You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import { RelationTypes, UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { ColumnType, LinkToAnotherRecordType, TableInfoType, TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
export const extractPkFromRow = (row: Record<string, any>, columns: ColumnType[]) => {
return (
row &&
?.filter((c) => c.pk)
.map((c) => row?.[c.title as string])
// a function to populate insert object and verify if all required fields are present
export async function populateInsertObject({
}: {
meta: TableType
ltarState: Record<string, any>
getMeta: (tableIdOrTitle: string, force?: boolean) => Promise<TableType | TableInfoType | null>
row: Record<string, any>
throwError?: boolean
}) {
const missingRequiredColumns = new Set()
const insertObj = await meta.columns?.reduce(async (_o: Promise<any>, col) => {
const o = await _o
// if column is BT relation then check if foreign key is not_null(required)
if (
ltarState &&
col.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord &&
(<LinkToAnotherRecordType>col.colOptions).type === RelationTypes.BELONGS_TO
) {
if (ltarState[col.title!]) {
const colOpt = <LinkToAnotherRecordType>col.colOptions
const childCol = meta.columns!.find((c) => colOpt.fk_child_column_id === c.id)
const relatedTableMeta = (await getMeta(colOpt.fk_related_model_id!)) as TableType
if (relatedTableMeta && childCol) {
o[childCol.title!] =
ltarState[col.title!][relatedTableMeta!.columns!.find((c) => c.id === colOpt.fk_parent_column_id)!.title!]
// check all the required columns are not null
if (isColumnRequiredAndNull(col, row)) {
if (!col.ai && row?.[col.title as string] !== null) {
o[col.title as string] = row?.[col.title as string]
return o
}, Promise.resolve({}))
if (throwError && missingRequiredColumns.size) {
throw new Error(`Missing required columns: ${[...missingRequiredColumns].join(', ')}`)
return { missingRequiredColumns, insertObj }