mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
562 lines
16 KiB
562 lines
16 KiB
// *********************************************** |
// This example commands.js shows you how to |
// create various custom commands and overwrite |
// existing commands. |
// |
// For more comprehensive examples of custom |
// commands please read more here: |
// https://on.cypress.io/custom-commands |
// *********************************************** |
// @author Roman Rezinkin roman.rezinkin@hotmail.com |
// |
// -- This is a parent command -- |
// Cypress.Commands.add('login', (email, password) => { ... }) |
// |
// |
// -- This is a child command -- |
// Cypress.Commands.add('drag', { prevSubject: 'element'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) |
// |
// |
// -- This is a dual command -- |
// Cypress.Commands.add('dismiss', { prevSubject: 'optional'}, (subject, options) => { ... }) |
// |
// |
// -- This will overwrite an existing command -- |
// Cypress.Commands.overwrite('visit', (originalFn, url, options) => { ... }) |
import "cypress-file-upload"; |
import { isXcdb, isPostgres } from "./page_objects/projectConstants"; |
require("@4tw/cypress-drag-drop"); |
// for waiting until page load |
Cypress.Commands.add("waitForSpinners", () => { |
cy.visit("http://localhost:3000/signup", { |
retryOnNetworkFailure: true, |
timeout: 1200000, |
headers: { |
"Accept-Encoding": "gzip, deflate", |
}, |
}); |
cy.get(".nc-form-signup").should("exist") |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("signinOrSignup", (_args) => { |
const args = Object.assign( |
{ username: "user@nocodb.com", password: "Password123." }, |
_args |
); |
cy.wait(1000); |
// signin/signup |
cy.get("body").then(($body) => { |
// cy.wait(1000) |
cy.url().then((url) => { |
if (!url.includes("/projects")) { |
// handle initial load |
if ($body.find(".welcome-page").length > 0) { |
cy.wait(8000); |
cy.get("body").trigger("mousemove"); |
cy.snip("LetsBegin"); |
cy.contains("Let's Begin").click(); |
cy.get('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 12000 }).type( |
args.username |
); |
cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(args.password); |
cy.snip("SignUp"); |
cy.get('button:contains("SIGN UP")').click(); |
// handle signin |
} else { |
cy.get('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 12000 }).type( |
args.username |
); |
cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(args.password); |
cy.snip("SignIn"); |
cy.get('button:contains("SIGN IN")').click(); |
} |
} else if (url.includes("/signin")) { |
cy.get('input[type="text"]', { timeout: 12000 }).type( |
args.username |
); |
cy.get('input[type="password"]').type(args.password); |
cy.snip("SignIn"); |
cy.get('button:contains("SIGN IN")').click(); |
} |
}); |
}); |
// indicates page-load complete |
cy.get(".nc-noco-brand-icon", { timeout: 12000 }).should("exist"); |
}); |
// for opening/creating a rest project |
Cypress.Commands.add("openOrCreateRestProject", (_args) => { |
const args = Object.assign({ new: false }, _args); |
// signin/signup |
cy.signinOrSignup(); |
cy.get(".nc-new-project-menu").should("exist"); |
cy.snip("ProjectPage"); |
cy.get("body").then(($body) => { |
const filter = args.meta |
? ".nc-meta-project-row" |
: ":not(.nc-meta-project-row)"; |
// if project exist open |
if ( |
$body.find(".nc-rest-project-row").filter(filter).length && |
!args.new |
) { |
cy.get(".nc-rest-project-row").filter(filter).first().click(); |
} else { |
cy.contains("New Project") |
.trigger("onmouseover") |
.trigger("mouseenter"); |
if (args.meta) { |
cy.get(".nc-create-xc-db-project").click(); |
cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should("contain", "#/project/xcdb"); |
cy.get(".nc-metadb-project-name").type( |
"test_proj" + Date.now() |
); |
cy.contains("button", "Create", { timeout: 3000 }).click(); |
} else { |
cy.get(".nc-create-external-db-project").click(); |
cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should("contain", "#/project"); |
