You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

347 lines
11 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import Sortable from 'sortablejs'
import { Empty } from 'ant-design-vue'
import { useNuxtApp } from '#app'
import { computed, useProject, useTable, useTabs, watchEffect } from '#imports'
import { TabType } from '~/composables'
import MdiView from '~icons/mdi/eye-circle-outline'
import MdiTableLarge from '~icons/mdi/table-large'
import MdiMenuIcon from '~icons/mdi/dots-vertical'
import MdiDrag from '~icons/mdi/drag-vertical'
const { addTab } = useTabs()
const { $api, $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { tables, loadTables, isSharedBase } = useProject()
const { activeTab } = useTabs()
const { deleteTable } = useTable()
const { isUIAllowed } = useUIPermission()
const tablesById = $computed<Record<string, TableType>>(() =>
tables?.value?.reduce((acc: Record<string, TableType>, table: TableType) => {
acc[table.id as string] = table
return acc
}, {}),
const showTableList = ref(true)
const tableCreateDlg = ref(false)
let key = $ref(0)
const menuRef = $ref<HTMLLIElement>()
let sortable: Sortable
// todo: replace with vuedraggable
const initSortable = (el: Element) => {
if (sortable) sortable.destroy()
sortable = Sortable.create(el as HTMLLIElement, {
handle: '.nc-drag-icon',
onEnd: async (evt) => {
const { newIndex = 0, oldIndex = 0 } = evt
const itemEl = evt.item as HTMLLIElement
const item = tablesById[itemEl.dataset.id as string]
// get the html collection of all list items
const children: HTMLCollection = evt.to.children
// skip if children count is 1
if (children.length < 2) return
// get items before and after the moved item
const itemBeforeEl = children[newIndex - 1] as HTMLLIElement
const itemAfterEl = children[newIndex + 1] as HTMLLIElement
// get items meta of before and after the moved item
const itemBefore = itemBeforeEl && tablesById[itemBeforeEl.dataset.id as string]
const itemAfter = itemAfterEl && tablesById[itemAfterEl.dataset.id as string]
// set new order value based on the new order of the items
if (children.length - 1 === evt.newIndex) {
item.order = (itemBefore.order as number) + 1
} else if (newIndex === 0) {
item.order = (itemAfter.order as number) / 2
} else {
item.order = ((itemBefore.order as number) + (itemAfter.order as number)) / 2
// update the order of the moved item
tables.value?.splice(newIndex, 0, ...tables.value?.splice(oldIndex, 1))
// force re-render the list
// update the item order
await $api.dbTable.reorder(item.id as string, {
order: item.order as any,
animation: 150,
watchEffect(() => {
if (menuRef) {
const icon = (table: TableType) => {
if (table.type === 'table') {
return MdiTableLarge
if (table.type === 'view') {
return MdiView
const filterQuery = $ref('')
const filteredTables = $computed(() => {
return tables?.value?.filter((table) => !filterQuery || table?.title.toLowerCase()?.includes(filterQuery.toLowerCase()))
const contextMenuTarget = reactive<{ type?: 'table' | 'main'; value?: any }>({})
const setMenuContext = (type: 'table' | 'main', value?: any) => {
contextMenuTarget.type = type
contextMenuTarget.value = value
const renameTableDlg = ref(false)
const renameTableMeta = ref()
const showRenameTableDlg = (table: TableType, rightClick = false) => {
$e(rightClick ? 'c:table:rename:navdraw:right-click' : 'c:table:rename:navdraw:options')
renameTableMeta.value = table
renameTableDlg.value = true
const reloadTables = async () => {
await loadTables()
const addTableTab = (table: TableType) => {
addTab({ title: table.title, id: table.id, type: table.type as any })
const activeTable = computed(() => {
return [TabType.TABLE, TabType.VIEW].includes(activeTab.value?.type) ? activeTab.value.title : null
