mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
394 lines
15 KiB
394 lines
15 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import tinycolor from 'tinycolor2' |
import dayjs from 'dayjs' |
import { UITypes, dateFormats, timeFormats } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import Table from './Table.vue' |
import GroupBy from './GroupBy.vue' |
import GroupByTable from './GroupByTable.vue' |
import GroupByLabel from './GroupByLabel.vue' |
import { GROUP_BY_VARS, computed, ref } from '#imports' |
import type { Group, Row } from '#imports' |
const props = defineProps<{ |
group: Group |
loadGroups: (params?: any, group?: Group) => Promise<void> |
loadGroupData: (group: Group, force?: boolean) => Promise<void> |
loadGroupPage: (group: Group, p: number) => Promise<void> |
groupWrapperChangePage: (page: number, groupWrapper?: Group) => Promise<void> |
redistributeRows?: (group?: Group) => void |
viewWidth?: number |
scrollLeft?: number |
fullPage?: boolean |
depth?: number |
maxDepth?: number |
rowHeight?: number |
expandForm?: (row: Row, state?: Record<string, any>, fromToolbar?: boolean) => void |
}>() |
const emits = defineEmits(['update:paginationData']) |
const vGroup = useVModel(props, 'group', emits) |
const { isViewDataLoading, isPaginationLoading } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
const reloadViewDataHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj, createEventHook()) |
const _depth = props.depth ?? 0 |
const wrapper = ref<HTMLElement | undefined>() |
const scrollable = ref<HTMLElement | undefined>() |
const tableHeader = ref<HTMLElement | undefined>() |
const fullPage = computed<boolean>(() => { |
return props.fullPage ?? (tableHeader.value?.offsetWidth ?? 0) > (props.viewWidth ?? 0) |
}) |
const _activeGroupKeys = ref<string[] | string>() |
const activeGroups = computed<string[]>(() => { |
if (!_activeGroupKeys.value) return [] |
if (Array.isArray(_activeGroupKeys.value)) { |
return _activeGroupKeys.value.map((k) => k.replace('group-panel-', '')) |
} else { |
return [_activeGroupKeys.value.replace('group-panel-', '')] |
} |
}) |
const oldActiveGroups = ref<string[]>([]) |
const findAndLoadSubGroup = (key: any) => { |
key = Array.isArray(key) ? key : [key] |
if (key.length > 0 && vGroup.value.children) { |
if (!oldActiveGroups.value.includes(key[key.length - 1])) { |
const k = key[key.length - 1].replace('group-panel-', '') |
const grp = vGroup.value.children[k] |
if (grp) { |
if (grp.nested) { |
if (!grp.children?.length) props.loadGroups({}, grp) |
} else { |
if (!grp.rows?.length) props.loadGroupData(grp) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
oldActiveGroups.value = key |
} |
const reloadViewDataHandler = () => { |
if (vGroup.value.nested) { |
props.loadGroups({}, vGroup.value) |
} else { |
props.loadGroupData(vGroup.value, true) |
} |
} |
onBeforeUnmount(async () => { |
reloadViewDataHook?.off(reloadViewDataHandler) |
}) |
reloadViewDataHook?.on(reloadViewDataHandler) |
watch( |
[() => vGroup.value.key], |
async (n, o) => { |
if (n !== o) { |
isViewDataLoading.value = true |
isPaginationLoading.value = true |
if (vGroup.value.nested) { |
await props.loadGroups({}, vGroup.value) |
} else { |
await props.loadGroupData(vGroup.value, true) |
} |
isViewDataLoading.value = false |
isPaginationLoading.value = false |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
if (vGroup.value.root === true) provide(ScrollParentInj, wrapper) |
const _scrollLeft = ref<number>() |
const scrollBump = computed<number>(() => { |
if (vGroup.value.root === true) { |
return _scrollLeft.value ?? 0 |
} else { |
if (props.scrollLeft && props.viewWidth && scrollable.value) { |
const scrollWidth = scrollable.value.scrollWidth + 12 + 12 |
if (props.scrollLeft + props.viewWidth > scrollWidth) { |
return scrollWidth - props.viewWidth |
} |
return Math.max(Math.min(scrollWidth - props.viewWidth, (props.scrollLeft ?? 0) - 12), 0) |
} |
return 0 |
} |
}) |
const onScroll = (e: Event) => { |
