value) |
.map((title) => fieldMappings.value[title]) |
.filter((v) => v !== undefined), |
) |
} catch {} |
}, |
{ |
deep: true, |
}, |
) |
watch(activeField, (newValue, oldValue) => { |
if (newValue && autoScrollFormField.value) { |
nextTick(() => { |
handleAutoScrollFormField(newValue.title, false) |
}) |
} else if (oldValue) { |
nextTick(() => { |
handleAutoScrollFormField(oldValue.title, true) |
}) |
} |
autoScrollFormField.value = false |
dropdownStates.value = { |
...dropdownStates.value, |
showColumnMenu: false, |
showEditColumn: false, |
} |
}) |
watch(focusLabel, () => { |
if (activeField.value && focusLabel.value) { |
nextTick(() => { |
focusLabel.value?.focus() |
}) |
} |
}) |
watch(isLocked, (newValue) => { |
if (newValue) { |
activeRow.value = '' |
} |
clearForm() |
}) |
useEventListener( |
document, |
'keydown', |
(e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
const cmdOrCtrl = isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey |
switch (e.key?.toLowerCase()) { |
case 's': |
if ( |
cmdOrCtrl && |
!( |
['input', 'textarea'].includes((e.target as any).nodeName.toLowerCase()) || |
(e.target as any)?.getAttribute('contenteditable') |
) |
) { |
e.preventDefault() |
updateView() |
} |
break |
} |
}, |
true, |
) |
useEventListener( |
document, |
'mousedown', |
(e: MouseEvent) => { |
if ( |
(draggableRef.value?.targetDomElement && draggableRef.value?.targetDomElement.contains(e.target)) || |
(e.target as HTMLElement)?.closest( |
'.nc-form-right-panel, [class*="dropdown"], .nc-form-rich-text-field, .ant-modal, .ant-modal-wrap, .nc-share-base-button, .nc-form-right-sidebar-content-resizable-wrapper .splitpanes__splitter', |
) |
) { |
return |
} |
activeRow.value = '' |
}, |
true, |
) |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="h-full relative"> |
<template v-if="isMobileMode"> |
<div class="pl-6 pr-[120px] py-6 bg-white flex-col justify-start items-start gap-2.5 inline-flex"> |
<div class="text-gray-500 text-5xl font-semibold leading-16"> |
{{ $t('general.available') }}<br />{{ $t('title.inDesktop') }} |
</div> |
<div class="text-gray-500 text-base font-medium leading-normal"> |
{{ $t('msg.formViewNotSupportedOnMobile') }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<div |
v-if="submitted" |
class="h-full p-6 overflow-auto nc-form-scrollbar" |
:style="{ background: parseProp(formViewData?.meta)?.background_color || '#F9F9FA' }" |
data-testid="nc-form-wrapper-submit" |
> |
<div class="max-w-[max(33%,688px)] mx-auto"> |
<GeneralFormBanner |
v-if="!parseProp(formViewData?.meta).hide_banner" |
:banner-image-url="formViewData?.banner_image_url" |
/> |
<div |
class="transition-all duration-300 ease-in relative my-6 bg-white rounded-3xl border-1 border-gray-200 px-4 py-8 lg:p-12 md:(p-8 dark:bg-slate-700)" |
> |
<div v-if="formViewData" class="items-center justify-center text-left mt-2"> |
<div> |
<h1 class="text-2xl font-bold text-gray-900 mb-4"> |
{{ formViewData.heading }} |
</h1> |
<div v-if="formViewData.subheading?.trim()"> |
<LazyCellRichText |
:value="formViewData.subheading" |
class="font-medium text-base text-gray-500 !h-auto mb-4 -ml-1" |
is-form-field |
read-only |
sync-value-change |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex justify-center"> |
<div class="w-full"> |
<a-alert class="nc-form-success-msg !my-4 !py-4 text-left !rounded-lg" type="success" outlined> |
<template #message> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-if="formViewData?.success_msg?.trim()" |
:value="formViewData?.success_msg" |
class="!h-auto -ml-1" |
is-form-field |
read-only |
sync-value-change |
/> |
<span v-else> {{ $t('msg.successfullySubmittedFormData') }} </span> |
</template> |
</a-alert> |
<div class="mt-16 w-full flex justify-between items-center gap-3"> |
<div v-if="formViewData.show_blank_form" class="text-gray-400"> |
{{ |
$t('msg.newFormWillBeLoaded', { |
seconds: secondsRemain, |
}) |
}} |
</div> |
<div v-if="formViewData.submit_another_form || !isPublic" class="flex-1 flex justify-end"> |
<NcButton |
type="primary" |
size="small" |
@click=" |
() => { |
submitted = false |
clearForm() |
} |
" |
> |
{{ $t('activity.submitAnotherForm') }} |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-else class="nc-form-wrapper h-full w-full flex relative" data-testid="nc-form-wrapper"> |
<div v-if="isLoadingFormView" class="flex-1 flex items-center justify-center text-center h-full"> |
<div> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
<div class="mt-2"> |
{{ $t('general.loading') }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<template v-else-if="formViewData"> |
<SmartsheetFormLayout> |
<template #preview> |
<div |
class="w-full h-full overflow-auto nc-form-scrollbar p-6" |
:style="{background:(formViewData?.meta as Record<string,any>).background_color || '#F9F9FA'}" |
> |
<div class="min-w-[616px] overflow-x-auto nc-form-scrollbar"> |
<GeneralImageCropper |
v-if="isEditable" |
