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659 lines
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659 lines
23 KiB
import type { ComputedRef, Ref } from 'vue' |
import type { |
Api, |
AttachmentType, |
ColumnType, |
KanbanType, |
SelectOptionType, |
SelectOptionsType, |
TableType, |
ViewType, |
} from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import type { Row } from '~/lib' |
import { |
IsPublicInj, |
SharedViewPasswordInj, |
deepCompare, |
enumColor, |
extractPkFromRow, |
extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, |
getHTMLEncodedText, |
inject, |
message, |
provide, |
ref, |
useApi, |
useFieldQuery, |
useGlobal, |
useI18n, |
useInjectionState, |
useNuxtApp, |
useProject, |
useSharedView, |
useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow, |
useUIPermission, |
} from '#imports' |
type GroupingFieldColOptionsType = SelectOptionType & { collapsed: boolean } |
const [useProvideKanbanViewStore, useKanbanViewStore] = useInjectionState( |
( |
meta: Ref<TableType | KanbanType | undefined>, |
viewMeta: Ref<ViewType | KanbanType | undefined> | ComputedRef<(ViewType & { id: string }) | undefined>, |
shared = false, |
) => { |
if (!meta) { |
throw new Error('Table meta is not available') |
} |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { api } = useApi() |
const { project } = useProject() |
const { $e, $api } = useNuxtApp() |
const { appInfo } = useGlobal() |
const { sorts, nestedFilters } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const { sharedView, fetchSharedViewData, fetchSharedViewGroupedData } = useSharedView() |
const { isUIAllowed } = useUIPermission() |
const isPublic = ref(shared) || inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const password = ref<string | null>(null) |
const { search } = useFieldQuery() |
const { sqlUis } = useProject() |
const sqlUi = ref(meta.value?.base_id ? sqlUis.value[meta.value?.base_id] : Object.values(sqlUis.value)[0]) |
const xWhere = computed(() => { |
let where |
const col = |
(meta.value as TableType)?.columns?.find(({ id }) => id === search.value.field) || |
(meta.value as TableType)?.columns?.find((v) => v.pv) |
if (!col) return |
if (!search.value.query.trim()) return |
if (['text', 'string'].includes(sqlUi.value.getAbstractType(col)) && col.dt !== 'bigint') { |
where = `(${col.title},like,%${search.value.query.trim()}%)` |
} else { |
where = `(${col.title},eq,${search.value.query.trim()})` |
} |
return where |
}) |
const attachmentColumns = computed(() => |
(meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[])?.filter((c) => c.uidt === UITypes.Attachment).map((c) => c.title), |
) |
provide(SharedViewPasswordInj, password) |
// kanban view meta data |
const kanbanMetaData = ref<KanbanType>({}) |
// grouping field column options - e.g. title, fk_column_id, color etc |
const groupingFieldColOptions = ref<GroupingFieldColOptionsType[]>([]) |
// formattedData structure |
// { |
// [val1] : [ |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// ... |
// ], |
// [val2] : [ |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// {row: {...}, oldRow: {...}, rowMeta: {...}}, |
// ... |
// ], |
// } |
const formattedData = ref<Map<string | null, Row[]>>(new Map<string | null, Row[]>()) |
// countByStack structure |
// { |
// "uncategorized": 0, |
// [val1]: 10, |
// [val2]: 20 |
// } |
const countByStack = ref<Map<string | null, number>>(new Map<string | null, number>()) |
// grouping field title |
const groupingField = ref<string>('') |
// grouping field column |
const groupingFieldColumn = ref<ColumnType | undefined>() |
// stack meta in object format |
const stackMetaObj = ref<Record<string, GroupingFieldColOptionsType[]>>({}) |
const shouldScrollToRight = ref(false) |
const formatData = (list: Record<string, any>[]) => |
list.map((row) => ({ |
row: { ...row }, |
oldRow: { ...row }, |
rowMeta: {}, |
})) |
async function getAttachmentUrl(item: AttachmentType) { |
const path = item?.path |
// if path doesn't exist, use `item.url` |
if (path) { |
// try ${appInfo.value.ncSiteUrl}/${item.path} first |
const url = `${appInfo.value.ncSiteUrl}/${item.path}` |
try { |
const res = await fetch(url) |
if (res.ok) { |
// use `url` if it is accessible |
return Promise.resolve(url) |
