mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
249 lines
7.4 KiB
249 lines
7.4 KiB
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import { type ColumnType, UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import GroupIcon from '~icons/nc-icons/group' |
import { |
ActiveViewInj, |
IsLockedInj, |
MetaInj, |
computed, |
getSortDirectionOptions, |
inject, |
ref, |
useMenuCloseOnEsc, |
useNuxtApp, |
useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow, |
} from '#imports' |
const groupingUidt = [ |
UITypes.SingleSelect, |
UITypes.MultiSelect, |
UITypes.Checkbox, |
UITypes.Date, |
UITypes.SingleLineText, |
UITypes.Number, |
] |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref()) |
const isLocked = inject(IsLockedInj, ref(false)) |
const { gridViewCols, updateGridViewColumn } = useGridViewColumnOrThrow() |
const { $e } = useNuxtApp() |
const _groupBy = ref<{ fk_column_id?: string; sort: string; order: number }[]>([]) |
const groupBy = computed<{ fk_column_id?: string; sort: string; order: number }[]>(() => { |
const tempGroupBy: { fk_column_id?: string; sort: string; order: number }[] = [] |
Object.values(gridViewCols.value).forEach((col) => { |
if (col.group_by) { |
tempGroupBy.push({ |
fk_column_id: col.fk_column_id, |
sort: col.group_by_sort || 'asc', |
order: col.group_by_order || 1, |
}) |
} |
}) |
tempGroupBy.sort((a, b) => a.order - b.order) |
return tempGroupBy |
}) |
const groupedByColumnIds = computed(() => groupBy.value.map((g) => g.fk_column_id).filter((g) => g)) |
const { eventBus } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal() |
const fieldsToGroupBy = computed(() => { |
const fields = meta.value?.columns || [] |
return fields.filter((field) => { |
return groupingUidt.includes(field.uidt as UITypes) |
}) |
}) |
const columns = computed(() => meta.value?.columns || []) |
const columnByID = computed(() => |
columns.value.reduce((obj, col) => { |
obj[col.id!] = col |
return obj |
}, {} as Record<string, ColumnType>), |
) |
const getColumnUidtByID = (key?: string) => { |
if (!key) return '' |
return columnByID.value[key]?.uidt || '' |
} |
const open = ref(false) |
useMenuCloseOnEsc(open) |
const saveGroupBy = async () => { |
if (view.value?.id) { |
try { |
for (const gby of _groupBy.value) { |
if (!gby.fk_column_id) continue |
const col = gridViewCols.value[gby.fk_column_id] |
if (col && (!col.group_by || col.group_by_order !== gby.order || col.group_by_sort !== gby.sort)) { |
await updateGridViewColumn(gby.fk_column_id, { |
group_by: true, |
group_by_order: gby.order, |
group_by_sort: gby.sort, |
}) |
} |
} |
for (const gby of groupBy.value) { |
if (!gby.fk_column_id) continue |
if (_groupBy.value.find((g) => g.fk_column_id === gby.fk_column_id)) continue |
const col = gridViewCols.value[gby.fk_column_id] |
if (col && col.group_by) { |
await updateGridViewColumn(gby.fk_column_id, { |
group_by: false, |
group_by_order: undefined, |
group_by_sort: undefined, |
}) |
} |
} |
$e('a:group-by:update', { groupBy: groupBy.value }) |
eventBus.emit(SmartsheetStoreEvents.GROUP_BY_RELOAD) |
} catch (e) { |
message.error('There was an error while updating view!') |
} |
} else { |
message.error('View not found!!!') |
} |
} |
const addFieldToGroupBy = async () => { |
_groupBy.value.push({ fk_column_id: undefined, sort: 'asc', order: _groupBy.value.length + 1 }) |
} |
