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Formulas Formulas 43 Usage Formulas

Available Formula Features


Name Syntax Sample Description
AVG AVG(value1, [value2,...]) AVG(Column1, Column1) Calculates the average of provided values and it requires minimum 1 argument
ADD ADD(value1, [value2,...]) ADD(Column1, Column1) Calculates the sum of provided values and requires a minimum of 1 argument
CONCAT CONCAT(value1, [value2,...]) CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) Outputs concatenated string of provided arguments
TRIM TRIM(value1) TRIM(Title) Removes trailing and leading whitespaces
UPPER UPPER(value1) UPPER(Title) Converts provided string arguments to upper case
LOWER LOWER(value1) LOWER(Title) Converts provided string arguments to lower case
LEN LEN(value) LEN(Title) Outputs provided arguments character length
MIN MIN(value1, [value2,...]) MIN(Column1, Column2, Column3) Outputs lowest value among provided arguments
MAX MAX(value1, [value2,...]) MAX(Column1, Column2, Column3) Outputs greatest value among provided arguments
CEILING CEILING(value1) CEILING(Column) Rounds a number up to the next largest integer value
FLOOR FLOOR(value1) FLOOR(Column) Outputs the largest integer which is less than or equal to the provided
ROUND ROUND(value1) ROUND(Column) Outputs the nearest integer to the provided value
MOD MOD(value1, value2) MOD(Column, 2) Outputs the remainder after integer division, it requires 2 arguments
REPEAT REPEAT(value1, count) REPEAT(Column, 2) Generate a specified number of copies of the string concatenated together
LOG LOG(value1, [base]) LOG(Column) Outputs logarithm of a value
EXP EXP(value1) EXP(Column) Outputs the exponential value of a number (e^x)
POWER POWER(base, exponent) POWER(Column, 3) Outputs the base to the exponent power, as in base^exponent
SQRT SQRT(value1) SQRT(Column) Outputs square root of the value
ABS ABS(value1) ABS(Column) Provides absolute value of the value
NOW NOW() NOW() Use to get current date time
REPLACE REPLACE(value1, old_str,new_str) REPLACE(Column, old_string, new_String) Replaces all occurrences of old_string with new_String and returns the new string
SEARCH SEARCH(value1, search_val) SEARCH(Column, 'str') Search for a string and returns the index of the string position
INT INT(value1) INT(Column) Converts the value to integer and returns
RIGHT RIGHT(value1, count) RIGHT(Column, 3) Extracts n characters from the ending of string
LEFT LEFT(value1, [value2,...]) LEFT(Column, 3) Extracts n characters from the sbeginning of string
SUBSTR SUBTR(value1, position, [count]) SUBSTR(Column, 3, 2) Extract substring from a string
MID SUBTR(value1, position, [count]) MID(Column, 3, 2) It's an alias for SUBSTR
IF MIN(expression, success_case, [else_case]) IF(Column > 1, Value1, Value2) If condition satisfies it return Value1 or it returns Value2
SWITCH MIN(expression, [pattern,value,..., default_value]) SWITCH(Column1, 1, 'One', 2, 'Two', '--') Based on pattern match it return corresponding values
AND AND(expression1, [expression2,...]) AND(Column > 2, Column < 10) Checks all conditions are satisfying
OR OR(expression1, [expression2,...]) OR(Column > 2, Column < 10) Checks at least one condition is satisfying

Numeric Operators

Operator Sample Description
+ column1 + column2 + 2 Addition of numeric values
- column1 - column2 Subtraction of numeric values
* column1 * column2 Multiplication of numeric values
- column1 / column2 Divide numeric values

Logical operators

Operator Sample Description
< column1 < column2 Less than
> column1 > column2 Greater than
<= column1 <= column2 Less than or equal to
>= column1 >= column2 Greater than or equal to
== column1 == column2 Equal to
!= column1 != column2 Not equal to