mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
1821 lines
67 KiB
1821 lines
67 KiB
<template> |
<v-container fluid> |
<v-col :class="{ 'col-md-8 offset-md-2 col-sm-10 offset-sm-1 col-12': !edit }" style="position: relative"> |
<v-form ref="form" v-model="valid" :class="{ 'mt-8 pt-8': !edit }"> |
<v-card ref="mainCard" class="elevation-5"> |
<div |
v-if="!edit" |
style=" |
position: absolute; |
top: -30px; |
left: -moz-calc(50% - 30px); |
left: -webkit-calc(50% - 30px); |
left: calc(50% - 30px); |
z-index: 999; |
border-radius: 10px; |
" |
class="primary" |
> |
<v-img |
class="mx-auto" |
width="60" |
height="60" |
:src="require('@/assets/img/icons/512x512-trans.png')" |
@dblclick="enableAllSchemas()" |
/> |
</div> |
<v-toolbar |
flat |
color="" |
class="mb-3" |
style="width: 100%; border-bottom: 1px solid var(--v-backgroundColor-base)" |
> |
<v-toolbar-title class="title"> |
<!-- Edit Project --> |
<span v-if="edit">{{ $t('activity.editProject') }}</span> |
<!-- Create Project --> |
<span v-else>{{ $t('activity.createProject') }}</span> |
</v-toolbar-title> |
<v-spacer /> |
<!-- Cancel and Return --> |
<x-btn v-ge="['project', 'cancel']" :tooltip="$t('tooltip.cancelReturn')" to="/" class="elevation-20"> |
<!-- Cancel --> |
{{ $t('general.cancel') }} |
</x-btn> |
<x-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'save']" |
:disabled="!valid || !envStatusValid" |
class="primary" |
@click="createOrUpdateProject()" |
> |
<!-- Update & Restart --> |
<span v-if="edit">{{ $t('tooltip.updateRestart') }}</span> |
<!-- Save Project --> |
<span v-else>{{ $t('activity.saveProject') }}</span> |
</x-btn> |
<v-progress-linear |
v-if="projectReloading" |
top |
absolute |
color="success" |
indeterminate |
height="3" |
style="top: -3px" |
/> |
</v-toolbar> |
<div ref="panelContainer" style=""> |
<api-overlay v-show="projectReloading" :project-created="projectCreated" /> |
<v-container fluid> |
<v-row> |
<v-col cols="12" class="mb-0 pb-0"> |
<div style="max-width: 360px" class="mx-auto mb-3"> |
<!-- Enter Project Name --> |
<v-text-field |
ref="name" |
v-model="project.title" |
v-ge="['project', 'name']" |
:rules="form.titleValidationRule" |
:height="20" |
:label="$t('placeholder.projName')" |
autofocus |
/> |
</div> |
</v-col> |
<v-col v-show="isTitle" cols="10" offset="1" :class="{ 'mt-0 pt-0': !edit, 'mt-3 pt-3': edit }"> |
<p |
:class="{ |
'text-center mb-2 mt-3': !edit, |
'text-center mb-2 mt-3 grey--text': edit, |
}" |
> |
{{ $t('title.dbCredentials') }} |
</p> |
<v-expansion-panels |
v-model="panel" |
focusable |
accordion="" |
class="elevation-20" |
style="border: 1px solid white" |
> |
<v-expansion-panel |
v-for="(envData, envKey, panelIndex) in project.envs" |
:key="panelIndex" |
:ref="`panel${envKey}`" |
@change="onPanelToggle(panelIndex, envKey)" |
> |
<v-expansion-panel-header disable-icon-rotate> |
<p class="pa-0 ma-0"> |
<v-tooltip v-for="(db, tabIndex) in envData.db" :key="tabIndex" bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon |
small |
:color="getDbStatusColor(db)" |
@click.native.stop="showDBTabInEnvPanel(panelIndex, tabIndex)" |
v-on="on" |
> |
mdi-database |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
{{ getDbStatusTooltip(db) }} |
</v-tooltip> |
<span v-if="project.ui[envKey]" class="caption" :class="project.ui[envKey].color + '--text'"> |
<i>{{ project.ui[envKey].msg }}</i> |
</span> |
<x-btn |
v-if="panelIndex" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-delete']" |
small |
text |
btn.class="float-right" |
tooltip="Click here to remove environment" |
@click.native.stop="removeEnv(envKey)" |
> |
<v-hover v-slot="{ hover }"> |
<v-icon :color="hover ? 'error' : 'grey'" @click.native.stop="removeEnv(envKey)"> |
mdi-delete |
</v-icon> |
</v-hover> |
</x-btn> |
</p> |
<template #actions> |
<v-tooltip v-if="getEnvironmentStatusAggregated(envData.db)" bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon color="green" v-on="on"> mdi-check-circle </v-icon> |
</template> |
<span>Environment setup complete</span> |
</v-tooltip> |
<v-tooltip v-else-if="edit" bottom> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-icon color="orange" v-on="on"> mdi-alert-circle </v-icon> |
</template> |
<span>Environment setup pending</span> |
</v-tooltip> |
</template> |
</v-expansion-panel-header> |
<v-expansion-panel-content eager> |
<v-col> |
<v-card flat=""> |
<v-tabs v-model="databases[panelIndex]" height="34" background-color=""> |
<v-tab v-for="(db, dbIndex) in project.envs[envKey].db" :key="dbIndex"> |
<v-icon small> mdi-database </v-icon> |
<span class="text-capitalize caption">{{ db.connection.database }}</span> |
</v-tab> |
<v-tabs-items v-model="databases[panelIndex]"> |
<v-tab-item v-for="(db, dbIndex) in project.envs[envKey].db" :key="dbIndex"> |
<v-card flat> |
<!-- <form ref="form" class="pa-3">--> |
<v-container class="justify-center"> |
<v-row style="position: relative"> |
<v-overlay v-if="showMonaco[dbIndex]" absolute class="monaco-overlay"> |
<v-container fluid class="h-100"> |
<v-card style="position: relative" class="h-100"> |
<v-icon |
class="monaco-overlay-close pointer" |
color="error" |
@click="$set(showMonaco, dbIndex, false)" |
> |
mdi-close-circle |
</v-icon> |
<span class="ml-2 caption grey--text" |
>Refer knex documentation |
<a |
href="https://knexjs.org/#Installation-client" |
target="_blank" |
class="grey--text" |
>here</a |
> |
