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import type { InjectionKey } from 'vue'
import { inject, provide, tryOnScopeDispose } from '#imports'
export function useInjectionState<Arguments extends any[], Return>(
composable: (...args: Arguments) => Return,
keyName = 'InjectionState',
): readonly [useInjectionState: (...args: Arguments) => Return, useInjectedState: () => Return | undefined] {
const key: string | InjectionKey<Return> = Symbol(keyName)
let providableState: Return | undefined
const useProvidingState = (...args: Arguments) => {
const providedState = composable(...args)
provide(key, providedState)
providableState = providedState
tryOnScopeDispose(() => {
providableState = undefined
return providedState
const useInjectedState = () => {
let injection = inject(key, undefined)
if (typeof injection === 'undefined') {
injection = providableState
return injection
tryOnScopeDispose(() => {
providableState = undefined
return [useProvidingState, useInjectedState]