mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
1929 lines
58 KiB
1929 lines
58 KiB
<template> |
<v-container class="h-100 j-excel-container backgroundColor pa-0 ma-0" fluid> |
<v-toolbar |
height="32" |
dense |
class="nc-table-toolbar elevation-0 xc-toolbar xc-border-bottom mx-1" |
style="z-index: 7" |
> |
<div |
v-if="!isForm" |
class="d-flex xc-border align-center search-box" |
style="min-width: 156px" |
> |
<v-menu bottom offset-y> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<div style="min-width: 56px" v-on="on"> |
<v-icon class="ml-2" small color="grey"> |
mdi-magnify |
</v-icon> |
<v-icon color="grey" class="pl-0 pa-1" small> |
mdi-menu-down |
</v-icon> |
</div> |
</template> |
<v-list dense> |
<v-list-item |
v-for="col in availableRealColumns" |
:key="col.column_name" |
@click="searchField = col.title" |
> |
<v-icon color="grey darken-4" small class="mr-1"> |
{{ col.icon }} |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption">{{ col.title }}</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
<v-divider vertical /> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="searchQueryVal" |
autocomplete="new-password" |
style="min-width: 100px; width: 120px" |
flat |
dense |
solo |
hide-details |
:placeholder=" |
searchField |
? $t('placeholder.searchColumn', { searchField }) |
: 'Search all columns' |
" |
class="elevation-0 pa-0 flex-grow-1 caption search-field" |
@keyup.enter="searchQuery = searchQueryVal" |
@blur="searchQuery = searchQueryVal" |
/> |
</div> |
<span |
v-if="relationType && false" |
class="caption grey--text" |
>{{ refTable }}({{ relationPrimaryValue }}) -> |
{{ relationType === "hm" ? " Has Many " : " Belongs To " }} -> |
{{ table }}</span> |
<div class="d-inline-flex"> |
<div> |
<fields |
v-if="!isForm" |
ref="fields" |
v-model="showFields" |
:field-list="fieldList" |
:meta="meta" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:fields-order.sync="fieldsOrder" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:show-system-fields.sync="showSystemFields" |
:cover-image-field.sync="coverImageField" |
:grouping-field.sync="groupingField" |
:is-gallery="isGallery" |
:is-kanban="isKanban" |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
@updated="loadTableData" |
/> |
<column-filter |
v-if="!isForm" |
v-model="filters" |
:meta="meta" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:field-list="[...realFieldList, ...formulaFieldList]" |
dense |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
@updated="loadTableData" |
/> |
<sort-list |
v-if="!isForm" |
v-model="sortList" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:meta="meta" |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
@updated="loadTableData" |
/> |
</div> |
<share-view-menu |
v-if="!isGallery" |
@share="$refs.drawer && $refs.drawer.genShareLink()" |
/> |
<MoreActions |
v-if="!isForm" |
ref="csvExportImport" |
:meta="meta" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:query-params="{ |
fieldsOrder, |
fieldFilter, |
sortList, |
showFields, |
}" |
:selected-view="selectedView" |
:is-view="isView" |
@showAdditionalFeatOverlay="showAdditionalFeatOverlay($event)" |
@webhook="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('webhooks')" |
@reload="reload" |
/> |
</div> |
<v-spacer |
class="h-100" |
@click=" |
clickCount = clickCount + 1; |
debug = clickCount >= 4; |
" |
/> |
<template v-if="!isForm"> |
<!-- Export Cache --> |
<v-tooltip v-if="debug" bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon class="mr-3" small v-on="on" @click="exportCache"> |
mdi-export |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<span class="caption"> Export Cache </span> |
</v-tooltip> |
<!-- Delete Cache --> |
<v-tooltip v-if="debug" bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon class="mr-3" small v-on="on" @click="deleteCache"> |
mdi-delete |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<span class="caption"> Delete Cache </span> |
</v-tooltip> |
<debug-metas v-if="debug" class="mr-3" /> |
<v-tooltip bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon |
v-if="!isPkAvail && !isForm" |
color="warning" |
small |
class="mr-3" |
v-on="on" |
> |
mdi-information-outline |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<span class="caption"> |
Update & Delete not allowed since the table doesn't have any primary |
key |
</span> |
</v-tooltip> |
<lock-menu v-if="_isUIAllowed('view-type')" v-model="lockType" /> |
<!-- <x-btn |
tooltip="Reload view data" |
outlined |
small |
text |
btn.class="nc-table-reload-btn px-0" |
@click="reload" |
>--> |
<v-icon small class="mx-n1" color="grey lighten-1"> |
mdi-circle-small |
</v-icon> |
<!-- tooltip="Reload view data" --> |
<x-icon |
:tooltip="$t('general.reload')" |
icon.class="nc-table-reload-btn mx-1" |
small |
@click="reloadClick" |
> |
mdi-reload |
</x-icon> |
<v-icon |
v-if="isEditable && relationType !== 'bt'" |
small |
class="mx-n1" |
color="grey lighten-1" |
> |
mdi-circle-small |
</v-icon> |
<!-- </x-btn>--> |
<!-- <x-btn--> |
<!-- v-if="isEditable && relationType !== 'bt'"--> |
<!-- tooltip="Add new row"--> |
<!-- :disabled="isLocked"--> |
<!-- outlined--> |
<!-- small--> |
<!-- text--> |
<!-- btn.class="nc-add-new-row-btn"--> |
<!-- @click="insertNewRow(true,true)"--> |
<!-- >--> |
<!-- tooltip="Add new row"--> |
<x-icon |
v-if="!isView && isEditable && relationType !== 'bt'" |
icon.class="nc-add-new-row-btn mx-1" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.addRow')" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
small |
:color="['success', '']" |
@click="clickAddNewIcon" |
> |
mdi-plus-outline |
</x-icon> |
<!-- </x-btn>--> |
<!-- <x-btn |
small |
text |
btn.class="nc-save-new-row-btn" |
outlined |
tooltip="Save new rows" |
