You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

103 lines
2.9 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { Ref } from 'vue'
import ItemChip from './components/ItemChip.vue'
import ListChildItems from './components/ListChildItems.vue'
import ListItems from './components/ListItems.vue'
import { computed, inject, ref, useProvideLTARStore, useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow } from '#imports'
import { CellValueInj, ColumnInj, IsFormInj, ReloadViewDataHookInj, RowInj } from '~/context'
const column = inject(ColumnInj)!
const cellValue = inject(CellValueInj)!
const row = inject(RowInj)!
const reloadTrigger = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj)!
const isForm = inject(IsFormInj)
const listItemsDlg = ref(false)
const childListDlg = ref(false)
const { state, isNew, removeLTARRef } = useSmartsheetRowStoreOrThrow()
const { loadRelatedTableMeta, relatedTablePrimaryValueProp, unlink } = useProvideLTARStore(
column as Ref<Required<ColumnType>>,
await loadRelatedTableMeta()
const localCellValue = computed(() => {
if (cellValue?.value) {
return cellValue?.value
} else if (isNew.value) {
return state?.value?.[column?.value.title as string]
return []
const cells = computed(() =>
localCellValue.value.reduce((acc: any[], curr: any) => {
if (!relatedTablePrimaryValueProp.value) return acc
const value = curr[relatedTablePrimaryValueProp.value]
if (!value) return acc
return [...acc, { value, item: curr }]
}, [] as any[]),
const unlinkRef = async (rec: Record<string, any>) => {
if (isNew.value) {
removeLTARRef(rec, column?.value as ColumnType)
} else {
await unlink(rec)
<div class="flex align-center items-center gap-1 w-full chips-wrapper">
<template v-if="!isForm">
<div class="chips flex align-center img-container flex-grow hm-items flex-nowrap min-w-0 overflow-hidden">
<template v-if="cells">
<ItemChip v-for="(cell, i) of cells" :key="i" :item="ch" :value="cell.value" @unlink="unlinkRef(cell.item)" />
<span v-if="cellValue?.length === 10" class="caption pointer ml-1 grey--text" @click="childListDlg = true"
<div class="flex-grow flex justify-end gap-1 min-h-[30px] align-center">
class="select-none transform text-sm nc-action-icon text-gray-500/50 hover:text-gray-500"
@click="childListDlg = true"
<MdiPlus class="select-none text-sm nc-action-icon text-gray-500/50 hover:text-gray-500" @click="listItemsDlg = true" />
<ListItems v-model="listItemsDlg" />
() => {
childListDlg = false
listItemsDlg = true
<style scoped>
.nc-action-icon {
@apply hidden cursor-pointer;
.chips-wrapper:hover .nc-action-icon {
@apply flex;