mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
576 lines
17 KiB
576 lines
17 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { ViewTypes, isVirtualCol } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import type { Row as RowType } from '#imports' |
import {useRolesWrapper} from "~/composables/useRoles"; |
interface Attachment { |
url: string |
} |
const meta = inject(MetaInj, ref()) |
const view = inject(ActiveViewInj, ref()) |
const reloadViewMetaHook = inject(ReloadViewMetaHookInj) |
const reloadViewDataHook = inject(ReloadViewDataHookInj) |
const openNewRecordFormHook = inject(OpenNewRecordFormHookInj, createEventHook()) |
const isPublic = inject(IsPublicInj, ref(false)) |
const { isViewDataLoading } = storeToRefs(useViewsStore()) |
const { isSqlView, xWhere } = useSmartsheetStoreOrThrow() |
const expandedFormDlg = ref(false) |
const expandedFormRow = ref<RowType>() |
const expandedFormRowState = ref<Record<string, any>>() |
const { |
loadData, |
paginationData, |
formattedData: data, |
loadGalleryData, |
galleryData, |
changePage, |
deleteRow, |
navigateToSiblingRow, |
} = useViewData(meta, view, xWhere) |
provide(IsFormInj, ref(false)) |
provide(IsGalleryInj, ref(true)) |
provide(IsGridInj, ref(false)) |
provide(IsCalendarInj, ref(false)) |
provide(RowHeightInj, ref(1 as const)) |
const fields = inject(FieldsInj, ref([])) |
const route = useRoute() |
const router = useRouter() |
const { getPossibleAttachmentSrc } = useAttachment() |
const { isMobileMode } = useGlobal() |
const fieldsWithoutDisplay = computed(() => fields.value.filter((f) => !isPrimary(f))) |
const displayField = computed(() => meta.value?.columns?.find((c) => c.pv && fields.value.includes(c)) ?? null) |
const coverImageColumn: any = computed(() => |
meta.value?.columnsById |
? meta.value.columnsById[galleryData.value?.fk_cover_image_col_id as keyof typeof meta.value.columnsById] |
: {}, |
) |
const coverImageObjectFitClass = computed(() => { |
const fk_cover_image_object_fit = parseProp(galleryData.value?.meta)?.fk_cover_image_object_fit || CoverImageObjectFit.FIT |
if (fk_cover_image_object_fit === CoverImageObjectFit.FIT) return '!object-contain' |
if (fk_cover_image_object_fit === CoverImageObjectFit.COVER) return '!object-cover' |
}) |
const { isUIAllowed } = useRolesWrapper() |
const hasEditPermission = computed(() => isUIAllowed('dataEdit')) |
// TODO: extract this code (which is duplicated in grid and gallery) into a separate component |
const _contextMenu = ref(false) |
const contextMenu = computed({ |
get: () => _contextMenu.value, |
set: (val) => { |
if (hasEditPermission.value) { |
_contextMenu.value = val |
} |
}, |
}) |
const contextMenuTarget = ref<{ row: RowType; index: number } | null>(null) |
const showContextMenu = (e: MouseEvent, target?: { row: RowType; index: number }) => { |
if (isSqlView.value) return |
e.preventDefault() |
if (target) { |
contextMenuTarget.value = target |
} |
} |
const attachments = (record: any): Attachment[] => { |
try { |
if (coverImageColumn.value?.title && record.row[coverImageColumn.value.title]) { |
return typeof record.row[coverImageColumn.value.title] === 'string' |
? JSON.parse(record.row[coverImageColumn.value.title]) |
: record.row[coverImageColumn.value.title] |
} |
return [] |
} catch (e) { |
return [] |
} |
} |
const expandForm = (row: RowType, state?: Record<string, any>) => { |
const rowId = extractPkFromRow(row.row, meta.value!.columns!) |
expandedFormRowState.value = state |
if (rowId && !isPublic.value) { |
router.push({ |
query: { |
...route.query, |
rowId, |
}, |
}) |
} else { |
expandedFormRow.value = row |
expandedFormDlg.value = true |
} |
} |
const expandFormClick = async (e: MouseEvent, row: RowType) => { |
const target = e.target as HTMLElement |
if (target.closest('.arrow') || target.closest('.slick-dots')) return |
expandForm(row) |
} |
const openNewRecordFormHookHandler = async () => { |
expandForm({ |
row: { ...rowDefaultData(meta.value?.columns) }, |
oldRow: {}, |