:disabled="!edited || isLocked" |
@click="save" |
> |
<v-icon small class="mr-1" color="grey darken-3"> |
save |
</v-icon> |
Save |
</x-btn>--> |
<!-- <v-tooltip--> |
<!-- bottom--> |
<!-- >--> |
<!-- <template #activator="{on}">--> |
<!-- <v-btn |
v-show="_isUIAllowed('table-delete')" |
class="nc-table-delete-btn" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
small |
outlined |
text |
v-on="on" |
@click="checkAndDeleteTable" |
>--> |
<v-icon |
v-if="_isUIAllowed('table-delete')" |
small |
class="mx-n1" |
color="grey lighten-1" |
> |
mdi-circle-small |
</v-icon> |
<x-icon |
v-if="_isUIAllowed('table-delete')" |
icon.class="nc-table-delete-btn mx-1 mr-1" |
:disabled="isLocked" |
small |
:color="['red', '']" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.deleteTable')" |
@click="checkAndDeleteTable" |
> |
mdi-delete-outline |
</x-icon> |
<v-icon small class="ml-n2" color="grey lighten-1"> |
mdi-circle-small |
</v-icon> |
<!-- </v-btn>--> |
<!-- </template>--> |
<!-- <span class="">Delete table</span>--> |
<!-- </v-tooltip>--> |
</template> |
<!-- Cell height --> |
<!-- <v-menu> |
<template v-slot:activator="{ on, attrs }"> |
<v-icon |
v-bind="attrs" |
v-on="on" small |
class="mx-2" |
color="grey darken-3" |
> |
mdi-arrow-collapse-vertical |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
<v-list dense class="caption"> |
<v-list-item v-for="h in cellHeights" dense @click.stop="cellHeight = h.size" :key="h.size"> |
<v-list-item-icon class="mr-1"> |
<v-icon small :color="cellHeight === h.size && 'primary'">{{ h.icon }}</v-icon> |
</v-list-item-icon> |
<v-list-item-title :class="{'primary--text' : cellHeight === h.size}" style="text-transform: capitalize"> |
{{ h.size }} |
</v-list-item-title> |
</v-list-item> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu>--> |
<!--tooltip="Toggle navigation drawer"--> |
<x-btn |
:tooltip="$t('tooltip.toggleNavDraw')" |
outlined |
small |
text |
:btn-class="{ 'primary lighten-5 nc-toggle-nav-drawer': !toggleDrawer }" |
@click=" |
toggleDrawer = !toggleDrawer; |
toggleClick(); |
" |
> |
<v-icon small class="mx-0" color="grey darken-3"> |
{{ toggleDrawer ? "mdi-door-closed" : "mdi-door-open" }} |
</v-icon> |
</x-btn> |
</v-toolbar> |
<div |
:class="`cell-height-${cellHeight}`" |
style="height: calc(100% - 32px); overflow: auto; transition: width 100ms" |
class="d-flex" |
> |
<div class="flex-grow-1 h-100" style="overflow-y: auto"> |
<div |
ref="table" |
:style="{ height: isForm ? '100%' : 'calc(100% - 36px)' }" |
style="overflow: auto; width: 100%" |
> |
<div v-if="loadingData && (isGallery || isGrid)" class="d-100 h-100 align-center justify-center d-flex flex-column"> |
<v-progress-circular size="40" color="grey" width="2" indeterminate class="mb-4" /> |
<span v-if="selectedView" class="caption grey--text">Loading view data... </span> |
</div> |
<template |
v-else-if="selectedViewId && selectedView" |
> |
<!-- <v-skeleton-loader v-if="!dataLoaded && loadingData || !meta" type="table" />--> |
<template v-if="selectedView.type === viewTypes.GRID"> |
<xc-grid-view |
ref="ncgridview" |
:loading="loadingData" |
:is-view="isView" |
droppable |
:relation-type="relationType" |
:columns-width.sync="columnsWidth" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:table="table" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:is-editable="isEditable" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:belongs-to="belongsTo" |
:has-many="hasMany" |
:data="data" |
:visible-col-length="visibleColLength" |
:meta="meta" |
:is-virtual="selectedView && selectedView.type === 'vtable'" |
:api="api" |
:is-pk-avail="isPkAvail" |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
@drop="onFileDrop" |
@onNewColCreation="onNewColCreation" |
@colDelete="onColDelete" |
@onCellValueChange="onCellValueChange" |
@insertNewRow="insertNewRow" |
@showRowContextMenu="showRowContextMenu" |
@expandRow="expandRow" |
@onRelationDelete="loadMeta" |
@loadTableData="loadTableData" |
@loadMeta="loadMeta" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else-if="selectedView.type === viewTypes.GALLERY"> |
<gallery-view |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:table="table" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:meta="meta" |
:data="data" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:cover-image-field.sync="coverImageField" |
@expandForm=" |
({ rowIndex, rowMeta }) => expandRow(rowIndex, rowMeta) |
" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else-if="isKanban"> |
<v-container v-if="kanban.loadingData" fluid> |
<v-row> |
<v-col v-for="idx in 5" :key="idx"> |
<v-skeleton-loader type="image@3" /> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
</v-container> |
<kanban-view |
v-if="!kanban.loadingData && kanban.data.length" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:table="table" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:meta="meta" |
:kanban="kanban" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:grouping-field.sync="groupingField" |
:api="api" |
@expandKanbanForm="({ rowIdx }) => expandKanbanForm(rowIdx)" |
@insertNewRow="insertNewRow" |
@loadMoreKanbanData=" |
(groupingFieldVal) => loadMoreKanbanData(groupingFieldVal) |
" |
/> |
</template> |
<template |
v-else-if="selectedView && selectedView.show_as === 'calendar'" |
> |
<calendar-view |
:nodes="nodes" |
:table="table" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:meta="meta" |
:data="data" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
@expandForm=" |
({ rowIndex, rowMeta }) => expandRow(rowIndex, rowMeta) |
" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else-if="selectedView.type === viewTypes.FORM"> |
<form-view |
:id="selectedViewId" |
ref="formView" |
:key="selectedViewId + viewKey" |
