mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
2105 lines
68 KiB
2105 lines
68 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import axios from 'axios' |
import { nextTick } from '@vue/runtime-core' |
import type { ColumnReqType, ColumnType, PaginatedType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { UITypes, ViewTypes, isLinksOrLTAR, isSystemColumn, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { useColumnDrag } from './useColumnDrag' |
import usePaginationShortcuts from './usePaginationShortcuts' |
import { |
ActiveViewInj, |
CellUrlDisableOverlayInj, |
FieldsInj, |
IsGroupByInj, |
IsLockedInj, |
JsonExpandInj, |
MetaInj, |
NavigateDir, |
ReadonlyInj, |
computed, |
enumColor, |
extractPkFromRow, |
iconMap, |
inject, |
isColumnRequiredAndNull, |
isDrawerOrModalExist, |
isEeUI, |
isMac, |
message, |
onClickOutside, |
onMounted, |
provide, |
ref, |
useEventListener, |
useI18n, |
useMultiSelect, |
useNuxtApp, |
usePaste, |
useRoles, |
useRoute, |
useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow, |
useUndoRedo, |
useViewColumnsOrThrow, |
useViewsStore, |
watch, |
} from '#imports' |
import type { CellRange, Row } from '#imports' |
const props = defineProps<{ |
data: Row[] |
paginationData?: PaginatedType |
loadData?: () => Promise<void> |
changePage?: (page: number) => void |
callAddEmptyRow?: (addAfter?: number) => Row | undefined |
deleteRow?: (rowIndex: number, undo?: boolean) => Promise<void> |
updateOrSaveRow?: ( |
row: Row, |
property?: string, |
ltarState?: Record<string, any>, |
args?: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType }, |
) => Promise<any> |
selectedAllRecords?: boolean |
deleteRangeOfRows?: (cellRange: CellRange) => Promise<void> |
rowHeight?: number |
expandForm?: (row: Row, state?: Record<string, any>, fromToolbar?: boolean) => void |
deleteSelectedRows?: () => Promise<void> |
removeRowIfNew?: (row: Row) => void |
bulkUpdateRows?: ( |
rows: Row[], |
props: string[], |
metas?: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType }, |
undo?: boolean, |
) => Promise<void> |
headerOnly?: boolean |
hideHeader?: boolean |
pagination?: { |
fixedSize?: number |
hideSidebars?: boolean |
extraStyle?: string |
} |
disableSkeleton?: boolean |
}>() |
const emits = defineEmits(['update:selectedAllRecords', 'bulkUpdateDlg', 'toggleOptimisedQuery']) |
const vSelectedAllRecords = useVModel(props, 'selectedAllRecords', emits) |
const paginationDataRef = toRef(props, 'paginationData') |
const dataRef = toRef(props, 'data') |
const paginationStyleRef = toRef(props, 'pagination') |
const { |
loadData, |
changePage, |
callAddEmptyRow, |
updateOrSaveRow, |
deleteRow, |
expandForm, |
deleteSelectedRows, |
deleteRangeOfRows, |
removeRowIfNew, |
bulkUpdateRows, |
headerOnly, |
hideHeader, |
disableSkeleton, |
} = props |
// #Injections |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref()) |
const fields = inject(FieldsInj, ref([])) |
const readOnly = inject(ReadonlyInj, ref(false)) |
const isLocked = inject(IsLockedInj, ref(false)) |
const isPublicView = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const isGroupBy = inject(IsGroupByInj, ref(false)) |
const route = useRoute() |
const reloadViewDataHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj, createEventHook()) |
const openNewRecordFormHook = inject(OpenNewRecordFormHookInj, createEventHook()) |
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal() |
const scrollParent = inject(ScrollParentInj, ref<undefined>()) |
const { isPkAvail, isSqlView, eventBus } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const { isViewDataLoading, isPaginationLoading } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
const { $e } = useNuxtApp() |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { getMeta } = useMetas() |
const { addUndo, clone, defineViewScope } = useUndoRedo() |
const { |
isViewColumnsLoading: _isViewColumnsLoading, |
updateGridViewColumn, |
gridViewCols, |
resizingColOldWith, |
} = useViewColumnsOrThrow() |
const { isExpandedFormCommentMode } = storeToRefs(useConfigStore()) |
const { |
predictingNextColumn, |
predictedNextColumn, |
predictingNextFormulas, |
predictedNextFormulas, |
predictNextColumn: _predictNextColumn, |
predictNextFormulas: _predictNextFormulas, |
} = useNocoEe().table |
const predictNextColumn = async () => { |
await _predictNextColumn(meta) |
} |
const predictNextFormulas = async () => { |
await _predictNextFormulas(meta) |
} |
const { paste } = usePaste() |
// #Refs |
const rowRefs = ref<any[]>() |
const smartTable = ref(null) |
const gridWrapper = ref<HTMLElement>() |
const tableHeadEl = ref<HTMLElement>() |
const tableBodyEl = ref<HTMLElement>() |
const fillHandle = ref<HTMLElement>() |
const gridRect = useElementBounding(gridWrapper) |
const isViewColumnsLoading = computed(() => _isViewColumnsLoading.value || !meta.value) |
// #Permissions |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() |
const hasEditPermission = computed(() => isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) |
const isAddingColumnAllowed = computed(() => !readOnly.value && !isLocked.value && isUIAllowed('fieldAdd') && !isSqlView.value) |
const { onDrag, onDragStart, draggedCol, dragColPlaceholderDomRef, toBeDroppedColId } = useColumnDrag({ |
fields, |
tableBodyEl, |
gridWrapper, |
}) |
const { onLeft, onRight, onUp, onDown } = usePaginationShortcuts({ |
paginationDataRef, |
changePage: changePage as any, |
}) |
// #Variables |
const addColumnDropdown = ref(false) |
const altModifier = ref(false) |
const persistMenu = ref(false) |
const disableUrlOverlay = ref(false) |
const preloadColumn = ref<any>() |
const scrolling = ref(false) |
const isAddNewRecordGridMode = ref(true) |
const switchingTab = ref(false) |
const isView = false |
const columnOrder = ref<Pick<ColumnReqType, 'column_order'> | null>(null) |
const editEnabled = ref(false) |
// #Context Menu |
const _contextMenu = ref(false) |
const contextMenu = computed({ |
get: () => _contextMenu.value, |
set: (val) => { |
_contextMenu.value = val |
}, |
}) |
const contextMenuClosing = ref(false) |
const contextMenuTarget = ref<{ row: number; col: number } | null>(null) |
const showContextMenu = (e: MouseEvent, target?: { row: number; col: number }) => { |
if (isSqlView.value) return |
e.preventDefault() |
if (target) { |
contextMenuTarget.value = target |
} |
} |
const isJsonExpand = ref(false) |
provide(JsonExpandInj, isJsonExpand) |
// #Cell - 1 |
async function clearCell(ctx: { row: number; col: number } | null, skipUpdate = false) { |
if (!ctx || !hasEditPermission.value || (!isLinksOrLTAR(fields.value[ctx.col]) && isVirtualCol(fields.value[ctx.col]))) return |
if (fields.value[ctx.col]?.uidt === UITypes.Links) { |
return message.info(t('msg.linkColumnClearNotSupportedYet')) |
} |
const rowObj = dataRef.value[ctx.row] |
const columnObj = fields.value[ctx.col] |
if (isVirtualCol(columnObj)) { |
addUndo({ |
undo: { |
fn: async (ctx: { row: number; col: number }, col: ColumnType, row: Row, pg: PaginatedType) => { |
if (paginationDataRef.value?.pageSize === pg.pageSize) { |
if (paginationDataRef.value?.page !== pg.page) { |
await changePage?.(pg.page!) |
} |
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
const rowObj = dataRef.value[ctx.row] |
const columnObj = fields.value[ctx.col] |
if ( |
columnObj.title && |
rowId === extractPkFromRow(rowObj.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) && |