.</span |
> |
<monaco-json-object-editor |
v-model="project.envs[envKey].db[dbIndex]" |
style="height: calc(100% - 20px); width: 100%" |
/> |
</v-card> |
</v-container> |
</v-overlay> |
<v-col cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<!-- Database Type --> |
<v-select |
v-model="client[dbIndex]" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-change']" |
class="body-2 db-select" |
:items="Object.keys(databaseNames)" |
:label="$t('labels.dbType')" |
@change="onDatabaseTypeChanged(client[dbIndex], db, dbIndex, envKey)" |
> |
<template #selection="{ item }"> |
<v-chip |
small |
:color=" |
colors[Object.keys(databaseNames).indexOf(item) % colors.length] |
" |
class="" |
> |
{{ item }} |
</v-chip> |
</template> |
<template slot="item" slot-scope="data"> |
<v-chip |
:color=" |
colors[Object.keys(databaseNames).indexOf(data.item) % colors.length] |
" |
class="caption" |
> |
{{ data.item }} |
</v-chip> |
</template> |
</v-select> |
</v-col> |
<!-- SQLite File --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client === 'sqlite3'" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.connection.connection.filename" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-file']" |
:rules="form.folderRequiredRule" |
:label="$t('labels.sqliteFile')" |
@click="selectSqliteFile(db)" |
> |
<v-icon slot="prepend" color="info"> mdi-file-outline </v-icon> |
</v-text-field> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Host Address --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.connection.host" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-host']" |
class="body-2" |
:rules="form.requiredRule" |
:label="$t('labels.hostAddress')" |
/> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Port Number --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.connection.port" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-port']" |
class="body-2" |
:label="$t('labels.port')" |
:rules="form.portValidationRule" |
/> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Username --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.connection.user" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-user']" |
class="body-2" |
:rules="form.requiredRule" |
:label="$t('labels.username')" |
/> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Password --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
:ref="`password${envKey}`" |
v-model="db.connection.password" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-password']" |
class="body-2 db-password" |
:type="showPass[`${panelIndex}_${dbIndex}`] ? 'text' : 'password'" |
:label="$t('labels.password')" |
@dblclick="enableDbEdit++" |
> |
<template #append> |
<v-icon |
small |
@click=" |
$set( |
showPass, |
`${panelIndex}_${dbIndex}`, |
!showPass[`${panelIndex}_${dbIndex}`] |
) |
" |
> |
{{ |
showPass[`${panelIndex}_${dbIndex}`] ? 'visibility_off' : 'visibility' |
}} |
</v-icon> |
</template> |
</v-text-field> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Database : create if not exists --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.connection.database" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-name']" |
:disabled="edit && enableDbEdit < 2" |
class="body-2 database-field" |
:rules="form.requiredRule" |
:label="$t('labels.dbCreateIfNotExists')" |
/> |
</v-col> |
<!-- Schema name --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client === 'mssql' || db.client === 'pg'" cols="4" class="py-0"> |
<v-text-field |
v-model="db.searchPath[0]" |
:disabled="edit && enableDbEdit < 2" |
class="body-2 database-field" |
:rules="form.requiredRule" |
:label="$t('labels.schemaName')" |
/> |
</v-col> |
<!-- todo : ssl & inflection --> |
<v-col v-if="db.client !== 'sqlite3'" cols="12" class=""> |
<v-expansion-panels> |
<v-expansion-panel style="border: 1px solid wheat"> |
<v-expansion-panel-header> |
<!-- SSL & Advanced parameters --> |
<span class="grey--text caption">{{ |
$t('title.advancedParameters') |
}}</span> |
</v-expansion-panel-header> |
<v-expansion-panel-content> |
<v-card class="elevation-0"> |
<v-card-text> |
<v-select |
v-model="db.ui.sslUse" |
class="caption" |
:items="Object.keys(sslUsage)" |
> |
<template #item="{ item }"> |
<span class="caption">{{ item }}</span> |
</template> |
</v-select> |
<v-row class="pa-0 ma-0"> |
<input |
ref="certFilePath" |
type="file" |
class="d-none" |
@change="readFileContent(db, 'ssl', 'cert', dbIndex)" |
/> |
<!-- Select .cert file --> |
<x-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-cert']" |
:tooltip="$t('tooltip.clientCert')" |
small |
color="primary" |
outlined |
class="elevation-5" |
@click="selectFile(db, 'ssl', 'certFilePath', dbIndex)" |
> |
{{ db.ui.ssl.cert }} |
</x-btn> |
<!-- Select .key file --> |
<input |
ref="keyFilePath" |
type="file" |
class="d-none" |
@change="readFileContent(db, 'ssl', 'key', dbIndex)" |
/> |
<x-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-key']" |
:tooltip="$t('tooltip.clientKey')" |
small |
color="primary" |
outlined |
class="elevation-5" |
@click="selectFile(db, 'ssl', 'keyFilePath', dbIndex)" |
> |
{{ db.ui.ssl.key }} |
</x-btn> |
<!-- Select CA file --> |
<input |
ref="caFilePath" |
type="file" |
class="d-none" |
@change="readFileContent(db, 'ssl', 'ca', dbIndex)" |
/> |
<x-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-ca']" |
:tooltip="$t('tooltip.clientCA')" |
small |
color="primary" |
