mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
447 lines
15 KiB
447 lines
15 KiB
import { expect, Locator } from '@playwright/test'; |
import { DashboardPage } from '..'; |
import BasePage from '../../Base'; |
import { CellPageObject, CellProps } from '../common/Cell'; |
import { ColumnPageObject } from './Column'; |
import { TopbarPage } from '../common/Topbar'; |
import { ToolbarPage } from '../common/Toolbar'; |
import { FootbarPage } from '../common/Footbar'; |
import { ProjectMenuObject } from '../common/ProjectMenu'; |
import { QrCodeOverlay } from '../QrCodeOverlay'; |
import { BarcodeOverlay } from '../BarcodeOverlay'; |
import { RowPageObject } from './Row'; |
import { WorkspaceMenuObject } from '../common/WorkspaceMenu'; |
import { GroupPageObject } from './Group'; |
import { ColumnHeaderPageObject } from './columnHeader'; |
export class GridPage extends BasePage { |
readonly dashboard: DashboardPage; |
readonly addNewTableButton: Locator; |
readonly dashboardPage: DashboardPage; |
readonly qrCodeOverlay: QrCodeOverlay; |
readonly barcodeOverlay: BarcodeOverlay; |
readonly columnHeader: ColumnHeaderPageObject; |
readonly column: ColumnPageObject; |
readonly cell: CellPageObject; |
readonly topbar: TopbarPage; |
readonly toolbar: ToolbarPage; |
readonly footbar: FootbarPage; |
readonly projectMenu: ProjectMenuObject; |
readonly workspaceMenu: WorkspaceMenuObject; |
readonly rowPage: RowPageObject; |
readonly groupPage: GroupPageObject; |
readonly btn_addNewRow: Locator; |
constructor(dashboardPage: DashboardPage) { |
super(dashboardPage.rootPage); |
this.dashboard = dashboardPage; |
this.addNewTableButton = dashboardPage.get().locator('.nc-add-new-table'); |
this.qrCodeOverlay = new QrCodeOverlay(this); |
this.barcodeOverlay = new BarcodeOverlay(this); |
this.column = new ColumnPageObject(this); |
this.columnHeader = new ColumnHeaderPageObject(this); |
this.cell = new CellPageObject(this); |
this.topbar = new TopbarPage(this); |
this.toolbar = new ToolbarPage(this); |
this.footbar = new FootbarPage(this); |
this.projectMenu = new ProjectMenuObject(this); |
this.workspaceMenu = new WorkspaceMenuObject(this); |
this.rowPage = new RowPageObject(this); |
this.groupPage = new GroupPageObject(this); |
this.btn_addNewRow = this.get().locator('.nc-grid-add-new-cell'); |
} |
async verifyLockMode() { |
// add new row button |
expect(await this.btn_addNewRow.count()).toBe(0); |
await this.toolbar.verifyLockMode(); |
await this.footbar.verifyLockMode(); |
await this.columnHeader.verifyLockMode(); |
} |
async verifyCollaborativeMode() { |
// add new row button |
await expect(this.btn_addNewRow).toHaveCount(1); |
await this.toolbar.verifyCollaborativeMode(); |
await this.footbar.verifyCollaborativeMode(); |
await this.columnHeader.verifyCollaborativeMode(); |
} |
get() { |
return this.dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-grid-wrapper"]'); |
} |
row(index: number) { |
return this.get().locator(`tr[data-testid="grid-row-${index}"]`); |
} |
async rowCount() { |
return await this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row').count(); |
} |
async verifyRowCount({ count }: { count: number }) { |
return await expect(this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row')).toHaveCount(count); |
} |
private async _fillRow({ index, columnHeader, value }: { index: number; columnHeader: string; value: string }) { |
const cell = this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }); |
await cell.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await this.cell.dblclick({ |
index, |
columnHeader, |
}); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(500); |
await cell.locator('input').fill(value); |
} |
async addNewRow({ |
index = 0, |
columnHeader = 'Title', |
value, |
networkValidation = true, |
}: { |
index?: number; |
columnHeader?: string; |
value?: string; |
networkValidation?: boolean; |
} = {}) { |
const rowValue = value ?? `Row ${index}`; |
// wait for render to complete before count |
if (index !== 0) await this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row').nth(0).waitFor({ state: 'attached' }); |
await (await this.get().locator('.nc-grid-add-new-cell').elementHandle())?.waitForElementState('stable'); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(200); |
await this.rootPage.waitForLoadState('networkidle'); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(200); |
await this.rootPage.waitForLoadState('domcontentloaded'); |
await this.get().locator('.nc-grid-add-new-cell').click(); |
const rowCount = index + 1; |
await expect(this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row')).toHaveCount(rowCount); |
await this._fillRow({ index, columnHeader, value: rowValue }); |
const clickOnColumnHeaderToSave = () => |
this.get().locator(`[data-title="${columnHeader}"]`).locator(`div[title="${columnHeader}"]`).click(); |
if (networkValidation) { |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: clickOnColumnHeaderToSave, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/data/noco', |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['POST'], |
// numerical types are returned in number format from the server |
responseJsonMatcher: resJson => String(resJson?.[columnHeader]) === String(rowValue), |
