You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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// playwright-dev-page.ts
import { Locator, Page, expect } from "@playwright/test";
import BasePage from "../Base";
import { GridPage } from "./Grid";
import { ExpandedFormPage } from "./ExpandedForm";
import { TreeViewPage } from "./TreeView";
export class DashboardPage extends BasePage {
readonly project: any;
readonly tablesSideBar: Locator;
readonly tabBar: Locator;
readonly treeView: TreeViewPage;
readonly grid: GridPage;
readonly expandedForm: ExpandedFormPage;
constructor(rootPage: Page, project: any) {
this.project = project;
this.tablesSideBar = rootPage.locator(".nc-treeview-container");
this.tabBar = rootPage.locator(".nc-tab-bar");
this.treeView = new TreeViewPage(this, project);
this.grid = new GridPage(this);
this.expandedForm = new ExpandedFormPage(this);
get() {
return this.rootPage.locator('html');
async goto() {
await this.rootPage.goto(`/#/nc/${this.project.id}/auth`);
async gotoSettings() {
await this.rootPage.locator('[pw-data="nc-project-menu"]').click();
await this.rootPage
.locator('div.nc-project-menu-item:has-text(" Team & Settings")')
async verifyTableIsInTabBar({ title }: { title: string }) {
await this.tabBar
.then((text) => expect(text).toContain(title));