outlined |
@click="selectFile(db, 'ssl', 'caFilePath', dbIndex)" |
> |
{{ db.ui.ssl.ca }} |
</x-btn> |
</v-row> |
<v-row> |
<v-col> |
<!-- Inflection - Table name --> |
<v-select |
v-model="db.meta.inflection.table_name" |
:disabled="edit" |
class="caption" |
:label="$t('labels.inflection.tableName')" |
:items=" |
project.projectType === 'rest' |
? ['camelize', 'none'] |
: ['camelize'] |
" |
> |
<template #item="{ item }"> |
<span class="caption">{{ item }}</span> |
</template> |
</v-select> |
</v-col> |
<v-col> |
<!-- Inflection - Column name --> |
<v-select |
v-model="db.meta.inflection.column_name" |
:disabled="edit" |
class="caption" |
:label="$t('labels.inflection.columnName')" |
:items=" |
project.projectType === 'rest' |
? ['camelize', 'none'] |
: ['camelize'] |
" |
> |
<template #item="{ item }"> |
<span class="caption">{{ item }}</span> |
</template> |
</v-select> |
</v-col> |
<v-col class="d-flex align-center flex-shrink-1 flex-grow-0"> |
<x-btn |
small |
btn.class="text-capitalize" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.editConnJson')" |
outlined |
@click="$set(showMonaco, dbIndex, !showMonaco[dbIndex])" |
> |
<v-icon small class="mr-1"> mdi-database-edit </v-icon> |
<!-- Edit connection JSON --> |
{{ $t('activity.editConnJson') }} |
</x-btn> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
</v-card-text> |
</v-card> |
</v-expansion-panel-content> |
</v-expansion-panel> |
</v-expansion-panels> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
<v-row class="text-right justify-end"> |
<!-- Test Database Connection --> |
<x-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-test-connection']" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.testDbConn')" |
outlined |
small |
@click="testConnection(db, envKey, panelIndex)" |
> |
<!-- Test Database Connection --> |
{{ $t('activity.testDbConn') }} |
</x-btn> |
<!-- Remove Database from environment --> |
<x-btn |
v-if="dbIndex" |
v-ge="['project', 'env-db-delete']" |
:tooltip="$t('activity.removeDbFromEnv')" |
text |
small |
@click="removeDBFromEnv(db, envKey, panelIndex, dbIndex)" |
> |
<v-hover v-slot="{ hover }"> |
<v-icon :color="hover ? 'error' : 'grey'"> mdi-database-remove </v-icon> |
</v-hover> |
</x-btn> |
</v-row> |
</v-container> |
<!-- </form>--> |
</v-card> |
</v-tab-item> |
</v-tabs-items> |
</v-tabs> |
</v-card> |
</v-col> |
</v-expansion-panel-content> |
</v-expansion-panel> |
</v-expansion-panels> |
</v-col> |
</v-row> |
</v-container> |
</div> |
</v-card> |
</v-form> |
</v-col> |
<dlgOk |
v-if="dialog.show" |
:dialog-show="dialog.show" |
:mtd-ok="dialog.mtdOk" |
:heading="dialog.heading" |
:type="dialog.type" |
/> |
<!-- heading="Connection was successful" --> |
<!-- ok-label="Ok & Save Project" --> |
<dlg-ok-new |
v-model="testSuccess" |
:heading="$t('msg.info.dbConnected')" |
:ok-label="$t('activity.OkSaveProject')" |
type="success" |
:btn-attr="{ small: false }" |
@ok="createOrUpdateProject" |
/> |
<textDlgSubmitCancel |
v-if="dialogGetEnvName.dialogShow" |
:dialog-show="dialogGetEnvName.dialogShow" |
:heading="dialogGetEnvName.heading" |
:mtd-dialog-submit="mtdDialogGetEnvNameSubmit" |
:mtd-dialog-cancel="mtdDialogGetEnvNameCancel" |
/> |
<div v-if="isTitle && !edit" class="floating-button"> |
<v-tooltip top> |
<template #activator="{ on }"> |
<v-btn |
v-ge="['project', 'save']" |
fab |
dark |
large |
tooltip="Scroll to top" |
:disabled="!valid || !envStatusValid" |
class="primary" |
v-on="on" |
@click="createOrUpdateProject()" |
> |
<v-icon>save</v-icon> |
</v-btn> |
</template> |
<span> Save Project </span> |
</v-tooltip> |
</div> |
</v-container> |
</template> |
<script> |
import JSON5 from 'json5'; |
import { mapGetters, mapActions } from 'vuex'; |
import Vue from 'vue'; |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; |
import XBtn from './global/XBtn'; |
import dlgOk from './utils/DlgOk.vue'; |
import textDlgSubmitCancel from './utils/DlgTextSubmitCancel'; |
import MonacoJsonObjectEditor from '@/components/monaco/MonacoJsonObjectEditor'; |
import ApiOverlay from '~/components/ApiOverlay'; |
import colors from '@/mixins/colors'; |
import DlgOkNew from '~/components/utils/DlgOkNew'; |
import readFile from '@/helpers/fileReader'; |
const { uniqueNamesGenerator, starWars, adjectives, animals } = require('unique-names-generator'); |
const homeDir = ''; |
export default { |
components: { |
DlgOkNew, |
ApiOverlay, |
MonacoJsonObjectEditor, |
XBtn, |
dlgOk, |
textDlgSubmitCancel, |
}, |
mixins: [colors], |
layout: 'empty', |
data() { |
return { |
testSuccess: false, |
projectCreated: false, |
allSchemas: false, |
showMonaco: [], |
smtpConfiguration: { |
from: '', |
options: '', |
}, |
showSecret: false, |
loaderMessages: [ |
'Setting up new database configs', |
'Inferring database schema', |
'Generating APIs.', |
'Generating APIs..', |
'Generating APIs...', |
'Generating APIs....', |
'Please wait', |
'Please wait.', |
'Please wait..', |
'Please wait...', |
'Please wait..', |
'Please wait.', |
'Please wait', |
'Please wait.', |
'Please wait..', |
'Please wait...', |
'Please wait..', |
'Please wait.', |
'Please wait..', |
'Please wait...', |
], |
loaderMessage: '', |
projectReloading: false, |
enableDbEdit: 0, |
authTypes: [ |
{ |
text: 'JWT', |
value: 'jwt', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'Master Key', |
value: 'masterKey', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'Middleware', |
