You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

172 lines
7.8 KiB

import { loginPage } from "../../support/page_objects/navigation"
import { mainPage } from "../../support/page_objects/mainPage"
import { roles } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"
import { isTestSuiteActive } from "../../support/page_objects/projectConstants"
const genTest = (type, xcdb) => {
if(!isTestSuiteActive(type, xcdb)) return;
describe(`Swagger API - Test preparation`, () => {
before(()=> {
loginPage.loginAndOpenProject('rest', false)
it("[REST] open project & record swagger URL, AuthToken", () => {
let authToken = mainPage.getAuthToken()
cy.url().then( (url) => {
// retrieve project name from URL & use it to construct Swagger URL
// URL on homepage: http://localhost:3000/#/nc/externalrest_weUO?type=roles&dbalias=&name=Team%20%26%20Auth%20
// Swagger URL: http://localhost:8080/nc/externalrest_weUO/db/swagger
const projectName = url.split("/")[5].split("?")[0];
let swaggerURL = `http://localhost:8080/nc/${projectName}/db/swagger`
// exchange information between two tests using a file
// https://stackoverflow.com/questions/52050657/what-is-the-best-practice-of-pass-states-between-tests-in-cypress
cy.writeFile("shared.json", {SWAGGER_URL: swaggerURL, AUTH_TOKEN: authToken})
describe(`Swagger page, base verification`, () => {
// returns swagger button intended for
const getSwaggerButton = (tag, idx, desc) => {
return cy.get(`#operations-tag-${tag}`).next().find('.opblock').eq(idx).find(`button:contains(${desc})`)
let Token
// basic authentication tag verification
it("Swagger URL access & basic validation", () => {
// retrieve information stored in previous IT block
cy.readFile("shared.json").then((jsonPayload) => {
let URL = jsonPayload.SWAGGER_URL
Token = jsonPayload.AUTH_TOKEN
// validate; API order assumed
cy.get('#operations-tag-Authentication').next().find('.opblock').should('has.length', 9)
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 0, "User login").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 1, "User signup").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 2, "Password Forgot").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 3, "Email validate link").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 4, "Validate password reset token").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 5, "Password reset").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 7, "Update user details").should('exist')
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 8, "Update user details").should('exist')
it("Authorize success: Valid token", ()=> {
// authorize button, feed token, click authorize
cy.get('[class="btn authorize unlocked"]').click()
cy.get('.auth-btn-wrapper > .authorize').click()
// Response: "Authorized" should exist on DOM
// Authorize button is LOCKED now
cy.get('[class="btn authorize locked"]').should('exist')
it("Execute Authentication (valid token case) > GET: User details API", ()=> {
// Auth> User details API
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
// "Try it out" button, followed by "Execute"
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
cy.get('.execute-wrapper > .btn').click()
// check response: validate email credentials
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains('email').should('exist')
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains(roles.owner.credentials.username).should('exist')
// reset operations (clear, cancel, windback User details tab)
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
it("Logout post authorization", ()=> {
// authorize button, logout
cy.get('[class="btn authorize locked"]').click()
cy.get('.auth-btn-wrapper > button:contains("Logout")').click()
// Authorize button is UNLOCKED now
cy.get('[class="btn authorize unlocked"]').should('exist')
it("Execute Authentication (logout case) > GET: User details API", ()=> {
// Auth> User details API
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
// "Try it out" button, followed by "Execute"
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
cy.get('.execute-wrapper > .btn').click()
// check response: email credentials shouldnt exist. should display 'guest:true'
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains('guest').should('exist')
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains('email').should('not.exist')
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains(roles.owner.credentials.username).should('not.exist')
// reset operations (clear, cancel, windback User details tab)
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
it("Authorize failure: invalid token", ()=> {
// authorize button, feed *invalid* token, click authorize
cy.get('[class="btn authorize unlocked"]').click()
cy.get('.auth-btn-wrapper > .authorize').click()
// Response: "Authorized" should *not* exist on DOM
// TBD: cy.get('.auth-container').contains('Authorized').should('not.exist')
// Authorize button should be UNLOCKED now
// TBD: cy.get('[class="btn authorize unlocked"]').should('exist')
it("Execute Authentication (invalid token case) > GET: User details API", ()=> {
// Auth> User details API
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
// "Try it out" button, followed by "Execute"
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
cy.get('.execute-wrapper > .btn').click()
// check response: email credentials shouldnt exist. should display 'guest:true'
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains('guest').should('exist')
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains('email').should('not.exist')
cy.get('.highlight-code > .microlight').contains(roles.owner.credentials.username).should('not.exist')
// reset operations (clear, cancel, windback User details tab)
cy.get('.try-out > .btn').click()
getSwaggerButton("Authentication", 6, "User details").click()
// clean-up created file (shared.json)
after(() => {
cy.exec("del shared.json").then(()=> {
cy.log("file cleaned up!")
genTest('rest', false)