mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
103 lines
3.4 KiB
103 lines
3.4 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import MdiAt from '~icons/mdi/at' |
import MdiLogout from '~icons/mdi/logout' |
import MdiDotsVertical from '~icons/mdi/dots-vertical' |
import MaterialSymbolsMenu from '~icons/material-symbols/menu' |
import { navigateTo } from '#app' |
const { $state } = useNuxtApp() |
const sidebar = ref<HTMLDivElement>() |
const email = computed(() => $state.user?.value?.email ?? '---') |
const signOut = () => { |
$state.signOut() |
navigateTo('/signin') |
} |
const toggleSidebar = useToggle($state.sidebarOpen) |
const sidebarOpen = computed({ |
get: () => !$state.sidebarOpen.value, |
set: (val) => toggleSidebar(val), |
}) |
</script> |
<template> |
<a-layout> |
<a-layout-header class="flex !bg-primary items-center text-white px-4 shadow-md"> |
<MaterialSymbolsMenu |
v-if="$state.signedIn.value" |
class="text-xl cursor-pointer" |
@click="toggleSidebar(!$state.sidebarOpen.value)" |
/> |
<div class="flex-1" /> |
<div class="ml-4 flex items-center flex-1"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<img width="35" src="~/assets/img/icons/512x512-trans.png" /> |
<span class="prose-xl" @click="navigateTo('/')">NocoDB</span> |
</div> |
<!-- todo: loading is not yet supported by nuxt 3 - see https://v3.nuxtjs.org/migration/component-options#loading |
<span v-show="$nuxt.$loading.show" class="caption grey--text ml-3"> |
{{ $t('general.loading') }} <v-icon small color="grey">mdi-spin mdi-loading</v-icon> |
</span> |
todo: replace shortkey? |
<span v-shortkey="['ctrl', 'shift', 'd']" @shortkey="openDiscord" /> |
--> |
</div> |
<div class="flex-1" /> |
<div class="flex justify-end gap-4"> |
<general-language class="mr-3" /> |
<template v-if="$state.signedIn.value"> |
<a-dropdown :trigger="['click']"> |
<MdiDotsVertical class="md:text-xl cursor-pointer" @click.prevent /> |
<template #overlay> |
<a-menu class="!py-0 nc-user-menu min-w-32 dark:(!bg-gray-800) leading-8 !rounded"> |
<a-menu-item key="0" class="!rounded-t"> |
<nuxt-link v-t="['c:navbar:user:email']" class="group flex items-center no-underline py-2" to="/user"> |
<MdiAt class="mt-1 group-hover:text-success" /> |
<span class="prose group-hover:text-black">{{ email }}</span> |
</nuxt-link> |
</a-menu-item> |
<a-menu-divider class="!m-0" /> |
<a-menu-item key="1" class="!rounded-b"> |
<div v-t="['a:navbar:user:sign-out']" class="group flex items-center py-2" @click="signOut"> |
<MdiLogout class="dark:text-white group-hover:(!text-red-500)" /> |
<span class="prose font-semibold text-gray-500 group-hover:text-black">{{ $t('general.signOut') }}</span> |
</div> |
</a-menu-item> |
</a-menu> |
</template> |
</a-dropdown> |
</template> |
</div> |
</a-layout-header> |
<a-layout> |
<a-layout-sider |
v-model:collapsed="sidebarOpen" |
width="300" |
collapsed-width="0" |
class="bg-white dark:!bg-gray-800 border-r-1 border-gray-200 dark:!border-gray-600 h-full" |
:trigger="null" |
collapsible |
> |
<div id="sidebar" ref="sidebar" class="w-full h-full" /> |
</a-layout-sider> |
<NuxtPage /> |
</a-layout> |
</a-layout> |