} |
} catch { |
// for some cases, `url` is not accessible as expected |
// do nothing here |
} |
} |
// if it fails, use the original url |
return Promise.resolve(item.url) |
} |
async function loadKanbanData() { |
if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta?.value?.id || !groupingFieldColumn?.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) |
return |
// reset formattedData & countByStack to avoid storing previous data after changing grouping field |
formattedData.value = new Map<string | null, Row[]>() |
countByStack.value = new Map<string | null, number>() |
let groupData |
if (isPublic.value) { |
groupData = await fetchSharedViewGroupedData(groupingFieldColumn!.value!.id!, { |
sortsArr: sorts.value, |
filtersArr: nestedFilters.value, |
}) |
} else { |
groupData = await api.dbViewRow.groupedDataList( |
'noco', |
project.value.id!, |
meta.value!.id!, |
viewMeta.value!.id!, |
groupingFieldColumn!.value!.id!, |
{ where: xWhere.value }, |
{}, |
) |
} |
for (const data of groupData) { |
const records = [] |
const key = data.key |
// TODO: optimize |
// reconstruct the url |
// See /packages/nocodb/src/lib/version-upgrader/ncAttachmentUpgrader.ts for the details |
for (const record of data.value.list) { |
for (const attachmentColumn of attachmentColumns.value) { |
const oldAttachment = JSON.parse(record[attachmentColumn!]) |
const newAttachment = [] |
for (const attachmentObj of oldAttachment) { |
newAttachment.push({ |
...attachmentObj, |
url: await getAttachmentUrl(attachmentObj), |
}) |
} |
record[attachmentColumn!] = newAttachment |
} |
records.push(record) |
} |
formattedData.value.set(key, formatData(records)) |
countByStack.value.set(key, data.value.pageInfo.totalRows || 0) |
} |
} |
async function loadMoreKanbanData(stackTitle: string, params: Parameters<Api<any>['dbViewRow']['list']>[4] = {}) { |
if ((!project?.value?.id || !meta.value?.id || !viewMeta.value?.id) && !isPublic.value) return |
let where = `(${groupingField.value},eq,${stackTitle})` |
if (stackTitle === null) { |
where = `(${groupingField.value},is,null)` |
} |
const response = !isPublic.value |
? await api.dbViewRow.list('noco', project.value.id!, meta.value!.id!, viewMeta.value!.id!, { |
...{ where: xWhere.value }, |
...params, |
...(isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(sorts.value) }), |
...(isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(nestedFilters.value) }), |
where, |
}) |
: await fetchSharedViewData({ sortsArr: sorts.value, filtersArr: nestedFilters.value, offset: params.offset }) |
formattedData.value.set(stackTitle, [...formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)!, ...formatData(response.list)]) |
} |
async function loadKanbanMeta() { |
if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !meta?.value?.columns) return |
kanbanMetaData.value = isPublic.value |
? (sharedView.value?.view as KanbanType) |
: await $api.dbView.kanbanRead(viewMeta.value.id) |
// set groupingField |
groupingFieldColumn.value = !isPublic.value |
? (meta.value.columns as ColumnType[]).filter((f) => f.id === kanbanMetaData.value.fk_grp_col_id)[0] || {} |
: ((typeof sharedView.value?.meta === 'string' ? JSON.parse(sharedView.value?.meta) : sharedView.value?.meta) |
.groupingFieldColumn! as ColumnType) |
groupingField.value = groupingFieldColumn.value.title! |
const { fk_grp_col_id, meta: stack_meta } = kanbanMetaData.value |
stackMetaObj.value = stack_meta ? JSON.parse(stack_meta as string) : {} |
if (stackMetaObj.value && fk_grp_col_id && stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id]) { |
// keep the existing order (index of the array) but update the values done outside kanban |
let isChanged = false |
let hasNewOptionsAdded = false |
for (const option of (groupingFieldColumn.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType)?.options ?? []) { |
const idx = stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id].findIndex((ele) => ele.id === option.id) |
if (idx !== -1) { |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars |
const { collapsed, ...rest } = stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id][idx] |
if (!deepCompare(rest, option)) { |
// update the option in stackMetaObj |
stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id][idx] = { |
...stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id][idx], |
...option, |
} |
// rename the key in formattedData & countByStack |
if (option.title !== rest.title) { |
// option.title is new key |
// rest.title is old key |
formattedData.value.set(option.title!, formattedData.value.get(rest.title!)!) |
countByStack.value.set(option.title!, countByStack.value.get(rest.title!)!) |
// update grouping field value under the edited stack |
await bulkUpdateGroupingFieldValue(option.title!) |
} |
isChanged = true |
} |
} else { |
// new option found - add to stackMetaObj |
stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id].push({ |
...option, |
collapsed: false, |
}) |
formattedData.value.set(option.title!, []) |
countByStack.value.set(option.title!, 0) |
isChanged = true |
hasNewOptionsAdded = true |
} |
} |
// handle deleted options |
const columnOptionIds = (groupingFieldColumn.value?.colOptions as SelectOptionsType)?.options.map(({ id }) => id) |
const cols = stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id].filter(({ id }) => id !== 'uncategorized' && !columnOptionIds.includes(id)) |
for (const col of cols) { |
const idx = stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id].map((ele: Record<string, any>) => ele.id).indexOf(col.id) |
if (idx !== -1) { |
stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id].splice(idx, 1) |
// there are two cases |
// 1. delete option from Add / Edit Stack in kanban view |
// 2. delete option from grid view, then switch to kanban view |
// for the second case, formattedData.value and countByStack.value would be empty at this moment |
// however, the data will be correct after rendering |
if (formattedData.value.size && countByStack.value.size && formattedData.value.has(col.title!)) { |
// for the first case, no reload is executed. |
// hence, we set groupingField to null for all records under the target stack |
await bulkUpdateGroupingFieldValue(col.title!, true) |
// merge the to-be-deleted stack to uncategorized stack |
formattedData.value.set(null, [...(formattedData.value.get(null) || []), ...formattedData.value.get(col.title!)!]) |
// update the record count |
countByStack.value.set(null, (countByStack.value.get(null) || 0) + (countByStack.value.get(col.title!) || 0)) |
} |
isChanged = true |
} |
} |
groupingFieldColOptions.value = stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id] |
if (isChanged) { |
await updateKanbanStackMeta() |
if (hasNewOptionsAdded) { |
shouldScrollToRight.value = true |
} |
} |
} else { |
// build stack meta |
groupingFieldColOptions.value = [ |
...((groupingFieldColumn.value?.colOptions as SelectOptionsType & { collapsed: boolean })?.options ?? []), |
// enrich uncategorized stack |
{ id: 'uncategorized', title: null, order: 0, color: enumColor.light[2] } as any, |
] |
// sort by initial order |
.sort((a, b) => a.order! - b.order!) |
// enrich `collapsed` |
.map((ele) => ({ |
...ele, |
collapsed: false, |
})) |
await updateKanbanStackMeta() |
} |
} |
async function updateKanbanStackMeta() { |
const { fk_grp_col_id } = kanbanMetaData.value |
if (fk_grp_col_id) { |
stackMetaObj.value[fk_grp_col_id] = groupingFieldColOptions.value |
await updateKanbanMeta({ |
meta: stackMetaObj.value, |
}) |
} |
} |
async function updateKanbanMeta(updateObj: Partial<KanbanType>) { |
if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable')) return |
await $api.dbView.kanbanUpdate(viewMeta.value.id, { |
...kanbanMetaData.value, |
...updateObj, |
}) |
} |
async function insertRow(row: Record<string, any>, rowIndex = formattedData.value.get(null)!.length) { |
try { |
const insertObj = (meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]).reduce((o: Record<string, any>, col) => { |
if (!col.ai && row?.[col.title as string] !== null) { |
o[col.title!] = row?.[col.title as string] |
} |
return o |
}, {}) |
const insertedData = await $api.dbViewRow.create( |
project?.value.id as string, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
viewMeta?.value?.id as string, |
insertObj, |
) |
formattedData.value.get(null)?.splice(rowIndex ?? 0, 1, { |
row: insertedData, |
rowMeta: {}, |
oldRow: { ...insertedData }, |
}) |
return insertedData |
