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553 lines
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553 lines
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import type { FunctionalComponent, SVGAttributes } from 'vue' |
import type { FormDefinition, IntegrationType, PaginatedType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { ClientType, IntegrationsType, SyncDataType } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import GeneralBaseLogo from '~/components/general/BaseLogo.vue' |
import type { IntegrationStoreEvents as IntegrationStoreEventsTypes } from '#imports' |
enum IntegrationsPageMode { |
ADD, |
} |
const integrationType: Record<'PostgreSQL' | 'MySQL' | 'SQLITE' | 'OpenAI', ClientType | SyncDataType> = { |
PostgreSQL: ClientType.PG, |
MySQL: ClientType.MYSQL, |
SQLITE: ClientType.SQLITE, |
OpenAI: SyncDataType.OPENAI, |
} |
type IntegrationsSubType = (typeof integrationType)[keyof typeof integrationType] |
function getStaticInitializor(type: IntegrationsSubType) { |
const genericValues = { |
payload: {}, |
} |
switch (type) { |
case integrationType.PostgreSQL: |
return { |
...genericValues, |
type: integrationType.PostgreSQL, |
title: 'PostgreSQL', |
logo: h(GeneralBaseLogo, { |
'source-type': 'pg', |
'class': 'logo', |
}), |
} |
case integrationType.MySQL: |
return { |
...genericValues, |
type: integrationType.MySQL, |
title: 'MySQL', |
logo: h(GeneralBaseLogo, { |
'source-type': 'mysql2', |
'class': 'logo', |
}), |
} |
case integrationType.SQLITE: |
return { |
...genericValues, |
type: integrationType.SQLITE, |
title: 'SQLite', |
logo: h(GeneralBaseLogo, { |
'source-type': 'sqlite3', |
'class': 'logo', |
}), |
} |
} |
} |
const integrationForms: Record<string, FormDefinition> = {} |
const [useProvideIntegrationViewStore, _useIntegrationStore] = useInjectionState(() => { |
const router = useRouter() |
const route = router.currentRoute |
const { api } = useApi() |
const pageMode = ref<IntegrationsPageMode | null>(null) |
const activeIntegration = ref<IntegrationType | null>(null) |
const activeIntegrationItem = ref<IntegrationItemType | null>(null) |
const workspaceStore = useWorkspace() |
const { activeWorkspaceId } = storeToRefs(workspaceStore) |
const integrations = ref<IntegrationType[]>([]) |
const searchQuery = ref('') |
const integrationsCategoryFilter = ref<string[]>([]) |
const integrationPaginationData = ref<PaginatedType>({ page: 1, pageSize: 25, totalRows: 0 }) |
const deleteConfirmText = ref<string | null>() |
const isLoadingIntegrations = ref(false) |
const eventBus = useEventBus<IntegrationStoreEventsTypes>(Symbol('integrationStore')) |
const { $api, $e } = useNuxtApp() |
const { t } = useI18n() |
const { aiIntegrations } = useNocoAi() |
const isFromIntegrationPage = ref(false) |
const integrationsRefreshKey = ref(0) |
const requestIntegration = ref({ |
isOpen: false, |
msg: '', |
isLoading: false, |
}) |
const successConfirmModal = ref({ |
isOpen: false, |
title: t('msg.success.connectionAdded'), |
connectionTitle: '', |
description: t('msg.success.connectionAddedDesc'), |
}) |
const activeViewTab = computed({ |
get() { |
return (route.value.query?.tab as string) ?? 'integrations' |
}, |
set(tab: string) { |
if (requestIntegration.value.isOpen) { |
requestIntegration.value.isOpen = false |
} |
router.push({ query: { ...route.value.query, tab } }) |
}, |
}) |
const loadIntegrations = async ( |
databaseOnly = false, |
baseId = undefined, |
page: number = integrationPaginationData.value.page!, |
limit: number = integrationPaginationData.value.pageSize!, |
) => { |
try { |
if (!activeWorkspaceId.value) return |
isLoadingIntegrations.value = true |
if (!databaseOnly && limit * (page - 1) > integrationPaginationData.value.totalRows!) { |
integrationPaginationData.value.page = 1 |
page = 1 |
} |
const { list, pageInfo } = await api.integration.list( |
databaseOnly |
? { |
type: IntegrationsType.Database, |
includeDatabaseInfo: true, |
baseId, |
} |
: { |
offset: limit * (page - 1), |
limit, |
...(searchQuery.value.trim() ? { query: searchQuery.value } : {}), |
}, |
) |
integrations.value = list |
if (!databaseOnly) { |
integrationPaginationData.value.totalRows = pageInfo.totalRows ?? 0 |
} |
} catch (e) { |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
integrations.value = [] |
integrationPaginationData.value.totalRows = 0 |
integrationPaginationData.value.page = 1 |
} finally { |
isLoadingIntegrations.value = false |
} |
} |
const addIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationItemType) => { |
activeIntegration.value = integration.dynamic ? integration : getStaticInitializor(integration.subType) |
