mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
303 lines
10 KiB
303 lines
10 KiB
import { expect, Locator } from '@playwright/test'; |
import { DashboardPage } from '..'; |
import BasePage from '../../Base'; |
import { ToolbarPage } from '../common/Toolbar'; |
import { TopbarPage } from '../common/Topbar'; |
export class FormPage extends BasePage { |
readonly dashboard: DashboardPage; |
readonly toolbar: ToolbarPage; |
readonly topbar: TopbarPage; |
// todo: All the locator should be private |
readonly addAllButton: Locator; |
readonly removeAllButton: Locator; |
readonly submitButton: Locator; |
readonly showAnotherFormRadioButton: Locator; |
readonly showAnotherFormAfter5SecRadioButton: Locator; |
readonly emailMeRadioButton: Locator; |
readonly formHeading: Locator; |
readonly formSubHeading: Locator; |
readonly afterSubmitMsg: Locator; |
constructor(dashboard: DashboardPage) { |
super(dashboard.rootPage); |
this.dashboard = dashboard; |
this.toolbar = new ToolbarPage(this); |
this.topbar = new TopbarPage(this); |
this.addAllButton = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-add-all"]'); |
this.removeAllButton = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-remove-all"]'); |
this.submitButton = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-submit"]'); |
this.showAnotherFormRadioButton = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-submit-another-form"]'); |
this.showAnotherFormAfter5SecRadioButton = dashboard |
.get() |
.locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-show-blank-form"]'); |
this.emailMeRadioButton = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-send-email"]'); |
this.formHeading = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-heading"]'); |
this.formSubHeading = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-sub-heading"]'); |
this.afterSubmitMsg = dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-after-submit-msg"]'); |
} |
get() { |
return this.dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-wrapper"]'); |
} |
getFormAfterSubmit() { |
return this.dashboard.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-wrapper-submit"]'); |
} |
getFormHiddenColumn() { |
return this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-hidden-column"]'); |
} |
getFormFields() { |
return this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-fields"]'); |
} |
getDragNDropToHide() { |
return this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-drag-n-drop-to-hide"]'); |
} |
getFormFieldsRemoveIcon() { |
return this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-field-remove-icon"]'); |
} |
getFormFieldsRequired() { |
return this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-input-required"] + button'); |
} |
getFormFieldsInputLabel() { |
return this.get().locator('input[data-testid="nc-form-input-label"]:visible'); |
} |
getFormFieldsInputHelpText() { |
return this.get().locator('input[data-testid="nc-form-input-help-text"]:visible'); |
} |
async verifyFormFieldLabel({ index, label }: { index: number; label: string }) { |
await expect(this.getFormFields().nth(index).locator('[data-testid="nc-form-input-label"]')).toContainText(label); |
} |
async verifyFormFieldHelpText({ index, helpText }: { index: number; helpText: string }) { |
await expect( |
this.getFormFields().nth(index).locator('[data-testid="nc-form-input-help-text-label"]') |
).toContainText(helpText); |
} |
async verifyFieldsIsEditable({ index }: { index: number }) { |
await expect(this.getFormFields().nth(index)).toHaveClass(/nc-editable/); |
} |
async verifyAfterSubmitMsg({ msg }: { msg: string }) { |
expect((await this.afterSubmitMsg.inputValue()).includes(msg)).toBeTruthy(); |
} |
async verifyFormViewFieldsOrder({ fields }: { fields: string[] }) { |
const fieldLabels = this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-input-label"]'); |
await expect(fieldLabels).toHaveCount(fields.length); |
for (let i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { |
await expect(fieldLabels.nth(i)).toContainText(fields[i]); |
} |
} |
async reorderFields({ sourceField, destinationField }: { sourceField: string; destinationField: string }) { |
await expect(this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${sourceField}`)).toBeVisible(); |
await expect(this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${destinationField}`)).toBeVisible(); |
const src = this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${sourceField.replace(' ', '')}`); |
const dst = this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${destinationField.replace(' ', '')}`); |
await src.dragTo(dst); |
} |
async removeField({ field, mode }: { mode: string; field: string }) { |
if (mode === 'dragDrop') { |
const src = this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${field.replace(' ', '')}`); |
const dst = this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-drag-n-drop-to-hide"]`); |
await src.dragTo(dst); |
} else if (mode === 'hideField') { |
const src = this.get().locator(`.nc-form-drag-${field.replace(' ', '')}`); |
await src.locator(`[data-testid="nc-field-remove-icon"]`).click(); |
} |
} |
async addField({ field, mode }: { mode: string; field: string }) { |
if (mode === 'dragDrop') { |
const src = this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-hidden-column-${field}"] > div.ant-card-body`); |