}); |
} else { |
await clickOnColumnHeaderToSave(); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(300); |
} |
await this.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear(); |
} |
async editRow({ |
index = 0, |
columnHeader = 'Title', |
value, |
networkValidation = true, |
}: { |
index?: number; |
columnHeader?: string; |
value: string; |
networkValidation?: boolean; |
}) { |
await this._fillRow({ index, columnHeader, value }); |
const clickOnColumnHeaderToSave = () => |
this.get().locator(`[data-title="${columnHeader}"]`).locator(`div[title="${columnHeader}"]`).click(); |
if (networkValidation) { |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: clickOnColumnHeaderToSave, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/data/noco', |
httpMethodsToMatch: [ |
'PATCH', |
// since edit row on an empty row will emit POST request |
'POST', |
], |
// numerical types are returned in number format from the server |
responseJsonMatcher: resJson => String(resJson?.[columnHeader]) === String(value), |
}); |
} else { |
await clickOnColumnHeaderToSave(); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(300); |
} |
await this.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear(); |
} |
async verifyRow({ index }: { index: number }) { |
await this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Title-${index}"]`).waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await expect(this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Title-${index}"]`)).toHaveCount(1); |
} |
async verifyRowDoesNotExist({ index }: { index: number }) { |
await this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Title-${index}"]`).waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); |
return await expect(this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Title-${index}"]`)).toHaveCount(0); |
} |
async deleteRow(index: number, title = 'Title') { |
await this.get().getByTestId(`cell-${title}-${index}`).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
// Click text=Delete Row |
await this.rootPage.locator('.ant-dropdown-menu-item:has-text("Delete row")').click(); |
// todo: improve selector |
await this.rootPage |
.locator('span.ant-dropdown-menu-title-content > nc-project-menu-item') |
.waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(300); |
await this.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear(); |
} |
async addRowRightClickMenu(index: number, columnHeader = 'Title') { |
const rowCount = await this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row').count(); |
const cell = this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-${columnHeader}-${index}"]`).last(); |
await cell.click(); |
await cell.click({ button: 'right' }); |
// Click text=Insert New Row |
await this.rootPage.locator('.insert-row').click(); |
await expect(this.get().locator('.nc-grid-row')).toHaveCount(rowCount + 1); |
} |
async openExpandedRow({ index }: { index: number }) { |
await this.row(index).locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Id-${index}"]`).hover(); |
await this.row(index).locator(`div[data-testid="nc-expand-${index}"]`).click(); |
} |
async selectRow(index: number) { |
const cell: Locator = this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-Id-${index}"]`); |
await cell.hover(); |
await cell.locator('input[type="checkbox"]').check({ force: true }); |
} |
async selectAll() { |
await this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-check-all"]').hover(); |
await this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-check-all"]').locator('input[type="checkbox"]').check({ |
force: true, |
}); |
const rowCount = await this.rowCount(); |
for (let i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { |
await expect( |
this.row(i).locator(`[data-testid="cell-Id-${i}"]`).locator('span.ant-checkbox-checked') |
).toHaveCount(1); |
} |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(300); |
} |
async openAllRowContextMenu() { |
await this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-check-all"]').nth(0).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
} |
async deleteSelectedRows() { |
await this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-check-all"]').nth(0).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
await this.rootPage.locator('[data-testid="nc-delete-row"]').click(); |
await this.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear(); |
} |
async deleteAll() { |
await this.selectAll(); |
await this.deleteSelectedRows(); |
} |
async updateSelectedRows() { |
await this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-check-all"]').nth(0).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
await this.rootPage.locator('text=Update Selected Rows').click(); |
await this.dashboard.waitForLoaderToDisappear(); |
} |
async updateAll() { |
await this.selectAll(); |
await this.updateSelectedRows(); |
} |
async verifyTotalRowCount({ count }: { count: number }) { |
// wait for 100 ms and try again : 5 times |
let i = 0; |
await this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination`).waitFor(); |
let records = await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="grid-pagination"]`).allInnerTexts(); |
