mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
896 lines
28 KiB
896 lines
28 KiB
<script setup lang="ts"> |
import type { ColumnType, TableType, ViewType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { ViewTypes, isLinksOrLTAR, isSystemColumn, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import type { Ref } from 'vue' |
import MdiChevronDown from '~icons/mdi/chevron-down' |
import { |
CellClickHookInj, |
FieldsInj, |
IsExpandedFormOpenInj, |
IsKanbanInj, |
IsPublicInj, |
MetaInj, |
ReloadRowDataHookInj, |
computedInject, |
createEventHook, |
iconMap, |
inject, |
message, |
provide, |
ref, |
toRef, |
useActiveKeyupListener, |
useProvideExpandedFormStore, |
useProvideSmartsheetStore, |
useRoles, |
useRouter, |
useVModel, |
watch, |
} from '#imports' |
interface Props { |
modelValue?: boolean |
state?: Record<string, any> | null |
meta: TableType |
loadRow?: boolean |
useMetaFields?: boolean |
row?: Row |
rowId?: string |
view?: ViewType |
showNextPrevIcons?: boolean |
firstRow?: boolean |
lastRow?: boolean |
closeAfterSave?: boolean |
newRecordHeader?: string |
} |
const props = defineProps<Props>() |
const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'cancel', 'next', 'prev', 'createdRecord']) |
const { activeView } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
const key = ref(0) |
const wrapper = ref() |
const { dashboardUrl } = useDashboard() |
const { copy } = useClipboard() |
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal() |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const rowId = toRef(props, 'rowId') |
const row = toRef(props, 'row') |
const state = toRef(props, 'state') |
const meta = toRef(props, 'meta') |
const islastRow = toRef(props, 'lastRow') |
const isFirstRow = toRef(props, 'firstRow') |
const route = useRoute() |
const router = useRouter() |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
// to check if a expanded form which is not yet saved exist or not |
const isUnsavedFormExist = ref(false) |
const isRecordLinkCopied = ref(false) |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles() |
const readOnly = computed(() => !isUIAllowed('dataEdit') || isPublic.value) |
const reloadTrigger = inject(ReloadRowDataHookInj, createEventHook()) |
const { addOrEditStackRow } = useKanbanViewStoreOrThrow() |
const { isExpandedFormCommentMode } = storeToRefs(useConfigStore()) |
// override cell click hook to avoid unexpected behavior at form fields |
provide(CellClickHookInj, undefined) |
const fields = computedInject(FieldsInj, (_fields) => { |
if (props.useMetaFields) { |
return (meta.value.columns ?? []).filter((col) => !isSystemColumn(col)) |
} |
return _fields?.value ?? [] |
}) |
const hiddenFields = computed(() => { |
return (meta.value.columns ?? []).filter((col) => !fields.value?.includes(col)).filter((col) => !isSystemColumn(col)) |
}) |
const showHiddenFields = ref(false) |
const toggleHiddenFields = () => { |
showHiddenFields.value = !showHiddenFields.value |
} |
const isKanban = inject(IsKanbanInj, ref(false)) |
provide(MetaInj, meta) |
const isLoading = ref(true) |
const { |
commentsDrawer, |
changedColumns, |
deleteRowById, |
displayValue, |
state: rowState, |
isNew, |
loadRow: _loadRow, |
primaryKey, |
saveRowAndStay, |
row: _row, |
save: _save, |
loadCommentsAndLogs, |
clearColumns, |
} = useProvideExpandedFormStore(meta, row) |
const duplicatingRowInProgress = ref(false) |
useProvideSmartsheetStore(ref({}) as Ref<ViewType>, meta) |
watch( |
state, |
() => { |
if (state.value) { |
rowState.value = state.value |
} else { |
rowState.value = {} |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
const isExpanded = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits, { |
defaultValue: false, |
}) |
const onClose = () => { |
if (changedColumns.value.size > 0) { |
isCloseModalOpen.value = true |
} else { |
if (_row.value?.rowMeta?.new) emits('cancel') |
isExpanded.value = false |
} |
} |
const onDuplicateRow = () => { |
duplicatingRowInProgress.value = true |
isUnsavedFormExist.value = true |
