You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

332 lines
9.9 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { ColumnType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import { UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { SizeType } from 'ant-design-vue/es/config-provider'
import { computed, onMounted, provide, watch } from '#imports'
import MdiTableIcon from '~icons/mdi/table'
import MdiDeleteIcon from '~icons/mdi/close-box'
import MdiStringIcon from '~icons/mdi/alpha-a'
import MdiLongTextIcon from '~icons/mdi/text'
import MdiNumericIcon from '~icons/mdi/numeric'
import MdiPlusIcon from '~icons/mdi/plus'
import MdiKeyStarIcon from '~icons/mdi/key-star'
import MdiDeleteOutlineIcon from '~icons/mdi/delete-outline'
interface Props {
quickImportType: string
projectTemplate: object
const { quickImportType, projectTemplate } = defineProps<Props>()
const valid = ref(false)
const expansionPanel = ref(<number[]>[])
const editableTn = ref({})
const LinkToAnotherRecord = 'LinkToAnotherRecord'
const Lookup = 'Lookup'
const Rollup = 'Rollup'
const iconSize = ref<SizeType>('middle')
const tableColumns = [
name: 'Column Name',
dataIndex: 'column_name',
key: 'column_name',
width: 250,
name: 'Column Type',
dataIndex: 'column_type',
key: 'column_type',
width: 250,
name: 'Select Option',
key: 'select_option',
name: 'Action',
key: 'action',
const project = reactive(<any>{
name: 'Project Name',
tables: [],
onMounted(() => {
const parseAndLoadTemplate = () => {
if (projectTemplate) {
expansionPanel.value = Array.from({ length: project.value?.tables.length || 0 }, (_, i) => i)
const parseTemplate = ({ tables = [], ...rest }: Record<string, any>) => {
const parsedTemplate = {
tables: tables.map(
({ manyToMany = [], hasMany = [], belongsTo = [], v = [], columns = [], ...rest }: Record<string, any>) => ({
columns: [
...columns.map((c: any, idx: number) => {
c.key = idx
return c
...manyToMany.map((mm: any) => ({
column_name: mm.title || `${rest.table_name} <=> ${mm.ref_table_name}`,
uidt: LinkToAnotherRecord,
type: 'mm',
...hasMany.map((hm: any) => ({
column_name: hm.title || `${rest.table_name} => ${hm.table_name}`,
uidt: LinkToAnotherRecord,
type: 'hm',
ref_table_name: hm.table_name,
...belongsTo.map((bt: any) => ({
column_name: bt.title || `${rest.table_name} => ${bt.ref_table_name}`,
uidt: UITypes.ForeignKey,
ref_table_name: bt.table_name,
...v.map((v: any) => {
const res: any = {
column_name: v.title,
ref_table_name: {
if (v.lk) {
res.uidt = Lookup
res.ref_table_name.table_name = v.lk.ltn
res.ref_column_name = v.lk.lcn
res.ref_table_name.type = v.lk.type
} else if (v.rl) {
res.uidt = Rollup
res.ref_table_name.table_name = v.rl.rltn
res.ref_column_name = v.rl.rlcn
res.ref_table_name.type = v.rl.type
res.fn = v.rl.fn
return res
project.value = parsedTemplate
const onTableNameUpdate = (oldTable: string, newVal: string) => {
// TODO:
const deleteTable = (tableIdx: number) => {
// TODO:
const isRelation = (col: ColumnType) => {
return col.uidt === 'LinkToAnotherRecord' || col.uidt === 'ForeignKey'
const isLookup = (col: ColumnType) => {
return col.uidt === 'Lookup'
const isRollup = (col: ColumnType) => {
return col.uidt === 'Rollup'
const isVirtual = (col: ColumnType) => {
// TODO: uiTypes
// return col && uiTypes.some(ut => ut.name === col.uidt && ut.virtual);
const isLookupOrRollup = (col: ColumnType) => {
return isLookup(col) || isRollup(col)
const isSelect = (col: ColumnType) => {
return col.uidt === 'MultiSelect' || col.uidt === 'SingleSelect'
const onColumnNameUpdate = (oldCol: ColumnType, newVal: string, tn: string) => {
const onRTypeChange = (oldType: string, newType: string, col: ColumnType, table: string) => {
const deleteTableColumn = (i: number, j: number, col: ColumnType, table: string) => {
const addNewColumnRow = (table: string, uidt?: string) => {
const getIcon = (type: string) => {
return {
name: 'CreateTime',
icon: 'mdi-calendar-clock',
<template #title>
<slot name="toolbar" />
<v-form ref="form" v-model="valid">
<p v-if="project.tables && quickImportType === 'excel'" class="caption grey--text mt-4">
{{ project.tables.length }} sheet{{ project.tables.length > 1 ? 's' : '' }}
available for import
v-if="project.value?.tables && project.value?.tables.length"
v-for="(table, i) in project.value?.tables"
<template #expandIcon="{ isActive }">
style="max-width: 300px"
@input="(e) => onTableNameUpdate(table, e)"
@click="(e) => e.stopPropagation()"
@blur="$set(editableTn, i, false)"
@keydown.enter="$set(editableTn, i, false)"
<span v-else class="font-weight-bold">
<MdiTableIcon />
{{ table.table_name }}
<v-spacer />
<a-tooltip bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Delete Table</span>
<MdiDeleteIcon v-if="project.value.tables.length > 1" @click.stop="deleteTable(i)" />
<a-table v-if="table.columns.length" :dataSource="table.columns" :columns="tableColumns" :pagination="false">
<template #headerCell="{ column }">
<template v-if="column.key === 'column_name'">
{{ $t('labels.columnName') }}
<template v-else-if="column.key === 'column_type'">
{{ $t('labels.columnType') }}
<template #bodyCell="{ column, record }">
<template v-if="column.key === 'column_name'">
<a-input v-model:value="record.column_name" />
<template v-else-if="column.key === 'column_type'">
<!-- TODO: render uidt dropdown-->
{{ record.uidt }}
<template v-else-if="column.key === 'select_option'">
<a-input v-model:value="record.dtxp" v-if="isSelect(record)" />
<template v-if="column.key === 'action'">
<a-tooltip v-if="record.key == 0" bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Primary Value</span>
<MdiKeyStarIcon />
<a-tooltip v-else bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Delete Column</span>
<a-button type="link" @click="deleteTableColumn(i, record.key, record, table)" :size="iconSize">
<template #icon>
<MdiDeleteOutlineIcon />
<div class="text-center">
<a-tooltip bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Add Number Column</span>
<a-button @click="addNewColumnRow(table, 'Number')" :size="iconSize">
<template #icon>
<MdiNumericIcon />
<a-tooltip bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Add SingleLineText Column</span>
<a-button @click="addNewColumnRow(table, 'SingleLineText')" :size="iconSize">
<template #icon>
<MdiStringIcon />
<a-tooltip bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Add LongText Column</span>
<a-button @click="addNewColumnRow(table, 'LongText')" :size="iconSize">
<template #icon>
<MdiLongTextIcon />
<a-tooltip bottom>
<template #title>
<!-- TODO: i18n -->
<span>Add Other Column</span>
<a-button @click="addNewColumnRow(table)" :size="iconSize">
<template #icon>
<MdiPlusIcon />