if (!vGroup.value.root) return |
_scrollLeft.value = (e.target as HTMLElement).scrollLeft |
} |
// a method to parse group key if grouped column type is LTAR or Lookup |
// in these 2 scenario it will return json array or `___` separated value |
const parseKey = (group: Group) => { |
let key = group.key.toString() |
// parse json array key if it's a lookup or link to another record |
if ((key && group.column?.uidt === UITypes.Lookup) || group.column?.uidt === UITypes.LinkToAnotherRecord) { |
try { |
key = JSON.parse(key) |
} catch { |
// if parsing try to split it by `___` (for sqlite) |
return key.split('___') |
} |
} |
// show the groupBy dateTime field title format as like cell format |
if (key && group.column?.uidt === UITypes.DateTime && dayjs(key).isValid()) { |
const dateFormat = parseProp(group.column?.meta)?.date_format ?? dateFormats[0] |
const timeFormat = parseProp(group.column?.meta)?.time_format ?? timeFormats[0] |
const dateTimeFormat = `${dateFormat} ${timeFormat}` |
return [dayjs(key).utc().local().format(dateTimeFormat)] |
} |
// show the groupBy time field title format as like cell format |
if (key && group.column?.uidt === UITypes.Time && dayjs(key).isValid()) { |
return [dayjs(key).format(timeFormats[0])] |
} |
return [key] |
} |
const shouldRenderCell = (column) => |
[UITypes.Lookup, UITypes.Attachment, UITypes.Barcode, UITypes.QrCode, UITypes.Links].includes(column?.uidt) |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="flex flex-col h-full w-full"> |
<div |
ref="wrapper" |
class="flex flex-col h-full w-full scrollbar-thin-dull overflow-auto" |
:style="`${!vGroup.root && vGroup.nested ? 'padding-left: 12px; padding-right: 12px;' : ''}`" |
@scroll="onScroll" |
> |
<div |
ref="scrollable" |
class="flex flex-col h-full" |
:class="{ 'my-2': vGroup.root !== true }" |
:style="`${vGroup.root === true ? 'width: fit-content' : 'width: 100%'}`" |
> |
<div v-if="vGroup.root === true" class="flex sticky top-0 z-5"> |
<div |
class="bumper mb-2" |
style="background-color: #f9f9fa; border-color: #e7e7e9; border-bottom-width: 1px" |
:style="{ 'padding-left': `${(maxDepth || 1) * 13}px` }" |
></div> |
<Table ref="tableHeader" class="mb-2" :data="[]" :header-only="true" /> |
</div> |
<div :class="{ 'px-[12px]': vGroup.root === true }"> |
<a-collapse |
v-model:activeKey="_activeGroupKeys" |
class="!bg-transparent w-full nc-group-wrapper" |
:bordered="false" |
destroy-inactive-panel |
@change="findAndLoadSubGroup" |
> |
<a-collapse-panel |
v-for="[i, grp] of Object.entries(vGroup?.children ?? [])" |
:key="`group-panel-${i}`" |
class="!border-1 nc-group rounded-[12px]" |
:class="{ 'mb-4': vGroup.children && +i !== vGroup.children.length - 1 }" |
:style="`background: rgb(${245 - _depth * 10}, ${245 - _depth * 10}, ${245 - _depth * 10})`" |
:show-arrow="false" |
> |
<template #header> |
<div class="flex !sticky left-[15px]"> |
<div class="flex items-center"> |
<span role="img" aria-label="right" class="anticon anticon-right ant-collapse-arrow"> |
<svg |
focusable="false" |
data-icon="right" |
width="1em" |
height="1em" |
fill="currentColor" |
aria-hidden="true" |
viewBox="64 64 896 896" |
:style="`${activeGroups.includes(i) ? 'transform: rotate(90deg)' : ''}`" |
> |
<path |
d="M765.7 486.8L314.9 134.7A7.97 7.97 0 00302 141v77.3c0 4.9 2.3 9.6 6.1 12.6l360 281.1-360 281.1c-3.9 3-6.1 7.7-6.1 12.6V883c0 6.7 7.7 10.4 12.9 6.3l450.8-352.1a31.96 31.96 0 000-50.4z" |
></path> |
</svg> |
</span> |
</div> |
<div class="flex items-center"> |
<div class="flex flex-col"> |
<div class="flex gap-2"> |
<div class="text-xs nc-group-column-title">{{ grp.column.title }}</div> |
<div class="text-xs text-gray-400 nc-group-row-count">({{ $t('datatype.Count') }}: {{ grp.count }})</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex mt-1"> |
<template v-if="grp.column.uidt === 'MultiSelect'"> |
<a-tag |
v-for="[tagIndex, tag] of Object.entries(grp.key.split(','))" |
:key="`panel-tag-${grp.column.id}-${tag}`" |
class="!py-0 !px-[12px] !rounded-[12px]" |
:color="grp.color.split(',')[+tagIndex]" |