const oldRow = { ..._row.value.row } |
delete oldRow.ncRecordId |
const newRow = Object.assign( |
{}, |
{ |
row: oldRow, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}, |
) |
setTimeout(async () => { |
_row.value = newRow |
duplicatingRowInProgress.value = false |
message.success(t('msg.success.rowDuplicatedWithoutSavedYet')) |
}, 500) |
} |
const save = async () => { |
if (isNew.value) { |
const data = await _save(rowState.value) |
reloadTrigger?.trigger() |
} else { |
let kanbanClbk |
if (activeView.value?.type === ViewTypes.KANBAN) { |
kanbanClbk = (row: any, isNewRow: boolean) => { |
addOrEditStackRow(row, isNewRow) |
} |
} |
await _save(undefined, undefined, { |
kanbanClbk, |
}) |
_loadRow() |
reloadTrigger?.trigger() |
} |
isUnsavedFormExist.value = false |
if (props.closeAfterSave) { |
isExpanded.value = false |
} |
emits('createdRecord', _row.value.row) |
} |
const isPreventChangeModalOpen = ref(false) |
const isCloseModalOpen = ref(false) |
const discardPreventModal = () => { |
// when user click on next or previous button |
if (isPreventChangeModalOpen.value) { |
emits('next') |
if (_row.value?.rowMeta?.new) emits('cancel') |
isPreventChangeModalOpen.value = false |
} |
// when user click on close button |
if (isCloseModalOpen.value) { |
isCloseModalOpen.value = false |
if (_row.value?.rowMeta?.new) emits('cancel') |
isExpanded.value = false |
} |
// clearing all new modifed change on close |
clearColumns() |
} |
const onNext = async () => { |
if (changedColumns.value.size > 0) { |
isPreventChangeModalOpen.value = true |
return |
} |
emits('next') |
} |
const copyRecordUrl = async () => { |
await copy( |
encodeURI( |
`${dashboardUrl?.value}#/${route.params.typeOrId}/${route.params.baseId}/${meta.value?.id}${ |
props.view ? `/${props.view.title}` : '' |
}?rowId=${primaryKey.value}`, |
), |
) |
isRecordLinkCopied.value = true |
} |
const saveChanges = async () => { |
if (isPreventChangeModalOpen.value) { |
isUnsavedFormExist.value = false |
await save() |
emits('next') |
isPreventChangeModalOpen.value = false |
} |
if (isCloseModalOpen.value) { |
isCloseModalOpen.value = false |
await save() |
isExpanded.value = false |
} |
} |
const reloadParentRowHook = inject(ReloadRowDataHookInj, createEventHook()) |
// override reload trigger and use it to reload grid and the form itself |
const reloadHook = createEventHook() |
reloadHook.on(() => { |
reloadParentRowHook?.trigger(false) |
if (isNew.value) return |
_loadRow() |
}) |
provide(ReloadRowDataHookInj, reloadHook) |
if (isKanban.value) { |
// adding column titles to changedColumns if they are preset |
for (const [k, v] of Object.entries(_row.value.row)) { |
if (v) { |
changedColumns.value.add(k) |
} |
} |
} |
provide(IsExpandedFormOpenInj, isExpanded) |
const cellWrapperEl = ref() |
onMounted(async () => { |
isRecordLinkCopied.value = false |
isLoading.value = true |
const focusFirstCell = !isExpandedFormCommentMode.value |
if (props.loadRow) { |
await _loadRow() |
await loadCommentsAndLogs() |
} |
if (props.rowId) { |
try { |
await _loadRow(props.rowId) |
await loadCommentsAndLogs() |
} catch (e: any) { |
if (e.response?.status === 404) { |
message.error(t('msg.noRecordFound')) |
router.replace({ query: {} }) |
} else throw e |
} |
} |
isLoading.value = false |
if (focusFirstCell) { |
setTimeout(() => { |
cellWrapperEl.value?.$el?.querySelector('input,select,textarea')?.focus() |
}, 300) |
} |
}) |
const addNewRow = () => { |
setTimeout(async () => { |
_row.value = { |
row: {}, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
} |
rowState.value = {} |
key.value++ |
isExpanded.value = true |
}, 500) |
} |
// attach keyboard listeners to switch between rows |
// using alt + left/right arrow keys |
useActiveKeyupListener( |
isExpanded, |
async (e: KeyboardEvent) => { |
if (!e.altKey) return |
if (e.key === 'ArrowLeft') { |
e.stopPropagation() |
emits('prev') |
} else if (e.key === 'ArrowRight') { |
e.stopPropagation() |
onNext() |
} |
// on alt + s save record |
else if (e.code === 'KeyS') { |
// remove focus from the active input if any |
