You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

162 lines
4.3 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
const props = defineProps<{
modelValue: any[]
interface Option {
value: string
const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits)
const headerList = ref<Option[]>([
{ value: 'A-IM' },
{ value: 'Accept' },
{ value: 'Accept-Charset' },
{ value: 'Accept-Encoding' },
{ value: 'Accept-Language' },
{ value: 'Accept-Datetime' },
{ value: 'Access-Control-Request-Method' },
{ value: 'Access-Control-Request-Headers' },
{ value: 'Authorization' },
{ value: 'Cache-Control' },
{ value: 'Connection' },
{ value: 'Content-Length' },
{ value: 'Content-Type' },
{ value: 'Cookie' },
{ value: 'Date' },
{ value: 'Expect' },
{ value: 'Forwarded' },
{ value: 'From' },
{ value: 'Host' },
{ value: 'If-Match' },
{ value: 'If-Modified-Since' },
{ value: 'If-None-Match' },
{ value: 'If-Range' },
{ value: 'If-Unmodified-Since' },
{ value: 'Max-Forwards' },
{ value: 'Origin' },
{ value: 'Pragma' },
{ value: 'Proxy-Authorization' },
{ value: 'Range' },
{ value: 'Referer' },
{ value: 'TE' },
{ value: 'User-Agent' },
{ value: 'Upgrade' },
{ value: 'Via' },
{ value: 'Warning' },
{ value: 'Non-standard headers' },
{ value: 'Dnt' },
{ value: 'X-Requested-With' },
{ value: 'X-CSRF-Token' },
const addHeaderRow = () => vModel.value.push({})
const deleteHeaderRow = (i: number) => vModel.value.splice(i, 1)
const filterOption = (input: string, option: Option) => option.value.toUpperCase().includes(input.toUpperCase())
<div class="flex flex-col py-3 gap-1.5 w-full">
<div v-for="(headerRow, idx) in vModel" :key="idx" class="flex relative items-center w-full">
<a-form-item class="form-item w-8">
<NcCheckbox v-model:checked="headerRow.enabled" size="large" class="nc-hook-header-checkbox" />
<a-form-item class="form-item w-3/6">
class="!rounded-l-lg !rounded-r-0 nc-input-hook-header-key hover:!border-x-0 !border-gray-200"
dropdown-class-name="border-1 border-gray-200"
<a-form-item class="form-item w-3/6">
class="nc-webhook-header-value-input !border-x-0 hover:!border-x-0 !border-gray-200 !rounded-none"
class="!rounded-l-none delete-btn !border-gray-200 !shadow-none"
:disabled="vModel.length === 1"
<component :is="iconMap.deleteListItem" />
<div class="mt-1.5">
<NcButton size="small" type="secondary" class="nc-btn-focus" @click="addHeaderRow">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-2">
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="flex-none" />
<div data-rec="true">{{ $t('general.add') }}</div>
<style scoped lang="scss">
.ant-input {
box-shadow: none !important;
&:hover {
@apply !hover:bg-gray-50;
.delete-btn:not([disabled]) {
@apply !text-gray-500;
:deep(.ant-input) {
@apply !placeholder-gray-500;
:deep(.ant-input.nc-webhook-header-value-input) {
@apply !border-x-0;
.ant-input-affix-wrapper {
@apply px-4 rounded-lg py-2 w-84 border-1 focus:border-brand-500 border-gray-200 !ring-0;
.nc-btn-focus:focus {
@apply !text-brand-500 !shadow-none;
:deep(.nc-input-hook-header-key.ant-select.ant-select-auto-complete) {
@apply !text-sm;
&.ant-select-focused {
.ant-select-selector {
@apply !shadow-none !border-gray-200;
:deep(.ant-select-selector) {
@apply !rounded-l-lg !rounded-r-none !border-gray-200;
.ant-select-selection-search .ant-select-selection-search-input::placeholder {
@apply !text-gray-500 !text-sm;
.ant-select-selector {
@apply !rounded-l-lg !rounded-r-none !border-gray-200;
.ant-select-selection-search-input {
@apply !text-sm ;
@apply !text-gray-500;