mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
806 lines
32 KiB
806 lines
32 KiB
{ |
"general": { |
"home": "Home", |
"load": "Load", |
"open": "Open", |
"close": "Close", |
"yes": "Yes", |
"no": "No", |
"ok": "OK", |
"and": "And", |
"or": "Or", |
"add": "Add", |
"edit": "Edit", |
"remove": "Remove", |
"save": "Save", |
"cancel": "Cancel", |
"submit": "Submit", |
"create": "Create", |
"duplicate": "Duplicate", |
"insert": "Insert", |
"delete": "Delete", |
"update": "Update", |
"rename": "Rename", |
"reload": "Reload", |
"reset": "Reset", |
"install": "Install", |
"show": "Show", |
"hide": "Hide", |
"showAll": "Show all", |
"hideAll": "Hide all", |
"showMore": "Show more", |
"showOptions": "Show options", |
"hideOptions": "Hide options", |
"showMenu": "Show menu", |
"hideMenu": "Hide menu", |
"addAll": "Add all", |
"removeAll": "Remove all", |
"signUp": "SIGN UP", |
"signIn": "SIGN IN", |
"signOut": "Sign Out", |
"required": "Required", |
"enableScanner": "Enable Scanner for filling", |
"preferred": "Preferred", |
"mandatory": "Mandatory", |
"loading": "Loading ...", |
"title": "Title", |
"upload": "Upload", |
"download": "Download", |
"default": "Default", |
"more": "More", |
"less": "Less", |
"event": "Event", |
"condition": "Condition", |
"after": "After", |
"before": "Before", |
"search": "Search", |
"notification": "Notification", |
"reference": "Reference", |
"function": "Function", |
"confirm": "Confirm", |
"generate": "Generate", |
"copy": "Copy", |
"misc": "Miscellaneous", |
"lock": "Lock", |
"unlock": "Unlock", |
"credentials": "Credentials", |
"help": "Help", |
"questions": "Questions", |
"reachOut": "Reach out here", |
"betaNote": "This feature is currently in beta.", |
"moreInfo": "More information can be found here", |
"logs": "Logs", |
"groupingField": "Grouping Field", |
"insertAfter": "Insert After", |
"insertBefore": "Insert Before", |
"hideField": "Hide Field", |
"sortAsc": "Sort Ascending", |
"sortDesc": "Sort Descending", |
"geoDataField": "GeoData Field" |
}, |
"objects": { |
"project": "Project", |
"projects": "Projects", |
"table": "Table", |
"tables": "Tables", |
"field": "Field", |
"fields": "Fields", |
"column": "Column", |
"columns": "Columns", |
"page": "Page", |
"pages": "Pages", |
"record": "record", |
"records": "records", |
"webhook": "Webhook", |
"webhooks": "Webhooks", |
"view": "View", |
"views": "Views", |
"viewType": { |
"grid": "Grid", |
"gallery": "Gallery", |
"form": "Form", |
"kanban": "Kanban", |
"calendar": "Calendar", |
"map": "Map" |
}, |
"user": "User", |
"users": "Users", |
"role": "Role", |
"roles": "Roles", |
"roleType": { |
"owner": "Owner", |
"creator": "Creator", |
"editor": "Editor", |
"commenter": "Commenter", |
"viewer": "Viewer", |
"orgLevelCreator": "Organization Level Creator", |
"orgLevelViewer": "Organization Level Viewer" |
}, |
"sqlVIew": "SQL View" |
}, |
"datatype": { |
"ID": "ID", |
"ForeignKey": "Foreign Key", |
"SingleLineText": "Single Line Text", |
"LongText": "Long Text", |
"Attachment": "Attachment", |
"Checkbox": "Checkbox", |
"MultiSelect": "Multi Select", |
"SingleSelect": "Single Select", |
"Collaborator": "Collaborator", |
"Date": "Date", |
"Year": "Year", |
"Time": "Time", |
"PhoneNumber": "Phone Number", |
"Email": "Email", |
"URL": "URL", |
"Number": "Number", |
"Decimal": "Decimal", |
"Currency": "Currency", |
"Percent": "Percent", |
"Duration": "Duration", |
"GeoData": "GeoData", |
"Rating": "Rating", |
"Formula": "Formula", |
"Rollup": "Rollup", |
"Count": "Count", |
"Lookup": "Lookup", |
"DateTime": "Date Time", |
"CreateTime": "Create Time", |
"LastModifiedTime": "Last Modified Time", |
"AutoNumber": "Auto Number", |
"Barcode": "Barcode", |
"Button": "Button", |
"Password": "Password", |
"relationProperties": { |
"noAction": "No Action", |
"cascade": "Cascade", |
"restrict": "Restrict", |
"setNull": "Set NULL", |
