You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

128 lines
3.9 KiB

import { useStorage } from '@vueuse/core'
import type { JwtPayload } from 'jwt-decode'
import type { AppInfo, State, StoredState } from './types'
import {
} from '#imports'
import type { Language, User } from '~/lib'
export function useGlobalState(storageKey = 'nocodb-gui-v2'): State {
/** get the preferred languages of a user, according to browser settings */
const preferredLanguages = $(usePreferredLanguages())
/** todo: reimplement; get the preferred dark mode setting, according to browser settings */
// const prefersDarkMode = $(usePreferredDark())
const prefersDarkMode = false
/** reactive timestamp to check token expiry against */
const timestamp = useTimestamp({ immediate: true, interval: 100 })
const {
vueApp: { i18n },
} = useNuxtApp()
* Set initial language based on browser settings.
* If the user has not set a preferred language, we fall back to 'en'.
* If the user has set a preferred language, we try to find a matching locale in the available locales.
const preferredLanguage = preferredLanguages.reduce<keyof typeof Language>((locale, language) => {
/** split language to language and code, e.g. en-GB -> [en, GB] */
const [lang, code] = language.split(/[_-]/)
/** find all locales that match the language */
let availableLocales = i18n.global.availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.startsWith(lang))
/** If we can match more than one locale, we check if the code of the language matches as well */
if (availableLocales.length > 1) {
availableLocales = availableLocales.filter((locale) => locale.endsWith(code))
/** if there are still multiple locales, pick the first one */
const availableLocale = availableLocales[0]
/** if we found a matching locale, return it */
if (availableLocale) locale = availableLocale as keyof typeof Language
return locale
}, 'en' /** fallback locale */)
/** State */
const initialState: StoredState = {
token: null,
lang: preferredLanguage,
darkMode: prefersDarkMode,
feedbackForm: {
url: 'https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeTlAfZjszgr53lArz3NvUEnJGOT9JtG9NAU5d0oQwunDS2Pw/viewform?embedded=true',
createdAt: new Date('2020-01-01T00:00:00.000Z').toISOString(),
isHidden: false,
filterAutoSave: true,
previewAs: null,
includeM2M: false,
currentVersion: null,
latestRelease: null,
hiddenRelease: null,
/** saves a reactive state, any change to these values will write/delete to localStorage */
const storage = useStorage<StoredState>(storageKey, initialState, localStorage, { mergeDefaults: true })
/** force turn off of dark mode, regardless of previously stored settings */
storage.value.darkMode = false
/** current token ref, used by `useJwt` to reactively parse our token payload */
const token = computed({
get: () => storage.value.token || '',
set: (val) => (storage.value.token = val),
const config = useRuntimeConfig()
const appInfo = ref<AppInfo>({
ncSiteUrl: config.public.ncBackendUrl || BASE_FALLBACK_URL,
authType: 'jwt',
connectToExternalDB: false,
defaultLimit: 0,
firstUser: true,
githubAuthEnabled: false,
googleAuthEnabled: true,
ncMin: false,
oneClick: false,
projectHasAdmin: false,
teleEnabled: true,
type: 'nocodb',
version: '0.0.0',
/** reactive token payload */
const { payload } = useJwt<JwtPayload & User>(token)
/** currently running requests */
const runningRequests = useCounter()
/** global error */
const error = ref()
/** our local user object */
const user = ref<User | null>(null)
return {
jwtPayload: payload,