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268 lines
12 KiB
268 lines
12 KiB
{ |
"name": "nocodb", |
"version": "0.98.1", |
"description": "NocoDB", |
"main": "dist/bundle.js", |
"repository": "https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb", |
"license": "AGPL-3.0-or-later", |
"keywords": [], |
"scripts": { |
"describe": "npm-scripts-info", |
"build": "run-s clean && run-p build:*", |
"build:obfuscate": "EE=true webpack --config webpack.config.js", |
"build:main": "tsc -p tsconfig.json", |
"build:module": "tsc -p tsconfig.module.json", |
"obfuscate:build:publish": "npm run build:obfuscate && npm publish .", |
"fix": "run-s fix:*", |
"fix:prettier": "prettier \"src/**/*.ts\" --write", |
"lint": "eslint src --ext .ts", |
"test": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=tsconfig.json mocha -r ts-node/register src/__tests__/**/*.test.ts --recursive", |
"unit-test": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=tsconfig.json mocha --require ts-node/register 'src/__tests__/unit/**/*.test.ts' --recursive --check-leaks --exit", |
"local:test:graphql": "cross-env DATABASE_URL=mysql://root:password@localhost:3306/sakila TS_NODE_PROJECT=tsconfig.json mocha -r ts-node/register src/__tests__/graphql.test.ts --recursive --timeout 10000 --exit", |
"test:graphql": "cross-env TS_NODE_PROJECT=tsconfig.json mocha -r ts-node/register src/__tests__/graphql.test.ts --recursive --timeout 10000 --exit", |
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"test1": "run-s build test:*", |
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"version": "standard-version", |
"reset": "git clean -dfx && git reset --hard && npm i", |
"clean": "trash build src/test", |
"prepare-release": "run-s reset src/test cov:check doc:html version doc:publish", |
"start-graphql": "ts-node src/run/index.gql.ts", |
"start-rest": "ts-node src/run/index.rest.ts", |
"start-grpc": "ts-node src/run/index.grpc.ts", |
"start-api": "ts-node src/run/index.ts", |
"start-xc-tool-api": "ts-node src/run/xc-tool-apis.ts", |
"docker-test": "node docker/index.js", |
"test:dev:travis": "cross-env NODE_ENV=dev npm run test:rest && NODE_ENV=dev npm run test:graphql && NODE_ENV=dev npm run test:grpc", |
"test:travis": "cross-env NODE_ENV=test npm run test:rest && NODE_ENV=test npm run test:graphql && NODE_ENV=test npm run test:grpc", |
"local": "node --expose-gc --max-old-space-size=1024 docker/index.js", |
"local-reset": "rm noco.db && npm run local", |
"debug-local-build": "NODE_ENV=dev node docker/main.js", |
"debug-local": "NODE_ENV=dev node docker/index.js", |
"test-rpc": " node docker/index-grpc.js", |
"postbuild": "npm run copy-files", |
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"docker:build": "EE=\"true-xc-test\" webpack --config docker/webpack.config.js", |
"docker:image:build": "docker build . -t nocodb/nocodb-test:latest -t nocodb/nocodb-test:0.10.0 --no-cache", |
"docker:image:buildx": "docker buildx build . --platform linux/arm64 -t nocodb/nocodb:arm64 --no-cache", |
"docker:image:deploy": "docker push nocodb/nocodb:latest && docker push nocodb/nocodb:0.10.0", |
"docker:build:publish:image": "npm run build && npm run docker:build && npm run docker:image:build", |
"docker:s3:image:build": "docker build . --file litestream/Dockerfile -t xgenecloud/xc-s3:latest -t xgenecloud/xc-s3:0.0.1 --no-cache", |
"docker:s3:image:deploy": "docker push xgenecloud/xc-s3:latest && docker push xgenecloud/xc-s3:0.0.1", |
"docker:s3:build:publish:image": "npm run build && npm run docker:build && npm run docker:s3:image:build && npm run docker:s3:image:deploy", |
"docker:oracle:image:build": "docker build . -t xc-instant-oracle -f Dockerfile-ORACLE --no-cache", |
"help:a": "node docker/test", |
"help:seed": "ts-node src/run/seedts.ts", |
"help:c": "ts-node ./help/a", |
"watch:build": "nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x npm run build", |
"watch:serve": "nodemon -e ts -w ./build -x npm run debug-local ", |
"watch:run": "cross-env NC_DISABLE_TELE1=true EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/docker --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"watch:run:cypress": "cross-env EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/docker --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"watch:run:cypress:pg": "cross-env EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/dockerRunPG --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"watch:run:cypress:pg:cyquick": "cross-env EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/dockerRunPG_CyQuick.ts --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"watch:run:mysql": "cross-env NC_DISABLE_TELE=true EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/dockerRunMysql --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"watch:run:pg": "cross-env NC_DISABLE_TELE=true EE=true nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/dockerRunPG --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"run": "ts-node src/run/docker", |
"watch:try": "nodemon -e ts,js -w ./src -x \"ts-node src/run/try --log-error --project tsconfig.json\"", |
"example:docker": "ts-node src/run/docker.ts" |
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"scripts-info": { |
"info": "Display information about the package scripts", |
"build": "Clean and rebuild the project", |
"fix": "Try to automatically fix any linting problems", |
"test": "Lint and unit test the project", |
"watch": "Watch and rebuild the project on save, then rerun relevant tests", |
"cov": "Rebuild, run tests, then create and open the coverage report", |
"doc": "Generate HTML API documentation and open it in a browser", |
"doc:json": "Generate API documentation in typedoc JSON format", |
"version": "Bump package.json version, update CHANGELOG.md, tag release", |
"reset": "Delete all untracked files and reset the repo to the last commit", |
"prepare-release": "One-step: clean, build, test, publish docs, and prep a release" |
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"engines": { |
"node": ">=8.9" |
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