"setDefault": "Set Default" |
} |
}, |
"filterOperation": { |
"isEqual": "is equal", |
"isNotEqual": "is not equal", |
"isLike": "is like", |
"isNot like": "is not like", |
"isEmpty": "is empty", |
"isNotEmpty": "is not empty", |
"isNull": "is null", |
"isNotNull": "is not null" |
}, |
"title": { |
"erdView": "ERD View", |
"newProj": "New Project", |
"myProject": "My Projects", |
"formTitle": "Form Title", |
"collabView": "Collaborative View", |
"lockedView": "Locked View", |
"personalView": "Personal View", |
"appStore": "App Store", |
"teamAndAuth": "Team & Auth", |
"rolesUserMgmt": "Roles & Users Management", |
"userMgmt": "Users Management", |
"apiTokenMgmt": "API Tokens Management", |
"rolesMgmt": "Roles Management", |
"projMeta": "Project Metadata", |
"metaMgmt": "Meta Management", |
"metadata": "Metadata", |
"exportImportMeta": "Export / Import Metadata", |
"uiACL": "UI Access Control", |
"metaOperations": "Metadata Operations", |
"audit": "Audit", |
"auditLogs": "Audit Log", |
"sqlMigrations": "SQL Migrations", |
"dbCredentials": "Database Credentials", |
"advancedParameters": "SSL & Advanced parameters", |
"headCreateProject": "Create Project | NocoDB", |
"headLogin": "Log In | NocoDB", |
"resetPassword": "Reset your password", |
"teamAndSettings": "Team & Settings", |
"apiDocs": "API Docs", |
"importFromAirtable": "Import From Airtable", |
"generateToken": "Generate Token", |
"APIsAndSupport": "APIs & Support", |
"helpCenter": "Help center", |
"swaggerDocumentation": "Swagger Documentation", |
"quickImportFrom": "Quick Import From", |
"quickImport": "Quick Import", |
"advancedSettings": "Advanced Settings", |
"codeSnippet": "Code Snippet", |
"keyboardShortcut": "Keyboard Shortcuts", |
"generateRandomName": "Generate Random Name", |
"findRowByScanningCode": "Find row by scanning a QR or Barcode", |
"tokenManagement": "Token Management", |
"addNewToken": "Add new token", |
"accountSettings": "Account Settings", |
"resetPasswordMenu": "Reset Password", |
"tokens": "Tokens", |
"userManagement": "User Management", |
"licence": "Licence" |
}, |
"labels": { |
"createdBy": "Created By", |
"notifyVia": "Notify Via", |
"projName": "Project name", |
"tableName": "Table name", |
"viewName": "View name", |
"viewLink": "View Link", |
"columnName": "Column Name", |
"columnToScanFor": "Column to scan", |
"columnType": "Column Type", |
"roleName": "Role Name", |
"roleDescription": "Role Description", |
"databaseType": "Type in Database", |
"lengthValue": "Length/ value", |
"dbType": "Database Type", |
"sqliteFile": "SQLite File", |
"hostAddress": "Host Address", |
"port": "Port Number", |
"username": "Username", |
"password": "Password", |
"schemaName": "Schema name", |
"database": "Database", |
"action": "Action", |
"actions": "Actions", |
"operation": "Operation", |
"operationSub": "Sub Operation", |
"operationType": "Operation type", |
"operationSubType": "Operation sub-type", |
"description": "Description", |
"authentication": "Authentication", |
"token": "Token", |
"where": "Where", |
"cache": "Cache", |
"chat": "Chat", |
"email": "E-mail", |
"storage": "Storage", |
"uiAcl": "UI-ACL", |
"models": "Models", |
"syncState": "Sync state", |
"created": "Created", |
"sqlOutput": "SQL Output", |
"addOption": "Add option", |
"qrCodeValueColumn": "Column with QR code value", |
"barcodeValueColumn": "Column with Barcode value", |
"barcodeFormat": "Barcode format", |
"qrCodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a QR code", |
"barcodeValueTooLong": "Too many characters for a barcode", |
"currentLocation": "Current Location", |
"lng": "Lng", |
"lat": "Lat", |
"aggregateFunction": "Aggregate function", |
"dbCreateIfNotExists": "Database : create if not exists", |
"clientKey": "Client Key", |
"clientCert": "Client Cert", |
"serverCA": "Server CA", |
"requriedCa": "Required-CA", |
"requriedIdentity": "Required-IDENTITY", |
