mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
334 lines
9.6 KiB
334 lines
9.6 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { type ColumnType, UITypes, isLinksOrLTAR } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import Table from './Table.vue' |
import { NavigateDir } from '~/lib/enums' |
const props = defineProps<{ |
group: Group |
loadGroups: (params?: any, group?: Group, options?: { triggerChildOnly: boolean }) => Promise<void> |
loadGroupData: (group: Group, force?: boolean, params?: any) => Promise<void> |
loadGroupPage: (group: Group, p: number) => Promise<void> |
groupWrapperChangePage: (page: number, groupWrapper?: Group) => Promise<void> |
redistributeRows?: (group?: Group) => void |
depth?: number |
maxDepth?: number |
rowHeight?: number |
paginationFixedSize?: number |
paginationHideSidebars?: boolean |
scrollLeft?: number |
viewWidth?: number |
scrollable?: HTMLElement | null |
}>() |
const emits = defineEmits(['update:paginationData']) |
const vGroup = useVModel(props, 'group', emits) |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const router = useRouter() |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref()) |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const skipRowRemovalOnCancel = ref(false) |
const { eventBus } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const route = router.currentRoute |
const routeQuery = computed(() => route.value.query as Record<string, string>) |
const expandedFormDlg = ref(false) |
const expandedFormRow = ref<Row>() |
const expandedFormRowState = ref<Record<string, any>>() |
const groupByKeyId = computed(() => routeQuery.value.group) |
const expandedFormOnRowIdDlg = computed({ |
get() { |
return !!routeQuery.value.rowId |
}, |
set(val) { |
if (!val) { |
router.push({ |
query: { |
...routeQuery.value, |
rowId: undefined, |
group: undefined, |
}, |
}) |
expandedFormRow.value = {} |
expandedFormRowState.value = {} |
} |
}, |
}) |
function expandForm(row: Row, state?: Record<string, any>, fromToolbar = false, groupByKey?: string) { |
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
expandedFormRowState.value = state |
if (rowId && !isPublic.value) { |
router.push({ |
query: { |
...routeQuery.value, |
group: vGroup.value.key, |
rowId, |
}, |
}) |
} else { |
if (groupByKey && groupByKey !== vGroup.value.key) { |
return |
} |
expandedFormRow.value = row |
expandedFormDlg.value = true |
skipRowRemovalOnCancel.value = !fromToolbar |
} |
} |
const addRowExpandOnClose = (row: Row) => { |
eventBus.emit(SmartsheetStoreEvents.CLEAR_NEW_ROW, row) |
} |
function addEmptyRow(group: Group, addAfter?: number, metaValue = meta.value) { |
if (group.nested || !group.rows) return |
addAfter = addAfter ?? group.rows.length |
const setGroup = group.nestedIn.reduce((acc, curr) => { |
if ( |
curr.key !== '__nc_null__' && |
// avoid setting default value for rollup, formula, barcode, qrcode, links, ltar |
!isLinksOrLTAR(curr.column_uidt) && |
![UITypes.Rollup, UITypes.Lookup, UITypes.Formula, UITypes.Barcode, UITypes.QrCode].includes(curr.column_uidt) |
) { |
acc[curr.title] = curr.key |
if (curr.column_uidt === UITypes.Checkbox) { |
acc[curr.title] = |
acc[curr.title] === GROUP_BY_VARS.TRUE ? true : acc[curr.title] === GROUP_BY_VARS.FALSE ? false : !!acc[curr.title] |
} |
} |
return acc |
}, {} as Record<string, any>) |
group.count = group.count + 1 |
group.rows.splice(addAfter, 0, { |
row: { |
...rowDefaultData(metaValue?.columns), |
...setGroup, |
}, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}) |
return group.rows[addAfter] |
} |
const formattedData = computed(() => { |
if (!vGroup.value.nested && vGroup.value.rows) { |
return vGroup.value.rows |
} |
return [] as Row[] |
}) |
const { |
deleteRow: _deleteRow, |
deleteSelectedRows, |
deleteRangeOfRows, |
updateOrSaveRow, |
bulkUpdateRows, |
selectedAllRecords, |
removeRowIfNew, |
} = useData({ |
meta, |
viewMeta: view, |
formattedData, |
paginationData: ref(vGroup.value.paginationData), |
callbacks: { |
changePage: (p: number) => props.loadGroupPage(vGroup.value, p), |
loadData: () => props.loadGroupData(vGroup.value, true), |
globalCallback: () => props.redistributeRows?.(), |
}, |
}) |
const deleteRow = async (rowIndex: number) => { |
vGroup.value.count = vGroup.value.count - 1 |
await _deleteRow(rowIndex) |
} |
const reloadTableData = async (params: void | { shouldShowLoading?: boolean | undefined; offset?: number | undefined }) => { |
await props.loadGroupData(vGroup.value, true, { |
...(params?.offset !== undefined ? { offset: params.offset } : {}), |
}) |
} |
provide(IsGroupByInj, ref(true)) |
const pagination = computed(() => { |
return { |
fixedSize: props.paginationFixedSize ? props.paginationFixedSize - 2 : undefined, |
hideSidebars: props.paginationHideSidebars, |
extraStyle: 'background: transparent !important; border-top: 0px;', |
} |
}) |
// get current expanded row index |