;(document.activeElement as HTMLElement)?.blur() |
e.stopPropagation() |
if (isNew.value) { |
await _save(rowState.value) |
reloadHook?.trigger(null) |
} else { |
await save() |
reloadHook?.trigger(null) |
} |
if (!saveRowAndStay.value) { |
onClose() |
} |
// on alt + n create new record |
} else if (e.code === 'KeyN') { |
// remove focus from the active input if any to avoid unwanted input |
;(document.activeElement as HTMLInputElement)?.blur?.() |
if (changedColumns.value.size > 0) { |
await Modal.confirm({ |
title: t('msg.saveChanges'), |
okText: t('general.save'), |
cancelText: t('labels.discard'), |
onOk: async () => { |
await save() |
reloadHook?.trigger(null) |
addNewRow() |
}, |
onCancel: () => { |
addNewRow() |
}, |
}) |
} else if (isNew.value) { |
await Modal.confirm({ |
title: 'Do you want to save the record?', |
okText: t('general.save'), |
cancelText: t('labels.discard'), |
onOk: async () => { |
await _save(rowState.value) |
reloadHook?.trigger(null) |
addNewRow() |
}, |
onCancel: () => { |
addNewRow() |
}, |
}) |
} else { |
addNewRow() |
} |
} |
}, |
{ immediate: true }, |
) |
const showDeleteRowModal = ref(false) |
const onDeleteRowClick = () => { |
showDeleteRowModal.value = true |
} |
const onConfirmDeleteRowClick = async () => { |
showDeleteRowModal.value = false |
await deleteRowById(primaryKey.value) |
message.success(t('msg.rowDeleted')) |
reloadTrigger.trigger() |
onClose() |
showDeleteRowModal.value = false |
} |
watch(rowId, async (nRow) => { |
await _loadRow(nRow) |
await loadCommentsAndLogs() |
}) |
const showRightSections = computed(() => { |
return !isNew.value && commentsDrawer.value && isUIAllowed('commentList') |
}) |
const preventModalStatus = computed({ |
get: () => isCloseModalOpen.value || isPreventChangeModalOpen.value, |
set: (v) => { |
isCloseModalOpen.value = v |
}, |
}) |
const onIsExpandedUpdate = (v: boolean) => { |
if (changedColumns.value.size === 0 && !isUnsavedFormExist.value) { |
isExpanded.value = v |
} else if (!v) { |
preventModalStatus.value = true |
} else { |
isExpanded.value = v |
} |
} |
const isReadOnlyVirtualCell = (column: ColumnType) => { |
return isRollup(column) || isFormula(column) || isBarcode(column) || isLookup(column) || isQrCode(column) |
} |
</script> |
<script lang="ts"> |
export default { |
name: 'ExpandedForm', |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<NcModal |
:visible="isExpanded" |
:footer="null" |
:width="commentsDrawer && isUIAllowed('commentList') ? 'min(80vw,1280px)' : 'min(80vw,1280px)'" |
:body-style="{ padding: 0 }" |
:closable="false" |
size="small" |
class="nc-drawer-expanded-form" |
:class="{ active: isExpanded }" |
@update:visible="onIsExpandedUpdate" |
> |
<div class="h-[85vh] xs:(max-h-full) max-h-215 flex flex-col p-6"> |
<div class="flex h-9.5 flex-shrink-0 w-full items-center nc-expanded-form-header relative mb-4 justify-between"> |
<template v-if="!isMobileMode"> |
<div class="flex gap-3 w-100"> |
<div class="flex gap-2"> |
<NcButton |
v-if="props.showNextPrevIcons" |
:disabled="isFirstRow" |
type="secondary" |
class="nc-prev-arrow !w-10" |
@click="$emit('prev')" |
> |
<MdiChevronUp class="text-md" /> |
</NcButton> |
<NcButton |
v-if="props.showNextPrevIcons" |
:disabled="islastRow" |
type="secondary" |
class="nc-next-arrow !w-10" |
@click="onNext" |
> |
<MdiChevronDown class="text-md" /> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
<div v-if="isLoading"> |
<a-skeleton-input class="!h-8 !sm:mr-14 !w-52 mt-1 !rounded-md !overflow-hidden" active size="small" /> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="row.rowMeta?.new || props.newRecordHeader" |
class="flex items-center truncate font-bold text-gray-800 text-xl" |
> |
{{ props.newRecordHeader ?? $t('activity.newRecord') }} |
</div> |
<div v-else-if="displayValue && !row.rowMeta?.new" class="flex items-center font-bold text-gray-800 text-xl w-64"> |
<span class="truncate"> |
{{ displayValue }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div class="flex gap-2"> |
<NcButton |
v-if="!isNew" |
type="secondary" |