} catch (error: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(error)) |
} |
} |
async function updateRowProperty(toUpdate: Row, property: string) { |
try { |
const id = extractPkFromRow(toUpdate.row, meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
const updatedRowData = await $api.dbViewRow.update( |
project?.value.id as string, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
viewMeta?.value?.id as string, |
id, |
{ |
[property]: toUpdate.row[property], |
}, |
// todo: |
// { |
// query: { ignoreWebhook: !saved } |
// } |
) |
// audit |
$api.utils.auditRowUpdate(id, { |
fk_model_id: meta.value?.id as string, |
column_name: property, |
row_id: id, |
value: getHTMLEncodedText(toUpdate.row[property]), |
prev_value: getHTMLEncodedText(toUpdate.oldRow[property]), |
}) |
/** update row data(to sync formula and other related columns) */ |
Object.assign(toUpdate.row, updatedRowData) |
Object.assign(toUpdate.oldRow, updatedRowData) |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(`${t('msg.error.rowUpdateFailed')} ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) |
} |
} |
async function updateOrSaveRow(row: Row) { |
if (row.rowMeta.new) { |
await insertRow(row.row, formattedData.value.get(row.row.title!)!.indexOf(row)) |
} else { |
await updateRowProperty(row, groupingField.value) |
} |
} |
async function bulkUpdateGroupingFieldValue(stackTitle: string, moveToUncategorizedStack = false) { |
try { |
// set groupingField to target value for all records under the target stack |
// if isTargetValueNull is true, then it means the cards under stackTitle will move to Uncategorized stack |
const groupingFieldVal = moveToUncategorizedStack ? null : stackTitle |
await api.dbTableRow.bulkUpdateAll( |
'noco', |
project.value.id!, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
{ |
[groupingField.value]: groupingFieldVal, |
}, |
{ |
where: `(${groupingField.value},eq,${stackTitle})`, |
}, |
) |
if (formattedData.value.has(stackTitle)) { |
// update to groupingField value to target value |
formattedData.value.set( |
stackTitle, |
formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)!.map((o) => ({ |
...o, |
row: { |
...o.row, |
[groupingField.value]: groupingFieldVal, |
}, |
oldRow: { |
...o.oldRow, |
[groupingField.value]: o.row[groupingField.value], |
}, |
})), |
) |
} |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
async function deleteStack(stackTitle: string, stackIdx: number) { |
if (!viewMeta?.value?.id || !groupingFieldColumn.value) return |
try { |
// set groupingField to null for all records under the target stack |
await bulkUpdateGroupingFieldValue(stackTitle, true) |
// merge the to-be-deleted stack to uncategorized stack |
formattedData.value.set(null, [...formattedData.value.get(null)!, ...formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)!]) |
countByStack.value.set(null, (countByStack.value.get(null) || 0) + (countByStack.value.get(stackTitle) || 0)) |
// clear state for the to-be-deleted stack |
formattedData.value.delete(stackTitle) |
countByStack.value.delete(stackTitle) |
// delete the stack, i.e. grouping field value |
const newOptions = (groupingFieldColumn.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType).options.filter( |
(o) => o.title !== stackTitle, |
) |
;(groupingFieldColumn.value.colOptions as SelectOptionsType).options = newOptions |
await api.dbTableColumn.update(groupingFieldColumn.value.id!, { |
...groupingFieldColumn.value, |
colOptions: { |
options: newOptions, |
}, |
} as any) |
// update kanban stack meta |
groupingFieldColOptions.value.splice(stackIdx, 1) |
stackMetaObj.value[kanbanMetaData.value.fk_grp_col_id!] = groupingFieldColOptions.value |
await updateKanbanStackMeta() |
$e('a:kanban:delete-stack') |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
function addEmptyRow(addAfter = formattedData.value.get(null)!.length) { |
formattedData.value.get(null)!.splice(addAfter, 0, { |
row: {}, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}) |
return formattedData.value.get(null)![addAfter] |
} |
function addOrEditStackRow(row: Row, isNewRow: boolean) { |
const stackTitle = row.row[groupingField.value] |
const oldStackTitle = row.oldRow[groupingField.value] |
if (isNewRow) { |
// add a new record |
if (stackTitle) { |
