You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

121 lines
4.1 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { useAccountSetupStoreOrThrow } from '../../composables/useAccountSetupStore'
const { t } = useI18n()
const { loadSetupApps, emailConfigured, storageConfigured, listModalDlg } = useAccountSetupStoreOrThrow()
const { appInfo } = useGlobal()
const openedCategory = ref<string | null>(null)
const configs = computed(() => [
title: t('labels.configLabel', { label: t('labels.email') }),
key: 'email',
description: 'Configure an email account to send notifications to your organisation’s users.',
docsLink: 'https://docs.nocodb.com',
buttonClick: () => {
navigateTo(`/account/setup/email${emailConfigured.value ? `/${emailConfigured.value.title}` : ''}`)
itemClick: () => {
configured: emailConfigured.value,
title: t('labels.configLabel', { label: t('labels.storage') }),
key: 'storage',
description: 'Configure a storage service to store your organisation’s data.',
docsLink: 'https://docs.nocodb.com',
buttonClick: () => {
navigateTo(`/account/setup/storage${storageConfigured.value ? `/${storageConfigured.value.title}` : ''}`)
itemClick: () => {
configured: storageConfigured.value,
title: t('labels.switchToProd'),
key: 'switchToProd',
description: 'Switch to production-ready app database from existing application database.',
docsLink: 'https://docs.nocodb.com',
buttonClick: () => {
// TODO: Implement the logic to switch to production
isPending: !(appInfo.value as any)?.prodReady,
onMounted(async () => {
await loadSetupApps()
<div class="flex flex-col" data-test-id="nc-setup">
<template #icon>
<div class="flex justify-center items-center h-5 w-5">
<GeneralIcon icon="ncSliders" class="flex-none text-[20px]" />
<template #title>
<span data-rec="true">
{{ $t('labels.setup') }}
class="nc-content-max-w flex-1 max-h-[calc(100vh_-_100px)] overflow-y-auto nc-scrollbar-thin flex flex-col items-center gap-6 p-6"
<div class="flex flex-col gap-6 w-150">
v-for="config of configs"
class="flex flex-col border-1 rounded-2xl border-gray-200 p-6 gap-2 hover:(shadow bg-gray-10)"
'cursor-pointer': config.itemClick,
<div class="flex gap-3 items-center" data-rec="true">
<NcTooltip v-if="!config.configured || config.isPending">
<template #title>
{{ $t('activity.pending') }}
<GeneralIcon icon="warning" class="text-orange-500 -mt-1 w-6 h-6" />
<GeneralIcon v-else icon="circleCheckSolid" class="text-success w-6 h-6 bg-white-500" />
<span class="font-bold text-base"> {{ config.title }}</span>
<div class="text-gray-600 text-sm">{{ config.description }}</div>
<div class="flex justify-between mt-4">
<NcButton size="small" type="text">
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center">
Go to docs
<GeneralIcon icon="ncExternalLink" />
<NcButton v-if="config.configured" size="small" type="text" @click.stop="config.buttonClick">
<div class="flex gap-2 items-center">
<GeneralIcon icon="ncEdit3" />
<NcButton v-else size="small" @click.stop="config.buttonClick">Configure</NcButton>
<LazyAccountSetupListModal v-if="openedCategory" v-model="listModalDlg" :category="openedCategory" />
<style scoped lang="scss"></style>