value: 'middleware', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'Disabled', |
value: 'none', |
}, |
], |
projectTypes: [ |
{ |
text: 'REST APIs', |
value: 'rest', |
icon: 'mdi-code-json', |
iconColor: 'green', |
}, |
{ |
text: 'GRAPHQL APIs', |
value: 'graphql', |
icon: 'mdi-graphql', |
iconColor: 'pink', |
}, |
], |
showPass: {}, |
/** ************** START : form related ****************/ |
form: { |
portValidationRule: [v => /^\d+$/.test(v) || 'Not a valid port'], |
titleValidationRule: [ |
v => !!v || 'Title is required', |
v => v.length <= 50 || 'Project name exceeds 50 characters', |
], |
requiredRule: [v => !!v || 'Field is required'], |
folderRequiredRule: [v => !!v || 'Folder path is required'], |
}, |
valid: null, |
panel: 0, |
client: ['Sqlite'], |
baseFolder: homeDir, |
tab: null, |
env: null, |
databases: [], |
/** ************** END : form related ****************/ |
auth: { |
authSecret: uuidv4(), |
authType: 'jwt', |
webhook: null, |
}, |
project: {}, |
defaultProject: { |
title: '', |
version: '0.6', |
folder: homeDir, |
envs: { |
_noco: { |
db: [ |
{ |
client: 'pg', |
connection: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: 'password', |
database: '_dev', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
searchPath: ['public'], |
meta: { |
tn: 'nc_evolutions', |
dbAlias: 'db', |
api: { |
type: 'rest', |
prefix: '', |
graphqlDepthLimit: 10, |
}, |
inflection: { |
table_name: 'camelize', |
column_name: 'camelize', |
}, |
}, |
ui: { |
setup: -1, |
ssl: { |
key: this.$t('labels.clientKey'), // Client Key |
cert: this.$t('labels.clientCert'), // Client Cert |
ca: this.$t('labels.serverCA'), // Server CA |
}, |
sslUse: 'Preferred', |
}, |
}, |
], |
apiClient: { |
data: [], |
}, |
}, |
}, |
workingEnv: '_noco', |
ui: { |
envs: { |
_noco: {}, |
}, |
}, |
meta: { |
version: '0.6', |
seedsFolder: 'seeds', |
queriesFolder: 'queries', |
apisFolder: 'apis', |
projectType: 'rest', |
type: 'mvc', |
language: 'ts', |
}, |
seedsFolder: 'seeds', |
queriesFolder: 'queries', |
apisFolder: 'apis', |
projectType: 'rest', |
type: 'mvc', |
language: 'ts', |
apiClient: { |
data: [], |
}, |
}, |
sampleConnectionData: { |
Postgres: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: 'password', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
MySQL: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '3306', |
user: 'root', |
password: 'password', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
Vitess: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '15306', |
user: 'root', |
password: 'password', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
TiDB: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '4000', |
user: 'root', |
password: '', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
Yugabyte: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: '', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
CitusDB: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: '', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
CockroachDB: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: '', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
Greenplum: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: '', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
MsSQL: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: 1433, |
user: 'sa', |
password: 'Password123.', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
Oracle: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '1521', |
user: 'system', |
password: 'Oracle18', |
database: '_test', |
ssl: { |
ca: '', |
key: '', |
cert: '', |
}, |
}, |
Sqlite: { |
client: 'sqlite3', |
database: homeDir, |
connection: { |
filename: homeDir, |
}, |
useNullAsDefault: true, |
}, |
}, |
dialog: { |
show: false, |
title: '', |
heading: '', |
mtdOk: this.testConnectionMethodSubmit, |
type: 'primary', |
}, |
// TODO: apply i18n for sslUsage |
// See general.no - 5 in en.json |
sslUsage: { |
No: 'No', |
Preferred: 'Preferred', |
Required: 'pg', |
'Required-CA': 'Required-CA', |
'Required-IDENTITY': 'Required-IDENTITY', |
}, |
sslUse: this.$t('general.preferred'), // Preferred |
ssl: { |
key: this.$t('labels.clientKey'), // Client Key |
cert: this.$t('labels.clientCert'), // Client Cert |
ca: this.$t('labels.serverCA'), // Server CA |
}, |
databaseNames: { |
MySQL: 'mysql2', |
Postgres: 'pg', |
// Oracle: "oracledb", |
MsSQL: 'mssql', |
Sqlite: 'sqlite3', |
// Vitess: "mysql2", |
// TiDB: "mysql2", |
// Yugabyte: "pg", |
// CitusDB: "pg", |
// CockroachDB: "pg", |
// Greenplum: "pg" |
}, |
testDatabaseNames: { |
mysql2: null, |
mysql: null, |
pg: 'postgres', |
oracledb: 'xe', |
mssql: undefined, |
sqlite3: 'a.sqlite', |
}, |
dbIcons: { |
Oracle: 'temp/db/oracle.png', |
Postgres: 'temp/db/postgre.png', |
MySQL: 'temp/db/mysql.png', |
MsSQL: 'temp/db/mssql.png', |
Sqlite: 'temp/db/sqlite.svg', |
Salesforce: 'temp/salesforce-3-569548.webp', |
SAP: 'temp/sap.png', |
Stripe: 'temp/stripe.svg', |
}, |
dialogGetEnvName: { |
dialogShow: false, |
heading: 'Enter New Environment Name', |
field: 'Environment Name', |
}, |
compErrorMessages: [ |
this.$t('msg.error.invalidChar'), // Invalid character in folder path |
this.$t('msg.error.invalidDbCredentials'), // Invalid database credentials |
this.$t('msg.error.unableToConnectToDb'), // Unable to connect to database, please check your database is up |