// push the row to target stack |
formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)!.push(row) |
// increase the current count in the target stack by 1 |
countByStack.value.set(stackTitle, countByStack.value.get(stackTitle)! + 1) |
// clear the one under uncategorized since we don't reload the view |
removeRowFromUncategorizedStack() |
} else { |
// data will be still in Uncategorized stack |
// no action is required |
} |
} else { |
// update existing record |
const targetPrimaryKey = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta!.value!.columns as ColumnType[]) |
const idxToUpdateOrDelete = formattedData.value |
.get(oldStackTitle)! |
.findIndex((ele) => extractPkFromRow(ele.row, meta!.value!.columns as ColumnType[]) === targetPrimaryKey) |
if (idxToUpdateOrDelete !== -1) { |
if (stackTitle !== oldStackTitle) { |
// remove old row from countByStack & formattedData |
countByStack.value.set(oldStackTitle, countByStack.value.get(oldStackTitle)! - 1) |
const updatedRow = formattedData.value.get(oldStackTitle)! |
updatedRow.splice(idxToUpdateOrDelete, 1) |
formattedData.value.set(oldStackTitle, updatedRow) |
// add new row to countByStack & formattedData |
countByStack.value.set(stackTitle, countByStack.value.get(stackTitle)! + 1) |
formattedData.value.set(stackTitle, [...formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)!, row]) |
} else { |
// update the row in formattedData |
const updatedRow = formattedData.value.get(stackTitle)! |
updatedRow[idxToUpdateOrDelete] = row |
formattedData.value.set(oldStackTitle, updatedRow) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
function removeRowFromTargetStack(row: Row) { |
// primary key of Row to be deleted |
const targetPrimaryKey = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta!.value!.columns as ColumnType[]) |
// stack title of Row to be deleted |
const stackTitle = row.row[groupingField.value] |
// remove target row from formattedData |
formattedData.value.set( |
stackTitle, |
formattedData.value |
.get(stackTitle)! |
.filter((ele) => extractPkFromRow(ele.row, meta!.value!.columns as ColumnType[]) !== targetPrimaryKey), |
) |
// decrease countByStack of target stack by 1 |
countByStack.value.set(stackTitle, countByStack.value.get(stackTitle)! - 1) |
} |
function removeRowFromUncategorizedStack() { |
// remove the last record |
formattedData.value.get(null)!.pop() |
// decrease total count by 1 |
countByStack.value.set(null, countByStack.value.get(null)! - 1) |
} |
async function deleteRow(row: Row) { |
try { |
if (!row.rowMeta.new) { |
const id = (meta?.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
?.filter((c) => c.pk) |
.map((c) => row.row[c.title!]) |
.join('___') |
const deleted = await deleteRowById(id as string) |
if (!deleted) { |
return |
} |
} |
// remove deleted row from state |
removeRowFromTargetStack(row) |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(`${t('msg.error.deleteRowFailed')}: ${await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)}`) |
} |
} |
async function deleteRowById(id: string) { |
if (!id) { |
throw new Error("Delete not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key") |
} |
const res: any = await $api.dbViewRow.delete( |
'noco', |
project.value.id as string, |
meta.value?.id as string, |
viewMeta.value?.id as string, |
id, |
) |
if (res.message) { |
message.info( |
`Row delete failed: ${`Unable to delete row with ID ${id} because of the following: |
\n${res.message.join('\n')}.\n |
Clear the data first & try again`})}`, |
) |
return false |
} |
return true |
} |
return { |
loadKanbanData, |
loadMoreKanbanData, |
loadKanbanMeta, |
updateKanbanMeta, |
kanbanMetaData, |
formattedData, |
countByStack, |
groupingField, |
groupingFieldColOptions, |
groupingFieldColumn, |
updateOrSaveRow, |
addEmptyRow, |
addOrEditStackRow, |
deleteStack, |
updateKanbanStackMeta, |
removeRowFromUncategorizedStack, |
shouldScrollToRight, |
deleteRow, |
} |
}, |
'kanban-view-store', |
) |
export { useProvideKanbanViewStore } |
export function useKanbanViewStoreOrThrow() { |
const kanbanViewStore = useKanbanViewStore() |
if (kanbanViewStore == null) throw new Error('Please call `useProvideKanbanViewStore` on the appropriate parent component') |
return kanbanViewStore |