v-model:show-cropper="showCropper" |
:image-config="imageCropperData.imageConfig" |
:cropper-config="imageCropperData.cropperConfig" |
:upload-config="imageCropperData.uploadConfig" |
@submit="handleOnUploadImage" |
></GeneralImageCropper> |
<!-- cover image --> |
<div v-if="!parseProp(formViewData?.meta).hide_banner" class="group relative max-w-[max(33%,688px)] mx-auto"> |
<GeneralFormBanner |
:key="formViewData.banner_image_url?.path" |
:banner-image-url="formViewData.banner_image_url" |
/> |
<div class="absolute bottom-0 right-0 hidden group-hover:block"> |
<div class="flex items-center space-x-1 m-2"> |
<NcTooltip :disabled="isEeUI || isLocked"> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition') }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-upload-banner-btn" |
data-testid="nc-form-upload-banner-btn" |
:disabled="!isEeUI || isLocked" |
@click="openUploadImage(true)" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.upload" class="w-4 h-4" /> |
<span> |
{{ formViewData.banner_image_url ? $t('general.replace') : $t('general.upload') }} |
{{ $t('general.banner') }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</NcTooltip> |
<NcTooltip v-if="isEeUI && formViewData.banner_image_url" :disabled="isLocked"> |
<template #title> {{ $t('general.delete') }} {{ $t('general.banner') }} </template> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-delete-banner-btn" |
data-testid="nc-form-delete-banner-btn" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
@click=" |
() => { |
if (isEditable) { |
formViewData!.banner_image_url = null |
updateView() |
} |
} |
" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" class="w-4 h-4" /> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<a-card |
class="!py-8 !lg:py-12 !border-gray-200 !rounded-3xl !mt-6 !max-w-[max(33%,688px)] !mx-auto" |
:body-style="{ |
margin: '0 auto', |
padding: '0px !important', |
}" |
> |
<a-form :model="formState" class="nc-form" no-style> |
<!-- form header --> |
<div class="flex flex-col px-4 lg:px-6"> |
<!-- Form logo --> |
<div class="mb-4"> |
<div |
class="nc-form-logo-wrapper mx-6 group relative inline-block h-56px overflow-hidden flex items-center" |
:class=" |
formViewData.logo_url |
? 'max-w-189px hover:(w-full bg-gray-100 rounded-xl) ' |
: 'bg-gray-100 max-w-147px rounded-xl' |
" |
style="transition: all 0.3s ease-in" |
> |
<LazyCellAttachmentPreviewImage |
v-if="formViewData.logo_url" |
:key="formViewData.logo_url?.path" |
:srcs="getFormLogoSrc" |
class="flex-none nc-form-logo !object-contain object-left max-h-full max-w-full !m-0" |
/> |
<div |
class="items-center space-x-1 flex-nowrap m-3" |
:class="formViewData.logo_url ? 'hidden absolute top-0 left-0 group-hover:flex' : 'flex'" |
> |
<NcTooltip :disabled="isEeUI || isLocked"> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition') }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<NcButton |
v-if="isEditable" |
type="secondary" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-upload-logo-btn" |
data-testid="nc-form-upload-log-btn" |
:disabled="!isEeUI || isLocked" |
@click="openUploadImage(false)" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.upload" class="w-4 h-4" /> |
<span> {{ formViewData.logo_url ? $t('general.replace') : $t('general.upload') }} Logo</span> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</NcTooltip> |
<NcTooltip v-if="isEeUI && formViewData.logo_url" :disabled="isLocked"> |
<template #title> {{ $t('general.delete') }} {{ $t('general.logo') }} </template> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-delete-logo-btn" |
data-testid="nc-form-delete-logo-btn" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
@click=" |
() => { |
if (isEditable) { |
formViewData!.logo_url = null |
updateView() |
} |
} |
" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" class="w-4 h-4" /> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- form title --> |
<div |
class="border-transparent px-4 lg:px-6" |
:class="[ |
{ |
'rounded-2xl overflow-hidden border-2 cursor-pointer mb-1 py-4 lg:py-6 focus-within:bg-gray-50': |
isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'mb-4 py-0 lg:py-0': !isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'hover:bg-gray-50': activeRow !== NcForm.heading && isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'bg-gray-50': activeRow === NcForm.heading && isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'!hover:bg-white !ring-0 !cursor-auto': isLocked, |
}, |
]" |
@click.stop="onFormItemClick({ id: NcForm.heading })" |
> |
<a-form-item v-if="isEditable" class="!my-0"> |
<a-textarea |
v-model:value="formViewData.heading" |
class="nc-form-focus-element !p-0 !m-0 w-full !font-bold !text-2xl !border-0 !rounded-none !text-gray-900" |
:style="{ |
'borderRightWidth': '0px !important', |
'height': '70px', |
'max-height': '250px', |
'resize': 'vertical', |
}" |
auto-size |
size="large" |
hide-details |
:disabled="isLocked" |
