You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

217 lines
6.1 KiB

<div class="d-flex" style="height: calc(100vh - 52px)">
<v-navigation-drawer left permanent width="max(300px,20%)" class="h-100">
<div class="d-flex flex-column h-100">
<div class="advance-menu flex-grow-1 pt-8">
:class="{ 'advanced-border': overShieldIcon }"
<v-list-item-group v-model="activePage" color="x-active" mandatory>
<v-list-item v-for="item in navDrawerOptions" :key="item.title" :value="item.title" dense class="body-2">
<v-icon small class="ml-5">
{{ item.icon }}
class="font-weight-medium ml-3"
'textColor--text text--lighten-2': item.title !== activePage,
{{ item.title }}
<v-divider />
<extras class="pl-6" />
<div class="sponsor ml-2 mb-2 mr-2">
<sponsor-mini nav />
<v-container class="flex-grow-1 py-9 px-15 h-100" style="overflow-y: auto">
<div class="d-flex">
<h2 class="display-1 ml-5 mb-7 font-weight-medium textColor--text text--lighten-2 flex-grow-1">
{{ activePage }}
<div class="">
<create-new-project-btn />
<v-divider class="mb-3" />
<div v-if="projectList && projectList.length" class="nc-project-item-container d-flex d-100">
v-for="(project, i) in projectList"
class="nc-project-item elevation-0 d-flex align-center justify-center flex-column py-5"
class="nc-project-thumbnail pointer text-uppercase d-flex align-center justify-center"
:style="{ backgroundColor: getTextColor(i) }"
.split(' ')
.map(w => w[0])
.slice(0, 2)
<v-icon class="nc-project-star-icon" small color="white" v-on="on" @click.stop> mdi-star-outline </v-icon>
<v-menu bottom offset-y>
<template #activator="{ on }">
<v-icon class="nc-project-option-menu-icon" color="white" v-on="on" @click.stop> mdi-menu-down </v-icon>
<v-list dense>
<v-icon small color="red"> mdi-delete-outline </v-icon>
<div class="text-center pa-2 nc-project-title body-2 font-weight-medium">
{{ project.title }}
<div class="pointer nc-project-item nc-project-item elevation-0 d-flex align-center justify-center flex-column">
<template #default="{ on }">
class="nc-project-thumbnail nc-add-project text-uppercase d-flex align-center justify-center grey lighten-2"
<div class="text-center pa-2 nc-project-title body-2 font-weight-medium">Add project</div>
<div v-else class="px-4 py-10 text-center textColor--text text--lighten-3 caption backgroundColor">
Please create a project
import colors from '~/mixins/colors';
import CreateNewProjectBtn from '~/components/projectList/CreateNewProjectBtn';
import Extras from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/Extras';
import SponsorMini from '~/components/SponsorMini';
export default {
name: 'List',
components: { SponsorMini, Extras, CreateNewProjectBtn },
mixins: [colors],
data: () => ({
projectList: null,
activePage: null,
navDrawerOptions: [
title: 'My NocoDB',
icon: 'mdi-folder-outline',
title: 'Shared With Me',
icon: 'mdi-account-group',
title: 'Recent',
icon: 'mdi-clock-outline',
title: 'Starred',
icon: 'mdi-star',
mounted() {
methods: {
async loadProjectList() {
const { list, pageInfo } = await this.$api.project.list();
this.projectList = list;
async openProject(project) {
await this.$router.push({
path: `/nc/${project.id}`,
this.$e('a:project:open', { count: this.projects.length });
<style scoped>
.nc-project-item-container {
flex-wrap: wrap;
position: relative;
.nc-project-item {
width: 150px;
align-items: center;
.nc-project-thumbnail {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
font-size: 50px;
color: white;
font-weight: bold;
border-radius: 4px;
margin-inside: auto;
position: relative;
.nc-project-star-icon {
position: absolute;
opacity: 0;
transition: 0.3s opacity;
.nc-project-star-icon {
top: 8px;
right: 10px;
.nc-project-option-menu-icon {
bottom: 5px;
right: 5px;
.nc-project-thumbnail:hover .nc-project-option-menu-icon,
.nc-project-thumbnail:hover .nc-project-star-icon {
opacity: 1;
.nc-project-title {
text-transform: capitalize;
text-align: center;
.nc-project-title.nc-add-project {
font-size: 60px;
/deep/ .v-navigation-drawer__border {
background-color: transparent !important;
.nc-project-thumbnail:hover {
background-image: linear-gradient(#0002, #0002);