"inflection": { |
"tableName": "Inflection - Table name", |
"columnName": "Inflection - Column name" |
}, |
"community": { |
"starUs1": "Star", |
"starUs2": "us on Github", |
"bookDemo": "Book a Free DEMO", |
"getAnswered": "Get your questions answered", |
"joinDiscord": "Join Discord", |
"joinCommunity": "Join NocoDB Community", |
"joinReddit": "Join /r/NocoDB", |
"followNocodb": "Follow NocoDB" |
}, |
"docReference": "Document Reference", |
"selectUserRole": "Select User Role", |
"childTable": "Child table", |
"childColumn": "Child column", |
"linkToAnotherRecord": "Link to another record", |
"onUpdate": "On Update", |
"onDelete": "On Delete", |
"account": "Account", |
"language": "Language", |
"primaryColor": "Primary Color", |
"accentColor": "Accent Color", |
"customTheme": "Custom Theme", |
"requestDataSource": "Request a data source you need?", |
"apiKey": "API Key", |
"sharedBase": "Shared Base", |
"importData": "Import Data", |
"importSecondaryViews": "Import Secondary Views", |
"importRollupColumns": "Import Rollup Columns", |
"importLookupColumns": "Import Lookup Columns", |
"importAttachmentColumns": "Import Attachment Columns", |
"importFormulaColumns": "Import Formula Columns", |
"importUsers": "Import Users (by email)", |
"noData": "No Data", |
"goToDashboard": "Go to Dashboard", |
"importing": "Importing", |
"flattenNested": "Flatten Nested", |
"downloadAllowed": "Download allowed", |
"weAreHiring": "We are Hiring!", |
"primaryKey": "Primary key", |
"hasMany": "has many", |
"belongsTo": "belongs to", |
"manyToMany": "have many to many relation", |
"extraConnectionParameters": "Extra connection parameters", |
"commentsOnly": "Comments only", |
"documentation": "Documentation", |
"subscribeNewsletter": "Subscribe to our weekly newsletter", |
"signUpWithGoogle": "Sign up with Google", |
"signInWithGoogle": "Sign in with Google", |
"agreeToTos": "By signing up, you agree to the Terms of Service", |
"welcomeToNc": "Welcome to NocoDB!", |
"inviteOnlySignup": "Allow signup only using invite url", |
"nextRow": "Next Row", |
"prevRow": "Previous Row" |
}, |
"activity": { |
"createProject": "Create Project", |
"importProject": "Import Project", |
"searchProject": "Search Project", |
"editProject": "Edit Project", |
"stopProject": "Stop Project", |
"startProject": "Start Project", |
"restartProject": "Restart Project", |
"deleteProject": "Delete Project", |
"refreshProject": "Refresh projects", |
"saveProject": "Save Project", |
"deleteKanbanStack": "Delete stack?", |
"createProjectExtended": { |
"extDB": "Create By Connecting <br>To An External Database", |
"excel": "Create Project from excel", |
"template": "Create Project from template" |
}, |
"OkSaveProject": "Ok & Save Project", |
"upgrade": { |
"available": "Upgrade available", |
"releaseNote": "Release notes", |
"howTo": "How to upgrade ?" |
}, |
"translate": "Help translate", |
"account": { |
"authToken": "Copy Auth Token", |
"swagger": "Swagger: REST APIs", |
"projInfo": "Copy Project Info", |
"themes": "Themes" |
}, |
"sort": "Sort", |
"addSort": "Add Sort Option", |
"filter": "Filter", |
"addFilter": "Add Filter", |
"share": "Share", |
"shareBase": { |
"disable": "Disable shared base", |
"enable": "Anyone with the link", |
"link": "Shared base link" |
}, |
"invite": "Invite", |
"inviteMore": "Invite more", |
"inviteTeam": "Invite Team", |
"inviteUser": "Invite User", |
"inviteToken": "Invite Token", |
"newUser": "New User", |
"editUser": "Edit user", |
"deleteUser": "Remove user from project", |
"resendInvite": "Resend invite E-mail", |
"copyInviteURL": "Copy invite URL", |
"copyPasswordResetURL": "Copy password reset URL", |
"newRole": "New role", |
"reloadRoles": "Reload roles", |
"nextPage": "Next page", |
"prevPage": "Previous page", |
"nextRecord": "Next record", |
"previousRecord": "Previous record", |
"copyApiURL": "Copy API URL", |