activeIntegrationItem.value = integration |
if (integration.dynamic === true && !(integration.subType in integrationForms)) { |
const integrationInfo = await $api.integrations.info(integration.type, integration.subType) |
if (integrationInfo?.form) { |
integrationForms[integration.subType] = integrationInfo.form |
activeIntegrationItem.value.form = integrationInfo.form |
} |
} else if (integration.dynamic === true) { |
activeIntegrationItem.value.form = integrationForms[integration.subType] |
} |
pageMode.value = IntegrationsPageMode.ADD |
$e('c:integration:add') |
} |
const deleteIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationType, force = false) => { |
if (!integration?.id) return |
$e('a:integration:delete') |
try { |
await api.integration.delete(integration.id, { |
query: force ? { force: 'true' } : {}, |
}) |
if (integration.type === IntegrationsType.Ai) { |
aiIntegrations.value = aiIntegrations.value.filter((i) => i.id !== integration.id) |
} |
await loadIntegrations() |
// await message.success(`Connection ${integration.title} deleted successfully`) |
return true |
} catch (e) { |
const error = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsgv2(e) |
if (error.error === NcErrorType.INTEGRATION_NOT_FOUND) { |
await message.error(error.message?.replace(integration.id, integration.title!)) |
window.location.reload() |
return |
} |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
deleteConfirmText.value = null |
} |
const updateIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationType) => { |
if (!integration.id) return |
$e('a:integration:update') |
try { |
await api.integration.update(integration.id, integration) |
if (integration.type === IntegrationsType.Ai) { |
aiIntegrations.value = aiIntegrations.value.map((i) => { |
if (i.id === integration.id) { |
i.title = integration.title |
} |
return i |
}) |
} |
await loadIntegrations() |
pageMode.value = null |
activeIntegration.value = null |
await message.success(`Connection "${integration.title}" updated successfully`) |
} catch (e) { |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const setDefaultIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationType) => { |
if (!integration.id) return |
$e('a:integration:set-default') |
try { |
await api.integration.setDefault(integration.id) |
if (integration.type === IntegrationsType.Ai) { |
aiIntegrations.value = aiIntegrations.value.map((i) => { |
if (i.id === integration.id) { |
i.is_default = true |
} else { |
i.is_default = false |
} |
return i |
}) |
} |
await loadIntegrations() |
pageMode.value = null |
activeIntegration.value = null |
await message.success(`Connection "${integration.title}" set as default successfully`) |
} catch (e) { |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const saveIntegration = async ( |
integration: IntegrationType, |
mode: 'create' | 'duplicate' = 'create', |
loadDatasourceInfo = false, |
baseId: string | undefined = undefined, |
) => { |
if (mode === 'create') { |
$e('a:integration:create') |
} else { |
$e('a:integration:duplicate') |
} |
try { |
const response = await api.integration.create(integration) |
if (response && response?.id) { |
if (!loadDatasourceInfo) { |
integrations.value.push(response) |
} |
if (response.type === IntegrationsType.Ai) { |
aiIntegrations.value.push({ |
id: response.id, |
title: response.title, |
is_default: response.is_default, |
type: response.type, |
sub_type: response.sub_type, |
}) |
} |
} |
await loadIntegrations(loadDatasourceInfo, baseId) |
if (mode === 'create') { |
eventBus.emit(IntegrationStoreEvents.INTEGRATION_ADD, response) |
} |
pageMode.value = null |
activeIntegration.value = null |
if (response?.title && mode === 'create') { |
if (isFromIntegrationPage.value) { |
activeViewTab.value = 'connections' |
if (response.type === IntegrationsType.Database) { |
successConfirmModal.value.connectionTitle = response.title ?? '' |
successConfirmModal.value.isOpen = true |
} |
} else { |
await message.success(`Connection "${response.title}" created successfully`) |
} |
} |
} catch (e) { |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const duplicateIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationType) => { |
if (!integration?.id) return |
try { |
isLoadingIntegrations.value = true |
saveIntegration( |
{ |
title: integration.title, |
config: {}, |
type: integration.type, |
copy_from_id: integration.id, |
}, |
'duplicate', |
) |
} catch (e) { |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} finally { |
isLoadingIntegrations.value = false |
} |
} |
const getIntegration = async ( |
