mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
191 lines
4.5 KiB
191 lines
4.5 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
definePageMeta({ |
hideHeader: true, |
hasSidebar: true, |
}) |
const dialogOpen = ref(false) |
const openDialogKey = ref<string>('') |
const dataSourcesState = ref<string>('') |
const baseId = ref<string>() |
const basesStore = useBases() |
const { populateWorkspace } = useWorkspace() |
const { signedIn, ncNavigateTo } = useGlobal() |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() |
const router = useRouter() |
const route = router.currentRoute |
const { basesList } = storeToRefs(basesStore) |
const autoNavigateToProject = async () => { |
const routeName = route.value.name as string |
if (routeName !== 'index-typeOrId' && routeName !== 'index') { |
return |
} |
await basesStore.navigateToProject({ baseId: basesList.value[0].id! }) |
} |
const isSharedView = computed(() => { |
const routeName = (route.value.name as string) || '' |
// check route is not base page by route name |
return !routeName.startsWith('index-typeOrId-baseId-') && !['index', 'index-typeOrId'].includes(routeName) |
}) |
const isSharedFormView = computed(() => { |
const routeName = (route.value.name as string) || '' |
// check route is shared form view route |
return routeName.startsWith('index-typeOrId-form-viewId') |
}) |
const { sharedBaseId } = useCopySharedBase() |
const isDuplicateDlgOpen = ref(false) |
async function handleRouteTypeIdChange() { |
// avoid loading bases for shared views |
if (isSharedView.value) { |
return |
} |
// avoid loading bases for shared base |
if (route.value.params.typeOrId === 'base') { |
await populateWorkspace() |
return |
} |
if (!signedIn.value) { |
navigateTo('/signIn') |
return |
} |
// Load bases |
await populateWorkspace() |
if (!route.value.params.baseId && basesList.value.length > 0) { |
await autoNavigateToProject() |
} |
} |
watch( |
() => route.value.params.typeOrId, |
() => { |
handleRouteTypeIdChange() |
}, |
) |
// onMounted is needed instead having this function called through |
// immediate watch, because if route is changed during page transition |
// It will error out nuxt |
onMounted(() => { |
if (route.value.query?.continueAfterSignIn) { |
localStorage.removeItem('continueAfterSignIn') |
return navigateTo(route.value.query.continueAfterSignIn as string) |
} else { |
const continueAfterSignIn = localStorage.getItem('continueAfterSignIn') |
if (continueAfterSignIn) { |
return navigateTo({ |
path: continueAfterSignIn, |
query: route.value.query, |
}) |
} |
} |
handleRouteTypeIdChange().then(() => { |
if (sharedBaseId.value) { |
if (!isUIAllowed('baseDuplicate')) { |
message.error('You are not allowed to create base') |
return |
} |
isDuplicateDlgOpen.value = true |
} |
}) |
}) |
function toggleDialog(value?: boolean, key?: string, dsState?: string, pId?: string) { |
dialogOpen.value = value ?? !dialogOpen.value |
openDialogKey.value = key || '' |
dataSourcesState.value = dsState || '' |
baseId.value = pId || '' |
} |
provide(ToggleDialogInj, toggleDialog) |
const { $e, $poller } = useNuxtApp() |
const DlgSharedBaseDuplicateOnOk = async (jobData: { id: string; base_id: string; workspace_id: string }) => { |
await populateWorkspace() |
$poller.subscribe( |
{ id: jobData.id }, |
async (data: { |
id: string |
status?: string |
data?: { |
error?: { |
message: string |
} |
message?: string |
result?: any |
} |
}) => { |
if (data.status !== 'close') { |
if (data.status === JobStatus.COMPLETED) { |
await ncNavigateTo({ |
baseId: jobData.base_id, |
}) |
} else if (data.status === JobStatus.FAILED) { |
message.error('Failed to duplicate shared base') |
await populateWorkspace() |
} |
} |
}, |
) |
$e('a:base:duplicate-shared-base') |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<div> |
<NuxtLayout v-if="isSharedFormView"> |
<NuxtPage /> |
</NuxtLayout> |
<NuxtLayout v-else-if="isSharedView" name="shared-view"> |
<NuxtPage /> |
</NuxtLayout> |
<NuxtLayout v-else name="dashboard"> |
<template #sidebar> |
<DashboardSidebar /> |
</template> |
<template #content> |
<NuxtPage /> |
</template> |
</NuxtLayout> |
<LazyDashboardSettingsModal |
v-model:model-value="dialogOpen" |
v-model:open-key="openDialogKey" |
v-model:data-sources-state="dataSourcesState" |
:base-id="baseId" |
/> |
<DlgSharedBaseDuplicate |
v-if="isUIAllowed('baseDuplicate')" |
v-model="isDuplicateDlgOpen" |
:shared-base-id="sharedBaseId" |
:on-ok="DlgSharedBaseDuplicateOnOk" |
/> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style scoped></style>