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Overview NocoDB REST API Overview

Once you've created the schemas, you can manipulate the data or invoke actions using the REST APIs. We provide several types of APIs for different usages. Refer to the following links for more details:

Meta APIs

Additional information on the REST APIs is provided below.

Query params

Name Alias Use case Default value Example value
where w Complicated where conditions (colName,eq,colValue)~or(colName2,gt,colValue2)
Usage: Comparison operators
Usage: Logical operators
limit l Number of rows to get (SQL limit value) 10 20
offset o Offset for pagination (SQL offset value) 0 20
sort s Sort by column name, Use - as a prefix for descending sort column_name
fields f Required column names in result * column_name1,column_name2
shuffle r Shuffle the result for pagination 0 1 (Only allow 0 or 1. Other values would see it as 0)

Comparison Operators

Operation Meaning Example
eq equal (colName,eq,colValue)
neq not equal (colName,neq,colValue)
not not equal (alias of neq) (colName,not,colValue)
gt greater than (colName,gt,colValue)
ge greater or equal (colName,ge,colValue)
lt less than (colName,lt,colValue)
le less or equal (colName,le,colValue)
is is (colName,is,true/false/null)
isnot is not (colName,isnot,true/false/null)
in in (colName,in,val1,val2,val3,val4)
btw between (colName,btw,val1,val2)
nbtw not between (colName,nbtw,val1,val2)
like like (colName,like,%name)
nlike not like (colName,nlike,%name)
isWithin is Within (Available in Date and DateTime only) (colName,isWithin,sub_op)
allof includes all of (colName,allof,val1,val2,...)
anyof includes any of (colName,anyof,val1,val2,...)
nallof does not include all of (includes none or some, but not all of) (colName,nallof,val1,val2,...)
nanyof does not include any of (includes none of) (colName,nanyof,val1,val2,...)

Comparison Sub-Operators

The following sub-operators are available in the Date and DateTime columns.

Operation Meaning Example
today today (colName,eq,today)
tomorrow tomorrow (colName,eq,tomorrow)
yesterday yesterday (colName,eq,yesterday)
oneWeekAgo one week ago (colName,eq,oneWeekAgo)
oneWeekFromNow one week from now (colName,eq,oneWeekFromNow)
oneMonthAgo one month ago (colName,eq,oneMonthAgo)
oneMonthFromNow one month from now (colName,eq,oneMonthFromNow)
daysAgo number of days ago (colName,eq,daysAgo,10)
daysFromNow number of days from now (colName,eq,daysFromNow,10)
exactDate exact date (colName,eq,exactDate,2022-02-02)

For isWithin in Date and DateTime columns, the different set of sub-operators are used.

Operation Meaning Example
pastWeek the past week (colName,isWithin,pastWeek)
pastMonth the past month (colName,isWithin,pastMonth)
pastYear the past year (colName,isWithin,pastYear)
nextWeek the next week (colName,isWithin,nextWeek)
nextMonth the next month (colName,isWithin,nextMonth)
nextYear the next year (colName,isWithin,nextYear)
nextNumberOfDays the next number of days (colName,isWithin,nextNumberOfDays,10)
pastNumberOfDays the past number of days (colName,isWithin,pastNumberOfDays,10)

Logical Operators

Operation Example
~or (checkNumber,eq,JM555205)~or((amount,gt,200)~and(amount,lt,2000))
~and (checkNumber,eq,JM555205)~and((amount,gt,200)~and(amount,lt,2000))
~not ~not(checkNumber,eq,JM555205)