const removeFieldFromGroupBy = async (index: string | number) => { |
if (groupedByColumnIds.value.length === 0) { |
open.value = false |
return |
} |
_groupBy.value.splice(+index, 1) |
await saveGroupBy() |
if (_groupBy.value.length === 0) { |
addFieldToGroupBy() |
} |
} |
watch(open, () => { |
if (open.value) { |
_groupBy.value = [...groupBy.value] |
if (_groupBy.value.length === 0) { |
addFieldToGroupBy() |
} |
} |
}) |
</script> |
<template> |
<NcDropdown |
v-model:visible="open" |
offset-y |
:trigger="['click']" |
class="!xs:hidden" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-group-by-menu nc-toolbar-dropdown" |
> |
<div :class="{ 'nc-active-btn': groupedByColumnIds?.length }"> |
<a-button v-e="['c:group-by']" class="nc-group-by-menu-btn nc-toolbar-btn" :disabled="isLocked"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<GroupIcon class="h-4 w-4" /> |
<!-- Group By --> |
<span v-if="!isMobileMode" class="text-capitalize !text-sm font-medium">{{ $t('activity.groupBy') }}</span> |
<span v-if="groupedByColumnIds?.length" class="bg-brand-50 text-brand-500 py-1 px-2 text-md rounded-md">{{ |
groupedByColumnIds.length |
}}</span> |
</div> |
</a-button> |
</div> |
<template #overlay> |
<div |
:class="{ ' min-w-[400px]': _groupBy.length }" |
class="flex flex-col bg-white rounded-md overflow-auto menu-filter-dropdown max-h-[max(80vh,500px)] py-6 pl-6" |
data-testid="nc-group-by-menu" |
> |
<div class="group-by-grid pb-1 mb-2 max-h-100 nc-scrollbar-md pr-5" @click.stop> |
<template v-for="[i, group] of Object.entries(_groupBy)" :key="`grouped-by-${group.fk_column_id}`"> |
<LazySmartsheetToolbarFieldListAutoCompleteDropdown |
v-model="group.fk_column_id" |
class="caption nc-sort-field-select" |
:columns=" |
fieldsToGroupBy.filter((f) => (f.id && !groupedByColumnIds.includes(f.id)) || f.id === group.fk_column_id) |
" |
:allow-empty="true" |
@change="saveGroupBy" |
@click.stop |
/> |
<NcSelect |
ref="" |
v-model:value="group.sort" |
class="shrink grow-0 nc-sort-dir-select" |
:label="$t('labels.operation')" |
dropdown-class-name="sort-dir-dropdown nc-dropdown-sort-dir" |
:disabled="!group.fk_column_id" |
@change="saveGroupBy" |
@click.stop |
> |
<a-select-option |
v-for="(option, j) of getSortDirectionOptions(getColumnUidtByID(group.fk_column_id))" |
:key="j" |
:value="option.value" |
> |
<span>{{ option.text }}</span> |
</a-select-option> |
</NcSelect> |
<a-tooltip placement="right" title="Remove"> |
<NcButton |
v-e="['c:group-by:remove']" |
class="nc-group-by-item-remove-btn" |
size="small" |
type="text" |
@click.stop="removeFieldFromGroupBy(i)" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="delete" class="" /> |
</NcButton> |
</a-tooltip> |
</template> |
</div> |
<NcButton |
v-if="fieldsToGroupBy.length > _groupBy.length && _groupBy.length < 3" |
v-e="['c:group-by:add']" |
class="nc-add-group-btn" |
style="width: fit-content" |
size="small" |
type="text" |
:disabled="groupedByColumnIds.length < _groupBy.length" |
@click.stop="addFieldToGroupBy()" |
> |
<div class="flex gap-1 items-center" :class="{ 'text-brand-500': groupedByColumnIds.length >= _groupBy.length }"> |
<div class="flex"> |
{{ $t('activity.addSubGroup') }} |
</div> |
<GeneralIcon icon="plus" /> |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
</template> |
<style scoped> |
.group-by-grid { |
display: grid; |
grid-template-columns: auto 150px 22px; |
@apply gap-[12px]; |
} |