You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

167 lines
5.2 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import { onKeyDown } from '@vueuse/core'
import { useProvideAttachmentCell } from './utils'
import Modal from './Modal.vue'
import { useSortable } from './sort'
import Carousel from './Carousel.vue'
import { onMounted, ref, useDropZone, watch } from '#imports'
import { isImage, openLink } from '~/utils'
interface Props {
modelValue: string | Record<string, any>[] | null
rowIndex: number
interface Emits {
(event: 'update:modelValue', value: string | Record<string, any>): void
const { modelValue, rowIndex } = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits<Emits>()
const dropZoneRef = ref<HTMLTableDataCellElement>()
const sortableRef = ref<HTMLDivElement>()
const { column, modalVisible, attachments, visibleItems, onDrop, isLoading, open, FileIcon, selectedImage, isReadonly } =
const { dragging } = useSortable(sortableRef, visibleItems, updateModelValue, isReadonly)
const { isOverDropZone } = useDropZone(dropZoneRef, onDrop)
/** on new value, reparse our stored attachments */
() => modelValue,
(nextModel) => {
if (nextModel) {
attachments.value = ((typeof nextModel === 'string' ? JSON.parse(nextModel) : nextModel) || []).filter(Boolean)
{ immediate: true },
/** updates attachments array for autosave */
function updateModelValue(data: string | Record<string, any>) {
emits('update:modelValue', typeof data !== 'string' ? JSON.stringify(data) : data)
/** Close modal on escape press, disable dropzone as well */
onKeyDown('Escape', () => {
modalVisible.value = false
isOverDropZone.value = false
/** if possible, on mounted we try to fetch the relevant `td` cell to use as a dropzone */
onMounted(() => {
if (typeof document !== 'undefined') {
dropZoneRef.value = document.querySelector(`td[data-key="${rowIndex}${column.value.id}"]`) as HTMLTableDataCellElement
<div class="nc-attachment-cell relative flex-1 color-transition flex items-center justify-between gap-1">
<Carousel />
<template v-if="!isReadonly && !dragging && dropZoneRef">
class="text-white text-lg ring ring-pink-500 bg-gray-700/75 flex items-center justify-center gap-2 backdrop-blur-xl"
<MaterialSymbolsFileCopyOutline class="text-pink-500" /> Drop here
:class="{ 'mx-auto px-4': !visibleItems.length }"
class="group flex gap-1 items-center active:ring rounded border-1 p-1 hover:bg-primary/10"
<MdiReload v-if="isLoading" :class="{ 'animate-infinite animate-spin': isLoading }" />
<a-tooltip v-else placement="bottom">
<template #title> Click or drop a file into cell </template>
<div class="flex items-center gap-2">
<MaterialSymbolsAttachFile class="transform group-hover:(text-pink-500 scale-120)" />
<div v-if="!visibleItems.length" class="group-hover:text-primary">Add file(s)</div>
<template v-if="visibleItems.length">
:class="{ dragging }"
class="flex justify-center items-center flex-wrap gap-2 p-1 scrollbar-thin-dull max-h-[150px] overflow-scroll"
v-for="(item, i) of visibleItems"
:key="item.url || item.title"
:class="isImage(item.title, item.mimetype) ? '' : 'border-1 rounded'"
class="nc-attachment flex items-center justify-center min-h-[50px]"
<a-tooltip placement="bottom">
<template #title>
<div class="text-center w-full">{{ item.title }}</div>
v-if="isImage(item.title, item.mimetype)"
:alt="item.title || `#${i}`"
:src="item.url || item.data"
class="ring-1 ring-gray-300 rounded max-h-[50px] max-w-[50px]"
@click="selectedImage = item"
<component :is="FileIcon(item.icon)" v-else-if="item.icon" @click="openLink(item.url || item.data)" />
<IcOutlineInsertDriveFile v-else @click.stop="openLink(item.url || item.data)" />
<div class="group flex gap-1 items-center border-1 active:ring rounded p-1 hover:bg-primary/10">
<MdiReload v-if="isLoading" :class="{ 'animate-infinite animate-spin': isLoading }" />
<a-tooltip v-else placement="bottom">
<template #title> View attachments </template>
<MdiArrowExpand class="select-none transform group-hover:(text-pink-500 scale-120)" @click.stop="modalVisible = true" />
<Modal />
<style lang="scss">
.nc-cell {
.nc-attachment-cell {
.nc-attachment {
@apply w-[50px] h-[50px] min-h-[50px] min-w-[50px];
.ghost > * {
@apply !pointer-events-none;
.dragging {
.ant-tooltip {
@apply !hidden;