this.$t('msg.error.userDoesntHaveSufficientPermission'), // User does not exist or have sufficient permission to create schema |
], |
compErrorMessage: '', |
}; |
}, |
computed: { |
...mapGetters({ sqlMgr: 'sqlMgr/sqlMgr' }), |
isTitle() { |
return this.project.title && this.project.title.trim().length; |
}, |
envStatusValid() { |
return this.project.envs && Object.values(this.project.envs).every(this.getEnvironmentStatusAggregatedNew); |
}, |
typeIcon() { |
if (this.project.projectType) { |
return this.projectTypes.find(({ value }) => value === this.project.projectType); |
} else { |
return { |
icon: 'mdi-server', |
iconColor: 'primary', |
}; |
} |
}, |
databaseNamesReverse() { |
return Object.entries(this.databaseNames).reduce((newObj, [value, key]) => { |
newObj[key] = value; |
return newObj; |
}, {}); |
}, |
}, |
methods: { |
async enableAllSchemas() { |
this.$toast.info('Enabled all schemas').goAway(3000); |
this.allSchemas = true; |
await this.$axios({ |
url: 'demo', |
baseURL: `${this.$axios.defaults.baseURL}/dashboard`, |
}); |
}, |
...mapActions({ |
loadProjects: 'project/loadProjects', |
}), |
onAdvancePanelToggle() { |
if (this.$refs.monacoEditor) { |
setTimeout(() => this.$refs.monacoEditor.resizeLayout(), 400); |
} |
}, |
getProjectEditTooltip() { |
// return `Opens ${path.join(this.project.folder, 'config.xc.json')} and edit - its really simple`; |
}, |
openJsonInSystemEditor() { |
// shell.openItem(path.join(this.project.folder, 'config.xc.json')); |
}, |
readFileContent(db, obj, key, index) { |
readFile(this.$refs[`${key}FilePath`][index], data => { |
Vue.set(db.connection[obj], key, data); |
}); |
}, |
selectFile(db, obj, key, index) { |
this.$refs[key][index].click(); |
}, |
onPanelToggle(panelIndex, envKey) { |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
if (this.panel !== undefined) { |
const panelContainer = this.$refs.panelContainer; |
const panel = this.$refs[`panel${envKey}`][0].$el; |
setTimeout( |
() => |
(panelContainer.scrollTop = |
panel.getBoundingClientRect().top + |
panelContainer.scrollTop - |
panelContainer.getBoundingClientRect().top - |
50), |
500 |
); |
setTimeout(() => this.$refs[`password${envKey}`][0].focus()); |
} |
}); |
}, |
scrollToTop() { |
document.querySelector('html').scrollTop = 0; |
}, |
showDBTabInEnvPanel(panelIndex, tabIndex) { |
this.panel = panelIndex; |
Vue.set(this.databases, panelIndex, tabIndex); |
}, |
getProjectJson() { |
/** |
* remove UI keys within project |
*/ |
const xcConfig = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.project)); |
delete xcConfig.ui; |
for (const env in xcConfig.envs) { |
for (let i = 0; i < xcConfig.envs[env].db.length; ++i) { |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].meta.api.type = this.project.projectType; |
if (xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].client === 'mysql' || xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].client === 'mysql2') { |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].connection.multipleStatements = true; |
} |
this.handleSSL(xcConfig.envs[env].db[i], false); |
delete xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].ui; |
if (this.client[i] === 'Vitess') { |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].meta.dbtype = 'vitess'; |
} |
if (this.client[i] === 'TiDB') { |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].meta.dbtype = 'tidb'; |
} |
if (xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].client === 'oracledb') { |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].pool = { |
min: 0, |
max: 50, |
}; |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].acquireConnectionTimeout = 60000; |
} |
const inflectionObj = xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].meta.inflection; |
if (inflectionObj) { |
if (Array.isArray(inflectionObj.table_name)) { |
inflectionObj.table_name = inflectionObj.table_name.join(','); |
} |
if (Array.isArray(inflectionObj.column_name)) { |
inflectionObj.column_name = inflectionObj.column_name.join(','); |
} |
inflectionObj.table_name = inflectionObj.table_name || 'none'; |
inflectionObj.column_name = inflectionObj.column_name || 'none'; |
} |
if (this.allSchemas) { |
delete xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].connection.database; |
xcConfig.envs[env].db[i].meta.allSchemas = true; |
} |
} |
} |
xcConfig.auth = {}; |
switch (this.auth.authType) { |
case 'jwt': |
xcConfig.auth.jwt = { |
secret: this.auth.authSecret, |
dbAlias: xcConfig.envs[Object.keys(xcConfig.envs)[0]].db[0].meta.dbAlias, |
}; |
break; |
case 'masterKey': |
xcConfig.auth.masterKey = { |
secret: this.auth.authSecret, |
}; |
sessionStorage.setItem('masterKey', this.auth.authSecret); |
break; |
case 'middleware': |
xcConfig.auth.masterKey = { |
url: this.auth.webhook, |
}; |
break; |
default: |
this.auth.disabled = true; |
break; |
} |
xcConfig.type = this.$store.state.project.appInfo ? this.$store.state.project.appInfo.type : 'docker'; |
if (this.smtpConfiguration && this.smtpConfiguration.from && this.smtpConfiguration.options.trim()) { |
try { |
xcConfig.mailer = { |
options: JSON5.parse(this.smtpConfiguration.options), |
from: this.smtpConfiguration.from, |
}; |
} catch (e) {} |
} |
xcConfig.meta = xcConfig.meta || {}; |
xcConfig.meta.db = { |
client: 'sqlite3', |
connection: { |
filename: 'xc.db', |
}, |
}; |
return xcConfig; |
}, |