class="!xs:hidden text-gray-700" |
@click="!isNew ? copyRecordUrl() : () => {}" |
> |
<div v-e="['c:row-expand:copy-url']" data-testid="nc-expanded-form-copy-url" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.check" v-if="isRecordLinkCopied" class="cursor-pointer nc-duplicate-row" /> |
<component :is="iconMap.link" v-else class="cursor-pointer nc-duplicate-row" /> |
{{ isRecordLinkCopied ? $t('labels.copiedRecordURL') : $t('labels.copyRecordURL') }} |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
<NcDropdown v-if="!isNew" placement="bottomRight"> |
<NcButton type="secondary" class="nc-expand-form-more-actions w-10"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="threeDotVertical" class="text-md text-gray-700" /> |
</NcButton> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu> |
<NcMenuItem v-if="!isNew" class="text-gray-700" @click="_loadRow()"> |
<div v-e="['c:row-expand:reload']" class="flex gap-2 items-center" data-testid="nc-expanded-form-reload"> |
<component :is="iconMap.reload" class="cursor-pointer" /> |
{{ $t('general.reload') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem v-if="!isNew && isMobileMode" class="text-gray-700" @click="!isNew ? copyRecordUrl() : () => {}"> |
<div v-e="['c:row-expand:copy-url']" data-testid="nc-expanded-form-copy-url" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.link" class="cursor-pointer nc-duplicate-row" /> |
{{ $t('labels.copyRecordURL') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="isUIAllowed('dataEdit') && !isNew" |
class="text-gray-700" |
@click="!isNew ? onDuplicateRow() : () => {}" |
> |
<div |
v-e="['c:row-expand:duplicate']" |
data-testid="nc-expanded-form-duplicate" |
class="flex gap-2 items-center" |
> |
<component :is="iconMap.copy" class="cursor-pointer nc-duplicate-row" /> |
<span class="-ml-0.25"> |
{{ $t('labels.duplicateRecord') }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcDivider v-if="isUIAllowed('dataEdit') && !isNew" /> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="isUIAllowed('dataEdit') && !isNew" |
class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" |
@click="!isNew && onDeleteRowClick()" |
> |
<div v-e="['c:row-expand:delete']" data-testid="nc-expanded-form-delete" class="flex gap-2 items-center"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" class="cursor-pointer nc-delete-row" /> |
<span class="-ml-0.25"> |
{{ $t('activity.deleteRecord') }} |
</span> |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
class="nc-expand-form-close-btn w-10" |
data-testid="nc-expanded-form-close" |
@click="onClose" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="close" class="text-md text-gray-700" /> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-full"> |
<NcButton |
v-if="props.showNextPrevIcons && !isFirstRow" |
v-e="['c:row-expand:prev']" |
type="secondary" |
class="nc-prev-arrow !w-10" |
@click="$emit('prev')" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="arrowLeft" class="text-lg text-gray-700" /> |
</NcButton> |
<div v-else class="min-w-10.5"></div> |
<div class="flex flex-grow justify-center items-center font-semibold text-lg"> |
<div>{{ meta.title }}</div> |
</div> |
<NcButton |
v-if="props.showNextPrevIcons && !islastRow" |
v-e="['c:row-expand:next']" |
type="secondary" |
class="nc-next-arrow !w-10" |
@click="onNext" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="arrowRight" class="text-lg text-gray-700" /> |
</NcButton> |
<div v-else class="min-w-10.5"></div> |
</div> |
</template> |
</div> |
<div ref="wrapper" class="flex flex-grow flex-row h-[calc(100%-4rem)] w-full gap-4"> |
<div |
class="flex xs:w-full flex-col border-1 rounded-xl overflow-hidden border-gray-200 xs:(border-0 rounded-none)" |
:class="{ |
'w-full': !showRightSections, |
'w-2/3': showRightSections, |
}" |
> |
<div class="flex flex-col flex-grow mt-2 h-full max-h-full nc-scrollbar-md pb-6 w-full bg-white p-4 xs:p-0"> |
<div |
v-for="(col, i) of fields" |
v-show="isFormula(col) || !isVirtualCol(col) || !isNew || isLinksOrLTAR(col)" |
:key="col.title" |
