You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

244 lines
6.4 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
interface Prop {
extensionId: string
error?: any
const { extensionId, error } = defineProps<Prop>()
const { extensionList, extensionsLoaded, availableExtensions, eventBus } = useExtensions()
const isLoadedExtension = ref<boolean>(false)
const activeError = ref(error)
const extensionRef = ref<HTMLElement>()
const extensionModalRef = ref<HTMLElement>()
const isMouseDown = ref(false)
const extension = computed(() => {
const ext = extensionList.value.find((ext) => ext.id === extensionId)
if (!ext) {
throw new Error('Extension not found')
return ext
const extensionManifest = computed<ExtensionManifest | undefined>(() => {
return availableExtensions.value.find((ext) => ext.id === extension.value?.extensionId)
const { fullscreen, collapsed } = useProvideExtensionHelper(extension, extensionManifest, activeError)
const { height } = useElementSize(extensionRef)
const component = ref<any>(null)
const extensionHeight = computed(() => {
const heigthInInt = parseInt(extensionManifest.value?.config?.contentMinHeight || '') || undefined
if (!heigthInInt || height.value > heigthInInt) return `${height.value}px`
return extensionManifest.value?.config?.contentMinHeight
const fullscreenModalMaxWidth = computed(() => {
const modalMaxWidth = {
xs: 'min(calc(100vw - 32px), 448px)',
sm: 'min(calc(100vw - 32px), 640px)',
md: 'min(calc(100vw - 48px), 900px)',
lg: 'min(calc(100vw - 48px), 1280px)',
return extensionManifest.value?.config?.modalMaxWith
? modalMaxWidth[extensionManifest.value?.config?.modalMaxWith] || modalMaxWidth.lg
: modalMaxWidth.lg
// close fullscreen on clicking extensionModalRef directly
const closeFullscreen = (e: MouseEvent) => {
if (e.target === extensionModalRef.value) {
fullscreen.value = false
onMounted(() => {
.toMatch((v) => v)
.then(() => {
if (!extensionManifest.value) {
import(`../../extensions/${extensionManifest.value.entry}/index.vue`).then((mod) => {
component.value = markRaw(mod.default)
isLoadedExtension.value = true
.catch((err) => {
if (!extensionManifest.value) {
activeError.value = 'There was an error loading the extension'
activeError.value = err
isLoadedExtension.value = true
// #Listeners
// close fullscreen on escape key press
useEventListener('keydown', (e) => {
// Check if the event target or its closest parent is an input, select, or textarea
const isFormElement = (e?.target as HTMLElement)?.closest('input, select, textarea')
// If the target is not a form element and the key is 'Escape', close fullscreen
if (e.key === 'Escape' && !isFormElement) {
fullscreen.value = false
eventBus.on((event, payload) => {
if (event === ExtensionsEvents.DUPLICATE && extension.value.id === payload) {
setTimeout(() => {
nextTick(() => {
extensionRef.value?.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth', block: 'start' })
}, 500)
<div ref="extensionRef" class="w-full px-4" :data-testid="extension.id">
'!h-auto': collapsed,
'isOpen': !collapsed,
'mousedown': isMouseDown,
? {
height: extensionHeight,
minHeight: extensionManifest?.config?.contentMinHeight,
: {}
@mousedown="isMouseDown = true"
@mouseup="isMouseDown = false"
<ExtensionsExtensionHeader :is-fullscreen="false" />
<template v-if="activeError">
class="extension-content nc-scrollbar-thin h-[calc(100%_-_50px)] flex items-center justify-center"
<a-result status="error" title="Extension Error" class="nc-extension-error">
<template #subTitle>{{ activeError }}</template>
<template #extra>
<NcButton size="small" @click="extension.clear()">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<GeneralIcon icon="reload" />
Clear Data
<NcButton size="small" type="danger" @click="extension.delete()">
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<GeneralIcon icon="delete" />
<template v-else>
<Teleport to="body" :disabled="!fullscreen">
:class="{ 'extension-modal': fullscreen, 'h-[calc(100%_-_50px)]': !fullscreen }"
:class="{ 'extension-modal-content': fullscreen, 'h-full': !fullscreen }"
? {
maxWidth: fullscreenModalMaxWidth,
: {}
v-show="fullscreen || !collapsed"
class="extension-content h-full"
:class="{ 'fullscreen': fullscreen, 'h-full nc-scrollbar-thin': !fullscreen }"
<component :is="component" :key="extension.uiKey" class="h-full" />
<style scoped lang="scss">
.extension-wrapper {
@apply bg-white rounded-xl w-full border-1 relative;
&.isOpen {
resize: vertical;
&.mousedown {
overflow-y: auto;
.extension-content {
@apply rounded-lg;
&:not(.fullscreen) {
@apply p-3;
.extension-modal {
@apply absolute top-0 left-0 z-1000 w-full h-full bg-black bg-opacity-50;
.extension-modal-content {
@apply bg-white rounded-2xl w-[90%] h-[90vh] mt-[5vh] mx-auto flex flex-col;
:deep(.nc-extension-error.ant-result) {
@apply p-0;
.ant-result-icon {
@apply mb-3;
& > span {
@apply text-[32px];
.ant-result-title {
@apply text-base text-gray-800 font-semibold;
.ant-result-extra {
@apply mt-3;