:view-id="selectedViewId" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:table="table" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:meta="meta" |
:data="data" |
:show-fields.sync="showFields" |
:all-columns="allColumns" |
:field-list="fieldList" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
:db-alias="nodes.dbAlias" |
:api="api" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:fields-order.sync="fieldsOrder" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:form-params.sync="extraViewParams.formParams" |
:view.sync="selectedView" |
:view-title="selectedView.title" |
@onNewColCreation="loadMeta(false)" |
/> |
</template> |
</template> |
</div> |
<template v-if="data && (isGrid || isGallery)"> |
<pagination |
v-model="page" |
:count="count" |
:size="size" |
@input="clickPagination" |
/> |
</template> |
</div> |
<spreadsheet-nav-drawer |
v-if="meta" |
ref="drawer" |
:query-params="listQueryParams" |
:is-view="isView" |
:current-api-url="currentApiUrl" |
:toggle-drawer="toggleDrawer" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:table="table" |
:meta="meta" |
:selected-view-id.sync="selectedViewId" |
:cover-image-field.sync="coverImageField" |
:grouping-field.sync="groupingField" |
:selected-view.sync="selectedView" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:concatenated-x-where="concatenatedXWhere" |
:sort="sort" |
:filters.sync="filters" |
:sort-list.sync="sortList" |
:show-fields.sync="showFields" |
:load="loadViews" |
:hide-views="!relation" |
:show-advance-options.sync="showAdvanceOptions" |
:fields-order.sync="fieldsOrder" |
:view-status.sync="viewStatus" |
:columns-width.sync="columnsWidth" |
:show-system-fields.sync="showSystemFields" |
:extra-view-params.sync="extraViewParams" |
:views.sync="meta.views" |
@rerender="viewKey++" |
@generateNewViewKey="generateNewViewKey" |
@mapFieldsAndShowFields="mapFieldsAndShowFields" |
@loadTableData="loadTableData(false)" |
@showAdditionalFeatOverlay="showAdditionalFeatOverlay($event)" |
> |
<!-- <v-tooltip bottom> |
<template #activator="{on}"> |
<v-list-item |
v-on="on" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('webhooks')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2 nc-automations"> |
mdi-hook |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption"> Automations</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</template> |
Create Automations or API Webhooks |
</v-tooltip>--> |
<!-- <v-tooltip bottom> |
<template #activator="{on}"> |
<v-list-item |
v-on="on" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('acl')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2"> |
mdi-shield-edit-outline |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption"> API ACL</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</template> |
Create / Edit API Webhooks |
</v-tooltip>--> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="showAdvanceOptions" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('validators')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2"> |
mdi-sticker-check-outline |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption"> API Validators</span> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-divider v-if="showAdvanceOptions" class="advance-menu-divider" /> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="showAdvanceOptions" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('columns')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2"> |
mdi-view-column |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption font-weight-light">SQL Columns</span> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="showAdvanceOptions" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('indexes')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2"> |
mdi-blur |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption font-weight-light">SQL Indexes</span> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="showAdvanceOptions" |
@click="showAdditionalFeatOverlay('triggers')" |
> |
<v-icon x-small class="mr-2"> |
mdi-shield-edit-outline |
</v-icon> |
<span class="caption font-weight-light">SQL Triggers</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</spreadsheet-nav-drawer> |
</div> |
<v-menu |
v-if="rowContextMenu" |
value="rowContextMenu" |
:position-x="rowContextMenu.x" |
:position-y="rowContextMenu.y" |
absolute |
offset-y |
> |
<v-list dense> |
<template v-if="isEditable && !isLocked"> |
<v-list-item |
v-if="relationType !== 'bt'" |
v-t="['a:row:insert']" |
@click="insertNewRow(false)" |
> |
<span class="caption"> |
<!-- Insert New Row --> |
{{ $t("activity.insertRow") }} |
</span> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item v-t="['a:row:delete']" @click="deleteRow"> |
<span class="caption"> |
<!-- Delete Row --> |
{{ $t("activity.deleteRow") }} |
</span> |
</v-list-item> |
<v-list-item v-t="['a:row:delete-bulk']" @click="deleteSelectedRows"> |
<span class="caption"> |
<!-- Delete Selected Rows --> |
{{ $t("activity.deleteSelectedRow") }} |
</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</template> |
<template v-if="isEditable && !isLocked && rowContextMenu.col && !rowContextMenu.col.rqd && !rowContextMenu.col.virtual && rowContextMenu.col.uidt !== 'Formula'"> |
<v-tooltip bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-list-item |
v-t="['a:row:clear']" |
v-on="on" |
@click="clearCellValue" |
> |
<span class="caption">Clear</span> |
</v-list-item> |
</template> |
<span |
class="caption" |
>Set column value to <strong>null</strong></span> |
</v-tooltip> |
</template> |
</v-list> |
</v-menu> |
<v-dialog |
v-if="data" |
v-model="showExpandModal" |
:overlay-opacity="0.8" |
width="1000px" |
max-width="100%" |
class="mx-auto" |
transition="dialog-bottom-transition" |
> |