<div class="nc-treeview-container flex flex-col">
<div class="px-6 py-[8.75px] border-b-1 nc-filter-input">
<div class="flex items-center bg-gray-50 rounded relative">
class="nc-filter-input !bg-transparent"
<MdiSearch class="nc-filter-input-icon text-gray-400 mx-3 absolute right-[-4px] top-[7px]" />
<a-dropdown :trigger="['contextmenu']">
class="p-2 flex-1 overflow-y-auto flex flex-column scrollbar-thin-dull"
:class="{ 'mb-[20px]': isSharedBase }"
style="direction: rtl"
style="direction: ltr"
class="py-1 px-3 flex w-full align-center gap-1 cursor-pointer"
<span class="flex-grow text-bold uppercase nc-project-tree text-gray-500 font-weight-bold">
{{ $t('objects.tables') }}
<template v-if="tables?.length"> ({{ tables.length }}) </template>
<div style="direction: ltr" class="flex-1">
<div v-if="tables.length" class="transition-height duration-200 overflow-hidden">
<div :key="key" ref="menuRef" class="border-none sortable-list">
v-for="table of tables"
{ hidden: !filteredTables?.includes(table), active: activeTable === table.title },
`nc-project-tree-tbl nc-project-tree-tbl-${table.title}`,
class="nc-tree-item pl-5 pr-3 py-2 text-sm cursor-pointer group"
<div class="flex align-center gap-2 h-full" @contextmenu="setMenuContext('table', table)">
<div class="flex w-auto">
class="nc-drag-icon text-xs hidden group-hover:block transition-opacity opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100 text-gray-500 cursor-move"
class="nc-view-icon text-xs"
:class="{ 'group-hover:hidden group-hover:text-gray-500': isUIAllowed('treeview-drag-n-drop') }"
<div class="nc-tbl-title flex-1">{{ table.title }}</div>
<a-dropdown v-if="isUIAllowed('table-rename') || isUIAllowed('table-delete')" :trigger="['click']" @click.stop>
<MdiMenuIcon class="transition-opacity opacity-0 group-hover:opacity-100" />
<template #overlay>
<a-menu class="cursor-pointer">
<a-card v-else class="mt-4 mx-4 !bg-gray-50">
<div class="flex flex-col align-center">
<a-empty :image="Empty.PRESENTED_IMAGE_SIMPLE" />
<a-button type="primary" @click.stop="tableCreateDlg = true">{{ $t('tooltip.addTable') }}</a-button>
<template #overlay>
<a-menu class="cursor-pointer">
<template v-if="contextMenuTarget.type === 'table'">
{{ $t('general.rename') }}
{{ $t('general.delete') }}
<template v-else>
<a-menu-item v-t="['c:table:reload']" class="!text-xs" @click="reloadTables">
{{ $t('general.reload') }}
<DlgTableCreate v-if="tableCreateDlg" v-model="tableCreateDlg" />
<DlgTableRename v-if="renameTableMeta" v-model="renameTableDlg" :table-meta="renameTableMeta" />
<style scoped lang="scss">
.nc-treeview-container {
@apply h-[calc(100vh_-_var(--header-height))];
.nc-treeview-footer-item {
@apply cursor-pointer px-4 py-2 flex align-center hover:bg-gray-200/20 text-xs text-current;
:deep(.nc-filter-input input::placeholder) {
@apply !text-xs;
:deep(.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content) {
@apply !p-2;
:deep(.ant-input-group-addon:last-child) {
@apply top-[-0.5px];
.nc-treeview-container {
.ghost > * {
@apply !pointer-events-none;
& .dragging {
.nc-icon {
@apply !hidden;
.nc-view-icon {
@apply !block;
.ant-menu-item:not(.sortable-chosen) {
@apply color-transition hover:!bg-transparent;
.sortable-chosen {
@apply !bg-primary/25 text-primary;
.nc-tree-item {
@apply relative cursor-pointer after:(pointer-events-none content-[''] absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full right-0 !bg-current transition transition-opactity duration-100 opacity-0);
.nc-tree-item svg {
@apply text-primary/60;
.nc-tree-item.active {
@apply !text-primary font-weight-bold after:(!opacity-20);
svg {
@apply !text-primary;
.nc-tree-item:hover {
@apply !text-grey after:(!opacity-5);
:deep(.nc-filter-input) {
.ant-input {
@apply pr-6 !border-0;