cy.get(".database-field input").click().clear().type("sakila"); |
cy.contains("Test Database Connection").click(); |
cy.contains("Ok & Save Project", { timeout: 3000 }).click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
cy.url({ timeout: 20000 }).should("contain", "#/nc/"); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("refreshTableTab", () => { |
cy.task("log", `[refreshTableTab]`); |
cy.get(".nc-project-tree") |
.find(".v-list-item__title:contains(Tables)", { timeout: 10000 }) |
.should("exist") |
.first() |
.rightclick({ force: true }); |
cy.getActiveMenu() |
.find('[role="menuitem"]') |
.contains("Tables Refresh") |
.should("exist") |
.click({ force: true }); |
cy.toastWait("Tables refreshed"); |
}); |
// tn: table name |
// rc: row count. validate row count if rc!=0 |
Cypress.Commands.add("openTableTab", (tn, rc) => { |
cy.task("log", `[openTableTab] ${tn} ${rc}`); |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${tn}`) |
.should("exist") |
.first() |
.click(); |
// kludge to make new tab active |
cy.get('.ant-tabs-tab-btn') |
.contains(tn) |
.should('exist') |
.click(); |
cy.get('.xc-row-table.nc-grid').should('exist'); |
// wait for page rendering to complete |
if (rc != 0) { |
cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", rc); |
} |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("closeTableTab", (tn) => { |
cy.task("log", `[closeTableTab] ${tn}`); |
cy.get('.ant-tabs-tab-btn') |
.contains(tn) |
.should('exist') |
.parent() |
.parent() |
.find('button') |
.click(); |
// subsequent tab open commands will fail if tab is not closed completely |
cy.wait(1000); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("openOrCreateGqlProject", (_args) => { |
const args = Object.assign({ new: false, meta: false }, _args); |
cy.signinOrSignup(); |
cy.get(".nc-new-project-menu").should("exist"); |
cy.get("body").then(($body) => { |
const filter = args.meta |
? ".nc-meta-project-row" |
: ":not(.nc-meta-project-row)"; |
// if project exist open |
if ( |
$body.find(".nc-graphql-project-row").filter(filter).length && |
!args.new |
) { |
cy.get(".nc-graphql-project-row").filter(filter).first().click(); |
} else { |
cy.contains("New Project") |
.trigger("onmouseover") |
.trigger("mouseenter"); |
if (args.meta) { |
cy.get(".nc-create-xc-db-project").click(); |
cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should("contain", "#/project/xcdb"); |
cy.contains("GRAPHQL APIs").closest("label").click(); |
cy.get(".nc-metadb-project-name").type( |
"test_proj" + Date.now() |
); |
cy.contains("button", "Create", { timeout: 3000 }).click(); |
} else { |
cy.get(".nc-create-external-db-project").click(); |
cy.url({ timeout: 6000 }).should("contain", "#/project"); |
cy.contains("GRAPHQL APIs").closest("label").click(); |
cy.get(".database-field input").click().clear().type("sakila"); |
cy.contains("Test Database Connection").click(); |
cy.contains("Ok & Save Project").should('exist').click(); |
} |
} |
}); |
cy.url({ timeout: 20000 }).should("contain", "#/nc/"); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("saveLocalStorage", () => { |
Object.keys(localStorage).forEach((key) => { |
LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key] = localStorage[key]; |
}); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("restoreLocalStorage", () => { |
Object.keys(LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY).forEach((key) => { |
localStorage.setItem(key, LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY[key]); |
}); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("deleteLocalStorage", () => { |
Object.keys(LOCAL_STORAGE_MEMORY).forEach((key) => { |
localStorage.removeItem(key); |
}); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActiveModal", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-modal-content:visible").last() |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActiveMenu", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-dropdown-content:visible").last(); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActivePopUp", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-menu-submenu-popup:visible").last(); |