<expanded-form |
v-if="isKanban && kanban.selectedExpandRow" |
:key="kanban.selectedExpandRow.id" |
v-model="kanban.selectedExpandRow" |
:db-alias="nodes.dbAlias" |
:has-many="hasMany" |
:belongs-to="belongsTo" |
:table="table" |
:old-row.sync="kanban.selectedExpandOldRow" |
:is-new="kanban.selectedExpandRowMeta.new" |
:selected-row-meta="kanban.selectedExpandRowMeta" |
:meta="meta" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:api="api" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:query-params="queryParams" |
:show-next-prev="false" |
:preset-values="presetValues" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
@cancel="showExpandModal = false" |
@input=" |
showExpandModal = false; |
kanban.selectedExpandRow && |
kanban.selectedExpandRow.rowMeta && |
delete kanban.selectedExpandRow.rowMeta.new; |
loadKanbanData(false); |
" |
@commented="reloadComments" |
@next="loadNext" |
@prev="loadPrev" |
/> |
<expanded-form |
v-if=" |
!isKanban && |
selectedExpandRowIndex != null && |
data[selectedExpandRowIndex] |
" |
:key="selectedExpandRowIndex" |
v-model="data[selectedExpandRowIndex].row" |
:db-alias="nodes.dbAlias" |
:has-many="hasMany" |
:belongs-to="belongsTo" |
:show-fields="showFields" |
:table="table" |
:old-row.sync="data[selectedExpandRowIndex].oldRow" |
:is-new="data[selectedExpandRowIndex].rowMeta.new" |
:selected-row-meta="selectedExpandRowMeta" |
:meta="meta" |
:sql-ui="sqlUi" |
:primary-value-column="primaryValueColumn" |
:api="api" |
:available-columns="availableColumns" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:query-params="queryParams" |
:show-next-prev="true" |
:preset-values="presetValues" |
:is-locked="isLocked" |
@cancel="showExpandModal = false" |
@input=" |
showExpandModal = false; |
data[selectedExpandRowIndex] && |
data[selectedExpandRowIndex].rowMeta && |
delete data[selectedExpandRowIndex].rowMeta.new; |
loadTableData(); |
" |
@commented="reloadComments" |
@loadTableData="loadTableData" |
@next="loadNext" |
@prev="loadPrev" |
/> |
</v-dialog> |
<additional-features |
v-model="showAddFeatOverlay" |
:selected-view="selectedView" |
:delete-table="deleteTable" |
:nodes="nodes" |
:type="featureType" |
:table="table" |
:meta="meta" |
/> |
</v-container> |
</template> |
<script> |
import { mapActions } from 'vuex' |
import debounce from 'debounce' |
import { SqlUiFactory, ViewTypes, UITypes } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import FileSaver from 'file-saver' |
import FormView from './views/FormView' |
import XcGridView from './views/GridView' |
import spreadsheet from './mixins/spreadsheet' |
import DebugMetas from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/DebugMetas' |
import AdditionalFeatures from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/overlay/AdditinalFeatures' |
import GalleryView from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/views/GalleryView' |
import CalendarView from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/views/CalendarView' |
import KanbanView from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/views/KanbanView' |
import SortList from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/SortListMenu' |
import Fields from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/FieldsMenu' |
import SpreadsheetNavDrawer from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/SpreadsheetNavDrawer' |
import LockMenu from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/LockMenu' |
import ExpandedForm from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/ExpandedForm' |
import Pagination from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/Pagination' |
import ColumnFilter from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/ColumnFilterMenu' |
import MoreActions from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/MoreActions' |
import ShareViewMenu from '~/components/project/spreadsheet/components/ShareViewMenu' |
export default { |
name: 'RowsXcDataTable', |
components: { |
ShareViewMenu, |
MoreActions, |
FormView, |
DebugMetas, |
Pagination, |
ExpandedForm, |
LockMenu, |
SpreadsheetNavDrawer, |
Fields, |
SortList, |
XcGridView, |
KanbanView, |
CalendarView, |
GalleryView, |
ColumnFilter, |
AdditionalFeatures |
}, |
mixins: [spreadsheet], |
props: { |
isView: Boolean, |
isActive: Boolean, |
tabId: String, |
env: String, |
nodes: Object, |
relationType: String, |
relation: Object, |
relationIdValue: [String, Number], |
refTable: String, |
relationPrimaryValue: [String, Number], |
deleteTable: Function, |
showTabs: [Boolean, Number] |
}, |
data: () => ({ |
syncDataDebounce: debounce(async function(self) { |
await self.syncData() |
}, 500), |
loadTableDataDeb: debounce(async function(self, ignoreLoader) { |
await self.loadTableDataFn(ignoreLoader) |
}, 200), |
viewKey: 0, |
extraViewParams: {}, |
debug: false, |
key: 1, |
dataLoaded: false, |
searchQueryVal: '', |
columnsWidth: null, |
viewStatus: { |
type: null |
}, |
fieldsOrder: [], |
coverImageField: null, |
groupingField: null, |
// showSystemFields: false, |
showAdvanceOptions: false, |
loadViews: false, |
selectedView: {}, |
overShieldIcon: false, |
progress: false, |
createViewType: '', |
addNewColModal: false, |
showAddFeatOverlay: false, |
featureType: null, |
addNewColMenu: false, |
newColumn: {}, |
shareLink: null, |
loadingMeta: true, |
loadingData: true, |
toggleDrawer: false, |
selectedViewId: '', |
searchField: null, |
searchQuery: '', |
showExpandModal: false, |
selectedExpandRowIndex: null, |
selectedExpandRowMeta: null, |
navDrawer: true, |
selected: { |
row: null, |
col: null |
}, |
editEnabled: { |
row: null, |
col: null |
}, |
page: 1, |
count: 0, |
// size: 25, |
xWhere: '', |
sort: '', |
cellHeight: 'small', |
spreadsheet: null, |
options: { |