integration: IntegrationType, |
options?: { |
includeConfig?: boolean |
includeSources?: boolean |
}, |
) => { |
if (!integration?.id) return |
try { |
const integrationWithConfig = await api.integration.read(integration.id, { |
...(options || {}), |
}) |
return integrationWithConfig |
} catch (e) { |
const error = await extractSdkResponseErrorMsgv2(e) |
if (error.error === NcErrorType.INTEGRATION_NOT_FOUND) { |
await message.error(error.message?.replace(integration.id!, integration.title!)) |
window.location.reload() |
return |
} |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const editIntegration = async (integration: IntegrationType) => { |
if (!integration?.id) return |
try { |
const integrationWithConfig = await getIntegration(integration, { includeConfig: true }) |
activeIntegration.value = integrationWithConfig |
const integrationItem = allIntegrations.find( |
(item) => item.type === integration.type && item.subType === integration.sub_type, |
)! |
activeIntegrationItem.value = integrationItem |
if (integrationItem.dynamic === true && !(integrationItem.subType in integrationForms)) { |
const integrationInfo = await $api.integrations.info(integrationItem.type, integrationItem.subType) |
if (integrationInfo?.form) { |
integrationForms[integrationItem.subType] = integrationInfo.form |
activeIntegrationItem.value.form = integrationInfo.form |
} |
} else if (integrationItem.dynamic === true) { |
activeIntegrationItem.value.form = integrationForms[integrationItem.subType] |
} |
pageMode.value = IntegrationsPageMode.EDIT |
$e('c:integration:edit') |
} catch {} |
} |
const saveIntegrationRequest = async (msg: string) => { |
if (!msg?.trim()) return |
requestIntegration.value.isLoading = true |
try { |
$e('a:integration:new-request', { |
value: requestIntegration.value.msg, |
}) |
requestIntegration.value.isLoading = false |
requestIntegration.value.isOpen = false |
requestIntegration.value.msg = '' |
await message.success('Your request has been successfully submitted') |
} catch (e) { |
requestIntegration.value.isLoading = false |
await message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
} |
const listIntegrationByType = async (type: IntegrationsType) => { |
if (!activeWorkspaceId.value) return |
const { list } = await api.integration.list({ |
type, |
}) |
return list |
} |
const loadDynamicIntegrations = async () => { |
if (integrationsInitialized.value) return |
integrationsInitialized.value = true |
const dynamicIntegrations = (await $api.integrations.list()) as { |
type: IntegrationsType |
subType: string |
meta: { |
title?: string |
icon?: string |
description?: string |
order?: number |
} |
}[] |
dynamicIntegrations.sort((a, b) => (a.meta.order ?? Infinity) - (b.meta.order ?? Infinity)) |
for (const di of dynamicIntegrations) { |
let icon: FunctionalComponent<SVGAttributes, {}, any, {}> | VNode |
if (di.meta.icon) { |
if (di.meta.icon in iconMap) { |
icon = iconMap[di.meta.icon as keyof typeof iconMap] |
} else { |
if (isValidURL(di.meta.icon)) { |
icon = h('img', { |
src: di.meta.icon, |
alt: di.meta.title || di.subType, |
}) |
} |
} |
} else { |
icon = iconMap.puzzle |
} |
const integration: IntegrationItemType = { |
title: di.meta.title || di.subType, |
subType: di.subType, |
icon, |
type: di.type, |
isAvailable: true, |
dynamic: true, |
} |
allIntegrations.push(integration) |
integrationsRefreshKey.value++ |
} |
} |
const integrationsIconMap = computed(() => { |
// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-expressions |
integrationsRefreshKey.value |
const map: Record<string, any> = {} |
for (const integration of allIntegrations) { |
map[integration.subType] = integration.icon |
} |
return map |
}) |
return { |
IntegrationsPageMode, |
integrationType, |
pageMode, |
activeIntegration, |
activeIntegrationItem, |
integrationsRefreshKey, |
integrations, |
isLoadingIntegrations, |
deleteConfirmText, |
eventBus, |
requestIntegration, |
integrationPaginationData, |
activeViewTab, |
isFromIntegrationPage, |
successConfirmModal, |
searchQuery, |
integrationsCategoryFilter, |
addIntegration, |
loadIntegrations, |
deleteIntegration, |
updateIntegration, |
saveIntegration, |
editIntegration, |
duplicateIntegration, |
saveIntegrationRequest, |
getIntegration, |
setDefaultIntegration, |
integrationsIconMap, |
listIntegrationByType, |
loadDynamicIntegrations, |
} |
}, 'integrations-store') |
export { useProvideIntegrationViewStore } |
export function useIntegrationStore() { |
const integrationStore = _useIntegrationStore() |
if (integrationStore == null) return useProvideIntegrationViewStore() |
return integrationStore |