columnObj.id === col.id |
) { |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = row.row[columnObj.title] |
if (rowRefs.value) { |
await rowRefs.value[ctx.row]!.addLTARRef(rowObj.row[columnObj.title], columnObj) |
await rowRefs.value[ctx.row]!.syncLTARRefs(rowObj.row) |
} |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define |
activeCell.col = ctx.col |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define |
activeCell.row = ctx.row |
scrollToCell?.() |
} else { |
throw new Error(t('msg.recordCouldNotBeFound')) |
} |
} else { |
throw new Error(t('msg.pageSizeChanged')) |
} |
}, |
args: [clone(ctx), clone(columnObj), clone(rowObj), clone(paginationDataRef.value)], |
}, |
redo: { |
fn: async (ctx: { row: number; col: number }, col: ColumnType, row: Row, pg: PaginatedType) => { |
if (paginationDataRef.value?.pageSize === pg.pageSize) { |
if (paginationDataRef.value?.page !== pg.page) { |
await changePage?.(pg.page!) |
} |
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
const rowObj = dataRef.value[ctx.row] |
const columnObj = fields.value[ctx.col] |
if (rowId === extractPkFromRow(rowObj.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) && columnObj.id === col.id) { |
if (rowRefs.value) { |
await rowRefs.value[ctx.row]!.clearLTARCell(columnObj) |
} |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define |
activeCell.col = ctx.col |
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-use-before-define |
activeCell.row = ctx.row |
scrollToCell?.() |
} else { |
throw new Error(t('msg.recordCouldNotBeFound')) |
} |
} else { |
throw new Error(t('msg.pageSizeChanged')) |
} |
}, |
args: [clone(ctx), clone(columnObj), clone(rowObj), clone(paginationDataRef.value)], |
}, |
scope: defineViewScope({ view: view.value }), |
}) |
if (rowRefs.value) await rowRefs.value[ctx.row]!.clearLTARCell(columnObj) |
return |
} |
if (columnObj.title) { |
// handle Checkbox and rating fields in a special way |
switch (columnObj.uidt) { |
case UITypes.Checkbox: |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = false |
break |
case UITypes.Rating: |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = 0 |
break |
default: |
rowObj.row[columnObj.title] = null |
break |
} |
} |
if (!skipUpdate) { |
// update/save cell value |
await updateOrSaveRow?.(rowObj, columnObj.title) |
} |
} |
function makeEditable(row: Row, col: ColumnType) { |
if (!hasEditPermission.value || editEnabled.value || isView || readOnly.value || isSystemColumn(col)) { |
return |
} |
if (!isPkAvail.value && !row.rowMeta.new) { |
// Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key |
message.info(t('msg.info.updateNotAllowedWithoutPK')) |
return |
} |
if (col.ai) { |
// Auto Increment field is not editable |
message.info(t('msg.info.autoIncFieldNotEditable')) |
return |
} |
if (col.pk && !row.rowMeta.new) { |
// Editing primary key not supported |
message.info(t('msg.info.editingPKnotSupported')) |
return |
} |
if ([UITypes.SingleSelect, UITypes.MultiSelect].includes(col.uidt as UITypes)) { |
return |
} |
return (editEnabled.value = true) |
} |
// #Computed |
const isAddingEmptyRowAllowed = computed(() => !isView && hasEditPermission.value && !isSqlView.value && !isPublicView.value) |
const visibleColLength = computed(() => fields.value?.length) |
const gridWrapperClass = computed<string>(() => { |
const classes = [] |
if (headerOnly !== true) { |
if (!scrollParent.value) { |
classes.push('nc-scrollbar-x-lg !overflow-auto') |
} |
} else { |
classes.push('overflow-visible') |
} |
if (isViewDataLoading.value) { |
classes.push('!overflow-hidden') |
} |
return classes.join(' ') |
}) |
const dummyColumnDataForLoading = computed(() => { |
let length = fields.value?.length ?? 40 |
length = length || 40 |
return Array.from({ length: length + 1 }).map(() => ({})) |
}) |
const dummyRowDataForLoading = computed(() => { |
return Array.from({ length: 40 }).map(() => ({})) |
}) |
const showSkeleton = computed( |
() => |
(disableSkeleton !== true && (isViewDataLoading.value || isPaginationLoading.value || isViewColumnsLoading.value)) || |
!meta.value, |
) |
// #Grid |
function openColumnCreate(data: any) { |
tableHeadEl.value?.querySelector('th:last-child')?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) |
setTimeout(() => { |
addColumnDropdown.value = true |
preloadColumn.value = data |
}, 500) |
} |
const closeAddColumnDropdown = (scrollToLastCol = false) => { |
columnOrder.value = null |
addColumnDropdown.value = false |
preloadColumn.value = {} |
if (scrollToLastCol) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
const lastAddNewRowHeader = |
tableHeadEl.value?.querySelector('.nc-grid-add-edit-column') ?? tableHeadEl.value?.querySelector('th:last-child') |
if (lastAddNewRowHeader) { |
lastAddNewRowHeader.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }) |
} |
}, 200) |
} |
} |
async function openNewRecordHandler() { |
const newRow = addEmptyRow() |
if (newRow) expandForm?.(newRow, undefined, true) |
} |
const onDraftRecordClick = () => { |
openNewRecordFormHook.trigger() |
} |
const onNewRecordToGridClick = () => { |
isAddNewRecordGridMode.value = true |
addEmptyRow() |
} |
const onNewRecordToFormClick = () => { |
isAddNewRecordGridMode.value = false |
onDraftRecordClick() |
} |
const getContainerScrollForElement = ( |
el: HTMLElement, |
container: HTMLElement, |
offset?: { |
top?: number |
bottom?: number |
left?: number |
right?: number |
}, |
) => { |
const childPos = el.getBoundingClientRect() |
const parentPos = container.getBoundingClientRect() |
// provide an extra offset to show the prev/next/up/bottom cell |
const extraOffset = 15 |
const numColWidth = container.querySelector('thead th:nth-child(1)')?.getBoundingClientRect().width ?? 0 |
const primaryColWidth = container.querySelector('thead th:nth-child(2)')?.getBoundingClientRect().width ?? 0 |
const stickyColsWidth = numColWidth + primaryColWidth |
const relativePos = { |
top: childPos.top - parentPos.top, |
right: childPos.right - parentPos.right, |
bottom: childPos.bottom - parentPos.bottom, |
left: childPos.left - parentPos.left - stickyColsWidth, |
} |
const scroll = { |
top: 0, |
left: 0, |
} |
/* |
* If the element is to the right of the container, scroll right (positive) |
* If the element is to the left of the container, scroll left (negative) |
*/ |
scroll.left = |
relativePos.right + (offset?.right || 0) > 0 |
? container.scrollLeft + relativePos.right + (offset?.right || 0) + extraOffset |
: relativePos.left - (offset?.left || 0) < 0 |
? container.scrollLeft + relativePos.left - (offset?.left || 0) - extraOffset |
: container.scrollLeft |
/* |
* If the element is below the container, scroll down (positive) |
* If the element is above the container, scroll up (negative) |
*/ |
scroll.top = |
relativePos.bottom + (offset?.bottom || 0) > 0 |
? container.scrollTop + relativePos.bottom + (offset?.bottom || 0) + extraOffset |
: relativePos.top - (offset?.top || 0) < 0 |
? container.scrollTop + relativePos.top - (offset?.top || 0) - extraOffset |
: container.scrollTop |
return scroll |
} |
const { |
isCellSelected, |
activeCell, |
handleMouseDown, |
handleMouseOver, |
handleCellClick: _handleCellClick, |
clearSelectedRange, |
copyValue, |
isCellActive, |
resetSelectedRange, |
makeActive, |
selectedRange, |
isCellInFillRange, |
isFillMode, |
} = useMultiSelect( |
meta, |
fields, |
dataRef, |
editEnabled, |
isPkAvail, |
contextMenu, |
clearCell, |