placeholder="Form Title" |
:bordered="false" |
:data-testid="NcForm.heading" |
:data-title="NcForm.heading" |
@input="updateView" |
@focus="activeRow = NcForm.heading" |
@blur="activeRow = ''" |
/> |
</a-form-item> |
<div v-else class="font-bold text-2xl text-gray-900"> |
{{ formViewData.heading }} |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- form description --> |
<div |
class="border-transparent px-4 lg:px-6 empty:hidden" |
:class="[ |
{ |
'rounded-2xl border-2 cursor-pointer mb-1 py-4 lg:py-6 focus-within:bg-gray-50': isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'mb-4 py-0 lg:py-0': !isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'hover:bg-gray-50': activeRow !== NcForm.subheading && isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'bg-gray-50': activeRow === NcForm.subheading && isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'!hover:bg-white !ring-0 !cursor-auto': isLocked, |
}, |
]" |
@click.stop="onFormItemClick({ id: NcForm.subheading })" |
> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-if="isEditable && !isLocked" |
v-model:value="formViewData.subheading" |
:placeholder="$t('msg.info.formDesc')" |
class="nc-form-description nc-form-focus-element font-medium text-base !text-gray-500 -ml-1" |
is-form-field |
:autofocus="activeRow === NcForm.subheading" |
:data-testid="NcForm.subheading" |
:data-title="NcForm.subheading" |
@update:value="updateView" |
@focus="activeRow = NcForm.subheading" |
@blur="activeRow = ''" |
/> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-else-if="formViewData.subheading" |
:value="formViewData.subheading" |
class="font-medium text-base !text-gray-500 -ml-1" |
is-form-field |
read-only |
sync-value-change |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Draggable |
ref="draggableRef" |
:model-value="visibleColumns" |
item-key="fk_column_id" |
draggable=".item" |
handle=".nc-form-field-drag-handler" |
group="form-inputs" |
ghost-class="nc-form-field-ghost" |
class="h-full px-4 lg:px-6" |
:move="onMoveCallback" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="onMove($event, true)" |
> |
<template #item="{ element }"> |
<div |
v-if="!isLocked || (isLocked && element?.visible)" |
:key="element.id" |
class="nc-editable nc-form-focus-element item relative bg-white p-4 lg:p-6" |
:class="[ |
`nc-form-drag-${element.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`, |
{ |
'rounded-2xl border-2 my-1': isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'border-transparent my-0': !isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'nc-form-field-drag-handler border-transparent hover:(bg-gray-50) cursor-pointer': |
activeRow !== element.id && isEditable, |
}, |
{ |
'border-brand-500': activeRow === element.id, |
}, |
{ |
'!hover:bg-white !ring-0 !cursor-auto': isLocked, |
}, |
]" |
:data-title="element.title" |
data-testid="nc-form-fields" |
@click.stop="onFormItemClick(element)" |
> |
<div v-if="activeRow === element.id" class="absolute -left-3 top-6"> |
<NcButton |
type="primary" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-field-drag-handler !cursor-move !p-1 !min-w-6 !h-auto !rounded" |
> |
<component |
:is="iconMap.drag" |
class="nc-form-field-drag-handler flex-none !h-4 !w-4 text-white font-bold" |
/> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-3"> |
<NcTooltip |
v-if="allViewFilters[element.fk_column_id]?.length && !isLocked" |
class="relative h-3.5 w-3.5 flex cursor-pointer" |
placement="topLeft" |
> |
<template #title> Conditionally visible field </template> |
<Transition name="icon-fade"> |
<GeneralIcon |
v-if="element?.visible" |
icon="eye" |
class="nc-field-visibility-icon nc-field-visible w-3.5 h-3.5 flex-none text-nc-content-gray-muted" |
/> |
<GeneralIcon |
v-else |
icon="eyeSlash" |
class="nc-field-visibility-icon w-3.5 h-3.5 flex-none text-nc-content-gray-muted" |
/> |
</Transition> |
</NcTooltip> |
<div class="text-sm font-semibold text-gray-800"> |
<span data-testid="nc-form-input-label"> |
{{ element.label || element.title }} |
</span> |
<span v-if="isRequired(element, element.required)" class="text-red-500 text-base leading-[18px]" |
> *</span |
> |
</div> |
</div> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-if="element.description" |
:value="element.description" |
is-form-field |
read-only |
sync-value-change |
class="nc-form-help-text text-gray-500 text-sm mt-2 -ml-1" |
data-testid="nc-form-help-text" |
@update:value="updateColMeta(element)" |
/> |
<!-- Field Body --> |
<div class="nc-form-field-body"> |
<div class="mt-2"> |
<a-form-item |
v-if="fieldMappings[element.title]" |
:name="fieldMappings[element.title]" |
class="!my-0 nc-input-required-error nc-form-input-item" |
v-bind="validateInfos[fieldMappings[element.title]]" |
> |
<LazySmartsheetDivDataCell class="relative" @click.stop> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(element)" |
v-model="formState[element.title]" |
:row="row" |
