You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

147 lines
3.6 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onKeyStroke } from '@vueuse/core'
import type { CSSProperties } from '@vue/runtime-dom'
import type { TooltipPlacement } from 'ant-design-vue/lib/tooltip'
import { controlledRef, ref, useAttrs, useElementHover, watch } from '#imports'
interface Props {
// Key to be pressed on hover to trigger the tooltip
modifierKey?: string
tooltipStyle?: CSSProperties
// force disable tooltip
disabled?: boolean
placement?: TooltipPlacement | undefined
showOnTruncateOnly?: boolean
hideOnClick?: boolean
overlayClassName?: string
wrapChild?: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const modifierKey = computed(() => props.modifierKey)
const tooltipStyle = computed(() => props.tooltipStyle)
const disabled = computed(() => props.disabled)
const showOnTruncateOnly = computed(() => props.showOnTruncateOnly)
const hideOnClick = computed(() => props.hideOnClick)
const placement = computed(() => props.placement ?? 'top')
const wrapChild = computed(() => props.wrapChild ?? 'div')
const el = ref()
const showTooltip = controlledRef(false, {
onBeforeChange: (shouldShow) => {
if (shouldShow && disabled.value) return false
const isHovering = useElementHover(() => el.value)
const attrs = useAttrs()
const isKeyPressed = ref(false)
const overlayClassName = computed(() => props.overlayClassName)
(e) => e.key === modifierKey.value,
(e) => {
if (isHovering.value) {
showTooltip.value = true
isKeyPressed.value = true
{ eventName: 'keydown' },
(e) => e.key === modifierKey.value,
(e) => {
showTooltip.value = false
isKeyPressed.value = false
{ eventName: 'keyup' },
watch([isHovering, () => modifierKey.value, () => disabled.value], ([hovering, key, isDisabled]) => {
if (showOnTruncateOnly?.value) {
const targetElement = el?.value
const isElementTruncated = targetElement && targetElement.scrollWidth > targetElement.clientWidth
if (!isElementTruncated) {
showTooltip.value = false
if (!hovering || isDisabled) {
showTooltip.value = false
// Show tooltip on mouseover if no modifier key is provided
if (hovering && !key) {
showTooltip.value = true
// While hovering if the modifier key was changed and the key is not pressed, hide tooltip
if (hovering && key && !isKeyPressed.value) {
showTooltip.value = false
// When mouse leaves the element, then re-enters the element while key stays pressed, show the tooltip
if (!showTooltip.value && hovering && key && isKeyPressed.value) {
showTooltip.value = true
const divStyles = computed(() => ({
style: attrs.style as CSSProperties,
class: attrs.class as string,
const onClick = () => {
if (hideOnClick.value && showTooltip.value) {
showTooltip.value = false
:overlay-class-name="`nc-tooltip ${showTooltip ? 'visible' : 'hidden'} ${overlayClassName}`"
<template #title>
<slot name="title" />
<component :is="wrapChild" ref="el" v-bind="divStyles" @mousedown="onClick">
<slot />
<style lang="scss">
.nc-tooltip.hidden {
@apply invisible;
.nc-tooltip {
.ant-tooltip-inner {
@apply !px-2 !py-1 !rounded-lg !bg-gray-800;
.ant-tooltip-arrow-content {
@apply !bg-gray-800;