You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

600 lines
21 KiB

<v-card class="pb-2">
<v-toolbar flat height="42" class="toolbar-border-bottom">
<x-btn outlined tooltip="Validation Documentation"
href="https://docs.nocodb.com/en/v0.5/database/database-model-validation" target="_blank">
<v-icon small left>mdi-book-open-variant</v-icon>
Validation Docs
<x-btn outlined tooltip="Reload validation"
<v-icon small left>refresh</v-icon>
<x-btn outlined tooltip="Save Changes"
:disabled="!edited || loading"
<v-icon small left>save</v-icon>
<template v-if="columns">
<p class="title mt-6 mb-6"> Table : <span class="text-capitalize">{{ columns._tn }}</span><br>
<span class="font-weight-thin">Write Validations For Columns</span></p>
<!-- <v-row justify="center">
<v-col cols="4" class="d-flex align-center">
<label class="mr-3">Table Alias</label>
<v-text-field @input="edited = true" v-model="columns._tn">
<v-simple-table style="max-width:800px; margin:0 auto" class="mb-10" dense v-slot:default>
<th>Column Name</th>
<tr v-for="(item,i) in columns.columns">
<td>{{ item.cn }}</td>
<v-edit-dialog lazy>
<span> {{ item._cn }}</span>
<template v-slot:input>
:tooltip="`Edit/Add validation for '${item.cn}' column`" color="primary"
style="text-transform:capitalize" x-small outlined>
<v-icon class=" mr-1" x-small>mdi-lead-pencil</v-icon>
Validation ({{ item.validate.func.length }})
<!-- <v-expansion-panels accordion style="width: 70%; min-width: 500px; margin:5px auto">-->
<!-- <v-expansion-panel-->
<!-- v-for="(item,i) in columns.columns"-->
<!-- :key="i"-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <v-expansion-panel-header>{{ item.cn }} <span-->
<!-- class="caption grey&#45;&#45;text ml-2">({{ item.validate.func.length }} validations)</span>-->
<!-- </v-expansion-panel-header>-->
<!-- <v-expansion-panel-content>-->
<!-- <v-toolbar class="elevation-0" flat height="42">-->
<!-- <v-spacer>-->
<!-- </v-spacer>-->
<!-- <x-btn outlined tooltip="Add new validation"-->
<!-- color="primary"-->
<!-- small-->
<!-- @click.prevent="(item.validate.func.push(''),edited=true,scrollAndFocusLastRow())">-->
<!-- <v-icon small left>mdi-plus</v-icon>-->
<!-- Add Validation-->
<!-- </x-btn>-->
<!-- </v-toolbar>-->
<!-- <v-simple-table v-if="item.validate.func && item.validate.func.length" dense>-->
<!-- <thead>-->
<!-- <tr>-->
<!-- <th class="caption font-weight-normal">Validation Function</th>-->
<!-- <th class="caption font-weight-normal">Error Message</th>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <th class="caption font-weight-normal">Optional Argument</th>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <th></th>-->
<!-- </tr>-->
<!-- </thead>-->
<!-- <tbody>-->
<!-- <tr v-for="(func,i) in item.validate.func">-->
<!-- <td>-->
<!-- <v-edit-dialog-->
<!-- lazy-->
<!-- >-->
<!-- <span>{{ func }}</span>-->
<!-- <template v-slot:input>-->
<!-- <v-autocomplete-->
<!-- @change="onFunctionChange(i,item)"-->
<!-- dense-->
<!-- v-model="item.validate.func[i]"-->
<!-- :items="fnList"-->
<!-- item-text="func"-->
<!-- ></v-autocomplete>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </v-edit-dialog>-->
<!-- </td>-->
<!-- <td>-->
<!-- <v-edit-dialog lazy>-->
<!-- <span> {{ item.validate.msg[i] }}</span>-->
<!-- <template v-slot:input>-->
<!-- <v-text-field-->
<!-- @input="edited=true"-->
<!-- v-model="item.validate.msg[i]"-->
<!-- label="Edit"-->
<!-- single-line-->
<!-- ></v-text-field>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </v-edit-dialog>-->
<!-- </td>-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <td>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <v-edit-dialog lazy>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <span> {{ item.validate.args[i] }}</span>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <template v-slot:input>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; <v-text-field&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; @input="edited=true"&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; v-model="item.validate.args[i]"&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; label="Edit"&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; single-line&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; ></v-text-field>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; </template>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; </v-edit-dialog>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- &lt;!&ndash; </td>&ndash;&gt;-->
<!-- <td>-->
<!-- <x-icon-->
<!-- small-->
<!-- color="error" tooltip="Delete role" @click="deleteValidation(item,i)">-->
<!-- mdi-delete-forever-->
<!-- </x-icon>-->
<!-- </td>-->
<!-- </tr>-->
<!-- </tbody>-->
<!-- </v-simple-table>-->
<!-- <div v-else class="d-flex justify-center">-->
<!-- <v-alert dense outlined type="info" color="grey lighten-1" icon="mdi-information-outline" class="caption"-->
<!-- style="width:auto">-->
<!-- No validation for '{{ item.cn }}'-->
<!-- </v-alert>-->
<!-- </div>-->
<!-- </v-expansion-panel-content>-->
<!-- </v-expansion-panel>-->
<!-- </v-expansion-panels>-->
<v-dialog v-model="validatorEditDialog" max-width="700px">
<v-card v-if="clickedItem">
