You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

174 lines
6.2 KiB

<script lang="ts" setup>
import { inject, ComputedRef, onMounted } from "vue";
import { isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { TableType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import useViewData from '~/composables/useViewData'
const meta = inject<ComputedRef<TableType>>('meta')
const { loadData, paginationData, formattedData: data } = useViewData(meta)
onMounted(() => loadData({}))
class="xc-row-table nc-grid backgroundColorDefault"
<th v-for="(col) in meta.columns" :key="col.title">
{{ col.title }}
v-for="({ row }, rowIndex) in data"
style="width: 65px"
class="caption nc-grid-cell"
<div class="d-flex align-center">
{{ rowIndex + 1 }}
v-for="(columnObj) in meta.columns"
:key="rowIndex + columnObj.title"
class="cell pointer nc-grid-cell"
// 'active':
// !isPublicView
// && selected.col === col
// && selected.row === row
// && isEditable,
// 'primary-column': primaryValueColumn === columnObj.title,
// 'text-center': isCentrallyAligned(columnObj),
// 'required': isRequired(columnObj, rowObj),
<!-- @dblclick="makeEditable(col, row, columnObj.ai, rowMeta)" -->
<!-- @click="makeSelected(col, row)" -->
<!-- @contextmenu=" -->
<!-- showRowContextMenu($event, rowObj, rowMeta, row, col, columnObj) -->
<!-- " -->
<!-- > -->
<!-- <virtual-cell -->
<!-- v-if="isVirtualCol(columnObj)" -->
<!-- :password="password" -->
<!-- :is-public="isPublicView" -->
<!-- :metas="metas" -->
<!-- :is-locked="isLocked" -->
<!-- :column="columnObj" -->
<!-- :row="rowObj" -->
<!-- :nodes="nodes" -->
<!-- :meta="meta" -->
<!-- :api="api" -->
<!-- :active="selected.col === col && selected.row === row" -->
<!-- :sql-ui="sqlUi" -->
<!-- :is-new="rowMeta.new" -->
<!-- v-on="$listeners" -->
<!-- @updateCol=" -->
<!-- (...args) => -->
<!-- updateCol( -->
<!-- ...args, -->
<!-- columnObj.bt -->
<!-- && meta.columns.find( -->
<!-- (c) => c.column_name === columnObj.bt.column_name, -->
<!-- ), -->
<!-- col, -->
<!-- row, -->
<!-- ) -->
<!-- " -->
<!-- @saveRow="onCellValueChange(col, row, columnObj, true)" -->
<!-- /> -->
<!-- <editable-cell -->
<!-- v-else-if=" -->
<!-- ((isPkAvail || rowMeta.new) -->
<!-- && !isView -->
<!-- && !isLocked -->
<!-- && !isPublicView -->
<!-- && editEnabled.col === col -->
<!-- && editEnabled.row === row) -->
<!-- || enableEditable(columnObj) -->
<!-- " -->
<!-- v-model="rowObj[columnObj.title]" -->
<!-- :column="columnObj" -->
<!-- :meta="meta" -->
<!-- :active="selected.col === col && selected.row === row" -->
<!-- :sql-ui="sqlUi" -->
<!-- :db-alias="nodes.dbAlias" -->
<!-- :is-locked="isLocked" -->
<!-- :is-public="isPublicView" -->
<!-- :view-id="viewId" -->
<!-- @save="editEnabled = {}; onCellValueChange(col, row, columnObj, true);" -->
<!-- @cancel="editEnabled = {}" -->
<!-- @update="onCellValueChange(col, row, columnObj, false)" -->
<!-- @blur="onCellValueChange(col, row, columnObj, true)" -->
<!-- @input="unsaved = true" -->
<!-- @navigateToNext="navigateToNext" -->
<!-- @navigateToPrev="navigateToPrev" -->
<!-- /> -->
<span v-if="isVirtualCol(columnObj)" />
// 'primary--text': primaryValueColumn === columnObj.title,
<!-- :selected="selected.col === col && selected.row === row" -->
<!-- :is-locked="isLocked" -->
<!-- :column="columnObj" -->
<!-- :meta="meta" -->
<!-- :db-alias="nodes.dbAlias" -->
<!-- :value="rowObj[columnObj.title]" -->
<!-- :sql-ui="sqlUi" -->
<!-- @enableedit=" -->
<!-- makeSelected(col, row); -->
<!-- makeEditable(col, row, columnObj.ai, rowMeta); -->
<!-- " -->
<!-- /> -->
<style scoped lang="scss">
tr {
min-height: 31px !important;
position: relative;
padding: 0 5px !important;
min-width: 200px;
th {
border-right: 1px solid #7f828b33 !important;
border-left: 1px solid #7f828b33 !important;
border-bottom: 1px solid #7f828b33 !important;
border-top: 1px solid #7f828b33 !important;
border-collapse: collapse;
text-overflow: ellipsis;
white-space: nowrap;