You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

68 lines
2.1 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useQRCode } from '@vueuse/integrations/useQRCode'
import { RowHeightInj } from '#imports'
const maxNumberOfAllowedCharsForQrValue = 2000
const cellValue = inject(CellValueInj)
const qrValue = computed(() => String(cellValue?.value))
const tooManyCharsForQrCode = computed(() => qrValue?.value.length > maxNumberOfAllowedCharsForQrValue)
const showQrCode = computed(() => qrValue?.value?.length > 0 && !tooManyCharsForQrCode.value)
const rowHeight = inject(RowHeightInj)
const qrCode = useQRCode(qrValue, {
width: 150,
const qrCodeLarge = useQRCode(qrValue, {
width: 600,
const modalVisible = ref(false)
const showQrModal = (ev: MouseEvent) => {
modalVisible.value = true
const handleModalOkClick = () => (modalVisible.value = false)
const { showEditNonEditableFieldWarning, showClearNonEditableFieldWarning } = useShowNotEditableWarning()
:class="{ active: modalVisible }"
:body-style="{ padding: '0px' }"
<template #footer>
<div class="mr-4" data-testid="nc-qr-code-large-value-label">{{ qrValue }}</div>
<img v-if="showQrCode" :src="qrCodeLarge" alt="QR Code" />
<div v-if="tooManyCharsForQrCode" class="text-left text-wrap mt-2 text-[#e65100] text-xs">
{{ $t('labels.qrCodeValueTooLong') }}
v-if="showQrCode && rowHeight"
:style="{ height: rowHeight ? `${rowHeight * 1.4}rem` : `1.4rem` }"
alt="QR Code"
<img v-else-if="showQrCode" class="mx-auto" :src="qrCode" alt="QR Code" @click="showQrModal" />
<div v-if="showEditNonEditableFieldWarning" class="text-left text-wrap mt-2 text-[#e65100] text-xs">
{{ $t('msg.warning.nonEditableFields.computedFieldUnableToClear') }}
<div v-if="showClearNonEditableFieldWarning" class="text-left text-wrap mt-2 text-[#e65100] text-xs">
{{ $t('msg.warning.nonEditableFields.qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged') }}