function getExpandedRowIndex() { |
return formattedData.value.findIndex( |
(row: Row) => routeQuery.value.rowId === extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]), |
) |
} |
const navigateToSiblingRow = async (dir: NavigateDir) => { |
// debugger |
const expandedRowIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() |
// calculate next row index based on direction |
let siblingRowIndex = expandedRowIndex + (dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1) |
// if unsaved row skip it |
while (formattedData.value[siblingRowIndex]?.rowMeta?.new) { |
siblingRowIndex = siblingRowIndex + (dir === NavigateDir.NEXT ? 1 : -1) |
} |
const currentPage = vGroup.value.paginationData?.page || 1 |
// if next row index is less than 0, go to previous page and point to last element |
if (siblingRowIndex < 0) { |
// if first page, do nothing |
if (currentPage === 1) return message.info(t('msg.info.noMoreRecords')) |
await props.loadGroupPage(vGroup.value, currentPage - 1) |
siblingRowIndex = formattedData.value.length - 1 |
// if next row index is greater than total rows in current view |
// then load next page of formattedData and set next row index to 0 |
} else if (siblingRowIndex >= formattedData.value.length) { |
if (vGroup.value.paginationData?.isLastPage) return message.info(t('msg.info.noMoreRecords')) |
await props.loadGroupPage(vGroup.value, currentPage + 1) |
siblingRowIndex = 0 |
} |
// extract the row id of the sibling row |
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(formattedData.value[siblingRowIndex].row, meta.value?.columns as ColumnType[]) |
if (rowId) { |
await router.push({ |
query: { |
...routeQuery.value, |
rowId, |
}, |
}) |
} |
} |
const goToNextRow = async () => { |
const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() |
/* when last index of current page is reached we should move to next page */ |
if (!vGroup.value.paginationData?.isLastPage && currentIndex === vGroup.value.paginationData?.pageSize) { |
const nextPage = vGroup.value.paginationData?.page ? vGroup.value.paginationData?.page + 1 : 1 |
await props.loadGroupPage(vGroup.value, nextPage) |
} |
navigateToSiblingRow(NavigateDir.NEXT) |
} |
const goToPreviousRow = async () => { |
const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() |
/* when first index of current page is reached and then clicked back |
previos page should be loaded |
*/ |
if (!vGroup.value.paginationData?.isFirstPage && currentIndex === 1) { |
const nextPage = vGroup.value.paginationData?.page ? vGroup.value.paginationData?.page - 1 : 1 |
await props.loadGroupPage(vGroup.value, nextPage) |
} |
navigateToSiblingRow(NavigateDir.PREV) |
} |
const isLastRow = computed(() => { |
const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() |
return vGroup.value.paginationData?.isLastPage && currentIndex === formattedData.value.length - 1 |
}) |
const isFirstRow = computed(() => { |
const currentIndex = getExpandedRowIndex() |
return vGroup.value.paginationData?.isFirstPage && currentIndex === 0 |
}) |
async function deleteSelectedRowsWrapper() { |
if (!deleteSelectedRows) return |
await deleteSelectedRows() |
// reload table data |
await reloadTableData({ shouldShowLoading: false }) |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<!-- eslint-disable vue/no-restricted-v-bind --> |
<Table |
v-if="vGroup.rows" |
v-model:selected-all-records="selectedAllRecords" |
class="nc-group-table" |
:data="vGroup.rows" |
:v-group="vGroup" |
:pagination-data="vGroup.paginationData" |
:load-data="async () => {}" |
:change-page="(p: number) => props.loadGroupPage(vGroup, p)" |
:call-add-empty-row="(addAfter?: number) => addEmptyRow(vGroup, addAfter)" |
:expand-form="expandForm" |
:row-height="rowHeight" |
:delete-row="deleteRow" |
:delete-selected-rows="deleteSelectedRowsWrapper" |
:delete-range-of-rows="deleteRangeOfRows" |
:update-or-save-row="updateOrSaveRow" |
:remove-row-if-new="removeRowIfNew" |
:bulk-update-rows="bulkUpdateRows" |
:hide-header="true" |
:pagination="pagination" |
:disable-skeleton="true" |
:disable-virtual-y="true" |
/> |
<Suspense> |
<LazySmartsheetExpandedForm |
v-if="expandedFormRow && expandedFormDlg" |
v-model="expandedFormDlg" |
:load-row="!isPublic" |
:row="expandedFormRow" |
:state="expandedFormRowState" |
:meta="meta" |
:view="view" |
@update:model-value="addRowExpandOnClose(expandedFormRow)" |
/> |
</Suspense> |
<SmartsheetExpandedForm |
v-if="expandedFormOnRowIdDlg && meta?.id && groupByKeyId === vGroup.key" |
v-model="expandedFormOnRowIdDlg" |
:row="expandedFormRow ?? { row: {}, oldRow: {}, rowMeta: {} }" |
:meta="meta" |
:load-row="!isPublic" |
:state="expandedFormRowState" |
:row-id="routeQuery.rowId" |
:view="view" |
show-next-prev-icons |
:first-row="isFirstRow" |
:last-row="isLastRow" |
:expand-form="expandForm" |
@next="goToNextRow" |
@prev="goToPreviousRow" |
/> |
</template> |
<style scoped lang="scss"></style>