allowToolbar: true, |
columnSorting: false |
}, |
filteredData: [], |
cellHeights: [ |
{ |
size: 'small', |
icon: 'mdi-view-headline' |
}, |
{ |
size: 'medium', |
icon: 'mdi-view-sequential' |
}, |
{ |
size: 'large', |
icon: 'mdi-view-stream' |
}, |
{ |
size: 'xlarge', |
icon: 'mdi-ca rd' |
} |
], |
rowContextMenu: null, |
presetValues: {}, |
kanban: { |
data: [], |
stages: [], |
blocks: [], |
recordCnt: {}, |
recordTotalCnt: {}, |
groupingColumnItems: [], |
loadingData: true, |
selectedExpandRow: null, |
selectedExpandOldRow: null, |
selectedExpandRowMeta: null |
}, |
clickCount: 0 |
}), |
watch: { |
isActive(n, o) { |
if (!o && n) { |
this.reload(true) |
} |
}, |
page(p) { |
this.$store.commit('tabs/MutSetTabState', { |
id: this.uniqueId, |
key: 'page', |
val: p |
}) |
}, |
selectedViewId(id) { |
if (this.tabsState[this.tabId] && this.tabsState[this.tabId].page) { |
this.page = this.tabsState[this.tabId].page || 1 |
} else { |
this.page = 1 |
} |
// this.$store.commit('tabs/MutSetTabState', { |
// id: this.tabId, |
// key: 'selectedViewId', |
// val: id |
// }) |
}, |
async groupingField(newVal) { |
this.groupingField = newVal |
if (this.selectedView && this.selectedView.show_as === 'kanban') { |
await this.loadKanbanData() |
} |
} |
}, |
async mounted() { |
try { |
if (this.tabsState && this.tabsState[this.uniqueId]) { |
if (this.tabsState[this.uniqueId].page) { |
this.page = this.tabsState[this.uniqueId].page |
} |
} |
await this.createTableIfNewTable() |
this.loadingMeta = true |
await this.loadMeta(false) |
this.loadingMeta = false |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
} |
this.searchField = this.primaryValueColumn |
}, |
methods: { |
clickAddNewIcon() { |
this.insertNewRow(true, true) |
this.$e('c:row:add:grid-top') |
}, |
toggleClick() { |
this.$e('c:grid:toggle-navdraw') |
}, |
...mapActions({ |
loadTablesFromChildTreeNode: 'project/loadTablesFromChildTreeNode' |
}), |
generateNewViewKey() { |
this.viewKey = Math.random() |
}, |
loadNext() { |
this.selectedExpandRowIndex = |
++this.selectedExpandRowIndex % this.data.length |
}, |
loadPrev() { |
this.selectedExpandRowIndex = |
--this.selectedExpandRowIndex === -1 |
? this.data.length - 1 |
: this.selectedExpandRowIndex |
}, |
async checkAndDeleteTable() { |
// if ( |
// !this.meta || ( |
// (this.meta.hasMany && this.meta.hasMany.length) || |
// (this.meta.manyToMany && this.meta.manyToMany.length) || |
// (this.meta.belongsTo && this.meta.belongsTo.length)) |
// ) { |
// return this.$toast.info('Please delete relations before deleting table.').goAway(3000) |
// } |
this.deleteTable('showDialog', this.meta.id) |
// if (confirm('Do you want to delete the table?')) { |
// await this.$api.meta.tableDelete(this.meta.id) |
// } |
this.$e('c:table:delete') |
}, |
async reloadClick() { |
await this.reload() |
this.$e('a:table:reload:navbar') |
}, |
async reload(ignoreLoader = false) { |
this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', { |
env: this.nodes.env, |
dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias, |
tn: this.table, |
force: true |
}) |
if (this.selectedView && this.selectedView.show_as === 'kanban') { |
await this.loadKanbanData() |
} else { |
await this.loadTableData(ignoreLoader) |
} |
this.key = Math.random() |
}, |
reloadComments() { |
if (this.$refs.ncgridview) { |
this.$refs.ncgridview.xcAuditModelCommentsCount() |
} |
}, |
async syncData() {}, |
showAdditionalFeatOverlay(feat) { |
this.showAddFeatOverlay = true |
this.featureType = feat |
}, |
async createTableIfNewTable() { |
if (this.nodes.newTable && !this.nodes.tableCreated) { |
const columns = this.sqlUi |
.getNewTableColumns() |
.filter((col) => { |
if (col.column_name === 'id' && this.nodes.newTable.columns.includes('id_ag')) { |
Object.assign(col, this.sqlUi.getDataTypeForUiType({ uidt: UITypes.ID }, 'AG')) |
col.dtxp = this.sqlUi.getDefaultLengthForDatatype( |
col.dt |
) |
col.dtxs = this.sqlUi.getDefaultScaleForDatatype( |
col.dt |
) |
return true |
} |
return this.nodes.newTable.columns.includes(col.column_name) |
}) |
await this.$api.dbTable.create(this.projectId, { |
table_name: this.nodes.table_name, |
title: this.nodes.title, |
columns |
}) |
await this.loadTablesFromChildTreeNode({ |
_nodes: { |
...this.nodes |
} |
}) |
// eslint-disable-next-line vue/no-mutating-props |
this.nodes.tableCreated = true |
} |
this.loadViews = true |
}, |
comingSoon() { |
this.$toast.info('Coming soon!').goAway(3000) |
}, |
changed(col, row) { |
this.$set( |
this.data[row].rowMeta, |
'changed', |
this.data[row].rowMeta.changed || {} |
) |
if (this.data[row].rowMeta) { |
this.$set( |
this.data[row].rowMeta.changed, |
this.availableColumns[col].column_name, |
true |
) |
} |
}, |
async save() { |
for (let row = 0; row < this.rowLength; row++) { |
const { row: rowObj, rowMeta } = this.data[row] |
if (rowMeta.new) { |
try { |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'saving', true) |
const pks = this.meta.columns.filter((col) => { |
return col.pk |
}) |
if ( |
this.meta.columns.every((col) => { |
return !col.ai |
}) && |
pks.length && |
pks.every( |
col => |
!rowObj[col.title] && !(col.columnDefault || col.default) && !(col.meta && col.meta.ag) |
) |
) { |
return this.$toast |
.info('Primary column is empty please provide some value') |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
if ( |
this.meta.columns.some((col) => { |
return ( |
!col.ai && |
col.rqd && |
!(col.meta && col.meta.ag) && |
(rowObj[col.title] === undefined || |
rowObj[col.title] === null) && |
!col.cdf |
) |
}) |
) { |
return |
} |
const insertObj = this.meta.columns.reduce((o, col) => { |
if (!col.ai && (rowObj && rowObj[col.title]) !== null) { |
o[col.title] = rowObj && rowObj[col.title] |
} |
return o |
}, {}) |