<v-card-title class="headline justify-center mb-5">Validations for '{{ clickedItem.cn }}({{ clickedItem.dt }})'
<div class="d-flex">
<v-btn outlined x-small @click="validatorEditDialog = false">Cancel</v-btn>
<x-btn outlined tooltip="Add new validation"
<v-icon small left>mdi-plus</v-icon>
Add Validation
<v-btn outlined color="primary" x-small @click.prevent="saveValidationForColumn(clickedItem)">Save</v-btn>
<v-simple-table v-if="clickedItem.validate.func && clickedItem.validate.func.length" dense>
<th class="caption font-weight-normal">Validation Function</th>
<th class="caption font-weight-normal">Error Message</th>
<!-- <th class="caption font-weight-normal">Optional Argument</th>-->
<tr v-for="(func,i) in clickedItem.validate.func">
<span>{{ func }}</span>
<template v-slot:input>
<v-edit-dialog lazy>
<span> {{ clickedItem.validate.msg[i] }}</span>
<template v-slot:input>
<!-- <td>-->
<!-- <v-edit-dialog lazy>-->
<!-- <span> {{ clickedItem.validate.args[i] }}</span>-->
<!-- <template v-slot:input>-->
<!-- <v-text-field-->
<!-- @input="edited=true"-->
<!-- v-model="clickedItem.validate.args[i]"-->
<!-- label="Edit"-->
<!-- single-line-->
<!-- ></v-text-field>-->
<!-- </template>-->
<!-- </v-edit-dialog>-->
<!-- </td>-->
color="error" tooltip="Delete role" @click="deleteValidation(clickedItem,i)">
<div v-else class="d-flex justify-center">
<v-alert dense outlined type="info" color="grey lighten-1" icon="mdi-information-outline"
class="caption mt-4"
No validation for '{{ clickedItem.cn }}'
<!-- <v-card-actions>-->
<!-- <v-spacer></v-spacer>-->
<!-- -->
<!-- </v-card-actions>-->
import {SqlUI} from "@/helpers/SqlUiFactory";
const validatorFnList = [{"func": "contains", "args": '', msg: 'Error contains'}, {
"func": "equals",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error equals'
}, {
"func": "isAfter",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isAfter'
}, {"func": "isAlpha", "args": '', msg: 'Error isAlpha'}, {
"func": "isAlphanumeric",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isAlphanumeric'
}, {
"func": "isAscii",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isAscii'
}, {"func": "isBase32", "args": '', msg: 'Error isBase32'}, {"func": "isBase64", "args": '', msg: 'Error isBase64'}, {
"func": "isBefore",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isBefore'
}, {"func": "isBIC", "args": '', msg: 'Error isBIC'}, {"func": "isBoolean", "args": '', msg: 'Error isBoolean'}, {
"func": "isBtcAddress",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isBtcAddress'
}, {"func": "isByteLength", "args": '', msg: 'Error isByteLength'}, {
"func": "isCreditCard",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isCreditCard'
}, {
"func": "isCurrency",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isCurrency'
}, {"func": "isDataURI", "args": '', msg: 'Error isDataURI'}, {"func": "isDate", "args": '', msg: 'Error isDate'}, {
"func": "isDecimal",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isDecimal'
}, {"func": "isDivisibleBy", "args": '', msg: 'Error isDivisibleBy'}, {
"func": "isEAN",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isEAN'
}, {
"func": "isEmail",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isEmail'
}, {"func": "isEmpty", "args": '', msg: 'Error isEmpty'}, {
"func": "isEthereumAddress",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isEthereumAddress'
}, {
"func": "isFloat",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isFloat'
}, {"func": "isFQDN", "args": '', msg: 'Error isFQDN'}, {"func": "isFullWidth", "args": '', msg: 'Error isFullWidth'}, {
"func": "isHalfWidth",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isHalfWidth'
}, {"func": "isHash", "args": '', msg: 'Error isHash'}, {
"func": "isHexadecimal",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isHexadecimal'
}, {
"func": "isHexColor",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isHexColor'
}, {"func": "isHSL", "args": '', msg: 'Error isHSL'}, {"func": "isIBAN", "args": '', msg: 'Error isIBAN'}, {
"func": "isIdentityCard",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isIdentityCard'
}, {"func": "isIMEI", "args": '', msg: 'Error isIMEI'}, {
"func": "isIn",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isIn'
}, {"func": "isInt", "args": '', msg: 'Error isInt'}, {
"func": "isIP",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isIP'
}, {"func": "isIPRange", "args": '', msg: 'Error isIPRange'}, {"func": "isISBN", "args": '', msg: 'Error isISBN'}, {
"func": "isISIN",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isISIN'
}, {"func": "isISO8601", "args": '', msg: 'Error isISO8601'}, {
"func": "isISO31661Alpha2",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isISO31661Alpha2'
}, {
"func": "isISO31661Alpha3",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isISO31661Alpha3'
}, {"func": "isISRC", "args": '', msg: 'Error isISRC'}, {
"func": "isISSN",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isISSN'
}, {"func": "isJSON", "args": '', msg: 'Error isJSON'}, {
"func": "isJWT",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isJWT'
}, {"func": "isLatLong", "args": '', msg: 'Error isLatLong'}, {"func": "isLength", "args": '', msg: 'Error isLength'}, {