constructProjectJsonFromProject(project) { |
const p = project; // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(project.projectJson)); |
p.ui = { |
envs: { |
_noco: {}, |
}, |
}; |
for (const env in p.envs) { |
let i = 0; |
for (const db of p.envs[env].db) { |
Vue.set(this.client, i++, this.databaseNamesReverse[db.client]); |
Vue.set(db, 'ui', { |
setup: 0, |
ssl: { |
key: this.$t('labels.clientKey'), // Client Key |
cert: this.$t('labels.clientCert'), // Client Cert |
ca: this.$t('labels.serverCA'), // Server CA |
}, |
sslUse: this.$t('general.preferred'), // Preferred |
}); |
} |
} |
// delete p.projectJson; |
if (p.auth) { |
if (p.auth.jwt) { |
this.auth.authType = 'jwt'; |
this.auth.authSecret = p.auth.jwt.secret; |
} else if (p.auth.masterKey) { |
if (p.auth.masterKey.secret) { |
this.auth.authSecret = p.auth.masterKey.secret; |
this.auth.authType = 'masterKey'; |
} else if (p.auth.masterKey.url) { |
this.auth.webhook = p.auth.masterKey.url; |
this.auth.authType = 'middleware'; |
} else { |
this.auth.authType = 'none'; |
} |
} else { |
this.auth.authType = 'none'; |
} |
} else { |
this.auth.authType = 'none'; |
} |
this.project = p; |
if (p.mailer) { |
this.smtpConfiguration = { |
from: p.mailer.from, |
options: JSON.stringify(p.mailer.options, 0, 2), |
}; |
} |
delete p.mailer; |
}, |
async createOrUpdateProject() { |
const projectJson = this.getProjectJson(); |
delete projectJson.folder; |
let i = 0; |
const toast = this.$toast.info(this.loaderMessages[0]); |
const interv = setInterval(() => { |
if (this.edit) { |
return; |
} |
if (i < this.loaderMessages.length - 1) { |
i++; |
} |
if (toast) { |
if (!this.allSchemas) { |
toast.text(this.loaderMessages[i]); |
} else { |
toast.goAway(100); |
} |
} |
}, 1000); |
this.projectReloading = true; |
const con = projectJson.envs._noco.db[0]; |
if (con.client !== 'pg' && con.client !== 'mssql' && 'searchPath' in con) { |
delete con.searchPath; |
} |
const inflection = (con.meta && con.meta.inflection) || {}; |
try { |
const result = await this.$api.project.create({ |
title: projectJson.title, |
bases: [ |
{ |
type: con.client, |
config: con, |
inflection_column: inflection.column_name, |
inflection_table: inflection.table_name, |
}, |
], |
external: true, |
}); |
clearInterval(interv); |
toast.goAway(100); |
await this.$store.dispatch('project/ActLoadProjectInfo'); |
this.projectReloading = false; |
if (!this.edit && !this.allSchemas) { |
this.$router.push({ |
path: `/nc/${result.id}`, |
query: { |
new: 1, |
}, |
}); |
} |
this.projectCreated = true; |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(await this._extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)).goAway(3000); |
toast.goAway(0); |
} |
this.projectReloading = false; |
this.$e('a:project:create:extdb'); |
}, |
mtdDialogGetEnvNameSubmit(envName, cookie) { |
this.dialogGetEnvName.dialogShow = false; |
if (envName in this.project.envs) { |
} else { |
Vue.set(this.project.envs, envName, { |
db: [ |
{ |
client: 'pg', |
connection: { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: '5432', |
user: 'postgres', |
password: 'password', |
database: 'new_database', |
}, |
meta: { |
tn: 'nc_evolutions', |
dbAlias: 'db', |
inflection: { |
table_name: 'camelize', |
column_name: 'camelize', |
}, |
api: { |
type: '', |
}, |
}, |
ui: { |
setup: 0, |
ssl: { |
key: this.$t('labels.clientKey'), // Client Key |
cert: this.$t('labels.clientCert'), // Client Cert |
ca: this.$t('labels.serverCA'), // Server CA |
}, |
sslUse: this.$t('general.preferred'), // Preferred |
}, |
}, |
], |
apiClient: { data: [] }, |
}); |
} |
}, |
mtdDialogGetEnvNameCancel() { |
this.dialogGetEnvName.dialogShow = false; |
}, |
addNewEnvironment() { |
this.dialogGetEnvName.dialogShow = true; |
}, |
addNewDB(envKey, panelIndex) { |
const len = this.project.envs[envKey].db.length; |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars |
const lastDbName = `${this.project.title}_${envKey}_${len}`; |
const dbType = (this.client[len] = this.client[len] || this.client[len - 1]); |
const newlyCreatedIndex = this.project.envs[envKey].db.length; |
const dbAlias = this.project.envs[envKey].db.length <= 0 ? 'db' : `db${this.project.envs[envKey].db.length + 1}`; |
this.project.envs[envKey].db.push({ |
client: this.databaseNames[dbType], |
connection: { |
...this.sampleConnectionData[dbType], |
database: `${this.project.title}_${envKey}_${newlyCreatedIndex + 1}`, |
}, |
meta: { |
tn: 'nc_evolutions', |
dbAlias, |
inflection: { |
table_name: 'camelize', |
column_name: 'camelize', |
}, |
api: { |
type: '', |
}, |
}, |
ui: { |
setup: 0, |
sslUse: this.$t('general.preferred'), // Preferred |
ssl: { |
key: this.$t('labels.clientKey'), // Client Key |
cert: this.$t('labels.clientCert'), // Client Cert |
ca: this.$t('labels.serverCA'), // Server CA |
}, |
}, |
}); |
// set active tab as newly created |
this.databases[panelIndex] = newlyCreatedIndex; |
}, |
testConnectionMethodSubmit() { |
this.dialog.show = false; |
}, |
selectDir(ev) {}, |
selectSqliteFile(db) {}, |
getDbStatusColor(db) { |
switch (db.ui.setup) { |
case -1: |
return 'red'; |
case 0: |
return 'orange'; |
case 1: |
return 'green'; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}, |
getDbStatusTooltip(db) { |
switch (db.ui.setup) { |
case -1: |
return 'DB Connection NOT successful'; |
case 0: |
return 'MySql Database Detected - Test your connection'; |
case 1: |