class="nc-input" |
:class="`nc-form-input-${element.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`" |
:data-testid="`nc-form-input-${element.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`" |
:column="element" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="formState[element.title]" |
class="nc-input truncate" |
:class="[ |
`nc-form-input-${element.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`, |
{ 'layout-list': element.meta.isList }, |
]" |
:data-testid="`nc-form-input-${element.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`" |
:column="element" |
:edit-enabled="true" |
/> |
</LazySmartsheetDivDataCell> |
</a-form-item> |
<div> |
<LazySmartsheetFormFieldConfigError :column="element" mode="preview" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #footer> |
<div |
v-if="!visibleColumns.length && isEditable" |
class="mt-4 border-dashed border-2 border-gray-400 py-3 text-gray-400 text-center" |
> |
{{ $t('title.selectFieldsFromRightPannelToAddHere') }} |
</div> |
</template> |
</Draggable> |
<div class="flex justify-between items-center mt-6 !px-8 !lg:px-12"> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="small" |
:disabled="!isUIAllowed('dataInsert') || !visibleColumns.length" |
class="nc-form-clear nc-form-focus-element" |
data-testid="nc-form-clear" |
data-title="nc-form-clear" |
@click="clearForm" |
> |
{{ $t('activity.clearForm') }} |
</NcButton> |
<NcButton |
type="primary" |
size="small" |
:disabled="!isUIAllowed('dataInsert') || !visibleColumns.length" |
class="nc-form-submit nc-form-focus-element" |
data-testid="nc-form-submit" |
data-title="nc-form-submit" |
@click="submitForm" |
> |
{{ $t('general.submit') }} |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</a-form> |
<div v-if="!parseProp(formViewData?.meta).hide_branding" class="px-8 lg:px-12"> |
<a-divider class="!my-8" /> |
<!-- Nocodb Branding --> |
<div class="inline-block"> |
<GeneralFormBranding /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</a-card> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #sidebar> |
<!-- Right Panel --> |
<div |
class="nc-form-right-panel h-full flex-grow max-w-full" |
:class="{ |
'overflow-y-auto nc-form-scrollbar': activeField, |
'relative': isLocked, |
}" |
> |
<!-- Form Field settings --> |
<div v-if="activeField && activeColumn" :key="activeField?.id" class="nc-form-field-right-panel"> |
<!-- Field header --> |
<div class="px-3 pt-4 pb-2 flex items-center justify-between border-b border-gray-200 font-medium"> |
<div class="flex items-center"> |
<div class="text-gray-600 font-medium cursor-pointer select-none hover:underline" @click="activeRow = ''"> |
{{ $t('objects.viewType.form') }} |
</div> |
<div class="px-1.75 text-gray-500 text-xl font-normal">/</div> |
<div class="flex items-center pr-1 py-1.5 text-gray-800"> |
<SmartsheetHeaderVirtualCellIcon |
v-if="isVirtualCol(activeField)" |
:column-meta="activeField" |
class="flex-none" |
/> |
<SmartsheetHeaderCellIcon v-else :column-meta="activeField" class="flex-none" /> |
<NcTooltip class="truncate max-w-[120px] text-sm font-semibold" show-on-truncate-only> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ activeField.title }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<span data-testid="nc-form-input-label"> |
{{ activeField.title }} |
</span> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center space-x-2"> |
<a-dropdown |
v-model:visible="dropdownStates.showEditColumn" |
:trigger="['click']" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-form-edit-column" |
:disabled="!isUIAllowed('fieldEdit') || isLocked" |
@visible-change="onVisibilityChange('showEditColumn')" |
> |
<NcButton type="secondary" size="small" class="nc-form-add-field" data-testid="nc-form-add-field"> |
{{ $t('general.edit') }} {{ $t('objects.field') }} |
</NcButton> |
<template #overlay> |
<div class="nc-edit-or-add-provider-wrapper"> |
<LazySmartsheetColumnEditOrAddProvider |
v-if="dropdownStates.showEditColumn" |
ref="editOrAddProviderRef" |
:column="activeColumn" |
@submit="editColumnCallback" |
@cancel="dropdownStates.showEditColumn = false" |
@click.stop |
@keydown.stop |
/> |
</div> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
<SmartsheetFormFieldMenu |
v-model:is-open="dropdownStates.showColumnMenu" |
:column="activeColumn" |
:form-column="activeField" |
:is-required="isRequired(activeField, activeField.required)" |
:on-delete=" |
() => { |
deleteColumnCallback() |
} |
" |
@hide-field="showOrHideColumn(activeField, false, false)" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- Field text --> |
<div class="nc-form-field-text p-4 flex flex-col gap-4 border-b border-gray-200"> |
<div class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-800"> |
{{ $t('objects.field') }} {{ $t('general.text').toLowerCase() }} |
</div> |
<a-textarea |
ref="focusLabel" |
:value="activeField.label || activeField.title" |
:rows="1" |
auto-size |