"func": "isLocale",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isLocale'
}, {"func": "isLowercase", "args": '', msg: 'Error isLowercase'}, {
"func": "isMACAddress",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isMACAddress'
}, {
"func": "isMagnetURI",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isMagnetURI'
}, {"func": "isMD5", "args": '', msg: 'Error isMD5'}, {"func": "isMimeType", "args": '', msg: 'Error isMimeType'}, {
"func": "isMobilePhone",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isMobilePhone'
}, {"func": "isMongoId", "args": '', msg: 'Error isMongoId'}, {
"func": "isMultibyte",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isMultibyte'
}, {
"func": "isNumeric",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isNumeric'
}, {"func": "isOctal", "args": '', msg: 'Error isOctal'}, {
"func": "isPassportNumber",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isPassportNumber'
}, {
"func": "isPort",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isPort'
}, {"func": "isPostalCode", "args": '', msg: 'Error isPostalCode'}, {
"func": "isRFC3339",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isRFC3339'
}, {
"func": "isRgbColor",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isRgbColor'
}, {"func": "isSemVer", "args": '', msg: 'Error isSemVer'}, {
"func": "isSurrogatePair",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isSurrogatePair'
}, {
"func": "isUppercase",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isUppercase'
}, {"func": "isSlug", "args": '', msg: 'Error isSlug'}, {
"func": "isTaxID",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isTaxID'
}, {"func": "isURL", "args": '', msg: 'Error isURL'}, {
"func": "isUUID",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isUUID'
}, {"func": "isVariableWidth", "args": '', msg: 'Error isVariableWidth'}, {
"func": "isWhitelisted",
"args": '',
msg: 'Error isWhitelisted'
}, {"func": "matches", "args": '', msg: 'Error matches'}];
export default {
name: "validation",
props: ['nodes'],
data: () => ({
fnList: validatorFnList,
columns: null,
validators: [{}, {}],
tableMeta: null,
edited: false,
loading: false,
clickedItem: null,
validatorEditDialog: false
methods: {
editOrAddValidation(item) {
this.clickedItem = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(item));
this.validatorEditDialog = true;
// async loadColumnList() {
// const result = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{
// env: this.nodes.env,
// dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias
// }, 'columnList', {
// tn: this.nodes.tn
// }]);
// console.log("table ", result.data.list);
// this.columns = result.data.list;
// },
async loadTableModelMeta() {
this.edited = false;
this.tableMeta = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{
env: this.nodes.env,
dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias
}, 'tableXcModelGet', {
tn: this.nodes.tn
this.columns = JSON.parse(this.tableMeta.meta)
scrollAndFocusLastRow() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const menuActivator = this.$el && this.$el.querySelector('.v-expansion-panel--active table tr:last-child .v-small-dialog__activator__content');
if (menuActivator) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const inputField = document.querySelector('.menuable__content__active input');
inputField && inputField.select()
scrollAndFocusLastRowInModal() {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const modal = document.querySelector('.v-dialog--active');
modal.scrollTop = 99999;
const menuActivator = modal.querySelector('table tr:last-child .v-small-dialog__activator__content');
if (menuActivator) {
this.$nextTick(() => {
const inputField = document.querySelector('.menuable__content__active input');
inputField && inputField.select()
async saveValidations() {
this.edited = false;
try {
await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [{
env: this.nodes.env,
dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias
}, 'xcModelSet', {
tn: this.nodes.tn,
meta: this.columns
this.$toast.success('Successfully updated validations').goAway(3000);
} catch (e) {
this.$toast.error('Failed to update validations').goAway(3000);
async saveValidationForColumn(clickedItem) {
if (clickedItem) {
const item = this.columns.columns.find(it => it.cn === clickedItem.cn);
if (item) {
Object.assign(item, clickedItem);
await this.saveValidations();
this.validatorEditDialog = false;
this.clickedItem = null;
onFunctionChange(i, item) {
this.edited = true;
const fn = validatorFnList.find(({func}) => func === item.validate.func[i]);
item.validate.msg[i] = `Validation failed : ${item.validate.func[i]}(${this.nodes.tn}.${item.cn})`;
item.validate.args[i] = fn.args;
deleteValidation(item, i) {
this.edited = true;
item.validate.func.splice(i, 1);
item.validate.args.splice(i, 1);
item.validate.msg.splice(i, 1);
async created() {
try {
// await this.loadColumnList();
await this.loadTableModelMeta();
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} finally {
<style scoped>
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd
* @author Naveen MR <oof1lab@gmail.com>
* @author Pranav C Balan <pranavxc@gmail.com>
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.