let recordCnt = records[0].split(' ')[0]; |
while (parseInt(recordCnt) !== count && i < 5) { |
await this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination`).waitFor(); |
records = await this.get().locator(`[data-testid="grid-pagination"]`).allInnerTexts(); |
recordCnt = records[0].split(' ')[0]; |
// to ensure page loading is complete |
i++; |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(100 * i); |
} |
expect(parseInt(recordCnt)).toEqual(count); |
} |
async verifyPaginationCount({ count }: { count: string }) { |
await expect(this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination .total`)).toHaveText(count); |
} |
async clickPagination({ |
type, |
skipWait = false, |
}: { |
type: 'first-page' | 'last-page' | 'next-page' | 'prev-page'; |
skipWait?: boolean; |
}) { |
if (!skipWait) { |
await this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination .${type}`).click(); |
await this.waitLoading(); |
} else { |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: async () => (await this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination .${type}`)).click(), |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['GET'], |
requestUrlPathToMatch: '/views/', |
responseJsonMatcher: resJson => resJson?.pageInfo, |
}); |
await this.waitLoading(); |
} |
} |
async verifyActivePage({ pageNumber }: { pageNumber: string }) { |
await expect(this.get().locator(`.nc-pagination .active`)).toHaveText(pageNumber); |
} |
async waitLoading() { |
await this.dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="grid-load-spinner"]').waitFor({ state: 'hidden' }); |
} |
async verifyEditDisabled({ columnHeader = 'Title' }: { columnHeader?: string } = {}) { |
// double click to toggle to edit mode |
const cell = this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: columnHeader }); |
await this.cell.dblclick({ |
index: 0, |
columnHeader: columnHeader, |
}); |
await expect(cell.locator('input')).not.toBeVisible(); |
// right click menu |
await this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-${columnHeader}-0"]`).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
// await expect(this.rootPage.locator('text=Insert New Row')).not.toBeVisible(); |
// in cell-add |
await this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).hover(); |
await expect( |
this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).locator('.nc-action-icon.nc-plus') |
).not.toBeVisible(); |
// expand row |
await this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).hover(); |
await expect( |
this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).locator('.nc-action-icon >> nth=0') |
).not.toBeVisible(); |
} |
async verifyEditEnabled({ columnHeader = 'Title' }: { columnHeader?: string } = {}) { |
// double click to toggle to edit mode |
const cell = this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: columnHeader }); |
await this.cell.dblclick({ |
index: 0, |
columnHeader: columnHeader, |
}); |
await expect(cell.locator('input')).toBeVisible(); |
// press escape to exit edit mode |
await cell.press('Escape'); |
// right click menu |
await this.get().locator(`td[data-testid="cell-${columnHeader}-0"]`).click({ |
button: 'right', |
}); |
// await expect(this.rootPage.locator('text=Insert New Row')).toBeVisible(); |
// in cell-add |
await this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).hover(); |
await expect(this.cell.get({ index: 0, columnHeader: 'Cities' }).locator('.nc-action-icon.nc-plus')).toBeVisible(); |
} |
async verifyRoleAccess(param: { role: string }) { |
await this.column.verifyRoleAccess(param); |
await this.cell.verifyRoleAccess(param); |
await this.toolbar.verifyRoleAccess(param); |
await this.footbar.verifyRoleAccess(param); |
} |
async selectRange({ start, end }: { start: CellProps; end: CellProps }) { |
const startCell = this.cell.get({ index: start.index, columnHeader: start.columnHeader }); |
const endCell = this.cell.get({ index: end.index, columnHeader: end.columnHeader }); |
const page = this.dashboard.get().page(); |
await startCell.hover(); |
await page.mouse.down(); |
await endCell.hover(); |
await page.mouse.up(); |
} |
async selectedCount() { |
return this.get().locator('.cell.active').count(); |
} |
async copyWithKeyboard() { |
// retry to avoid flakiness, until text is copied to clipboard |
// |
let text = ''; |
let retryCount = 5; |
while (text === '') { |
await this.get().press((await this.isMacOs()) ? 'Meta+C' : 'Control+C'); |
await this.verifyToast({ message: 'Copied to clipboard' }); |
text = await this.getClipboardText(); |
// retry if text is empty till count is reached |
retryCount--; |
if (0 === retryCount) { |
break; |
} |
} |
return text; |
} |
async copyWithMouse({ index, columnHeader }: CellProps) { |
// retry to avoid flakiness, until text is copied to clipboard |
// |
let text = ''; |
let retryCount = 5; |
while (text === '') { |
await this.cell.get({ index, columnHeader }).click({ button: 'right' }); |
await this.get().page().getByTestId('context-menu-item-copy').click(); |
await this.verifyToast({ message: 'Copied to clipboard' }); |
text = await this.getClipboardText(); |
// retry if text is empty till count is reached |
retryCount--; |
if (0 === retryCount) { |
break; |
} |
} |
return text; |
} |