hide-details |
class="form-meta-input nc-form-input-label !max-h-7.5rem nc-form-scrollbar" |
data-testid="nc-form-input-label" |
:placeholder="$t('msg.info.formInput')" |
@focus="onFocusActiveFieldLabel" |
@keydown.enter.prevent |
@input="updateFieldTitle($event.target.value)" |
@change="updateColMeta(activeField)" |
/> |
<LazyCellRichText |
:value="activeField.description" |
:placeholder="$t('msg.info.formHelpText')" |
class="form-meta-input nc-form-input-help-text" |
is-form-field |
:hidden-bubble-menu-options="hiddenBubbleMenuOptions" |
data-testid="nc-form-input-help-text" |
@update:value="updateActiveFieldDescription" |
/> |
</div> |
<LazySmartsheetFormFieldSettings v-if="activeField"></LazySmartsheetFormFieldSettings> |
</div> |
<!-- Form Settings --> |
<template v-else> |
<Splitpanes v-if="formViewData" horizontal class="nc-form-settings w-full nc-form-right-splitpane"> |
<Pane min-size="30" size="50" class="nc-form-right-splitpane-item p-4 flex flex-col space-y-4 !min-h-200px"> |
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-between items-center gap-2"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-3"> |
<div class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-800"> |
{{ $t('objects.viewType.form') }} {{ $t('objects.fields') }} |
</div> |
<NcBadge color="border-gray-200"> |
{{ visibleColumns.length }}/{{ localColumns.length }} {{ $t('objects.field') }} |
</NcBadge> |
</div> |
<a-dropdown |
v-if="isUIAllowed('fieldAdd')" |
v-model:visible="dropdownStates.showAddColumn" |
:trigger="['click']" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-form-add-column" |
@visible-change="onVisibilityChange('showAddColumn')" |
> |
<NcButton type="secondary" size="small" class="nc-form-add-field" data-testid="nc-form-add-field"> |
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="w-4 h-4" /> |
<span> {{ $t('activity.addFieldFromFormView') }} </span> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
<template #overlay> |
<div class="nc-edit-or-add-provider-wrapper"> |
<LazySmartsheetColumnEditOrAddProvider |
v-if="dropdownStates.showAddColumn" |
ref="editOrAddProviderRef" |
@submit="addColumnCallback" |
@cancel="dropdownStates.showAddColumn = false" |
@click.stop |
@keydown.stop |
/> |
</div> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
</div> |
<form autocomplete="off"> |
<a-input |
key="nc-form-field-search-input" |
v-model:value="searchQuery" |
type="text" |
autocomplete="off" |
class="!h-9 !px-3 !py-1 !rounded-lg" |
:placeholder="`${$t('placeholder.searchFields')}...`" |
name="nc-form-field-search-input" |
data-testid="nc-form-field-search-input" |
> |
<template #prefix> |
<GeneralIcon icon="search" class="mr-2 h-4 w-4 text-gray-500 group-hover:text-black" /> |
</template> |
<template #suffix> |
<GeneralIcon |
v-if="searchQuery.length > 0" |
icon="close" |
class="ml-2 h-4 w-4 text-gray-500 group-hover:text-black" |
data-testid="nc-form-field-clear-search" |
@click="searchQuery = ''" |
/> |
</template> |
</a-input> |
</form> |
<div class="nc-form-fields-list border-1 border-gray-200 rounded-lg overflow-y-auto nc-form-scrollbar"> |
<div v-if="!localColumns.length" class="px-0.5 py-2 text-gray-500 text-center"> |
{{ $t('title.noFieldsFound') }} |
</div> |
<template v-if="localColumns.length"> |
<div |
key="nc-form-show-all-fields" |
class="w-full flex items-center border-b-1 rounded-t-lg border-gray-200 bg-gray-50 sticky top-0 z-49" |
data-testid="nc-form-show-all-fields" |
@click.stop |
> |
<div class="w-4 h-4 flex-none mx-2"></div> |
<div class="flex-1 flex flex-row items-center truncate cursor-pointer"> |
<div class="flex-1 font-base my-1.5">{{ $t('activity.selectAllFields') }}</div> |
<div class="flex items-center px-2"> |
<a-switch |
:checked="visibleColumns.length === localColumns.length" |
size="small" |
class="nc-switch" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
@change="handleAddOrRemoveAllColumns" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<Draggable |
:list="localColumns" |
item-key="id" |
ghost-class="nc-form-field-ghost" |
:style="{ height: 'calc(100% - 64px)' }" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="onMove($event)" |
@start="drag = true" |
@end="drag = false" |
> |
<template #item="{ element: field }"> |
<div |
v-if="field.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())" |
:key="field.id" |
class="w-full px-2 flex flex-row items-center border-b-1 last:border-none border-gray-200" |
:class="[ |
`nc-form-field-item-${field.title.replaceAll(' ', '')}`, |
`${activeRow === field.id ? 'bg-brand-50 font-medium' : 'hover:bg-gray-50'}`, |
]" |
:data-testid="`nc-form-field-item-${field.title}`" |
> |
<div class="py-1.5 flex items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.drag" class="flex-none cursor-move !h-4 !w-4 text-gray-600 mr-1" /> |
</div> |
<div |
class="flex-1 flex items-center justify-between cursor-pointer max-w-[calc(100%_-_20px)] py-1.5" |
> |
<div |
