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import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
export default (onTableCreate?: (tableMeta: any) => void) => {
const table = reactive<{ title: string; table_name: string }>({
title: '',
table_name: '',
const { sqlUi, project } = useProject()
const { $api } = useNuxtApp()
const createTable = async () => {
if (!sqlUi?.value) return
const columns = sqlUi?.value?.getNewTableColumns().filter((col) => {
// if (col.column_name === "id" && newTable.columns.includes("id_ag")) {
// Object.assign(col, sqlUi?.value?.getDataTypeForUiType({ uidt: UITypes.ID }, "AG"));
// col.dtxp = sqlUi?.value?.getDefaultLengthForDatatype(col.dt);
// col.dtxs = sqlUi?.value?.getDefaultScaleForDatatype(col.dt);
// return true;
// }
// return this.nodes.newTable.columns.includes(col.column_name);
return true
await $api.dbTable.create(project?.value?.id as string, {
() => table.title,
(title) => {
table.table_name = `${project?.value?.prefix || ''}${title}`
const generateUniqueTitle = () => {
return { table, createTable }