clearSelectedRangeOfCells, |
makeEditable, |
scrollToCell, |
(e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
// ignore navigating if picker(Date, Time, DateTime, Year) |
// or single/multi select options is open |
const activePickerOrDropdownEl = document.querySelector( |
'.nc-picker-datetime.active,.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell.active,.nc-dropdown-multi-select-cell.active,.nc-picker-date.active,.nc-picker-year.active,.nc-picker-time.active', |
) |
if (activePickerOrDropdownEl) { |
e.preventDefault() |
return true |
} |
if (isExpandedCellInputExist()) return |
// skip keyboard event handling if there is a drawer / modal |
if (isDrawerOrModalExist()) { |
return true |
} |
const cmdOrCtrl = isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey |
const altOrOptionKey = e.altKey |
if (e.key === ' ') { |
const isRichModalOpen = isExpandedCellInputExist() |
if (isCellActive.value && !editEnabled.value && hasEditPermission.value && activeCell.row !== null && !isRichModalOpen) { |
e.preventDefault() |
const row = dataRef.value[activeCell.row] |
expandForm?.(row) |
return true |
} |
} else if (e.key === 'Escape') { |
if (editEnabled.value) { |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
} |
} else if (e.key === 'Enter') { |
if (e.shiftKey) { |
// add a line break for types like LongText / JSON |
return true |
} |
if (editEnabled.value) { |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
} |
} |
if (cmdOrCtrl) { |
if (!isCellActive.value) return |
// cmdOrCtrl+shift handled in useMultiSelect |
if (e.shiftKey) return |
switch (e.key) { |
case 'ArrowUp': |
e.preventDefault() |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = 0 |
activeCell.col = activeCell.col ?? 0 |
scrollToCell?.() |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
case 'ArrowDown': |
e.preventDefault() |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = dataRef.value.length - 1 |
activeCell.col = activeCell.col ?? 0 |
scrollToCell?.() |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
case 'ArrowRight': |
e.preventDefault() |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = activeCell.row ?? 0 |
activeCell.col = fields.value?.length - 1 |
scrollToCell?.() |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
case 'ArrowLeft': |
e.preventDefault() |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = activeCell.row ?? 0 |
activeCell.col = 0 |
scrollToCell?.() |
editEnabled.value = false |
return true |
} |
} |
if (altOrOptionKey) { |
switch (e.keyCode) { |
case 82: { |
// ALT + R |
if (isAddingEmptyRowAllowed.value) { |
$e('c:shortcut', { key: 'ALT + R' }) |
addEmptyRow() |
activeCell.row = dataRef.value.length - 1 |
activeCell.col = 0 |
resetSelectedRange() |
nextTick(() => { |
;(document.querySelector('td.cell.active') as HTMLInputElement | HTMLTextAreaElement)?.scrollIntoView({ |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}) |
}) |
} |
break |
} |
case 67: { |
// ALT + C |
if (isAddingColumnAllowed.value) { |
$e('c:shortcut', { key: 'ALT + C' }) |
addColumnDropdown.value = true |
} |
break |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
async (ctx: { row: number; col?: number; updatedColumnTitle?: string }) => { |
const rowObj = dataRef.value[ctx.row] |
const columnObj = ctx.col !== undefined ? fields.value[ctx.col] : null |
if (!rowObj || !columnObj) { |
return |
} |
if (!ctx.updatedColumnTitle && isVirtualCol(columnObj)) { |
return |
} |
// See DateTimePicker.vue for details |
dataRef.value[ctx.row].rowMeta.isUpdatedFromCopyNPaste = { |
...dataRef.value[ctx.row].rowMeta.isUpdatedFromCopyNPaste, |
[(ctx.updatedColumnTitle || columnObj.title) as string]: true, |
} |
// update/save cell value |
await updateOrSaveRow?.(rowObj, ctx.updatedColumnTitle || columnObj.title) |
}, |
bulkUpdateRows, |
fillHandle, |
) |
function scrollToRow(row?: number) { |
clearSelectedRange() |
makeActive(row ?? dataRef.value.length - 1, 0) |
selectedRange.startRange({ row: activeCell.row!, col: activeCell.col! }) |
scrollToCell?.() |
} |
function addEmptyRow(row?: number) { |
const rowObj = callAddEmptyRow?.(row) |
nextTick().then(() => { |
scrollToRow(row ?? dataRef.value.length - 1) |
}) |
return rowObj |
} |
const confirmDeleteRow = (row: number) => { |
try { |
deleteRow?.(row) |
if (selectedRange.isRowInRange(row)) { |
clearSelectedRange() |
} |
if (activeCell.row === row) { |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
} |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(e.message) |
} |
} |
const commentRow = (rowId: number) => { |
try { |
isExpandedFormCommentMode.value = true |
const row = dataRef.value[rowId] |
if (expandForm) { |
expandForm(row) |
} |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
selectedRange.clear() |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(e.message) |
} |
} |
const deleteSelectedRangeOfRows = () => { |
deleteRangeOfRows?.(selectedRange).then(() => { |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
}) |
} |
const selectColumn = (columnId: string) => { |
const colIndex = fields.value.findIndex((col) => col.id === columnId) |
if (colIndex !== -1) { |
makeActive(0, colIndex) |
selectedRange.startRange({ row: 0, col: colIndex }) |
selectedRange.endRange({ row: dataRef.value.length - 1, col: colIndex }) |
} |
} |
/** On clicking outside of table reset active cell */ |
onClickOutside(tableBodyEl, (e) => { |
// do nothing if mousedown on the scrollbar (scrolling) |
if (scrolling.value) { |
return |
} |
// do nothing if context menu was open |
if (contextMenu.value) return |
if (activeCell.row === null || activeCell.col === null) return |
const isRichModalOpen = isExpandedCellInputExist() |
if (isRichModalOpen) return |
const activeCol = fields.value[activeCell.col] |
if (editEnabled.value && (isVirtualCol(activeCol) || activeCol.uidt === UITypes.JSON)) return |
// skip if fill mode is active |
if (isFillMode.value) return |
// ignore unselecting if clicked inside or on the picker(Date, Time, DateTime, Year) |
// or single/multi select options |
const activePickerOrDropdownEl = document.querySelector( |
'.nc-picker-datetime.active,.nc-dropdown-single-select-cell.active,.nc-dropdown-multi-select-cell.active,.nc-picker-date.active,.nc-picker-year.active,.nc-picker-time.active', |
) |
if ( |
e.target && |
activePickerOrDropdownEl && |
(activePickerOrDropdownEl === e.target || activePickerOrDropdownEl?.contains(e.target as Element)) |
) |
return |
// skip if drawer / modal is active |
if (isDrawerOrModalExist()) { |
return |
} |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
}) |
const onNavigate = (dir: NavigateDir) => { |
if (activeCell.row === null || activeCell.col === null) return |
editEnabled.value = false |
clearSelectedRange() |
switch (dir) { |
case NavigateDir.NEXT: |
if (activeCell.row < dataRef.value.length - 1) { |
activeCell.row++ |
} else { |
addEmptyRow() |
activeCell.row++ |
} |
break |
case NavigateDir.PREV: |
if (activeCell.row > 0) { |
activeCell.row-- |
} |
break |
} |
nextTick(() => { |
scrollToCell() |
}) |
} |
// #Cell - 2 |
async function clearSelectedRangeOfCells() { |
if (!hasEditPermission.value) return |
const start = selectedRange.start |
const end = selectedRange.end |
const startRow = Math.min(start.row, end.row) |
const endRow = Math.max(start.row, end.row) |
const startCol = Math.min(start.col, end.col) |
const endCol = Math.max(start.col, end.col) |
const cols = fields.value.slice(startCol, endCol + 1) |
