You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

185 lines
4.8 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FunctionalComponent, SVGAttributes } from 'vue'
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'
import AuditTab from './AuditTab.vue'
import AppStore from './AppStore.vue'
import Metadata from './Metadata.vue'
import UIAcl from './UIAcl.vue'
import Misc from './Misc.vue'
import ApiTokenManagement from '~/components/tabs/auth/ApiTokenManagement.vue'
import UserManagement from '~/components/tabs/auth/UserManagement.vue'
import StoreFrontOutline from '~icons/mdi/storefront-outline'
import TeamFillIcon from '~icons/ri/team-fill'
import MultipleTableIcon from '~icons/mdi/table-multiple'
import NootbookOutline from '~icons/mdi/notebook-outline'
import { useUIPermission, useVModel, watch } from '#imports'
import MdiCloseIcon from '~icons/mdi/close'
interface Props {
modelValue: boolean
openKey?: string
interface SubTabGroup {
[key: string]: {
title: string
body: any
interface TabGroup {
[key: string]: {
title: string
icon: FunctionalComponent<SVGAttributes, {}>
subTabs: SubTabGroup
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue'])
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits)
const { isUIAllowed } = useUIPermission()
const { t } = useI18n()
const tabsInfo: TabGroup = {
teamAndAuth: {
title: 'Team and Auth',
icon: TeamFillIcon,
subTabs: {
...(isUIAllowed('userMgmtTab') && {
usersManagement: {
// Users Management
title: t('title.userMgmt'),
body: UserManagement,
...(isUIAllowed('apiTokenTab') && {
apiTokenManagement: {
// API Tokens Management
title: t('title.apiTokenMgmt'),
body: ApiTokenManagement,
appStore: {
title: 'App Store',
icon: StoreFrontOutline,
subTabs: {
new: {
title: 'Apps',
body: AppStore,
metaData: {
title: 'Project Metadata',
icon: MultipleTableIcon,
subTabs: {
metaData: {
title: 'Metadata',
body: Metadata,
acl: {
title: 'UI Access Control',
body: UIAcl,
misc: {
title: 'Misc',
body: Misc,
audit: {
title: 'Audit',
icon: NootbookOutline,
subTabs: {
audit: {
title: 'Audit',
body: AuditTab,
const firstKeyOfObject = (obj: object) => Object.keys(obj)[0]
// Array of keys of tabs which are selected. In our case will be only one.
let selectedTabKeys = $ref<string[]>([firstKeyOfObject(tabsInfo)])
const selectedTab = $computed(() => tabsInfo[selectedTabKeys[0]])
let selectedSubTabKeys = $ref<string[]>([firstKeyOfObject(selectedTab.subTabs)])
const selectedSubTab = $computed(() => selectedTab.subTabs[selectedSubTabKeys[0]])
() => selectedTabKeys[0],
(newTabKey) => {
selectedSubTabKeys = [firstKeyOfObject(tabsInfo[newTabKey].subTabs)]
() => props.openKey,
(nextOpenKey) => {
selectedTabKeys = [Object.keys(tabsInfo).find((key) => key === nextOpenKey) || firstKeyOfObject(tabsInfo)]
width="max(90vw, 600px)"
@cancel="emits('update:modelValue', false)"
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between w-full items-center mb-1">
<a-typography-title class="ml-4 select-none" type="secondary" :level="5">SETTINGS</a-typography-title>
<a-button type="text" class="!rounded-md border-none -mt-1.5 -mr-1" @click="vModel = false">
<template #icon>
<MdiCloseIcon class="cursor-pointer mt-1 nc-modal-close" />
<a-layout class="mt-3 modal-body flex">
<!-- Side tabs -->
<a-layout-sider theme="light">
<a-menu v-model:selected-keys="selectedTabKeys" class="h-full" mode="inline" :open-keys="[]">
<a-menu-item v-for="(tab, key) of tabsInfo" :key="key">
<div class="flex flex-row items-center space-x-2">
<component :is="tab.icon" class="flex" />
<div class="flex select-none">
{{ tab.title }}
<!-- Sub Tabs -->
<a-layout-content class="h-auto px-4 scrollbar-thumb-gray-500">
<a-menu v-model:selectedKeys="selectedSubTabKeys" :open-keys="[]" mode="horizontal">
<a-menu-item v-for="(tab, key) of selectedTab.subTabs" :key="key" class="select-none">
{{ tab.title }}
<component :is="selectedSubTab.body" class="px-2 py-6" />
<style scoped>
.modal-body {
@apply h-[75vh];
@apply overflow-y-auto;