class="nc-expanded-form-row mt-2 py-2 xs:w-full" |
:class="`nc-expand-col-${col.title}`" |
:col-id="col.id" |
:data-testid="`nc-expand-col-${col.title}`" |
> |
<div class="flex items-start flex-row sm:(gap-x-6) xs:(flex-col w-full) nc-expanded-cell min-h-10"> |
<div class="flex-1 xs:(w-full) mt-0.25 !h-[35px]"> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
class="nc-expanded-cell-header h-full !max-w-80" |
:column="col" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderCell v-else class="nc-expanded-cell-header !max-w-80" :column="col" /> |
</div> |
<template v-if="isLoading"> |
<div v-if="isMobileMode" class="!h-8.5 !xs:h-12 !xs:bg-white flex-1 mt-0.75 !rounded-lg !overflow-hidden"></div> |
<a-skeleton-input |
v-else |
class="!h-8.5 !xs:h-9.5 !xs:bg-white flex-1 mt-0.75 !rounded-lg !overflow-hidden" |
active |
size="small" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<SmartsheetDivDataCell |
v-if="col.title" |
:ref="i ? null : (el: any) => (cellWrapperEl = el)" |
class="bg-white rounded-lg flex-1 !xs:w-full border-1 border-gray-200 overflow-hidden px-1 sm:min-h-[35px] xs:min-h-13 flex items-center relative" |
:class="{ |
'!bg-gray-50 !px-0 !select-text': isReadOnlyVirtualCell(col), |
}" |
> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
v-model="_row.row[col.title]" |
:row="_row" |
:column="col" |
:class="{ |
'px-1': isReadOnlyVirtualCell(col), |
}" |
:read-only="readOnly" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="_row.row[col.title]" |
:column="col" |
:edit-enabled="true" |
:active="true" |
:read-only="readOnly" |
@update:model-value="changedColumns.add(col.title)" |
/> |
</SmartsheetDivDataCell> |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="hiddenFields.length > 0" class="flex w-full sm:px-12 xs:(px-1 mt-2) items-center py-3"> |
<div class="flex-grow h-px mr-1 bg-gray-100"></div> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
:size="isMobileMode ? 'medium' : 'small'" |
class="flex-shrink-1 !text-sm" |
@click="toggleHiddenFields" |
> |
{{ showHiddenFields ? `Hide ${hiddenFields.length} hidden` : `Show ${hiddenFields.length} hidden` }} |
{{ hiddenFields.length > 1 ? `fields` : `field` }} |
<MdiChevronDown class="ml-1" :class="showHiddenFields ? 'transform rotate-180' : ''" /> |
</NcButton> |
<div class="flex-grow h-px ml-1 bg-gray-100"></div> |
</div> |
<div v-if="hiddenFields.length > 0 && showHiddenFields" class="flex flex-col w-full mb-3"> |
<div |
v-for="(col, i) of hiddenFields" |
v-show="isFormula(col) || !isVirtualCol(col) || !isNew || isLinksOrLTAR(col)" |
:key="col.title" |
class="sm:(mt-2) py-2 xs:w-full" |
:class="`nc-expand-col-${col.title}`" |
:data-testid="`nc-expand-col-${col.title}`" |
> |
<div class="sm:gap-x-6 flex sm:flex-row xs:(flex-col) items-start min-h-10"> |
<div class="flex-1 xs:w-full scale-110 !h-[35px]"> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
:column="col" |
class="nc-expanded-cell-header max-w-80" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderCell v-else class="nc-expanded-cell-header max-w-80" :column="col" /> |
</div> |
<template v-if="isLoading"> |
<div |
v-if="isMobileMode" |
class="!h-8.5 !xs:h-9.5 !xs:bg-white flex-1 mt-0.75 !rounded-lg !overflow-hidden" |
></div> |
<a-skeleton-input |
v-else |
class="!h-8.5 !xs:h-12 !xs:bg-white flex-1 mt-0.75 !rounded-lg !overflow-hidden" |
active |
size="small" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else> |
<LazySmartsheetDivDataCell |
v-if="col.title" |
:ref="i ? null : (el: any) => (cellWrapperEl = el)" |
class="!bg-white rounded-lg flex-1 border-1 overflow-hidden border-gray-200 px-1 sm:min-h-[35px] xs:min-h-13 flex items-center relative" |
> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
v-model="_row.row[col.title]" |
:row="_row" |
:column="col" |
:read-only="readOnly" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="_row.row[col.title]" |
:column="col" |
:edit-enabled="true" |
:active="true" |
:read-only="readOnly" |
@update:model-value="changedColumns.add(col.title)" |
/> |