"createTable": "Create New Table", |
"refreshTable": "Tables Refresh", |
"renameTable": "Rename Table", |
"deleteTable": "Delete Table", |
"addField": "Add new field to this table", |
"setDisplay": "Set as Display value", |
"addRow": "Add new row", |
"saveRow": "Save row", |
"saveAndExit": "Save & Exit", |
"saveAndStay": "Save & Stay", |
"insertRow": "Insert New Row", |
"duplicateRow": "Duplicate Row", |
"deleteRow": "Delete Row", |
"deleteSelectedRow": "Delete Selected Rows", |
"importExcel": "Import Excel", |
"importCSV": "Import CSV", |
"downloadCSV": "Download as CSV", |
"downloadExcel": "Download as XLSX", |
"uploadCSV": "Upload CSV", |
"import": "Import", |
"importMetadata": "Import Metadata", |
"exportMetadata": "Export Metadata", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear Metadata", |
"exportToFile": "Export to file", |
"changePwd": "Change Password", |
"createView": "Create a View", |
"shareView": "Share View", |
"findRowByCodeScan": "Find row by scan", |
"fillByCodeScan": "Fill by scan", |
"listSharedView": "Shared View List", |
"ListView": "Views List", |
"copyView": "Copy view", |
"renameView": "Rename view", |
"deleteView": "Delete view", |
"createGrid": "Create Grid View", |
"createGallery": "Create Gallery View", |
"createCalendar": "Create Calendar View", |
"createKanban": "Create Kanban View", |
"createForm": "Create Form View", |
"showSystemFields": "Show system fields", |
"copyUrl": "Copy URL", |
"openTab": "Open new tab", |
"iFrame": "Copy embeddable HTML code", |
"addWebhook": "Add New Webhook", |
"enableWebhook": "Enable Webhook", |
"testWebhook": "Test Webhook", |
"copyWebhook": "Copy Webhook", |
"deleteWebhook": "Delete Webhook", |
"newToken": "Add New Token", |
"exportZip": "Export zip", |
"importZip": "Import zip", |
"metaSync": "Sync Now", |
"settings": "Settings", |
"previewAs": "Preview as", |
"resetReview": "Reset Preview", |
"testDbConn": "Test Database Connection", |
"removeDbFromEnv": "Remove Database from environment", |
"editConnJson": "Edit connection JSON", |
"sponsorUs": "Sponsor Us", |
"sendEmail": "SEND EMAIL", |
"addUserToProject": "Add user to project", |
"getApiSnippet": "Get API Snippet", |
"clearCell": "Clear cell", |
"addFilterGroup": "Add Filter Group", |
"linkRecord": "Link record", |
"addNewRecord": "Add new record", |
"useConnectionUrl": "Use Connection URL", |
"toggleCommentsDraw": "Toggle comments draw", |
"expandRecord": "Expand Record", |
"deleteRecord": "Delete Record", |
"erd": { |
"showColumns": "Show Columns", |
"showPkAndFk": "Show Primary and Foreign Keys", |
"showSqlViews": "Show SQL Views", |
"showMMTables": "Show Many to Many tables", |
"showJunctionTableNames": "Show Junction Table Names" |
}, |
"kanban": { |
"collapseStack": "Collapse Stack", |
"deleteStack": "Delete Stack", |
"stackedBy": "Stacked By", |
"chooseGroupingField": "Choose a Grouping Field", |
"addOrEditStack": "Add / Edit Stack" |
}, |
"map": { |
"mappedBy": "Mapped By", |
"chooseMappingField": "Choose a Mapping Field", |
"openInGoogleMaps": "Google Maps", |
"openInOpenStreetMap": "OSM" |
}, |
"toggleMobileMode": "Toggle Mobile Mode" |
}, |
"tooltip": { |
"saveChanges": "Save changes", |
"xcDB": "Create a new project", |
"extDB": "Supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQL Server & SQLite", |
"apiRest": "Accessible via REST APIs", |
"apiGQL": "Accessible via GraphQL APIs", |
"theme": { |
"dark": "It does come in Black (^⇧B)", |
"light": "Does it come in Black ? (^⇧B)" |
}, |
"addTable": "Add new table", |
"inviteMore": "Invite more users", |
"toggleNavDraw": "Toggle navigation drawer", |
"reloadApiToken": "Reload API tokens", |
"generateNewApiToken": "Generate new API token", |
"addRole": "Add new role", |
"reloadList": "Reload list", |
"metaSync": "Sync metadata", |
"sqlMigration": "Reload migrations", |
"updateRestart": "Update & Restart", |