const dst = this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-input-Country"]`); |
await src.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await dst.waitFor({ state: 'visible' }); |
await src.dragTo(dst, { trial: true }); |
await src.dragTo(dst); |
} else if (mode === 'clickField') { |
const src = this.get().locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-hidden-column-${field}"]`); |
await src.click(); |
} |
} |
async removeAllFields() { |
await this.removeAllButton.click(); |
} |
async addAllFields() { |
await this.addAllButton.click(); |
} |
async configureHeader(param: { subtitle: string; title: string }) { |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: async () => { |
await this.formHeading.click(); |
await this.formHeading.fill(param.title); |
await this.formSubHeading.click(); |
}, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/forms', |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], |
}); |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: async () => { |
await this.formSubHeading.click(); |
await this.formSubHeading.fill(param.subtitle); |
await this.formHeading.click(); |
}, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/forms', |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], |
}); |
} |
async verifyHeader(param: { subtitle: string; title: string }) { |
await expect.poll(async () => await this.formHeading.inputValue()).toBe(param.title); |
await expect.poll(async () => await this.formSubHeading.inputValue()).toBe(param.subtitle); |
} |
async fillForm(param: { field: string; value: string }[]) { |
for (let i = 0; i < param.length; i++) { |
await this.get() |
.locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-input-${param[i].field.replace(' ', '')}"]`) |
.click(); |
await this.get() |
.locator(`[data-testid="nc-form-input-${param[i].field.replace(' ', '')}"] >> input`) |
.fill(param[i].value); |
} |
} |
async configureField({ |
field, |
required, |
label, |
helpText, |
}: { |
field: string; |
required: boolean; |
label: string; |
helpText: string; |
}) { |
const waitForResponse = async (action: () => Promise<any>) => |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: action, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/form-columns', |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], |
}); |
await this.get() |
.locator(`.nc-form-drag-${field.replace(' ', '')}`) |
.locator('div[data-testid="nc-form-input-label"]') |
.click(); |
await waitForResponse(() => this.getFormFieldsInputLabel().fill(label)); |
await waitForResponse(() => this.getFormFieldsInputHelpText().fill(helpText)); |
if (required) { |
await waitForResponse(() => this.getFormFieldsRequired().click()); |
} |
await this.formHeading.click(); |
} |
async verifyField({ |
field, |
required, |
label, |
helpText, |
}: { |
field: string; |
required: boolean; |
label: string; |
helpText: string; |
}) { |
let expectText = ''; |
if (required) expectText = label + ' *'; |
else expectText = label; |
const fieldLabel = this.get() |
.locator(`.nc-form-drag-${field.replace(' ', '')}`) |
.locator('div[data-testid="nc-form-input-label"]'); |
await expect(fieldLabel).toHaveText(expectText); |
const fieldHelpText = this.get() |
.locator(`.nc-form-drag-${field.replace(' ', '')}`) |
.locator('div[data-testid="nc-form-input-help-text-label"]'); |
await expect(fieldHelpText).toHaveText(helpText); |
} |
async submitForm() { |
await this.submitButton.click(); |
} |
async verifyStatePostSubmit(param: { message?: string; submitAnotherForm?: boolean; showBlankForm?: boolean }) { |
if (undefined !== param.message) { |
let retryCounter = 0; |
while (retryCounter <= 5) { |
const msg = await this.getFormAfterSubmit().innerText(); |
if (msg.includes('Form submitted successfully')) { |
break; |
} |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(100 * retryCounter); |
retryCounter++; |
} |
await expect(this.getFormAfterSubmit()).toContainText(param.message); |
} |
if (true === param.submitAnotherForm) { |
await expect(this.getFormAfterSubmit().locator('button:has-text("Submit Another Form")')).toBeVisible(); |
} |
if (true === param.showBlankForm) { |
await this.get().waitFor(); |
} |
} |
async configureSubmitMessage(param: { message: string }) { |
await this.waitForResponse({ |
uiAction: async () => { |
await this.afterSubmitMsg.click(); |
await this.afterSubmitMsg.fill(param.message); |
}, |
requestUrlPathToMatch: 'api/v1/db/meta/forms', |
httpMethodsToMatch: ['PATCH'], |
}); |
} |
submitAnotherForm() { |
return this.getFormAfterSubmit().locator('button:has-text("Submit Another Form")'); |
} |
// todo: Wait for render to complete |
async waitLoading() { |
await this.rootPage.waitForTimeout(1000); |
} |
async verifyAfterSubmitMenuState(param: { showBlankForm?: boolean; submitAnotherForm?: boolean; emailMe?: boolean }) { |
if (true === param.showBlankForm) { |
await expect( |
this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-show-blank-form"][aria-checked="true"]') |
).toBeVisible(); |
} |
if (true === param.submitAnotherForm) { |
await expect( |
this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-submit-another-form"][aria-checked="true"]') |
).toBeVisible(); |
} |
if (true === param.emailMe) { |
await expect( |
this.get().locator('[data-testid="nc-form-checkbox-send-email"][aria-checked="true"]') |
).toBeVisible(); |
} |
} |