</LazySmartsheetDivDataCell> |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="isUIAllowed('dataEdit')" |
class="w-full h-16 border-t-1 border-gray-200 bg-white flex items-center justify-end p-3 xs:(p-0 mt-4 border-t-0 gap-x-4 justify-between)" |
> |
<NcDropdown v-if="!isNew && isMobileMode" placement="bottomRight"> |
<NcButton type="secondary" class="nc-expand-form-more-actions w-10"> |
<GeneralIcon icon="threeDotVertical" class="text-md text-gray-700" /> |
</NcButton> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu> |
<NcMenuItem v-if="!isNew" class="text-gray-700" @click="_loadRow()"> |
<div v-e="['c:row-expand:reload']" class="flex gap-2 items-center" data-testid="nc-expanded-form-reload"> |
<component :is="iconMap.reload" class="cursor-pointer" /> |
{{ $t('general.reload') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcDivider /> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="isUIAllowed('dataEdit') && !isNew" |
v-e="['c:row-expand:delete']" |
class="!text-red-500 !hover:bg-red-50" |
@click="!isNew && onDeleteRowClick()" |
> |
<div data-testid="nc-expanded-form-delete"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" class="cursor-pointer nc-delete-row" /> |
Delete record |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
</NcDropdown> |
<div class="flex flex-row gap-x-3"> |
<NcButton |
v-if="isMobileMode" |
type="secondary" |
size="medium" |
data-testid="nc-expanded-form-save" |
class="nc-expand-form-save-btn !xs:(text-base)" |
@click="onClose" |
> |
<div class="px-1">Close</div> |
</NcButton> |
<NcButton |
v-e="['c:row-expand:save']" |
data-testid="nc-expanded-form-save" |
type="primary" |
size="medium" |
class="nc-expand-form-save-btn !xs:(text-base)" |
:disabled="changedColumns.size === 0 && !isUnsavedFormExist" |
@click="save" |
> |
<div class="xs:px-1">Save</div> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="showRightSections" |
class="nc-comments-drawer border-1 relative border-gray-200 w-1/3 max-w-125 bg-gray-50 rounded-xl min-w-0 overflow-hidden h-full xs:hidden" |
:class="{ active: commentsDrawer && isUIAllowed('commentList') }" |
> |
<SmartsheetExpandedFormComments :loading="isLoading" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</NcModal> |
<GeneralDeleteModal v-model:visible="showDeleteRowModal" entity-name="Record" :on-delete="() => onConfirmDeleteRowClick()"> |
<template #entity-preview> |
<span> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center py-2.25 px-2.5 bg-gray-50 rounded-lg text-gray-700 mb-4"> |
<div class="capitalize text-ellipsis overflow-hidden select-none w-full pl-1.75 break-keep whitespace-nowrap"> |
{{ displayValue }} |
</div> |
</div> |
</span> |
</template> |
</GeneralDeleteModal> |
<!-- Prevent unsaved change modal --> |
<NcModal v-model:visible="preventModalStatus" size="small"> |
<div class=""> |
<div class="flex flex-row items-center gap-x-2 text-base font-bold"> |
{{ $t('tooltip.saveChanges') }} |
</div> |
<div class="flex font-medium mt-2"> |
{{ $t('activity.doYouWantToSaveTheChanges') }} |
</div> |
<div class="flex flex-row justify-end gap-x-2 mt-5"> |
<NcButton type="secondary" @click="discardPreventModal">{{ $t('labels.discard') }}</NcButton> |
<NcButton key="submit" type="primary" label="Rename Table" loading-label="Renaming Table" @click="saveChanges"> |
{{ $t('tooltip.saveChanges') }} |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</div> |
</NcModal> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss"> |
.nc-drawer-expanded-form { |
@apply xs:my-0; |
} |
.nc-expanded-cell { |
input { |
@apply xs:(h-12 text-base); |
} |
} |
.nc-expanded-cell-header { |
@apply w-full text-gray-500 xs:(text-gray-600 mb-2); |
} |
.nc-expanded-cell-header > :nth-child(2) { |
@apply !text-sm !xs:text-base; |
} |
.nc-expanded-cell-header > :first-child { |
@apply !text-xl; |
} |
.nc-drawer-expanded-form .nc-modal { |
@apply !p-0; |
} |
</style> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
:deep(.ant-select-selector) { |
@apply !xs:(h-full); |
} |
:deep(.ant-select-selection-item) { |
@apply !xs:(mt-1.75 ml-1); |
} |