"cancelReturn": "Cancel and Return", |
"exportMetadata": "Export all metadata from the meta tables to meta directory.", |
"importMetadata": "Import all metadata from the meta directory to meta tables.", |
"clearMetadata": "Clear all metadata from meta tables.", |
"clientKey": "Select .key file", |
"clientCert": "Select .cert file", |
"clientCA": "Select CA file" |
}, |
"placeholder": { |
"projName": "Enter Project Name", |
"password": { |
"enter": "Enter the password", |
"current": "Current password", |
"new": "New password", |
"save": "Save password", |
"confirm": "Confirm new password" |
}, |
"searchProjectTree": "Search tables", |
"searchFields": "Search fields", |
"searchColumn": "Search {search} column", |
"searchApps": "Search apps", |
"searchModels": "Search models", |
"noItemsFound": "No items found", |
"defaultValue": "Default value", |
"filterByEmail": "Filter by E-mail", |
"filterQuery": "Filter query", |
"selectField": "Select field" |
}, |
"msg": { |
"warning": { |
"barcode": { |
"renderError": "Barcode error - please check compatibility between input and barcode type" |
}, |
"nonEditableFields": { |
"computedFieldUnableToClear": "Warning: Computed field - unable to clear text", |
"qrFieldsCannotBeDirectlyChanged": "Warning: QR fields cannot be directly changed." |
} |
}, |
"info": { |
"pasteNotSupported": "Paste operation is not supported on the active cell", |
"roles": { |
"orgCreator": "Creator can create new projects and access any invited project.", |
"orgViewer": "Viewer is not allowed to create new projects but they can access any invited project." |
}, |
"codeScanner": { |
"loadingScanner": "Loading the scanner...", |
"selectColumn": "Select a column (QR code or Barcode) that you want to use for finding a row by scanning.", |
"moreThanOneRowFoundForCode": "More than one row found for this code. Currently only unique codes are supported.", |
"noRowFoundForCode": "No row found for this code for the selected column" |
}, |
"map": { |
"overLimit": "You're over the limit.", |
"closeLimit": "You're getting close to the limit.", |
"limitNumber": "The limit of markers shown in a Map View is 1000 records." |
}, |
"footerInfo": "Rows per page", |
"upload": "Select file to Upload", |
"upload_sub": "or drag and drop file", |
"excelSupport": "Supported: .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots", |
"excelURL": "Enter excel file URL", |
"csvURL": "Enter CSV file URL", |
"footMsg": "# of rows to parse to infer datatype", |
"excelImport": "sheet(s) are available for import", |
"exportMetadata": "Do you want to export metadata from meta tables?", |
"importMetadata": "Do you want to import metadata from meta tables?", |
"clearMetadata": "Do you want to clear metadata from meta tables?", |
"projectEmptyMessage": "Get started by creating a new project", |
"stopProject": "Do you want to stop the project?", |
"startProject": "Do you want to start the project?", |
"restartProject": "Do you want to restart the project?", |
"deleteProject": "Do you want to delete the project?", |
"shareBasePrivate": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base", |
"shareBasePublic": "Anyone on the internet with this link can view", |
"userInviteNoSMTP": "Looks like you have not configured mailer yet! Please copy above invite link and send it to", |
"dragDropHide": "Drag and drop fields here to hide", |
"formInput": "Enter form input label", |
"formHelpText": "Add some help text", |
"onlyCreator": "Only visible to Creator", |
"formDesc": "Add form description", |
"beforeEnablePwd": "Restrict access with a password", |
"afterEnablePwd": "Access is password restricted", |
"privateLink": "This view is shared via a private link", |
"privateLinkAdditionalInfo": "People with private link can only see cells visible in this view", |
"afterFormSubmitted": "After form is submitted", |
"apiOptions": "Access Project via", |