const rows = dataRef.value.slice(startRow, endRow + 1) |
const props = [] |
for (const row of rows) { |
for (const col of cols) { |
if (!row || !col || !col.title) continue |
// TODO handle LinkToAnotherRecord |
if (isVirtualCol(col)) continue |
row.row[col.title] = null |
props.push(col.title) |
} |
} |
await bulkUpdateRows?.(rows, props) |
} |
const scrollWrapper = computed(() => scrollParent.value || gridWrapper.value) |
function scrollToCell(row?: number | null, col?: number | null) { |
row = row ?? activeCell.row |
col = col ?? activeCell.col |
if (row !== null && col !== null) { |
// get active cell |
const rows = tableBodyEl.value?.querySelectorAll('tr') |
const cols = rows?.[row]?.querySelectorAll('td') |
const td = cols?.[col === 0 ? 0 : col + 1] |
if (!td || !scrollWrapper.value) return |
const { height: headerHeight } = tableHeadEl.value!.getBoundingClientRect() |
const tdScroll = getContainerScrollForElement(td, scrollWrapper.value, { top: headerHeight || 40, bottom: 9, right: 9 }) |
// if first column set left to 0 since it's sticky it will be visible and calculated value will be wrong |
// setting left to 0 will make it scroll to the left |
if (col === 0) { |
tdScroll.left = 0 |
} |
if (rows && row === rows.length - 2) { |
// if last row make 'Add New Row' visible |
const lastRow = rows[rows.length - 1] || rows[rows.length - 2] |
const lastRowScroll = getContainerScrollForElement(lastRow, scrollWrapper.value, { |
top: headerHeight || 40, |
bottom: 9, |
right: 9, |
}) |
scrollWrapper.value.scrollTo({ |
top: lastRowScroll.top, |
left: |
cols && col === cols.length - 2 // if corner cell |
? scrollWrapper.value.scrollWidth |
: tdScroll.left, |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}) |
return |
} |
if (cols && col === cols.length - 2) { |
// if last column make 'Add New Column' visible |
scrollWrapper.value.scrollTo({ |
top: tdScroll.top, |
left: scrollWrapper.value.scrollWidth, |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}) |
return |
} |
// scroll into the active cell |
scrollWrapper.value.scrollTo({ |
top: tdScroll.top, |
left: tdScroll.left, |
behavior: 'smooth', |
}) |
} |
} |
const saveOrUpdateRecords = async (args: { metaValue?: TableType; viewMetaValue?: ViewType; data?: any } = {}) => { |
let index = -1 |
for (const currentRow of args.data || dataRef.value) { |
index++ |
/** if new record save row and save the LTAR cells */ |
if (currentRow.rowMeta.new) { |
const syncLTARRefs = rowRefs.value?.[index]?.syncLTARRefs |
const savedRow = await updateOrSaveRow?.(currentRow, '', {}, args) |
await syncLTARRefs?.(savedRow, args) |
currentRow.rowMeta.changed = false |
continue |
} |
/** if existing row check updated cell and invoke update method */ |
if (currentRow.rowMeta.changed) { |
currentRow.rowMeta.changed = false |
for (const field of (args.metaValue || meta.value)?.columns ?? []) { |
// `url` would be enriched in attachment during listing |
// hence it would consider as a change while it is not necessary to update |
if (isVirtualCol(field) || field.uidt === UITypes.Attachment) continue |
if (field.title! in currentRow.row && currentRow.row[field.title!] !== currentRow.oldRow[field.title!]) { |
await updateOrSaveRow?.(currentRow, field.title!, {}, args) |
} |
} |
} |
} |
} |
// #Grid Resize |
const onresize = (colID: string | undefined, event: any) => { |
if (!colID) return |
updateGridViewColumn(colID, { width: event.detail }) |
} |
const onXcResizing = (cn: string | undefined, event: any) => { |
if (!cn) return |
gridViewCols.value[cn].width = `${event.detail}` |
} |
const onXcStartResizing = (cn: string | undefined, event: any) => { |
if (!cn) return |
resizingColOldWith.value = event.detail |
} |
const loadColumn = (title: string, tp: string, colOptions?: any) => { |
preloadColumn.value = { |
title, |
uidt: tp, |
colOptions, |
} |
persistMenu.value = false |
} |
// #Fill Handle |
const fillHandleTop = ref() |
const fillHandleLeft = ref() |
const refreshFillHandle = () => { |
nextTick(() => { |
const cellRef = document.querySelector('.last-cell') |
if (cellRef) { |
const cellRect = cellRef.getBoundingClientRect() |
if (!cellRect || !gridWrapper.value) return |
fillHandleTop.value = cellRect.top + cellRect.height - gridRect.top.value + gridWrapper.value.scrollTop |
fillHandleLeft.value = cellRect.left + cellRect.width - gridRect.left.value + gridWrapper.value.scrollLeft |
} |
}) |
} |
const showFillHandle = computed( |
() => |
!readOnly.value && |
!editEnabled.value && |
(!selectedRange.isEmpty() || (activeCell.row !== null && activeCell.col !== null)) && |
!dataRef.value[(isNaN(selectedRange.end.row) ? activeCell.row : selectedRange.end.row) ?? -1]?.rowMeta?.new, |
) |
watch( |
[() => selectedRange.end.row, () => selectedRange.end.col, () => activeCell.row, () => activeCell.col], |
([sr, sc, ar, ac], [osr, osc, oar, oac]) => { |
if (sr !== osr || sc !== osc || ar !== oar || ac !== oac) { |
refreshFillHandle() |
} |
}, |
) |
onMounted(() => { |
const resizeObserver = new ResizeObserver(() => { |
refreshFillHandle() |
if (activeCell.row !== null && !dataRef.value?.[activeCell.row]) { |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
} |
}) |
if (smartTable.value) resizeObserver.observe(smartTable.value) |
}) |
// #Listeners |
eventBus.on(async (event, payload) => { |
if (event === SmartsheetStoreEvents.FIELD_ADD) { |
columnOrder.value = payload |
addColumnDropdown.value = true |
} |
if (event === SmartsheetStoreEvents.CLEAR_NEW_ROW) { |
const removed = removeRowIfNew?.(payload) |
if (removed) { |
clearSelectedRange() |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
} |
} |
}) |
async function reloadViewDataHandler(_shouldShowLoading: boolean | void) { |
isViewDataLoading.value = true |
if (predictedNextColumn.value?.length) { |
const fieldsAvailable = meta.value?.columns?.map((c) => c.title) |
predictedNextColumn.value = predictedNextColumn.value.filter((c) => !fieldsAvailable?.includes(c.title)) |
} |
// save any unsaved data before reload |
await saveOrUpdateRecords() |
await loadData?.() |
isViewDataLoading.value = false |
} |
useEventListener(scrollWrapper, 'scroll', () => { |
refreshFillHandle() |
}) |
useEventListener(document, 'mousedown', (e) => { |
if (e.offsetX > (e.target as HTMLElement)?.clientWidth || e.offsetY > (e.target as HTMLElement)?.clientHeight) { |
scrolling.value = true |
} |
}) |
useEventListener(document, 'mouseup', () => { |
// wait for click event to finish before setting scrolling to false |
setTimeout(() => { |
scrolling.value = false |
}, 100) |
}) |
/** handle keypress events */ |
useEventListener(document, 'keydown', async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
const isRichModalOpen = isExpandedCellInputExist() |
if (e.key === 'Alt' && !isRichModalOpen) { |
altModifier.value = true |
} |
}) |
/** handle keypress events */ |
useEventListener(document, 'keyup', async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
const isRichModalOpen = isExpandedCellInputExist() |
if (e.key === 'Alt' && !isRichModalOpen) { |
altModifier.value = false |
disableUrlOverlay.value = false |
} |
}) |
useEventListener(document, 'keydown', async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
const cmdOrCtrl = isMac() ? e.metaKey : e.ctrlKey |
if (e.altKey && !e.shiftKey && !cmdOrCtrl) { |
switch (e.keyCode) { |
case 78: { |
// ALT + N |
if (isAddingEmptyRowAllowed.value) { |
addEmptyRow() |
} |
break |