class="flex-1 flex items-center cursor-pointer max-w-[calc(100%_-_40px)]" |
@click.prevent="onFormItemClick(field, true)" |
> |
<SmartsheetHeaderVirtualCellIcon |
v-if="field && isVirtualCol(field)" |
:column-meta="field" |
class="!text-gray-600" |
/> |
<SmartsheetHeaderCellIcon v-else :column-meta="field" class="!text-gray-600" /> |
<div class="flex-1 flex items-center justify-start max-w-[calc(100%_-_28px)]"> |
<div class="w-full flex items-center"> |
<div class="ml-1 inline-flex" :class="field.label?.trim() ? 'max-w-1/2' : 'max-w-[95%]'"> |
<NcTooltip class="truncate text-sm" :disabled="drag" show-on-truncate-only> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ field.title }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<span data-testid="nc-field-title"> {{ field.title }} </span> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="field.label?.trim()" |
class="truncate inline-flex text-xs font-normal text-gray-700" |
> |
<span> (</span> |
<NcTooltip class="truncate" :disabled="drag" show-on-truncate-only> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ field.label }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<span data-testid="nc-field-title ">{{ field.label?.trim() }}</span> |
</NcTooltip> |
<span>)</span> |
</div> |
<span v-if="isRequired(field, field.required)" class="text-red-500 text-sm align-top"> |
* |
</span> |
<div class="flex items-center"> |
<LazySmartsheetFormFieldConfigError :column="field" mode="list" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<NcTooltip |
:disabled="!field.required || isLocked || !isEditable" |
class="flex" |
placement="topRight" |
> |
<template #title> You can't hide a required field.</template> |
<a-switch |
:checked="!!field.show" |
:disabled="field.required || isLocked || !isEditable" |
class="flex-none nc-switch" |
size="small" |
@change=" |
(value) => { |
showOrHideColumn(field, value, true) |
} |
" |
/> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template |
v-if=" |
!localColumns?.filter((el) => el.title.toLowerCase().includes(searchQuery.toLowerCase())).length |
" |
#footer |
> |
<div class="px-0.5 py-2 text-gray-500 text-center"> |
{{ $t('title.noFieldsFound') }} with title `{{ searchQuery }}` |
</div> |
</template> |
</Draggable> |
</template> |
</div> |
</Pane> |
<Pane min-size="20" size="50" class="nc-form-right-splitpane-item !overflow-y-auto nc-form-scrollbar"> |
<div class="p-4 flex flex-col space-y-4 border-b border-gray-200"> |
<!-- Appearance Settings --> |
<div class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-800">{{ $t('labels.appearanceSettings') }}</div> |
<div class="flex flex-col space-y-3"> |
<div :class="isLocked || !isEditable ? 'pointer-events-none' : ''"> |
<div class="text-gray-800">{{ $t('labels.backgroundColor') }}</div> |
<div class="flex justify-start"> |
<LazyGeneralColorPicker |
:model-value="(formViewData.meta as Record<string,any>).background_color" |
:colors="[ |
'#FFFFFF', |
'#FFDBD9', |
'#FEE6D6', |
'#FFF0D1', |
'#D4F7E0', |
'#D7F2FF', |
'#FED8F4', |
'#E5D4F5', |
'#FFCFE6', |
]" |
color-box-border |
is-new-design |
class="nc-form-theme-color-picker !pb-0 !pl-0 -ml-1" |
@input="handleChangeBackground" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Hide NocoDB Branding --> |
<span>{{ $t('labels.hideNocodbBranding') }}</span> |
<a-switch |
v-if="isEeUI" |
v-e="[`a:form-view:hide-branding`]" |
:checked="parseProp(formViewData.meta)?.hide_branding" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-hide-branding" |
data-testid="nc-form-hide-branding" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="(value) => { |
if (isLocked || !isEditable) return |
(formViewData!.meta as Record<string,any>).hide_branding = value |
updateView() |
}" |
/> |
<NcTooltip v-else placement="top"> |
<template #title> |
<div class="text-center"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.thisFeatureIsOnlyAvailableInEnterpriseEdition') }} |
</div> |
</template> |
<a-switch :checked="false" size="small" :disabled="true" /> |
</NcTooltip> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Hide Banner --> |
<span>{{ $t('general.hide') }} {{ $t('general.banner') }}</span> |
<a-switch |
v-e="[`a:form-view:hide-banner`]" |
:checked="parseProp(formViewData.meta)?.hide_banner" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-hide-banner" |
data-testid="nc-form-hide-banner" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="(value) => { |
if (isLocked || !isEditable) return |
(formViewData!.meta as Record<string,any>).hide_banner = value |
updateView() |
}" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="p-4 flex flex-col space-y-4"> |
<!-- Post Form Submission Settings --> |
<div class="text-sm font-bold text-gray-800"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.postFormSubmissionSettings') }} |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-col gap-3"> |
<div class="flex flex-col gap-3"> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Redirect to URL --> |