"submitAnotherForm": "Show 'Submit Another Form' button", |
"showBlankForm": "Show a blank form after 5 seconds", |
"emailForm": "E-mail me at", |
"showSysFields": "Show system fields", |
"filterAutoApply": "Auto apply", |
"showMessage": "Show this message", |
"viewNotShared": "Current view is not shared!", |
"showAllViews": "Show all shared views of this table", |
"collabView": "Collaborators with edit permissions or higher can change the view configuration.", |
"lockedView": "No one can edit the view configuration until it is unlocked.", |
"personalView": "Only you can edit the view configuration. Other collaborators’ personal views are hidden by default.", |
"ownerDesc": "Can add/remove creators. And full edit database structures & fields.", |
"creatorDesc": "Can fully edit database structure & values.", |
"editorDesc": "Can edit records but cannot change structure of database/fields.", |
"commenterDesc": "Can view and comment the records but cannot edit anything", |
"viewerDesc": "Can view the records but cannot edit anything", |
"addUser": "Add new user", |
"staticRoleInfo": "System defined roles can't be edited", |
"exportZip": "Export project meta to zip file and download.", |
"importZip": "Import project meta zip file and restart.", |
"importText": "Import NocoDB Project by uploading metadata zip file", |
"metaNoChange": "No change identified", |
"sqlMigration": "Schema migrations will be created automatically. Create a table and refresh this page.", |
"dbConnectionStatus": "Environment validated", |
"dbConnected": "Connection was successful", |
"notifications": { |
"no_new": "No new notifications", |
"clear": "Clear" |
}, |
"sponsor": { |
"header": "You can help us!", |
"message": "We are a tiny team working full time to make NocoDB Open-source. We believe a tool like NocoDB should be available freely to every problem solver on Internet." |
}, |
"loginMsg": "Log In To NocoDB", |
"passwordRecovery": { |
"message_1": "Please provide the email address you used when you signed up.", |
"message_2": "We will send you an email with a link to reset your password.", |
"success": "Please check your email to reset the password" |
}, |
"signUp": { |
"superAdmin": "You will be the 'Super Admin'", |
"alreadyHaveAccount": "Already have an account ?", |
"workEmail": "Enter your work email", |
"enterPassword": "Enter your password", |
"forgotPassword": "Forgot your password ?", |
"dontHaveAccount": "Don't have an account ?" |
}, |
"addView": { |
"grid": "Add Grid View", |
"gallery": "Add Gallery View", |
"form": "Add Form View", |
"kanban": "Add Kanban View", |
"map": "Add Map View", |
"calendar": "Add Calendar View" |
}, |
"tablesMetadataInSync": "Tables metadata is in Sync", |
"addMultipleUsers": "You can add multiple comma(,) separated emails", |
"enterTableName": "Enter table name", |
"addDefaultColumns": "Add default columns", |
"tableNameInDb": "Table name as saved in database", |
"airtable": { |
"credentials": "Where to find this?" |
}, |
"import": { |
"clickOrDrag": "Click or drag file to this area to upload" |
}, |
"metaDataRecreated": "Table metadata recreated successfully", |
"invalidCredentials": "Invalid credentials", |
"downloadingMoreFiles": "Downloading more files", |
"copiedToClipboard": "Copied to clipboard", |
"requriedFieldsCantBeMoved": "Required field can't be moved", |
"updateNotAllowedWithoutPK": "Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary key", |
"autoIncFieldNotEditable": "Auto increment field is not editable", |
"editingPKnotSupported": "Editing primary key not supported", |
"deletedCache": "Deleted cache successfully", |
"cacheEmpty": "Cache is empty", |
"exportedCache": "Exported Cache Successfully", |
"valueAlreadyInList": "This value is already in the list", |
"noColumnsToUpdate": "No columns to update", |
"tableDeleted": "Deleted table successfully", |