} |
} |
} |
}) |
onBeforeUnmount(async () => { |
/** save/update records before unmounting the component */ |
const viewMetaValue = view.value |
const dataValue = dataRef.value |
if (viewMetaValue) { |
getMeta(viewMetaValue.fk_model_id, false, true).then((res) => { |
const metaValue = res |
if (!metaValue) return |
saveOrUpdateRecords({ |
metaValue, |
viewMetaValue, |
data: dataValue, |
}) |
}) |
} |
// reset hooks |
reloadViewDataHook?.off(reloadViewDataHandler) |
openNewRecordFormHook?.off(openNewRecordHandler) |
}) |
reloadViewDataHook?.on(reloadViewDataHandler) |
openNewRecordFormHook?.on(openNewRecordHandler) |
// #Watchers |
// reset context menu target on hide |
watch(contextMenu, () => { |
if (!contextMenu.value) { |
contextMenuClosing.value = true |
contextMenuTarget.value = null |
} else { |
contextMenuClosing.value = false |
} |
}) |
watch( |
() => route.params.viewId, |
() => { |
isViewDataLoading.value = true |
}, |
) |
watch( |
view, |
async (next, old) => { |
try { |
if (next && next.id !== old?.id && (next.fk_model_id === route.params.viewId || isPublicView.value)) { |
switchingTab.value = true |
// whenever tab changes or view changes save any unsaved data |
if (old?.id) { |
const oldMeta = await getMeta(old.fk_model_id!, false, true) |
if (oldMeta) { |
await saveOrUpdateRecords({ |
viewMetaValue: old, |
metaValue: oldMeta as TableType, |
data: dataRef.value, |
}) |
} |
} |
isViewDataLoading.value = true |
try { |
await loadData?.() |
} catch (e) { |
if (!axios.isCancel(e)) { |
console.log(e) |
message.error(t('msg.errorLoadingData')) |
} |
} finally { |
isViewDataLoading.value = false |
} |
} |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
} finally { |
switchingTab.value = false |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
// #Providers |
provide(CellUrlDisableOverlayInj, disableUrlOverlay) |
// #Expose |
defineExpose({ |
scrollToRow, |
openColumnCreate, |
}) |
// when expand is clicked the drawer should open |
// and cell should loose focs |
const expandAndLooseFocus = (row: Row, col: Record<string, any>) => { |
if (expandForm) { |
expandForm(row, col) |
} |
activeCell.row = null |
activeCell.col = null |
selectedRange.clear() |
} |
const handleCellClick = (event: MouseEvent, row: number, col: number) => { |
const rowData = dataRef.value[row] |
if (isMobileMode.value) { |
return expandAndLooseFocus(rowData, fields.value[col]) |
} |
_handleCellClick(event, row, col) |
} |
const loaderText = computed(() => { |
if (isPaginationLoading.value) { |
if (paginationDataRef.value?.totalRows && paginationDataRef.value?.pageSize) { |
return `Loading page<br/>${paginationDataRef.value.page} of ${Math.ceil( |
paginationDataRef.value?.totalRows / paginationDataRef.value?.pageSize, |
)}` |
} else { |
return t('general.loading') |
} |
} |
}) |
// Keyboard shortcuts for pagination |
onKeyStroke('ArrowLeft', onLeft) |
onKeyStroke('ArrowRight', onRight) |
onKeyStroke('ArrowUp', onUp) |
onKeyStroke('ArrowDown', onDown) |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="flex flex-col" :class="`${headerOnly !== true ? 'h-full w-full' : ''}`"> |
<div data-testid="drag-icon-placeholder" class="absolute w-1 h-1 pointer-events-none opacity-0"></div> |
<div |
ref="dragColPlaceholderDomRef" |
:class="{ |
'hidden w-0 !h-0 left-0 !max-h-0 !max-w-0': !draggedCol, |
}" |
class="absolute flex items-center z-40 top-0 h-full bg-gray-50 pointer-events-none opacity-60" |
> |
<div |
v-if="draggedCol" |
:style="{ |
'min-width': gridViewCols[draggedCol.id!]?.width || '200px', |
'max-width': gridViewCols[draggedCol.id!]?.width || '200px', |
'width': gridViewCols[draggedCol.id!]?.width || '200px', |
}" |
class="border-r-1 border-l-1 border-gray-200 h-full" |
></div> |
</div> |
<div ref="gridWrapper" class="nc-grid-wrapper min-h-0 flex-1 relative" :class="gridWrapperClass"> |
<div v-show="isPaginationLoading" class="flex items-center justify-center absolute l-0 t-0 w-full h-full z-10 pb-10"> |
<div class="flex flex-col justify-center gap-2"> |
<GeneralLoader size="xlarge" /> |
<span class="text-center" v-html="loaderText"></span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<NcDropdown |
v-model:visible="contextMenu" |
:trigger="isSqlView ? [] : ['contextmenu']" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-grid-context-menu" |
> |
<div class="table-overlay" :class="{ 'nc-grid-skeleton-loader': showSkeleton }"> |
<table |
ref="smartTable" |
class="xc-row-table nc-grid backgroundColorDefault !h-auto bg-white relative" |
:class="{ |
'mobile': isMobileMode, |
'desktop': !isMobileMode, |
'pr-60 pb-12': !headerOnly, |
}" |
@contextmenu="showContextMenu" |
> |
<thead v-show="hideHeader !== true" ref="tableHeadEl"> |
<tr v-if="isViewColumnsLoading"> |
<td |
v-for="(col, colIndex) of dummyColumnDataForLoading" |
:key="colIndex" |
class="!bg-gray-50 h-full border-b-1 border-r-1" |
:class="{ 'min-w-50': colIndex !== 0, 'min-w-21.25': colIndex === 0 }" |
> |
<a-skeleton |
:active="true" |
:title="true" |
:paragraph="false" |
class="ml-2 -mt-2" |
:class="{ 'max-w-32': colIndex !== 0, 'max-w-5 !ml-3.5': colIndex === 0 }" |
/> |
</td> |
</tr> |
<tr v-show="!isViewColumnsLoading" class="nc-grid-header"> |
<th class="w-[85px] min-w-[85px]" data-testid="grid-id-column" @dblclick="() => {}"> |
<div class="w-full h-full flex pl-5 pr-1 items-center" data-testid="nc-check-all"> |
<template v-if="!readOnly"> |
<div class="nc-no-label text-gray-500" :class="{ hidden: vSelectedAllRecords }">#</div> |
<div |
:class="{ hidden: !vSelectedAllRecords, flex: vSelectedAllRecords }" |
class="nc-check-all w-full items-center" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="vSelectedAllRecords" /> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<div class="text-gray-500">#</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-for="(col, index) in fields" |
:key="col.title" |
v-xc-ver-resize |
:data-col="col.id" |
:data-title="col.title" |
:style="{ |
'min-width': gridViewCols[col.id]?.width || '200px', |
'max-width': gridViewCols[col.id]?.width || '200px', |
'width': gridViewCols[col.id]?.width || '200px', |
}" |
class="nc-grid-column-header" |
:class="{ |
'!border-r-blue-400 !border-r-3': toBeDroppedColId === col.id, |
}" |
@xcstartresizing="onXcStartResizing(col.id, $event)" |
@xcresize="onresize(col.id, $event)" |
@xcresizing="onXcResizing(col.id, $event)" |
@click="selectColumn(col.id!)" |
> |
<div |
class="w-full h-full flex items-center" |
:draggable="isMobileMode || index === 0 || readOnly || !hasEditPermission ? 'false' : 'true'" |
@dragstart.stop="onDragStart(col.id!, $event)" |
@drag.stop="onDrag($event)" |
> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
:column="col" |
:hide-menu="readOnly || isMobileMode" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderCell v-else :column="col" :hide-menu="readOnly || isMobileMode" /> |
</div> |
</th> |
<th |
v-if="isAddingColumnAllowed" |
v-e="['c:column:add']" |
class="cursor-pointer !border-0 relative !xs:hidden" |
:style="{ |
borderWidth: '0px !important', |
}" |
@click.stop="addColumnDropdown = true" |
> |
<div class="absolute top-0 left-0 h-10.25 border-b-1 border-r-1 border-gray-200 nc-grid-add-edit-column group"> |
<a-dropdown |
v-model:visible="addColumnDropdown" |
:trigger="['click']" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-grid-add-column" |
@visible-change="persistMenu = altModifier" |
> |
<div class="h-full w-[60px] flex items-center justify-center"> |