<span>{{ $t('labels.redirectToUrl') }}</span> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="isOpenRedirectUrl" |
v-e="[`a:form-view:redirect-url`]" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-checkbox-redirect-url" |
data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-redirect-url" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="updateView" |
/> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isOpenRedirectUrl" class="flex flex-col gap-2 max-w-[calc(100%_-_40px)]"> |
<a-form-item class="!my-0" v-bind="redirectLinkValidation"> |
<a-input |
v-model:value="formViewData.redirect_url" |
type="text" |
class="!h-8 !px-3 !py-1 !rounded-lg" |
placeholder="Paste redirect URL here" |
data-testid="nc-form-redirect-url-input" |
@input="handleUpdateRedirectUrl" |
></a-input> |
</a-form-item> |
<div class="text-small leading-[18px] text-gray-400 pl-3"> |
Use {record_id} to get ID of the newly created record. |
<a |
href="https://docs.nocodb.com/views/view-types/form/#redirect-url" |
target="_blank" |
rel="noopener noreferrer" |
class="!no-underline !hover:underline" |
> |
Learn more |
</a> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<template v-if="!isOpenRedirectUrl"> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Show "Submit Another Form" button --> |
<span>{{ $t('msg.info.submitAnotherForm') }}</span> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="formViewData.submit_another_form" |
v-e="[`a:form-view:submit-another-form`]" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-checkbox-submit-another-form" |
data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-submit-another-form" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="updateView" |
/> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Show a blank form after 5 seconds --> |
<span>{{ $t('msg.info.showBlankForm') }}</span> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="formViewData.show_blank_form" |
v-e="[`a:form-view:show-blank-form`]" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-checkbox-show-blank-form" |
data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-show-blank-form" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="updateView" |
/> |
</div> |
</template> |
<div class="flex items-center justify-between gap-3"> |
<!-- Email me at <email> --> |
<span> |
{{ $t('msg.info.emailForm') }} |
<span class="text-bold text-gray-600 underline">{{ user?.email }}</span> |
</span> |
<a-switch |
v-model:checked="emailMe" |
v-e="[`a:form-view:email-me`]" |
size="small" |
class="nc-form-checkbox-send-email" |
data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-send-email" |
:disabled="isLocked || !isEditable" |
@change="onEmailChange" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
<!-- Show this message --> |
<div v-if="!isOpenRedirectUrl" class="pb-10"> |
<div class="text-gray-800 mb-2"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.formDisplayMessage') }} |
</div> |
<a-form-item class="!my-0"> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-if="!isLocked && isEditable" |
v-model:value="formViewData.success_msg" |
class="nc-form-after-submit-msg editable" |
is-form-field |
:hidden-bubble-menu-options="hiddenBubbleMenuOptions" |
data-testid="nc-form-after-submit-msg" |
@update:value="updateView" /> |
<LazyCellRichText |
v-else |
:value="formViewData.success_msg" |
class="nc-form-after-submit-msg" |
is-form-field |
read-only |
data-testid="nc-form-after-submit-msg" |
/></a-form-item> |
</div> |
</div> |
</Pane> |
</Splitpanes> |
</template> |
<div v-if="isLocked" class="absolute inset-0 bg-black/12 z-500 grid place-items-center px-6"> |
<LazyDlgLockView /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</SmartsheetFormLayout> |
</template> |
</div> |
</template> |
<div |
v-if="user?.base_roles?.viewer || user?.base_roles?.commenter" |
class="absolute inset-0 bg-black/40 z-500 grid place-items-center" |
> |
<div class="text-center bg-white px-6 py-8 rounded-xl max-w-lg"> |
<div class="text-2xl text-gray-800 font-bold"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.yourCurrentRoleIs') }} |
'<span class="capitalize"> {{ Object.keys(user.base_roles)?.[0] ?? ProjectRoles.NO_ACCESS }}</span |
>'. |
</div> |
<div class="text-sm text-gray-700 pt-6"> |
{{ $t('msg.info.pleaseRequestAccessForView', { viewName: 'form view' }) }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.nc-editable:hover { |
:deep(.nc-field-remove-icon) { |
@apply opacity-100; |
} |
} |
.nc-input { |
@apply appearance-none w-full; |
&:not(.layout-list) { |
&:not(.nc-cell-attachment) { |
@apply !bg-white rounded-lg border-solid border-1 border-gray-200 !focus-within:border-brand-500; |
} |
} |
&.layout-list { |
@apply h-auto !pl-0 !py-1; |
} |
&.nc-cell-geodata { |
@apply !py-1; |
} |
&.nc-cell-currency { |
@apply !py-0 !pl-0 flex items-stretch; |
} |
:deep(input) { |
@apply !px-1; |