"generatePublicShareableReadonlyBase": "Generate publicly shareable readonly base", |
"deleteViewConfirmation": "Are you sure you want to delete this view?", |
"deleteTableConfirmation": "Do you want to delete the table", |
"showM2mTables": "Show M2M Tables", |
"showM2mTablesDesc": "Many-to-many relation is supported via a junction table & is hidden by default. Enable this option to list all such tables along with existing tables.", |
"showNullInCells": "Show NULL in Cells", |
"showNullInCellsDesc": "Display 'NULL' tag in cells holding NULL value. This helps differentiate against cells holding EMPTY string.", |
"showNullAndEmptyInFilter": "Show NULL and EMPTY in Filter", |
"showNullAndEmptyInFilterDesc": "Enable 'additional' filters to differentiate fields containing NULL & Empty Strings. Default support for Blank treats both NULL & Empty strings alike.", |
"deleteKanbanStackConfirmation": "Deleting this stack will also remove the select option `{stackToBeDeleted}` from the `{groupingField}`. The records will move to the uncategorized stack.", |
"computedFieldEditWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Use column edit menu to reconfigure", |
"computedFieldDeleteWarning": "Computed field: contents are read-only. Unable to clear content.", |
"noMoreRecords": "No more records" |
}, |
"error": { |
"searchProject": "Your search for {search} found no results", |
"invalidChar": "Invalid character in folder path.", |
"invalidDbCredentials": "Invalid database credentials.", |
"unableToConnectToDb": "Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up.", |
"userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission": "User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema.", |
"dbConnectionStatus": "Invalid database parameters", |
"dbConnectionFailed": "Connection Failure:", |
"signUpRules": { |
"emailReqd": "E-mail is required", |
"emailInvalid": "E-mail must be valid", |
"passwdRequired": "Password is required", |
"passwdLength": "You password must be atleast 8 characters", |
"passwdMismatch": "Passwords do not match", |
"completeRuleSet": "At least 8 characters with one Uppercase, one number and one special character", |
"atLeast8Char": "At least 8 characters", |
"atLeastOneUppercase": "One Uppercase letter", |
"atLeastOneNumber": "One Number", |
"atLeastOneSpecialChar": "One special character", |
"allowedSpecialCharList": "Allowed special character list" |
}, |
"invalidURL": "Invalid URL", |
"invalidEmail": "Invalid Email", |
"internalError": "Some internal error occurred", |
"templateGeneratorNotFound": "Template Generator cannot be found!", |
"fileUploadFailed": "Failed to upload file", |
"primaryColumnUpdateFailed": "Failed to update primary column", |
"formDescriptionTooLong": "Data too long for Form Description", |
"columnsRequired": "Following columns are required", |
"selectAtleastOneColumn": "At least one column has to be selected", |
"columnDescriptionNotFound": "Cannot find the destination column for", |
"duplicateMappingFound": "Duplicate mapping found, please remove one of the mapping", |
"nullValueViolatesNotNull": "Null value violates not-null constraint", |
"sourceHasInvalidNumbers": "Source data contains some invalid numbers", |
"sourceHasInvalidBoolean": "Source data contains some invalid boolean values", |
"invalidForm": "Invalid Form", |
"formValidationFailed": "Form validation failed", |
"youHaveBeenSignedOut": "You have been signed out", |
"failedToLoadList": "Failed to load list", |
"failedToLoadChildrenList": "Failed to load children list", |
"deleteFailed": "Delete failed", |
"unlinkFailed": "Unlink failed", |
"rowUpdateFailed": "Row update failed", |
"deleteRowFailed": "Failed to delete row", |
"setFormDataFailed": "Failed to set form data", |
"formViewUpdateFailed": "Failed to update form view", |
"tableNameRequired": "Table name is required", |
"nameShouldStartWithAnAlphabetOr_": "Name should start with an alphabet or _", |