// const insertedData = await this.api.insert(insertObj) |
const insertedData = await this.$api.dbViewRow.create( |
'noco', |
this.projectName, |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id, |
insertObj |
) |
this.data.splice(row, 1, { |
row: insertedData, |
rowMeta: {}, |
oldRow: { ...insertedData } |
}) |
/* this.$toast.success(`${insertedData[this.primaryValueColumn] ? `${insertedData[this.primaryValueColumn]}'s r` : 'R'}ow saved successfully.`, { |
position: 'bottom-center' |
}).goAway(3000) */ |
} catch (e) { |
// if (e.response && e.response.data && e.response.data.msg) { |
this.$toast |
.error(await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
.goAway(3000) |
// } else { |
// this.$toast.error(`Failed to |
// |
// row : ${e.message}`).goAway(3000) |
// } |
} finally { |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'saving', false) |
} |
} |
} |
this.syncCount() |
}, |
// // todo: move debounce to cell since this will skip few update api call |
// onCellValueChangeDebounce: debounce(async function(col, row, column, self) { |
// await self.onCellValueChangeFn(col, row, column) |
// }, 100), |
// onCellValueChange(col, row, column) { |
// this.onCellValueChangeFn(col, row, column) |
// }, |
async onCellValueChange(col, row, column, saved = true) { |
if (!this.data[row]) { |
return |
} |
const { row: rowObj, rowMeta, oldRow, saving, lastSave } = this.data[row] |
if (!lastSave) { |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'lastSave', rowObj[column.title]) |
} |
if (rowMeta.new) { |
// return if there is no change |
if ( |
(column && oldRow[column.title] === rowObj[column.title]) || |
saving |
) { |
return |
} |
await this.save() |
} else { |
try { |
// if (!this.api) { |
// return |
// } |
// return if there is no change |
if ( |
!column || |
saving || |
(oldRow[column.title] === rowObj[column.title] && |
(lastSave || rowObj[column.title]) === rowObj[column.title]) |
) { |
return |
} |
if (saved) { |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'lastSave', oldRow[column.title]) |
} |
const id = this.meta.columns |
.filter(c => c.pk) |
.map(c => rowObj[c.title]) |
.join('___') |
if (!id) { |
return this.$toast |
.info( |
"Update not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key" |
) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'saving', true) |
// eslint-disable-next-line promise/param-names |
const newData = await this.$api.dbViewRow.update( |
'noco', |
this.projectName, |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id, |
id, |
{ |
[column.title]: rowObj[column.title] |
}, |
{ |
query: { ignoreWebhook: !saved } |
} |
) |
// audit |
this.$api.utils |
.auditRowUpdate(id, { |
fk_model_id: this.meta.id, |
column_name: column.title, |
row_id: id, |
value: rowObj[column.title], |
prev_value: oldRow[column.title] |
}) |
.then(() => {}) |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'row', { ...rowObj, ...newData }) |
this.$set(oldRow, column.title, rowObj[column.title]) |
/* this.$toast.success(`${rowObj[this.primaryValueColumn] ? `${rowObj[this.primaryValueColumn]}'s c` : 'C'}olumn '${column.column_name}' updated successfully.`, { |
position: 'bottom-center' |
}).goAway(3000) */ |
} catch (e) { |
// if (e.response && e.response.data && e.response.data.msg) { |
this.$toast |
.error(await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
.goAway(3000) |
// } else { |
// this.$toast.error(`Failed to update row : ${e.message}`).goAway(3000) |
// } |
} |
this.$set(this.data[row], 'saving', false) |
} |
}, |
async deleteRow() { |
try { |
const rowObj = this.rowContextMenu.row |
if (!this.rowContextMenu.rowMeta.new) { |
const id = |
this.meta && |
this.meta.columns && |
this.meta.columns |
.filter(c => c.pk) |
.map(c => rowObj[c.title]) |
.join('___') |
if (!id) { |
return this.$toast |
.info( |
"Delete not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key" |
) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.$api.dbViewRow.delete( |
'noco', |
this.projectName, |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id, |
id |
) |
} |
this.data.splice(this.rowContextMenu.index, 1) |
this.syncCount() |
// this.$toast.success('Deleted row successfully').goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(`Failed to delete row : ${e.message}`).goAway(3000) |
} |
}, |
async deleteSelectedRows() { |
let row = this.rowLength |
// let success = 0 |
while (row--) { |
try { |
const { row: rowObj, rowMeta } = this.data[row] |
if (!rowMeta.selected) { |
continue |
} |
if (!rowMeta.new) { |
const id = this.meta.columns |
.filter(c => c.pk) |
.map(c => rowObj[c.title]) |
.join('___') |
if (!id) { |
return this.$toast |
.info( |
"Delete not allowed for table which doesn't have primary Key" |
) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
await this.$api.dbViewRow.delete( |
'noco', |
this.projectName, |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id, |
id |
) |
} |
this.data.splice(row, 1) |
} catch (e) { |
return this.$toast |
.error(`Failed to delete row : ${e.message}`) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
} |
this.syncCount() |
}, |
async clearCellValue() { |
const { col, colIndex, row, index } = this.rowContextMenu |
if (row[col.title] === null) { |
return |
} |
this.$set(this.data[index].row, col.title, null) |
await this.onCellValueChange(colIndex, index, col, true) |
}, |
async insertNewRow(atEnd = false, expand = false, presetValues = {}) { |
const isKanban = |
this.selectedView && this.selectedView.show_as === 'kanban' |
const data = isKanban ? this.kanban.data : this.data |
const focusRow = isKanban |
? data.length |
: atEnd |
? this.rowLength |
: this.rowContextMenu.index + 1 |
const focusCol = this.availableColumns.findIndex(c => !c.ai) |