<GeneralIcon v-if="isEeUI && (altModifier || persistMenu)" icon="magic" class="text-sm text-orange-400" /> |
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="text-base nc-column-add text-gray-500 !group-hover:text-black" /> |
</div> |
<template v-if="isEeUI && persistMenu" #overlay> |
<NcMenu> |
<a-sub-menu v-if="predictedNextColumn?.length" key="predict-column"> |
<template #title> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3"> |
<MdiTableColumnPlusAfter class="flex h-[1rem] text-gray-500" /> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ $t('activity.predictColumns') }}</div> |
<MdiChevronRight class="text-gray-500 ml-2" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #expandIcon></template> |
<NcMenu> |
<template v-for="col in predictedNextColumn" :key="`predict-${col.title}-${col.type}`"> |
<NcMenuItem> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3" @click="loadColumn(col.title, col.type)"> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ col.title }}</div> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</template> |
<NcMenuItem> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3" @click="predictNextColumn"> |
<div class="text-red-500 text-xs pl-2"> |
<MdiReload /> |
Generate Again |
</div> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</NcMenu> |
</a-sub-menu> |
<NcMenuItem v-else> |
<!-- Predict Columns --> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3" @click="predictNextColumn"> |
<MdiReload v-if="predictingNextColumn" class="animate-infinite animate-spin" /> |
<MdiTableColumnPlusAfter v-else class="flex h-[1rem] text-gray-500" /> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ $t('activity.predictColumns') }}</div> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<a-sub-menu v-if="predictedNextFormulas" key="predict-formula"> |
<template #title> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3"> |
<MdiCalculatorVariant class="flex h-[1rem] text-gray-500" /> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ $t('activity.predictFormulas') }}</div> |
<MdiChevronRight class="text-gray-500 ml-2" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #expandIcon></template> |
<NcMenu> |
<template v-for="col in predictedNextFormulas" :key="`predict-${col.title}-formula`"> |
<NcMenuItem> |
<div |
class="flex flex-row items-center py-3" |
@click="loadColumn(col.title, 'Formula', { formula_raw: col.formula })" |
> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ col.title }}</div> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</template> |
</NcMenu> |
</a-sub-menu> |
<NcMenuItem v-else> |
<!-- Predict Formulas --> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-3" @click="predictNextFormulas"> |
<MdiReload v-if="predictingNextFormulas" class="animate-infinite animate-spin" /> |
<MdiCalculatorVariant v-else class="flex h-[1rem] text-gray-500" /> |
<div class="text-xs pl-2">{{ $t('activity.predictFormulas') }}</div> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
<template v-else #overlay> |
<SmartsheetColumnEditOrAddProvider |
v-if="addColumnDropdown" |
:preload="preloadColumn" |
:column-position="columnOrder" |
:class="{ hidden: isJsonExpand }" |
@submit="closeAddColumnDropdown(true)" |
@cancel="closeAddColumnDropdown()" |
@click.stop |
@keydown.stop |
@mounted="preloadColumn = undefined" |
/> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
</div> |
</th> |
</tr> |
</thead> |
<tbody v-if="headerOnly !== true" ref="tableBodyEl"> |
<template v-if="showSkeleton"> |
<tr v-for="(row, rowIndex) of dummyRowDataForLoading" :key="rowIndex"> |
<td |
v-for="(col, colIndex) of dummyColumnDataForLoading" |
:key="colIndex" |
class="border-b-1 border-r-1" |
:class="{ 'min-w-50': colIndex !== 0, 'min-w-21.25': colIndex === 0 }" |
></td> |
</tr> |
</template> |
<LazySmartsheetRow v-for="(row, rowIndex) of dataRef" ref="rowRefs" :key="rowIndex" :row="row"> |
<template #default="{ state }"> |
<tr |
v-show="!showSkeleton" |
class="nc-grid-row !xs:h-14" |
:style="{ height: rowHeight ? `${rowHeight * 1.8}rem` : `1.8rem` }" |
:data-testid="`grid-row-${rowIndex}`" |
> |
<td |
key="row-index" |
class="caption nc-grid-cell pl-5 pr-1" |
:data-testid="`cell-Id-${rowIndex}`" |
@contextmenu="contextMenuTarget = null" |
> |
<div class="items-center flex gap-1 min-w-[60px]"> |
<div |
class="nc-row-no sm:min-w-4 text-xs text-gray-500" |
:class="{ toggle: !readOnly, hidden: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
> |
{{ ((paginationDataRef?.page ?? 1) - 1) * (paginationDataRef?.pageSize ?? 25) + rowIndex + 1 }} |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="!readOnly" |
:class="{ hidden: !row.rowMeta.selected, flex: row.rowMeta.selected }" |
class="nc-row-expand-and-checkbox" |
> |
<a-checkbox v-model:checked="row.rowMeta.selected" /> |
</div> |
<span class="flex-1" /> |
<div |
v-if="isUIAllowed('expandedForm')" |
class="nc-expand" |
:data-testid="`nc-expand-${rowIndex}`" |
:class="{ 'nc-comment': row.rowMeta?.commentCount }" |
> |
<a-spin |
v-if="row.rowMeta.saving" |
class="!flex items-center" |
:data-testid="`row-save-spinner-${rowIndex}`" |
/> |
<span |
v-if="row.rowMeta?.commentCount && expandForm" |
v-e="['c:expanded-form:open']" |
class="py-1 px-3 rounded-full text-xs cursor-pointer select-none transform hover:(scale-110)" |
:style="{ backgroundColor: enumColor.light[row.rowMeta.commentCount % enumColor.light.length] }" |
@click="expandAndLooseFocus(row, state)" |
> |
{{ row.rowMeta.commentCount }} |
</span> |
<div |
v-else-if="!row.rowMeta.saving" |
class="cursor-pointer flex items-center border-1 border-gray-100 active:ring rounded p-1 hover:(bg-gray-50)" |
> |
<component |
:is="iconMap.expand" |
v-if="expandForm" |
v-e="['c:row-expand:open']" |
class="select-none transform hover:(text-black scale-120) nc-row-expand" |
@click="expandAndLooseFocus(row, state)" |
/> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</td> |
<SmartsheetTableDataCell |
v-for="(columnObj, colIndex) of fields" |
:key="columnObj.id" |
class="cell relative nc-grid-cell cursor-pointer" |
:class="{ |
'active': isCellSelected(rowIndex, colIndex), |
'active-cell': |
(activeCell.row === rowIndex && activeCell.col === colIndex) || |
(selectedRange._start?.row === rowIndex && selectedRange._start?.col === colIndex), |
'last-cell': |
rowIndex === (isNaN(selectedRange.end.row) ? activeCell.row : selectedRange.end.row) && |
colIndex === (isNaN(selectedRange.end.col) ? activeCell.col : selectedRange.end.col), |
'nc-required-cell': isColumnRequiredAndNull(columnObj, row.row) && !isPublicView, |
'align-middle': !rowHeight || rowHeight === 1, |
'align-top': rowHeight && rowHeight !== 1, |
'filling': isCellInFillRange(rowIndex, colIndex), |
'readonly': |
(isLookup(columnObj) || isRollup(columnObj) || isFormula(columnObj)) && |
hasEditPermission && |
isCellSelected(rowIndex, colIndex), |
'!border-r-blue-400 !border-r-3': toBeDroppedColId === columnObj.id, |
}" |
:style="{ |
'min-width': gridViewCols[columnObj.id]?.width || '200px', |
'max-width': gridViewCols[columnObj.id]?.width || '200px', |
'width': gridViewCols[columnObj.id]?.width || '200px', |
}" |
:data-testid="`cell-${columnObj.title}-${rowIndex}`" |
:data-key="`data-key-${rowIndex}-${columnObj.id}`" |
:data-col="columnObj.id" |
:data-title="columnObj.title" |
:data-row-index="rowIndex" |
:data-col-index="colIndex" |
@mousedown="handleMouseDown($event, rowIndex, colIndex)" |
