You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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import type { BaseType, ProjectType } from 'nocodb-sdk'
import type { WritableComputedRef } from '@vue/reactivity'
import { defineStore } from 'pinia'
import { TabType, computed, ref } from '#imports'
import type { TabItem } from '#imports'
export const useTabs = defineStore('tabStore', () => {
const tabs = ref<TabItem[]>([])
const activeTabIndex: WritableComputedRef<number> = computed({
get() {
return 0
set(_index: number) {},
const activeTab = computed(() => ({} as TabItem))
const addTab = async (_tabMeta: TabItem) => {}
const addErdTab = async (base: BaseType, fallback_title?: string) => {
return addTab({
id: `${TabType.ERD}-${base?.id}`,
type: TabType.ERD,
title: `ERD${base?.alias ? ` (${base.alias})` : `(${fallback_title})`}`,
tabMeta: { base },
projectId: base.project_id as string,
const addSqlEditorTab = async (project: ProjectType) => {
return addTab({
id: `${TabType.SQL}-${project.id}`,
type: TabType.SQL,
title: `SQL Editor (${project.title})`,
tabMeta: { project },
projectId: project.id as string,
const clearTabs = () => {
tabs.value = []
const closeTab = async (_key: number | Partial<TabItem>) => {}
const updateTab = (_key: number | Partial<TabItem>, _newTabItemProps: Partial<TabItem>) => {}
return { tabs, addTab, activeTabIndex, activeTab, clearTabs, closeTab, updateTab, addErdTab, addSqlEditorTab }