data.splice(focusRow, 0, { |
row: |
this.relationType === 'hm' |
? { |
...this.fieldList.reduce( |
(o, f) => ({ |
...o, |
[f]: presetValues[f] ?? null |
}), |
{} |
), |
[this.relation.column_name]: this.relationIdValue |
} |
: this.fieldList.reduce( |
(o, f) => ({ |
...o, |
[f]: presetValues[f] ?? null |
}), |
{} |
), |
rowMeta: { |
new: true |
}, |
oldRow: {} |
}) |
if (data[focusRow].row[this.groupingField] === 'Uncategorized') { |
data[focusRow].row[this.groupingField] = null |
} |
this.selected = { |
row: focusRow, |
col: focusCol |
} |
this.editEnabled = { |
row: focusRow, |
col: focusCol |
} |
this.presetValues = presetValues |
if (expand) { |
if (isKanban) { |
this.expandKanbanForm(-1, data[focusRow]) |
} else { |
const { rowMeta } = data[data.length - 1] |
this.expandRow(data.length - 1, rowMeta) |
} |
} |
}, |
async handleKeyDown({ metaKey, key, altKey, shiftKey, ctrlKey }) { |
switch ([this._isMac ? metaKey : ctrlKey, key].join('_')) { |
case 'true_s': |
this.edited && (await this.save()) |
break |
case 'true_l': |
await this.loadTableData() |
break |
case 'true_n': |
this.insertNewRow(true) |
break |
} |
}, |
async loadMeta() { |
// load latest table meta |
await this.$store.dispatch('meta/ActLoadMeta', { |
env: this.nodes.env, |
dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias, |
table_name: this.table, |
force: true |
}) |
}, |
clickPagination() { |
this.loadTableData(false) |
this.$e('a:grid:pagination') |
}, |
loadTableData(ignoreLoader = true) { |
this.loadTableDataDeb(this, ignoreLoader) |
}, |
async loadTableDataFn(ignoreLoader = true) { |
if (this.isForm || !this.selectedView || !this.selectedView.title) { |
return |
} |
this.loadingData = !ignoreLoader |
try { |
// if (this.api) { |
// const { list, count } = await this.api.paginatedList(this.queryParams) |
// const { |
// list, |
// pageInfo |
// } = (await this.$api.data.list( |
// this.selectedViewId || this.meta.views[0].id, |
// { |
// query: { |
// ...this.queryParams, |
// ...(this._isUIAllowed('sortSync') ? {} : { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(this.sortList) }), |
// ...(this._isUIAllowed('filterSync') ? {} : { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(this.filters) }) |
// } |
// })).data.data |
const { list, pageInfo } = await this.$api.dbViewRow.list( |
'noco', |
this.projectName, |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id, |
this.listQueryParams |
) |
this.count = pageInfo.totalRows // count |
this.data = list.map(row => ({ |
row, |
oldRow: { ...row }, |
rowMeta: {} |
})) |
// } |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)).goAway(3000) |
} |
this.loadingData = false |
}, |
showRowContextMenu(e, row, rowMeta, index, colIndex, col) { |
if (!this.isEditable) { |
return |
} |
e.preventDefault() |
this.rowContextMenu = false |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
this.rowContextMenu = { |
x: e.clientX, |
y: e.clientY, |
row, |
index, |
rowMeta, |
colIndex, |
col |
} |
}) |
}, |
expandRow(row, rowMeta) { |
this.showExpandModal = true |
this.selectedExpandRowIndex = row |
this.selectedExpandRowMeta = rowMeta |
}, |
async onNewColCreation(col, oldCol) { |
// if (this.$refs.drawer) { |
// await this.$refs.drawer.loadViews() |
// this.$refs.drawer.onViewIdChange(this.selectedViewId) |
// } |
await this.loadMeta(true, col, oldCol) |
this.$nextTick(async() => { |
await this.loadTableData() |
}) |
this.$refs.fields && this.$refs.fields.loadFields() |
}, |
onColDelete() { |
this.$refs.fields && this.$refs.fields.loadFields() |
}, |
onFileDrop(ev) { |
let file |
if (ev.dataTransfer.items) { |
// Use DataTransferItemList interface to access the file(s) |
if ( |
ev.dataTransfer.items.length && |
ev.dataTransfer.items[0].kind === 'file' |
) { |
file = ev.dataTransfer.items[0].getAsFile() |
} |
} else if (ev.dataTransfer.files.length) { |
file = ev.dataTransfer.files[0] |
} |
if (file && !file.name.endsWith('.csv')) { |
return |
} |
this.$refs.csvExportImport.onCsvFileSelection(file) |
}, |
// Kanban |
async loadKanbanData(initKanbanProps = true) { |
try { |
const kanban = { |
data: [], |
stages: [], |
blocks: [], |
recordCnt: {}, |
recordTotalCnt: {}, |
groupingColumnItems: [], |
loadingData: true, |
selectedExpandRow: null, |
selectedExpandOldRow: null, |
selectedExpandRowMeta: null |
} |
if (initKanbanProps) { |
this.kanban = kanban |
} |
if (this.api) { |
const groupingColumn = this.meta.columns.find( |
c => c.title === this.groupingField |
) |
if (!groupingColumn) { |
return |
} |
const initialLimit = 10 |
const uncategorized = 'Uncategorized' |
kanban.groupingColumnItems = groupingColumn.dtxp |
.split(',') |
.map((c) => { |
const trimCol = c.replace(/'/g, '') |
kanban.recordCnt[trimCol] = 0 |
return trimCol |
}) |
.sort() |
kanban.groupingColumnItems.unshift(uncategorized) |
kanban.recordCnt[uncategorized] = 0 |
for (const groupingColumnItem of kanban.groupingColumnItems) { |
{ |
// enrich Kanban data |
const { data } = await this.api.get( |
`/nc/${this.$store.state.project.projectId}/api/v1/${this.$route.query.name}`, |
{ |
limit: initialLimit, |
where: |
groupingColumnItem === uncategorized |
? `(${this.groupingField},is,null)` |
: `(${this.groupingField},eq,${groupingColumnItem})` |
} |
) |
data.forEach((d) => { |
// handle composite primary key |
d.c_pk = this.meta.columns |
.filter(c => c.pk) |
.map(c => d[c.title]) |
.join('___') |
if (!d.id) { |
// id is required for <kanban-board/> |
d.id = d.c_pk |
} |
kanban.data.push({ |
row: d, |
oldRow: d, |
rowMeta: {} |
}) |
kanban.recordCnt[groupingColumnItem] += 1 |
kanban.blocks.push({ |
status: groupingColumnItem, |
...d |
}) |
}) |
} |
{ |
// enrich recordTotalCnt |
const { data } = await this.api.get( |
`/nc/${this.$store.state.project.projectId}/api/v1/${this.$route.query.name}/count`, |