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&.nc-cell-longtext { |
@apply p-0 h-auto; |
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&.nc-cell:not(.nc-cell-longtext) { |
@apply p-2; |
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&.nc-virtual-cell { |
@apply px-2 py-1 min-h-10; |
} |
&.nc-cell-json { |
@apply h-auto; |
& > div { |
@apply w-full; |
} |
} |
:deep(.ant-picker) { |
@apply !py-0; |
} |
:deep(input.nc-cell-field) { |
@apply !py-0; |
} |
} |
.nc-form-input-label { |
@apply !px-4 !py-2 font-semibold text-gray-800 !rounded-lg !text-sm; |
} |
.nc-form-help-text, |
.nc-input-required-error { |
max-width: 100%; |
white-space: pre-line; |
:deep(.ant-form-item-explain-error) { |
&:first-child { |
@apply mt-2; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-input-required-error { |
&:focus-within { |
:deep(.ant-form-item-explain-error) { |
@apply text-gray-400; |
} |
} |
} |
:deep(.ant-form-item-has-error .ant-select:not(.ant-select-disabled) .ant-select-selector) { |
border: none !important; |
} |
:deep(.ant-form-item-has-success .ant-select:not(.ant-select-disabled) .ant-select-selector) { |
border: none !important; |
} |
:deep(.nc-cell-attachment) { |
@apply p-0; |
.nc-attachment-cell { |
@apply px-4 min-h-[75px] w-full h-full; |
.nc-attachment { |
@apply md: (w-[50px] h-[50px]) lg:(w-[75px] h-[75px]) min-h-[50px] min-w-[50px]; |
} |
.nc-attachment-cell-dropzone { |
@apply rounded bg-gray-400/75; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-form-input-item .nc-data-cell { |
@apply !border-none rounded-none; |
&:focus-within { |
@apply !border-none; |
} |
} |
.nc-form-input-enable-scanner-form-item { |
:deep(.ant-form-item-control-input) { |
@apply min-h-max; |
} |
} |
:deep(.nc-form-right-splitpane .splitpanes__splitter) { |
@apply !border-t-1 !border-gray-200 relative; |
&::before { |
@apply content-[':::'] block h-4 leading-12px px-2 font-bold text-gray-800 border-1 border-gray-200 rounded bg-white absolute -top-2.5 z-49 left-[calc(50%_-_16px)]; |
} |
} |
.nc-form-scrollbar { |
@apply scrollbar-thin scrollbar-thumb-gray-200 scrollbar-track-transparent; |
&::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb:hover { |
@apply !scrollbar-thumb-gray-300; |
} |
} |
:deep(.nc-form-theme-color-picker .color-selector) { |
@apply !text-white; |
} |
:deep(.nc-form-field-body .nc-cell) { |
@apply my-0; |
} |
.nc-form-field-ghost { |
@apply bg-gray-50; |
} |
:deep(.nc-form-input-required + button):focus-visible { |
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #3366ff; |
} |
:deep(.nc-form-switch-focus):focus-visible { |
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #3366ff; |
} |
.nc-form-field-layout { |
@apply !flex !items-center w-full space-x-3; |
:deep(.ant-radio-wrapper) { |
@apply border-1 border-gray-200 rounded-lg !py-2 !px-3 basis-full !mr-0 !items-center bg-white; |
.ant-radio { |
@apply !top-0; |
.ant-radio-input:focus-visible + .ant-radio-inner { |
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #fff, 0 0 0 4px #3366ff; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
.icon-fade-enter-active, |
.icon-fade-leave-active { |
transition: opacity 0.5s ease, transform 0.5s ease; /* Added scaling transition */ |
position: absolute; |
} |
.icon-fade-enter-from { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: scale(0.5); /* Start smaller and scale up */ |
} |
.icon-fade-enter-to { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: scale(1); /* Scale to full size */ |
} |
.icon-fade-leave-from { |
opacity: 1; |
transform: scale(1); /* Start at full size */ |
} |
.icon-fade-leave-to { |
opacity: 0; |
transform: scale(0.5); /* Scale down and fade out */ |
} |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.form-meta-input { |
.nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
@apply pl-3 pr-4 !rounded-lg !text-sm border-1 border-gray-200 focus-within:border-brand-500; |
&:hover { |
@apply border-brand-400; |
} |
&:focus-within { |
@apply shadow-selected; |
} |
} |
&.nc-form-input-label .nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
@apply pt-2 pb-1 font-semibold text-gray-800; |
} |
&.nc-form-input-help-text .nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
@apply pt-1 text-gray-700; |
.ProseMirror { |
max-height: 7.5rem !important; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-form-after-submit-msg { |
.editable { |
.nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
&:hover { |
@apply border-brand-400; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-textarea-rich-editor { |
@apply pl-1 pr-2 pt-2 pb-1 !rounded-lg !text-sm border-1 border-gray-200 focus-within:border-brand-500; |
&:focus-within { |
@apply shadow-selected; |
} |
.ProseMirror { |
min-height: 5rem; |
max-height: 7.5rem !important; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-form-description { |
.nc-form-field-bubble-menu-wrapper { |
@apply -bottom-12; |
} |
} |