}) |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActiveSelection", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-select-dropdown:visible").last(); |
}) |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActiveDrawer", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-drawer-content:visible").last(); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("getActivePicker", () => { |
return cy.get(".ant-picker-dropdown :visible").last(); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("createTable", (name) => { |
// cy.get(".nc-btn-tbl-add").click(); |
// cy.get(`[data-menu-id="addORImport"]`).click(); |
// cy.getActivePopUp().contains("Add new table").should('exist').click(); |
cy.get('.nc-add-new-table').should('exist').click(); |
cy.getActiveModal().find(`input[type="text"]:visible`) |
.click() |
.clear() |
.type(name) |
cy.getActiveModal().find("button").contains("Submit").click(); |
cy.get('.xc-row-table.nc-grid').should('exist'); |
cy.get('.ant-tabs-tab-active > .ant-tabs-tab-btn').contains(name).should("exist"); |
cy.url().should("contain", `table/${name}`); |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${name}`).should("exist"); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("deleteTable", (name, dbType) => { |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${name}`).should("exist").rightclick(); |
cy.getActiveMenu().find('[role="menuitem"]').contains("Delete").click(); |
cy.getActiveModal().find("button").contains("Yes").click(); |
// only for postgre project |
if (dbType === "postgres") cy.toastWait(`Delete trigger successful`); |
cy.toastWait(`Deleted table ${name} successfully`); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("renameTable", (oldName, newName) => { |
// right click on project table name |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${oldName}`) |
.should('exist') |
.first() |
.rightclick(); |
// choose rename option from menu |
cy.getActiveMenu() |
.find('[role="menuitem"]') |
.contains("Rename") |
.click({ force: true }); |
// feed new name |
cy.getActiveModal().find("input").clear().type(newName); |
// submit |
cy.getActiveModal().find("button").contains("Submit").click(); |
cy.toastWait("Table renamed successfully"); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("createColumn", (table, columnName) => { |
cy.get(".nc-project-tree") |
.find(".v-list-item__title:contains(Tables)") |
.should('exist') |
.first() |
.click(); |
cy.get(".nc-project-tree") |
.contains(table) |
.should('exist') |
.first() |
.click({ force: true }); |
cy.get(`.project-tab:contains(${table}):visible`).should("exist"); |
cy.get(".v-window-item--active .nc-grid tr > th:last button").click({ |
force: true, |
}); |
cy.get(".nc-column-name-input input").clear().type(columnName); |
cy.getActiveMenu("Menu_CreateColumn"); |
cy.get(".nc-col-create-or-edit-card").contains("Save").click(); |
cy.get("th:contains(new_column)").should("exist"); |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("toastWait", (msg) => { |
cy.get('.ant-message-notice-content:visible', { timout: 12000 }).contains(msg).should('exist') |
cy.get('.ant-message-notice-content:visible', { timout: 12000 }).should('not.exist') |
// cy.get(".toasted:visible", { timout: 12000 }).contains(msg).should("exist"); |
// cy.get(".toasted:visible", { timout: 12000 }) |
// .contains(msg) |
// .should("not.exist"); |
// cy.wait(3000); |
}); |
// vn: view name |
// rc: expected row count. validate row count if rc!=0 |
Cypress.Commands.add("openViewsTab", (vn, rc) => { |
cy.task("log", `[openViewsTab] ${vn} ${rc}`); |
cy.get(`.nc-project-tree-tbl-${vn}`, { timeout: 10000 }).should("exist") |
.first() |
.click({ force: true }); |
// kludge to make new tab active |