{ |
where: |
groupingColumnItem === uncategorized |
? `(${this.groupingField},is,null)` |
: `(${this.groupingField},eq,${groupingColumnItem})` |
} |
) |
kanban.recordTotalCnt[groupingColumnItem] = data.count |
} |
} |
} |
this.kanban = kanban |
} catch (e) { |
if (e.response && e.response.data && e.response.data.msg) { |
this.$toast |
.error(e.response.data.msg, { |
position: 'bottom-center' |
}) |
.goAway(3000) |
} else { |
this.$toast |
.error(`Error occurred : ${e.message}`, { |
position: 'bottom-center' |
}) |
.goAway(3000) |
} |
} finally { |
this.kanban.loadingData = false |
} |
}, |
async loadMoreKanbanData(groupingFieldVal) { |
const uncategorized = 'uncategorized' |
const { data } = await this.api.get( |
`/nc/${this.$store.state.project.projectId}/api/v1/${this.$route.query.name}`, |
{ |
limit: 5, |
where: |
groupingFieldVal === uncategorized |
? `(${this.groupingField},is,null)` |
: `(${this.groupingField},eq,${groupingFieldVal})`, |
offset: this.kanban.recordCnt[groupingFieldVal] |
} |
) |
data.map((d) => { |
// handle composite primary key |
d.c_pk = this.meta.columns |
.filter(c => c.pk) |
.map(c => d[c.title]) |
.join('___') |
if (!d.id) { |
// id is required for <kanban-board/> |
d.id = d.c_pk |
} |
this.kanban.data.push({ |
row: d, |
oldRow: d, |
rowMeta: {} |
}) |
this.kanban.blocks.push({ |
status: groupingFieldVal, |
...d |
}) |
}) |
this.kanban.recordCnt[groupingFieldVal] += data.length |
}, |
expandKanbanForm(rowIdx, data) { |
if (rowIdx != -1) { |
// not a new record -> find the target record |
data = this.kanban.data.filter(o => o.row.c_pk == rowIdx)[0] |
} |
this.showExpandModal = true |
this.kanban.selectedExpandRow = data.row |
this.kanban.selectedExpandOldRow = data.oldRow |
this.kanban.selectedExpandRowMeta = data.rowMeta |
}, |
async exportCache() { |
try { |
const data = await this.$api.utils.cacheGet() |
if (!data) { |
this.$toast.info('Cache is empty').goAway(3000) |
return |
} |
const blob = new Blob([JSON.stringify(data)], { |
type: 'text/plain;charset=utf-8' |
}) |
FileSaver.saveAs(blob, 'cache_exported.json') |
this.$toast.info('Exported Cache Successfully').goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000) |
} |
}, |
async deleteCache() { |
try { |
await this.$api.utils.cacheDelete() |
this.$toast.info('Deleted Cache Successfully').goAway(3000) |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e) |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000) |
} |
}, |
async syncCount() { |
const { count } = await this.$api.dbViewRow.count( |
'noco', |
this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectName'], |
this.meta.id, |
this.selectedView.id |
) |
this.count = count |
} |
}, |
computed: { |
listQueryParams() { |
return { |
...this.queryParams, |
...(this._isUIAllowed('sortSync') |
? {} |
: { sortArrJson: JSON.stringify(this.sortList) }), |
...(this._isUIAllowed('filterSync') |
? {} |
: { filterArrJson: JSON.stringify(this.filters) }) |
// sort: ['-FirstName'], |
// where: '(FirstName,like,%ro)~or((FirstName,like,%a)~and(FirstName,like,%e%))' |
} |
}, |
isLocked() { |
return this.lockType === 'locked' |
}, |
lockType: { |
get() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.lock_type |
}, |
set(type) { |
this.selectedView.lock_type = type |
this.$api.dbView.update(this.selectedViewId, { |
lock_type: type |
}) |
} |
}, |
showSystemFields: { |
get() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.show_system_fields |
}, |
set(v) { |
if (this.selectedView) { |
this.selectedView.show_system_fields = v |
this.$api.dbView |
.update(this.selectedViewId, { |
show_system_fields: v |
}) |
.then(() => { |
if (v) { |
this.loadTableData() |
} |
}) |
} |
} |
}, |
viewTypes() { |
return ViewTypes |
}, |
tabsState() { |
return this.$store.state.tabs.tabsState || {} |
}, |
uniqueId() { |
return `${this.tabId}_${this.selectedViewId}` |
}, |
size() { |
return ( |
(this.$store.state.project.appInfo && |
this.$store.state.project.appInfo.defaultLimit) || |
25 |
) |
}, |
isPkAvail() { |
return this.meta && this.meta.columns.some(c => c.pk) |
}, |
isGallery() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.type === ViewTypes.GALLERY |
}, |
isForm() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.type === ViewTypes.FORM |
}, |
isKanban() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.type === ViewTypes.KANBAN |
}, |
isGrid() { |
return this.selectedView && this.selectedView.type === ViewTypes.GRID |
}, |
meta() { |
return this.$store.state.meta.metas[this.table] |
}, |
currentApiUrl() { |
return ( |
this.api && |
`${this.api.apiUrl}?` + |
Object.entries(this.queryParams) |
.filter(p => p[1]) |
.map( |
([key, val]) => |
`${encodeURIComponent(key)}=${encodeURIComponent(val)}` |
) |
.join('&') |
) |
}, |
isEditable() { |
return this._isUIAllowed('xcDatatableEditable') |
}, |
sqlUi() { |
// return SqlUI.create(this.nodes.dbConnection) |
return SqlUiFactory.create(this.nodes.dbConnection) |
}, |
api() { |
return ( |
this.meta && |
this.$ncApis.get({ |
env: this.nodes.env, |
dbAlias: this.nodes.dbAlias, |
table: this.meta.table_name |
}) |
) |
// return this.meta && this.meta.title ? ApiFactory.create(this.$store.getters['project/GtrProjectType'], this.meta && this.meta.title, this.meta && this.meta.columns, this, this.meta) : null |
} |
} |
} |
</script> |
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<!-- |
/** |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd |
* |
* @author Naveen MR <oof1lab@gmail.com> |
* @author Pranav C Balan <pranavxc@gmail.com> |
* @author Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com> |
* |
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
* License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
* |
*/ |