return 'DB Connection successful'; |
default: |
break; |
} |
}, |
async newTestConnection(db, env, panelIndex) { |
if ( |
db.connection.host === 'localhost' && |
!this.edit && |
env === '_noco' && |
this.project.envs[env].db.length === 1 && |
this.project.envs[env].db[0].connection.user === 'postgres' && |
this.project.envs[env].db[0].connection.database === |
`${this.project.title}_${env}_${this.project.envs[env].length}` |
) { |
this.handleSSL(db); |
if (db.client === 'sqlite3') { |
db.ui.setup = 1; |
} else { |
const c1 = { |
connection: { |
...db.connection, |
...(db.client !== 'pg' ? { database: this.testDatabaseNames[db.client] } : {}), |
}, |
client: db.client, |
}; |
const result = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [ |
{ |
query: { |
skipProjectHasDb: 1, |
}, |
}, |
'testConnection', |
c1, |
]); |
if (result.code === 0) { |
db.ui.setup = 1; |
let passed = true; |
/** |
* get other environments |
* and if host is localhost - test and update connection status |
* UI panel close |
*/ |
for (const e in this.project.envs) { |
if (e === env) { |
// ignore |
} else { |
const c2 = { |
connection: { |
...this.project.envs[e].db[0].connection, |
database: undefined, |
}, |
client: this.project.envs[e].db[0].client, |
}; |
this.handleSSL(c2); |
const result = await this.sqlMgr.testConnection(c2); |
if (result.code === 0) { |
this.project.envs[e][0].ui.setup = 1; |
} else { |
this.project.envs[e][0].ui.setup = -1; |
passed = false; |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
if (passed) { |
this.panel = null; |
} else { |
// Connection was successful |
this.dialog.heading = this.$t('msg.info.dbConnected'); |
this.dialog.type = 'success'; |
this.dialog.show = true; |
} |
} else { |
db.ui.setup = -1; |
// Connection Failure: |
this.dialog.heading = this.$t('msg.error.dbConnectionFailed') + result.message; |
this.dialog.type = 'error'; |
this.dialog.show = true; |
} |
} |
return true; |
} else { |
return false; |
} |
}, |
sendAdvancedConfig(connection) { |
if (!connection.ssl) { |
return false; |
} |
let sendAdvancedConfig = false; |
const sslOptions = Object.values(connection.ssl).filter(el => !!el); |
if (sslOptions[0]) { |
sendAdvancedConfig = true; |
} else { |
} |
return sendAdvancedConfig; |
}, |
handleSSL(db, creating = true) { |
const sendAdvancedConfig = this.sendAdvancedConfig(db.connection); |
if (!sendAdvancedConfig) { |
db.connection.ssl = undefined; |
} |
if (db.connection.ssl) { |
} |
}, |
getDatabaseForTestConnection(dbType) {}, |
async testConnection(db, env, panelIndex) { |
this.$e('a:project:create:extdb:test-connection'); |
this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', true); |
try { |
if (!(await this.newTestConnection(db, env, panelIndex))) { |
this.handleSSL(db); |
if (db.client === 'sqlite3') { |
db.ui.setup = 1; |
} else { |
const c1 = { |
connection: { |
...db.connection, |
...(db.client !== 'pg' ? { database: this.testDatabaseNames[db.client] } : {}), |
}, |
client: db.client, |
}; |
const result = await this.$api.utils.testConnection(c1); |
if (result.code === 0) { |
db.ui.setup = 1; |
// this.dialog.heading = "Connection was successful" |
// this.dialog.type = 'success'; |
// this.dialog.show = true; |
this.testSuccess = true; |
} else { |
db.ui.setup = -1; |
// this.activeDbNode.testConnectionStatus = false; |
this.dialog.heading = this.$t('msg.error.dbConnectionFailed') + result.message; |
this.dialog.type = 'error'; |
this.dialog.show = true; |
} |
} |
} |
} catch (e) { |
console.log(e); |
} finally { |
this.$store.commit('notification/MutToggleProgressBar', false); |
} |
}, |
getEnvironmentStatusAggregated(dbs) { |
return dbs.every(db => db.ui.setup === 1); |
}, |
getEnvironmentStatusAggregatedNew(dbs) { |
return dbs.db.every(db => db.ui.setup === 1); |
}, |
openFirstPanel() { |
if (!this.edit) { |
this.panel = 0; |
} |
}, |
onDatabaseTypeChanged(client, db1, index, env) { |
if (this.databaseNames[client] === 'mssql') { |
this.project.envs[env].db[index].searchPath[0] = 'dbo'; |
} else if (this.databaseNames[client] === 'pg') { |
this.project.envs[env].db[index].searchPath[0] = 'public'; |
} |
for (const env in this.project.envs) { |
if (this.project.envs[env].db.length > index) { |
const db = this.project.envs[env].db[index]; |
Vue.set(db, 'client', this.databaseNames[client]); |
if (client !== 'Sqlite') { |
const { ssl, ...connectionDet } = this.sampleConnectionData[client]; |
Vue.set(db, 'connection', { |
...connectionDet, |
database: `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`, |
ssl: { ...ssl }, |
}); |
for (const env in this.project.envs) { |
if (this.project.envs[env].length > index) { |
this.setDBStatus(this.project.envs[env][index], 0); |
} |
} |
} else { |
db.connection = {}; |
Vue.set(db, 'connection', { |
client: 'sqlite3', |
// connection: {filename: path.join(this.project.folder, `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`)}, |
connection: { |
filename: [this.project.folder, `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`].join('/'), |
}, |
database: [this.project.folder, `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`].join('/'), |
useNullAsDefault: true, |
}); |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
selectDatabaseClient(database, index = 0) { |
if (this.client) { |
this.client[index] = database; |
} |
}, |
setDBStatus(db, status) { |
db.ui.setup = status; |