"followingCharactersAreNotAllowed": "Following characters are not allowed", |
"columnNameRequired": "Column name is required", |
"columnNameExceedsCharacters": "The length of column name exceeds the max {value} characters", |
"projectNameExceeds50Characters": "Project name exceeds 50 characters", |
"projectNameCannotStartWithSpace": "Project name cannot start with space", |
"requiredField": "Required field", |
"ipNotAllowed": "IP not allowed", |
"targetFileIsNotAnAcceptedFileType": "Target file is not an accepted file type", |
"theAcceptedFileTypeIsCsv": "The accepted file type is .csv", |
"theAcceptedFileTypesAreXlsXlsxXlsmOdsOts": "The accepted file types are .xls, .xlsx, .xlsm, .ods, .ots", |
"parameterKeyCannotBeEmpty": "Parameter key cannot be empty", |
"duplicateParameterKeysAreNotAllowed": "Duplicate parameter keys are not allowed", |
"fieldRequired": "{value} cannot be empty.", |
"projectNotAccessible": "Project not accessible", |
"copyToClipboardError": "Failed to copy to clipboard" |
}, |
"toast": { |
"exportMetadata": "Project metadata exported successfully", |
"importMetadata": "Project metadata imported successfully", |
"clearMetadata": "Project metadata cleared successfully", |
"stopProject": "Project stopped successfully", |
"startProject": "Project started successfully", |
"restartProject": "Project restarted successfully", |
"deleteProject": "Project deleted successfully", |
"authToken": "Auth token copied to clipboard", |
"projInfo": "Copied project info to clipboard", |
"inviteUrlCopy": "Copied invite URL to clipboard", |
"createView": "View created successfully", |
"formEmailSMTP": "Please activate SMTP plugin in App store for enabling email notification", |
"collabView": "Successfully Switched to collaborative view", |
"lockedView": "Successfully Switched to locked view", |
"futureRelease": "Coming soon!" |
}, |
"success": { |
"columnDuplicated": "Column duplicated successfully", |
"rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet": "Row duplicated (not saved)", |
"updatedUIACL": "Updated UI ACL for tables successfully", |
"pluginUninstalled": "Plugin uninstalled successfully", |
"pluginSettingsSaved": "Plugin settings saved successfully", |
"pluginTested": "Successfully tested plugin settings", |
"tableRenamed": "Table renamed successfully", |
"viewDeleted": "View deleted successfully", |
"primaryColumnUpdated": "Successfully updated as primary column", |
"tableDataExported": "Successfully exported all table data", |
"updated": "Successfully updated", |
"sharedViewDeleted": "Deleted shared view successfully", |
"userDeleted": "User deleted successfully", |
"viewRenamed": "View renamed successfully", |
"tokenGenerated": "Token generated successfully", |
"tokenDeleted": "Token deleted successfully", |
"userAddedToProject": "Successfully added user to project", |
"userAdded": "Successfully added user", |
"userDeletedFromProject": "Successfully deleted user from project", |
"inviteEmailSent": "Invite Email sent successfully", |
"inviteURLCopied": "Invite URL copied to clipboard", |
"commentCopied": "Comment copied to clipboard", |
"passwordResetURLCopied": "Password reset URL copied to clipboard", |
"shareableURLCopied": "Copied shareable base URL to clipboard!", |
"embeddableHTMLCodeCopied": "Copied embeddable HTML code!", |
"userDetailsUpdated": "Successfully updated the user details", |
"tableDataImported": "Successfully imported table data", |
"webhookUpdated": "Webhook details updated successfully", |
"webhookDeleted": "Hook deleted successfully", |
"webhookTested": "Webhook tested successfully", |
"columnUpdated": "Column updated", |
"columnCreated": "Column created", |
"passwordChanged": "Password changed successfully. Please login again.", |
"settingsSaved": "Settings saved successfully", |
"roleUpdated": "Role updated successfully" |
} |
} |