@mouseover="handleMouseOver($event, rowIndex, colIndex)" |
@click="handleCellClick($event, rowIndex, colIndex)" |
@dblclick="makeEditable(row, columnObj)" |
@contextmenu="showContextMenu($event, { row: rowIndex, col: colIndex })" |
> |
<div v-if="!switchingTab" class="w-full h-full"> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(columnObj) && columnObj.title" |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:active="activeCell.col === colIndex && activeCell.row === rowIndex" |
:row="row" |
:read-only="!hasEditPermission" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
@save="updateOrSaveRow?.(row, '', state)" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else-if="columnObj.title" |
v-model="row.row[columnObj.title]" |
:column="columnObj" |
:edit-enabled=" |
!!hasEditPermission && !!editEnabled && activeCell.col === colIndex && activeCell.row === rowIndex |
" |
:row-index="rowIndex" |
:active="activeCell.col === colIndex && activeCell.row === rowIndex" |
:read-only="!hasEditPermission" |
@update:edit-enabled="editEnabled = $event" |
@save="updateOrSaveRow?.(row, columnObj.title, state)" |
@navigate="onNavigate" |
@cancel="editEnabled = false" |
/> |
</div> |
</SmartsheetTableDataCell> |
</tr> |
</template> |
</LazySmartsheetRow> |
<tr |
v-if="isAddingEmptyRowAllowed && !isGroupBy" |
v-e="['c:row:add:grid-bottom']" |
class="text-left nc-grid-add-new-cell cursor-pointer group relative z-3 xs:hidden" |
:class="{ |
'!border-r-2 !border-r-gray-100': visibleColLength === 1, |
}" |
@mouseup.stop |
@click="addEmptyRow()" |
> |
<div |
class="h-10.5 border-b-1 border-gray-100 bg-white group-hover:bg-gray-50 absolute left-0 bottom-0 px-2 sticky z-40 w-full flex items-center text-gray-500" |
> |
<component |
:is="iconMap.plus" |
v-if="!isViewColumnsLoading" |
class="text-pint-500 text-base ml-2 mt-0 text-gray-600 group-hover:text-black" |
/> |
</div> |
<td class="!border-gray-100" :colspan="visibleColLength"></td> |
</tr> |
</tbody> |
</table> |
<!-- Fill Handle --> |
<div |
v-show="showFillHandle" |
ref="fillHandle" |
class="nc-fill-handle" |
:class=" |
(!selectedRange.isEmpty() && selectedRange.end.col !== 0) || (selectedRange.isEmpty() && activeCell.col !== 0) |
? 'z-3' |
: 'z-4' |
" |
:style="{ top: `${fillHandleTop}px`, left: `${fillHandleLeft}px`, cursor: 'crosshair' }" |
/> |
</div> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu class="!rounded !py-0" @click="contextMenu = false"> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="isEeUI && !contextMenuClosing && !contextMenuTarget && data.some((r) => r.rowMeta.selected)" |
@click="emits('bulkUpdateDlg')" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:update-bulk']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.edit" /> |
{{ $t('title.updateSelectedRows') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="!contextMenuClosing && !contextMenuTarget && data.some((r) => r.rowMeta.selected)" |
class="nc-base-menu-item !text-red-600 !hover:bg-red-50" |
data-testid="nc-delete-row" |
@click="deleteSelectedRows" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:delete-bulk']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" /> |
<!-- Delete Selected Rows --> |
{{ $t('activity.deleteSelectedRow') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<!-- <NcMenuItem --> |
<!-- v-if="contextMenuTarget && selectedRange.isSingleCell()" --> |
<!-- class="nc-base-menu-item" --> |
<!-- @click="addEmptyRow(contextMenuTarget.row + 1)" --> |
<!-- > --> |
<!-- <div v-e="['a:row:insert']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> --> |
<!-- <GeneralIcon icon="plus" /> --> |
<!-- Insert New Row --> |
<!-- {{ $t('activity.insertRow') }} --> |
<!-- </div> --> |
<!-- </NcMenuItem> --> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="contextMenuTarget" |
class="nc-base-menu-item" |
data-testid="context-menu-item-copy" |
@click="copyValue(contextMenuTarget)" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:copy']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="copy" /> |
<!-- Copy --> |
{{ $t('general.copy') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="contextMenuTarget && hasEditPermission" |
class="nc-base-menu-item" |
data-testid="context-menu-item-paste" |
:disabled="isSystemColumn(fields[contextMenuTarget.col])" |
@click="paste" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:paste']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="paste" /> |
<!-- Paste --> |
{{ $t('general.paste') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<!-- Clear cell --> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if=" |
contextMenuTarget && |
hasEditPermission && |
selectedRange.isSingleCell() && |
(isLinksOrLTAR(fields[contextMenuTarget.col]) || !isVirtualCol(fields[contextMenuTarget.col])) |
" |
class="nc-base-menu-item" |
:disabled="isSystemColumn(fields[contextMenuTarget.col])" |
@click="clearCell(contextMenuTarget)" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:clear']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="close" /> |
{{ $t('general.clear') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<!-- Clear cell --> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-else-if="contextMenuTarget && hasEditPermission" |
class="nc-base-menu-item" |
:disabled="isSystemColumn(fields[contextMenuTarget.col])" |
@click="clearSelectedRangeOfCells()" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:clear-range']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="closeBox" class="text-gray-500" /> |
{{ $t('general.clear') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcDivider /> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="contextMenuTarget && selectedRange.isSingleCell() && isUIAllowed('commentEdit') && !isMobileMode" |
class="nc-base-menu-item" |
@click="commentRow(contextMenuTarget.row)" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:comment']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<MdiMessageOutline class="h-4 w-4" /> |
{{ $t('general.comment') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<template v-if="hasEditPermission"> |
<NcDivider v-if="!(!contextMenuClosing && !contextMenuTarget && data.some((r) => r.rowMeta.selected))" /> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="contextMenuTarget && (selectedRange.isSingleCell() || selectedRange.isSingleRow())" |
class="nc-base-menu-item !text-red-600 !hover:bg-red-50" |
@click="confirmDeleteRow(contextMenuTarget.row)" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:delete']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="delete" /> |
<!-- Delete Row --> |
{{ $t('activity.deleteRow') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-else-if="contextMenuTarget && deleteRangeOfRows" |
class="nc-base-menu-item !text-red-600 !hover:bg-red-50" |
@click="deleteSelectedRangeOfRows" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:delete']" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="delete" class="text-gray-500 text-red-600" /> |
<!-- Delete Rows --> |
{{ $t('activity.deleteRows') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</template> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
</div> |
<LazySmartsheetPagination |
v-if="headerOnly !== true" |
:key="isMobileMode" |
v-model:pagination-data="paginationDataRef" |
:show-api-timing="!isGroupBy" |
align-count-on-right |
:align-left="isGroupBy" |
:change-page="changePage" |