}, |
removeDBFromEnv(db, env, panelIndex, dbIndex) { |
for (const env in this.project.envs) { |
if (this.project.envs[env].db.length > dbIndex) { |
this.project.envs[env].db.splice(dbIndex, 1); |
} |
} |
}, |
removeEnv(envKey) { |
delete this.project.envs[envKey]; |
Vue.set(this.project, 'envs', { ...this.project.envs }); |
}, |
}, |
fetch({ store, params }) {}, |
beforeCreated() {}, |
watch: { |
'project.title'(newValue, oldValue) { |
if (!newValue) { |
return; |
} |
if (!this.edit) { |
// Vue.set(this.project, 'folder', slash(path.join(this.baseFolder, newValue))) |
Vue.set(this.project, 'folder', [this.baseFolder, newValue].join('/')); |
// }//this.project.folder = `${this.baseFolder}/${newValue}`; |
for (const env in this.project.envs) { |
for (const [index, db] of this.project.envs[env].db.entries()) { |
// db.connection.database = `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index}` |
if (db.client !== 'sqlite3') { |
Vue.set(db.connection, 'database', `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`); |
} else { |
Vue.set(db.connection, 'database', `${this.project.title}_${env}_${index + 1}`); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
'project.envs': { |
deep: true, |
handler(envs) { |
if (typeof envs === 'object' && envs) { |
Object.entries(envs).forEach(([key, env]) => { |
let res = 1; |
const msg = {}; |
for (const db of env.db) { |
res = db.ui.setup < res ? db.ui.setup : res; |
} |
if (this.edit) { |
Vue.set(this.project.ui, key, ''); |
} else { |
switch (res) { |
case -1: |
msg.color = 'red'; |
// msg.msg = ' ( Invalid database parameters )' |
msg.msg = `( ${this.$t('msg.error.dbConnectionStatus')} )`; |
break; |
case 0: |
msg.color = 'warning'; |
msg.msg = ' ( Click to validate database credentials )'; |
break; |
case 1: |
msg.color = 'green'; |
// msg.msg = ' ( Environment Validated )' |
msg.msg = `( ${this.$t('msg.info.dbConnectionStatus')} )`; |
break; |
} |
Vue.set(this.project.ui, key, msg); |
} |
}); |
} |
}, |
}, |
}, |
async created() { |
this.compErrorMessage = this.compErrorMessages[Math.floor(Math.random() * this.compErrorMessages.length)]; |
if (this.edit) { |
try { |
let data = await this.$store.dispatch('sqlMgr/ActSqlOp', [null, 'xcProjectGetConfig']); |
data = JSON.parse(data.config); |
this.constructProjectJsonFromProject(data); |
this.$set(this.project, 'folder', data.folder); |
} catch (e) { |
this.$toast.error(e.message).goAway(3000); |
} |
} else { |
this.project = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(this.defaultProject)); |
// this.edit = false; |
/** |
* Figure out which databases users has by scanning port numbers |
* preference can be - pg | mysql | mssql | oracledb | sqlite |
* create this.project based on the database |
* |
* |
*/ |
let dbsAvailable = []; // await PortScanner.getOpenDbPortsAsList(); |
// // setting MySQL as default value if no databases are available |
// if (!dbsAvailable || !dbsAvailable.length) { |
dbsAvailable = ['MySQL']; |
// } |
this.selectDatabaseClient(dbsAvailable[0], 0); |
// iterating over environment and setting default connection details based |
// on first available database |
for (const env in this.project.envs) { |
for (const db of this.project.envs[env].db) { |
db.client = this.databaseNames[dbsAvailable[0]]; |
if (db.client === 'sqlite3') { |
db.connection = { |
...this.sampleConnectionData[dbsAvailable[0]], |
}; |
db.ui.setup = 0; |
} else { |
db.connection = { |
...this.sampleConnectionData[dbsAvailable[0]], |
ssl: { ...this.sampleConnectionData[dbsAvailable[0]].ssl }, |
}; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
}, |
beforeMount() {}, |
mounted() { |
this.$set( |
this.project, |
'title', |
uniqueNamesGenerator({ |
dictionaries: [[starWars], [adjectives, animals]][Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)], |
}) |
.toLowerCase() |
.replace(/[ -]/g, '_') |
); |
this.$nextTick(() => { |
const input = this.$refs.name.$el.querySelector('input'); |
input.setSelectionRange(0, this.project.title.length); |
input.focus(); |
}); |
}, |
beforeDestroy() {}, |
destroy() {}, |
validate({ params }) { |
return true; |
}, |
head() { |
return { |
title: this.$t('title.headCreateProject'), |
}; |
}, |
props: { |
edit: { |
type: Boolean, |
default: false, |
}, |
}, |
directives: {}, |
}; |
</script> |
<style scoped> |
.floating-button { |
position: fixed; |
right: 7%; |
bottom: 100px; |
} |
/deep/ .v-expansion-panel-header { |
padding: 0 6px; |
min-height: 50px !important; |
} |
/deep/ .monaco-overlay { |
align-items: stretch; |
} |
/deep/ .monaco-overlay .v-overlay__content { |
flex-grow: 1; |
} |
.monaco-overlay-close { |
position: absolute; |
right: 10px; |
top: 10px; |
z-index: 999; |
cursor: pointer !important; |
} |
</style> |
<!-- |
/** |
* @copyright Copyright (c) 2021, Xgene Cloud Ltd |
* |
* @author Naveen MR <oof1lab@gmail.com> |
* @author Pranav C Balan <pranavxc@gmail.com> |
* @author Wing-Kam Wong <wingkwong.code@gmail.com> |
* |
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version |
* |
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify |
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as |
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the |
* License, or (at your option) any later version. |
* |
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License |
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. |
* |
*/ |