cy.get('.ant-tabs-tab-btn') |
.contains(vn) |
.should('exist') |
.click({ force: true }); |
// wait for page rendering to complete |
if (rc != 0) { |
cy.get('.xc-row-table.nc-grid').should('exist'); |
cy.get(".nc-grid-row").should("have.length", rc); |
} |
}); |
Cypress.Commands.add("closeViewsTab", (vn) => { |
cy.task("log", `[closeViewsTab] ${vn}`); |
cy.get('.ant-tabs-tab-btn') |
.contains(vn) |
.should('exist') |
.parent() |
.parent() |
.find('button') |
.click(); |
}); |
// Support for screen-shots |
// |
let screenShotDb = []; |
// snip entire screen |
Cypress.Commands.add("snip", (filename) => { |
if ( |
true === Cypress.env("screenshot") && |
false === screenShotDb.includes(filename) |
) { |
let storeName = `${screenShotDb.length}_${filename}`; |
screenShotDb.push(filename); |
cy.wait(1000); |
cy.screenshot(storeName, { overwrite: true }); |
} |
}); |
// snip current modal |
Cypress.Commands.add("snipActiveModal", (filename) => { |
if ( |
true === Cypress.env("screenshot") && |
false === screenShotDb.includes(filename) |
) { |
let storeName = `${screenShotDb.length}_${filename}`; |
screenShotDb.push(filename); |
cy.wait(1000); |
// cy.getActiveModal().screenshot(filename, { |
// padding: 0, |
// overwrite: true, |
// }); |
cy.screenshot(storeName, { overwrite: true }); |
} |
}); |
// snip current menu |
Cypress.Commands.add("snipActiveMenu", (filename) => { |
if ( |
true === Cypress.env("screenshot") && |
false === screenShotDb.includes(filename) |
) { |
let storeName = `${screenShotDb.length}_${filename}`; |
screenShotDb.push(filename); |
cy.wait(1000); |
// cy.getActiveMenu().screenshot(filename, { |
// padding: 0, |
// overwrite: true, |
// }); |
cy.screenshot(storeName, { overwrite: true }); |
} |
}); |
// pre-test file hook |
Cypress.Commands.add("fileHook", () => { |
window.localStorage.setItem('vueuse-color-scheme', 'light') |
}); |
// Drag n Drop |
// refer: https://stackoverflow.com/a/55409853 |
/* |
const getCoords = ($el) => { |
const domRect = $el[0].getBoundingClientRect() |
const coords = { x: domRect.left + (domRect.width / 2 || 0), y: domRect.top + (domRect.height / 2 || 0) } |
return coords |
} |
const dragTo = (subject, to, opts) => { |
opts = Cypress._.defaults(opts, { |
// delay inbetween steps |
delay: 0, |
// interpolation between coords |
steps: 0, |
// >=10 steps |
smooth: false, |
}) |
if (opts.smooth) { |
opts.steps = Math.max(opts.steps, 10) |
} |
const win = subject[0].ownerDocument.defaultView |
const elFromCoords = (coords) => win.document.elementFromPoint(coords.x, coords.y) |
const winMouseEvent = win.MouseEvent |
const send = (type, coords, el) => { |
el = el || elFromCoords(coords) |
el.dispatchEvent( |
new winMouseEvent(type, Object.assign({}, { clientX: coords.x, clientY: coords.y }, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true })) |
) |
} |
const toSel = to |
function drag (from, to, steps = 1) { |
const fromEl = elFromCoords(from) |
const _log = Cypress.log({ |
$el: fromEl, |
name: 'drag to', |
message: toSel, |
}) |
_log.snapshot('before', { next: 'after', at: 0 }) |
_log.set({ coords: to }) |
send('mouseover', from, fromEl) |
send('mousedown', from, fromEl) |
cy.then(() => { |
return Cypress.Promise.try(() => { |
if (steps > 0) { |
const dx = (to.x - from.x) / steps |
const dy = (to.y - from.y) / steps |
return Cypress.Promise.map(Array(steps).fill(), (v, i) => { |
i = steps - 1 - i |
let _to = { |
x: from.x + dx * (i), |
y: from.y + dy * (i), |
} |
send('mousemove', _to, fromEl) |
return Cypress.Promise.delay(opts.delay) |
}, { concurrency: 1 }) |
} |
}) |
.then(() => { |
send('mousemove', to, fromEl) |
send('mouseover', to) |
send('mousemove', to) |
send('mouseup', to) |
_log.snapshot('after', { at: 1 }).end() |
}) |
}) |
} |
const $el = subject |
const fromCoords = getCoords($el) |
const toCoords = getCoords(cy.$$(to)) |
drag(fromCoords, toCoords, opts.steps) |
} |
Cypress.Commands.addAll( |
{ prevSubject: 'element' }, |
{ |
dragTo, |
} |
) |