> |
<span |
class="nc-group-value" |
:style="{ |
'color': tinycolor.isReadable(grp.color.split(',')[+tagIndex] || '#ccc', '#fff', { |
level: 'AA', |
size: 'large', |
}) |
? '#fff' |
: tinycolor |
.mostReadable(grp.color.split(',')[+tagIndex] || '#ccc', ['#0b1d05', '#fff']) |
.toHex8String(), |
'font-size': '14px', |
'font-weight': 500, |
}" |
> |
</span> |
</a-tag> |
</template> |
<div |
v-else-if="!(grp.key in GROUP_BY_VARS.VAR_TITLES) && shouldRenderCell(grp.column)" |
class="flex min-w-[100px] flex-wrap" |
> |
<template v-for="(val, ind) of parseKey(grp)" :key="ind"> |
<GroupByLabel v-if="val" :column="grp.column" :model-value="val" /> |
<span v-else class="text-gray-400">No mapped value</span> |
</template> |
</div> |
<a-tag |
v-else |
:key="`panel-tag-${grp.column.id}-${grp.key}`" |
class="!py-0 !px-[12px]" |
:class="`${grp.column.uidt === 'SingleSelect' ? '!rounded-[12px]' : '!rounded-[6px]'}`" |
:color="grp.color" |
> |
<span |
class="nc-group-value" |
:style="{ |
'color': tinycolor.isReadable(grp.color || '#ccc', '#fff', { |
level: 'AA', |
size: 'large', |
}) |
? '#fff' |
: tinycolor.mostReadable(grp.color || '#ccc', ['#0b1d05', '#fff']).toHex8String(), |
'font-size': '14px', |
'font-weight': 500, |
}" |
> |
<template v-if="grp.key in GROUP_BY_VARS.VAR_TITLES">{{ |
}}</template> |
<template v-else> |
{{ parseKey(grp)?.join(', ') }} |
</template> |
</span> |
</a-tag> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<GroupByTable |
v-if="!grp.nested && grp.rows" |
:group="grp" |
:load-groups="loadGroups" |
:load-group-data="loadGroupData" |
:load-group-page="loadGroupPage" |
:group-wrapper-change-page="groupWrapperChangePage" |
:row-height="rowHeight" |
:redistribute-rows="redistributeRows" |
:expand-form="expandForm" |
:pagination-fixed-size="fullPage ? props.viewWidth : undefined" |
:pagination-hide-sidebars="true" |
:scroll-left="props.scrollLeft || _scrollLeft" |
:view-width="viewWidth" |
:scrollable="scrollable" |
:full-page="fullPage" |
/> |
<GroupBy |
v-else |
:group="grp" |
:load-groups="loadGroups" |
:load-group-data="loadGroupData" |
:load-group-page="loadGroupPage" |
:group-wrapper-change-page="groupWrapperChangePage" |
:row-height="rowHeight" |
:redistribute-rows="redistributeRows" |
:expand-form="expandForm" |
:view-width="viewWidth" |
:depth="_depth + 1" |
:scroll-left="scrollBump" |
:full-page="fullPage" |
/> |
</a-collapse-panel> |
</a-collapse> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<LazySmartsheetPagination |
v-if="vGroup.root" |
v-model:pagination-data="vGroup.paginationData" |
align-count-on-right |
custom-label="groups" |
show-api-timing |
:change-page="(p: number) => groupWrapperChangePage(p, vGroup)" |
:style="`${props.depth && props.depth > 0 ? 'border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important;' : ''}`" |
></LazySmartsheetPagination> |
<LazySmartsheetPagination |
v-else |
v-model:pagination-data="vGroup.paginationData" |
align-count-on-right |
custom-label="groups" |
show-api-timing |
:change-page="(p: number) => groupWrapperChangePage(p, vGroup)" |
:hide-sidebars="true" |
:style="`${props.depth && props.depth > 0 ? 'border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important;' : ''}margin-left: ${scrollBump}px;`" |
:fixed-size="fullPage ? props.viewWidth : undefined" |
></LazySmartsheetPagination> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
:deep(.ant-collapse-content > .ant-collapse-content-box) { |
padding: 0px !important; |
border-radius: 0 0 12px 12px !important; |
} |
:deep(.ant-collapse-item > .ant-collapse-header) { |
border-radius: 12px !important; |
background: white; |
} |
:deep(.ant-collapse-item-active > .ant-collapse-header) { |
border-radius: 12px 12px 0 0 !important; |
background: white; |
border-bottom: solid 1px lightgray; |
} |
:deep(.ant-collapse-borderless > .ant-collapse-item:last-child) { |
border-radius: 12px !important; |
} |
:deep(.ant-collapse > .ant-collapse-item:last-child) { |
border-radius: 12px !important; |
} |