:hide-sidebars="paginationStyleRef?.hideSidebars === true" |
:fixed-size="paginationStyleRef?.fixedSize" |
:extra-style="paginationStyleRef?.extraStyle" |
> |
<template #add-record> |
<div v-if="isAddingEmptyRowAllowed && !showSkeleton && !isPaginationLoading" class="flex ml-1"> |
<NcButton |
v-if="isMobileMode" |
v-e="[isAddNewRecordGridMode ? 'c:row:add:grid' : 'c:row:add:form']" |
class="nc-grid-add-new-row" |
type="secondary" |
@click="onNewRecordToFormClick()" |
> |
{{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} |
</NcButton> |
<a-dropdown-button |
v-else |
v-e="[isAddNewRecordGridMode ? 'c:row:add:grid:toggle' : 'c:row:add:form:toggle']" |
class="nc-grid-add-new-row" |
placement="top" |
@click="isAddNewRecordGridMode ? addEmptyRow() : onNewRecordToFormClick()" |
> |
<div data-testid="nc-pagination-add-record" class="flex items-center px-2 text-gray-600 hover:text-black"> |
<span> |
<template v-if="isAddNewRecordGridMode"> {{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} </template> |
<template v-else> {{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} - {{ $t('objects.viewType.form') }} </template> |
</span> |
</div> |
<template #overlay> |
<div class="relative overflow-visible min-h-17 w-10"> |
<div |
class="absolute -top-19 flex flex-col min-h-34.5 w-70 p-1.5 bg-white rounded-lg border-1 border-gray-200 justify-start overflow-hidden" |
style="box-shadow: 0px 4px 6px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0px -12px 16px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1)" |
:class="{ |
'-left-44': !isAddNewRecordGridMode, |
'-left-32': isAddNewRecordGridMode, |
}" |
> |
<div |
v-e="['c:row:add:grid']" |
class="px-4 py-3 flex flex-col select-none gap-y-2 cursor-pointer rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100 text-gray-600 nc-new-record-with-grid group" |
@click="onNewRecordToGridClick" |
> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between w-full"> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start gap-x-3"> |
<component :is="viewIcons[ViewTypes.GRID]?.icon" class="nc-view-icon text-inherit" /> |
{{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} - {{ $t('objects.viewType.grid') }} |
</div> |
<GeneralIcon v-if="isAddNewRecordGridMode" icon="check" class="w-4 h-4 text-primary" /> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row text-xs text-gray-400 ml-7.25">{{ $t('labels.addRowGrid') }}</div> |
</div> |
<div |
v-e="['c:row:add:form']" |
class="px-4 py-3 flex flex-col select-none gap-y-2 cursor-pointer rounded-md hover:bg-gray-100 text-gray-600 nc-new-record-with-form group" |
@click="onNewRecordToFormClick" |
> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-between w-full"> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center justify-start gap-x-2.5"> |
<GeneralIcon class="h-4.5 w-4.5" icon="article" /> |
{{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} - {{ $t('objects.viewType.form') }} |
</div> |
<GeneralIcon v-if="!isAddNewRecordGridMode" icon="check" class="w-4 h-4 text-primary" /> |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row text-xs text-gray-400 ml-7.05">{{ $t('labels.addRowForm') }}</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #icon> |
<component :is="iconMap.arrowUp" class="text-gray-600 h-4 w-4" /> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown-button> |
</div> |
</template> |
</LazySmartsheetPagination> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.nc-grid-pagination-wrapper .ant-dropdown-button { |
> .ant-btn { |
@apply !p-0 !rounded-l-lg hover:border-gray-400; |
} |
> .ant-dropdown-trigger { |
@apply !rounded-r-lg; |
border-top-left-radius: 0; |
border-bottom-left-radius: 0; |
} |
@apply !rounded-lg; |
} |
</style> |
<style scoped lang="scss"> |
.nc-grid-wrapper { |
@apply h-full w-full; |
.nc-grid-add-edit-column { |
@apply bg-gray-50; |
} |
.nc-grid-add-new-cell:hover td { |
@apply text-black !bg-gray-50; |
} |
td, |
th { |
@apply border-gray-100 border-solid border-r bg-gray-50; |
min-height: 41px !important; |
height: 41px !important; |
position: relative; |
} |
th { |
@apply border-b-1 border-gray-200; |
} |
.nc-grid-header th:last-child { |
@apply !border-b-1; |
} |
td { |
@apply bg-white border-b; |
} |
td:not(:first-child) > div { |
overflow: hidden; |
@apply flex px-1 h-auto; |
} |
table { |
background-color: var(--nc-grid-bg); |
border-collapse: separate; |
border-spacing: 0; |
} |
td { |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
} |
td.active::after { |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
z-index: 3; |
height: calc(100% + 2px); |
width: calc(100% + 2px); |
left: -1px; |
top: -1px; |
pointer-events: none; |
} |
// todo: replace with css variable |
td.active::after { |
@apply text-primary border-current bg-primary bg-opacity-5; |
} |
td.active.readonly::after { |
@apply text-primary bg-grey-50 bg-opacity-5 !border-gray-200; |
} |
td.active-cell::after { |
@apply border-1 border-solid text-primary border-current bg-primary bg-opacity-3; |
} |
td.filling::after { |
content: ''; |
position: absolute; |
z-index: 3; |
height: calc(100% + 2px); |
width: calc(100% + 2px); |
left: -1px; |
top: -1px; |
pointer-events: none; |
} |
// todo: replace with css variable |
td.filling::after { |
@apply border-1 border-dashed text-primary border-current bg-gray-100 bg-opacity-50; |
} |
//td.active::before { |
// content: ''; |
// z-index:4; |
// @apply absolute !w-[10px] !h-[10px] !right-[-5px] !bottom-[-5px] bg-primary; |
//} |
thead th:nth-child(1) { |
position: sticky !important; |
left: 0; |
z-index: 5; |
} |
tbody td:nth-child(1) { |
position: sticky !important; |
left: 0; |
z-index: 4; |
background: white; |
} |
.desktop { |
thead th:nth-child(2) { |
position: sticky !important; |
z-index: 5; |
left: 85px; |
@apply border-r-1 border-r-gray-200; |
} |
tbody td:nth-child(2) { |
position: sticky !important; |
z-index: 4; |
left: 85px; |
background: white; |
@apply border-r-1 border-r-gray-100; |
} |
} |
.nc-grid-skeleton-loader { |
thead th:nth-child(2) { |
@apply border-r-1 !border-r-gray-50; |
} |
tbody td:nth-child(2) { |
@apply border-r-1 !border-r-gray-50; |
} |
} |
} |
:deep(.resizer:hover), |
:deep(.resizer:active), |
:deep(.resizer:focus) { |
// todo: replace with primary color |
@apply bg-blue-500/50; |
cursor: col-resize; |
} |
.nc-grid-row { |
.nc-row-expand-and-checkbox { |
@apply !xs:hidden w-full items-center justify-between; |
} |
.nc-expand { |
&:not(.nc-comment) { |
@apply hidden; |
} |
&.nc-comment { |
display: flex; |
} |
} |
&:hover { |
.nc-row-no.toggle { |
@apply hidden; |
} |
.nc-expand { |
@apply flex; |
} |
.nc-row-expand-and-checkbox { |
@apply !xs:hidden flex; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-grid-header { |
position: sticky; |
top: -1px; |
@apply z-5 bg-white; |
&:hover { |
.nc-no-label { |
@apply hidden; |
} |
.nc-check-all { |
@apply flex; |
} |
} |
} |
tbody tr:hover { |
@apply bg-gray-100 bg-opacity-50; |
} |
.nc-required-cell { |
box-shadow: inset 0 0 2px #f00; |
} |
.nc-fill-handle { |
@apply w-[6px] h-[6px] absolute rounded-full bg-red-500 !pointer-events-auto mt-[-4px] ml-[-4px]; |
} |
.nc-fill-handle:hover, |
.nc-fill-handle:active, |
.nc-fill-handle:focus { |
@apply w-[8px] h-[8px] mt-[-5px] ml-[-5px]; |
} |
:deep(.ant-skeleton-input) { |
@apply rounded text-gray-100 !bg-gray-100 !bg-opacity-65; |
animation: slow-show-1 5s ease 5s forwards; |
} |
</style> |
<style lang="scss"></style>