mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
235 lines
7.5 KiB
235 lines
7.5 KiB
<template> |
<div> |
<v-icon color="grey" small> mdi-open-in-new </v-icon> |
<span class="grey--text caption"> |
<!-- Shared base link --> |
{{ $t('activity.shareBase.link') }} |
</span> |
<div class="nc-container"> |
<v-chip v-if="base.uuid" :color="colors[4]" style="" class="rounded pl-1 pr-0 d-100 nc-url-chip pr-3"> |
<div class="nc-url-wrapper d-flex mx-1 align-center d-100"> |
<span class="nc-url flex-grow-1 caption">{{ url }}</span> |
<v-spacer /> |
<v-divider vertical /> |
<!-- tooltip="reload" --> |
<x-icon :tooltip="$t('general.reload')" @click="recreate"> mdi-reload </x-icon> |
<!-- tooltip="copy URL" --> |
<x-icon :tooltip="$t('activity.copyUrl')" @click="copyUrl"> mdi-content-copy </x-icon> |
<!-- tooltip="open new tab" --> |
<x-icon :tooltip="$t('activity.openTab')" @click="navigateToSharedBase"> mdi-open-in-new </x-icon> |
<!-- tooltip="copy embeddable HTML code" --> |
<x-icon :tooltip="$t('activity.iFrame')" @click="generateEmbeddableIframe"> mdi-xml </x-icon> |
</div> |
</v-chip> |
<div class="d-flex align-center px-2"> |
<div> |
<v-menu offset-x> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<div class="my-2" v-on="on"> |
<div class="font-weight-bold nc-disable-shared-base"> |
<span v-if="base.uuid"> |
<!-- Anyone with the link --> |
{{ $t('activity.shareBase.enable') }} |
</span> |
<span v-else> |
<!-- Disable shared base --> |
{{ $t('activity.shareBase.disable') }} |
</span> |
<v-icon small> mdi-menu-down-outline </v-icon> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<v-list dense> |
<v-list-item v-if="!base.uuid" dense @click="createSharedBase('viewer')"> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<v-icon small class="mr-1"> mdi-link-variant </v-icon> |
<span class="caption"> |
<!-- Anyone with the link --> |
{{ $t('activity.shareBase.enable') }} |
</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item v-if="base.uuid" dense @click="disableSharedBase"> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<v-icon small class="mr-1"> mdi-link-variant-off </v-icon> |
<span class="caption"> |
<!-- Disable shared base --> |
{{ $t('activity.shareBase.disable') }} |
</span> |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
<div class="caption"> |
<template v-if="base.enabled"> |
<span v-if="base.roles === 'editor'"> |
Anyone on the internet with this link can edit |
<!-- {{ $t('msg.info.shareBasePrivate') }} --> |
</span> |
<span v-else-if="base.roles === 'viewer'"> |
<!-- Anyone on the internet with this link can view --> |
{{ $t('msg.info.shareBasePublic') }} |
</span> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<!-- Generate publicly shareable readonly base --> |
{{ $t('msg.info.shareBasePrivate') }} |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
<v-spacer /> |
<div class="d-flex justify-center" style="width: 120px"> |
<v-menu v-if="base.uuid" offset-y> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<div |
class="text-capitalize my-2 font-weight-bold backgroundColorDefault py-2 px-4 rounded nc-shared-base-role" |
v-on="on" |
> |
{{ base.roles || 'Viewer' }} |
<v-icon small> mdi-menu-down-outline </v-icon> |
</div> |
</template> |
<v-list dense> |
<v-list-item @click="createSharedBase('editor')"> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Editor --> |
{{ $t('objects.roleType.editor') }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item @click="createSharedBase('viewer')"> |
<v-list-item-title> |
<!-- Viewer --> |
{{ $t('objects.roleType.viewer') }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<script> |
import colors from '~/mixins/colors'; |
import { copyTextToClipboard } from '~/helpers/xutils'; |
export default { |
name: 'ShareBase', |
mixins: [colors], |
data: () => ({ |
base: { |
enable: false, |
}, |
}), |
computed: { |
url() { |
return this.base && this.base.uuid ? `${this.dashboardUrl}#/nc/base/${this.base.uuid}` : null; |
}, |
}, |
mounted() { |
this.loadSharedBase(); |
}, |
methods: { |
async loadSharedBase() { |
try { |
// const sharedBase = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
// { dbAlias: 'db' }, 'getSharedBaseLink']) |
const sharedBase = await this.$api.project.sharedBaseGet(this.$store.state.project.projectId); |
this.base = sharedBase || {}; |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e); |
} |
}, |
async createSharedBase(roles = 'viewer') { |
try { |
// const sharedBase = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{ dbAlias: 'db' }, 'createSharedBaseLink', { roles }]) |
const sharedBase = await this.$api.project.sharedBaseUpdate(this.$store.state.project.projectId, { roles }); |
this.base = sharedBase || {}; |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000); |
} |
this.$e('a:shared-base:enable', { role: roles }); |
}, |
async disableSharedBase() { |
try { |
await this.$api.project.sharedBaseDisable(this.$store.state.project.projectId); |
this.base = {}; |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000); |
} |
this.$e('a:shared-base:disable'); |
}, |
async recreate() { |
try { |
const sharedBase = await this.$api.project.sharedBaseCreate(this.$store.state.project.projectId, { |
roles: this.base.roles || 'viewer', |
}); |
this.base = sharedBase || {}; |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000); |
} |
this.$e('a:shared-base:recreate'); |
}, |
copyUrl() { |
copyTextToClipboard(this.url); |
this.$toast.success('Copied shareable base url to clipboard!').goAway(3000); |
this.$e('c:shared-base:copy-url'); |
}, |
navigateToSharedBase() { |
window.open(this.url, '_blank'); |
this.$e('c:shared-base:open-url'); |
}, |
generateEmbeddableIframe() { |
copyTextToClipboard(`<iframe |
class="nc-embed" |
src="${this.url}?embed" |
frameborder="0" |
width="100%" |
height="700" |
style="background: transparent; border: 1px solid #ddd"></iframe>`); |
this.$toast.success('Copied embeddable html code!').goAway(3000); |
this.$e('c:shared-base:copy-embed-frame'); |
}, |
}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
.nc-url-wrapper { |
column-gap: 15px; |
width: 100%; |
} |
.nc-url { |
min-width: 0; |
overflow: hidden; |
text-overflow: ellipsis; |
} |
.nc-container { |
border-radius: 4px; |
border: 2px solid var(--v-backgroundColor-base); |
background: var(--v-backgroundColor-base); |
padding: 20px 20px; |
} |
/deep/ .nc-url-chip .v-chip__content { |
width: 100%; |
} |