rowMeta: { new: true }, |
}) |
} |
openNewRecordFormHook?.on(openNewRecordFormHookHandler) |
// remove openNewRecordFormHookHandler before unmounting |
// so that it won't be triggered multiple times |
onBeforeUnmount(() => openNewRecordFormHook.off(openNewRecordFormHookHandler)) |
const expandedFormOnRowIdDlg = computed({ |
get() { |
return !!route.query.rowId |
}, |
set(val) { |
if (!val) |
router.push({ |
query: { |
...route.query, |
rowId: undefined, |
}, |
}) |
}, |
}) |
const reloadAttachments = ref(false) |
reloadViewMetaHook?.on(async () => { |
await loadGalleryData() |
reloadAttachments.value = true |
nextTick(() => { |
reloadAttachments.value = false |
}) |
}) |
reloadViewDataHook?.on(async (params) => { |
await loadData({ |
...(params?.offset !== undefined ? { offset: params.offset } : {}), |
}) |
}) |
// provide view data reload hook as fallback to row data reload |
provide(ReloadRowDataHookInj, reloadViewDataHook!) |
watch( |
view, |
async (nextView) => { |
isViewDataLoading.value = true |
try { |
if (nextView?.type === ViewTypes.GALLERY) { |
await loadData() |
await loadGalleryData() |
} |
} finally { |
isViewDataLoading.value = false |
} |
}, |
{ |
immediate: true, |
}, |
) |
</script> |
<template> |
<NcDropdown |
v-model:visible="contextMenu" |
:trigger="isSqlView ? [] : ['contextmenu']" |
overlay-class-name="nc-dropdown-grid-context-menu" |
> |
<template #overlay> |
<NcMenu @click="contextMenu = false"> |
<NcMenuItem v-if="contextMenuTarget" @click="expandForm(contextMenuTarget.row)"> |
<div v-e="['a:row:expand-record']" class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<component :is="iconMap.expand" class="flex" /> |
<!-- Expand Record --> |
{{ $t('activity.expandRecord') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<NcDivider /> |
<NcMenuItem |
v-if="contextMenuTarget?.index !== undefined" |
class="!text-red-600 !hover:bg-red-50" |
@click="deleteRow(contextMenuTarget.index)" |
> |
<div v-e="['a:row:delete']" class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<component :is="iconMap.delete" class="flex" /> |
<!-- Delete Row --> |
{{ $t('activity.deleteRow') }} |
</div> |
</NcMenuItem> |
<!-- <NcMenuItem v-if="contextMenuTarget" @click="openNewRecordFormHook.trigger()"> --> |
<!-- <div v-e="['a:row:insert']" class="flex items-center gap-2"> --> |
<!-- <!– Insert New Row –> --> |
<!-- {{ $t('activity.insertRow') }} --> |
<!-- </div> --> |
<!-- </NcMenuItem> --> |
</NcMenu> |
</template> |
<div |
class="flex flex-col w-full nc-gallery nc-scrollbar-md bg-gray-50" |
data-testid="nc-gallery-wrapper" |
:style="{ height: isMobileMode ? 'calc(100% - var(--topbar-height))' : 'calc(100% - var(--topbar-height) + 0.6rem)' }" |
:class="{ |
'!overflow-hidden': isViewDataLoading, |
}" |
> |
<div v-if="isViewDataLoading" class="flex flex-col h-full"> |
<div class="nc-gallery-container-skeleton grid gap-3 p-3"> |
<a-skeleton-input v-for="index of Array(20)" :key="index" class="!min-w-60.5 !h-96 !rounded-md overflow-hidden" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div v-else class="nc-gallery-container grid gap-3 p-3"> |
<div v-for="(record, rowIndex) in data" :key="`record-${record.row.id}`"> |
<LazySmartsheetRow :row="record"> |
<a-card |
class="!rounded-xl h-full border-gray-200 border-1 group overflow-hidden break-all max-w-[450px] cursor-pointer" |
:body-style="{ padding: '16px !important' }" |
:data-testid="`nc-gallery-card-${record.row.id}`" |
@click="expandFormClick($event, record)" |
@contextmenu="showContextMenu($event, { row: record, index: rowIndex })" |
> |
<template v-if="galleryData?.fk_cover_image_col_id" #cover> |
<a-carousel |
v-if="!reloadAttachments && attachments(record).length" |
class="gallery-carousel !border-b-1 !border-gray-200 min-h-52" |
arrows |
> |
<template #customPaging> |
<a> |
<div> |
<div></div> |
</div> |
</a> |
</template> |
<template #prevArrow> |
<div class="z-10 arrow"> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="xsmall" |
class="!absolute !left-1.5 !bottom-[-90px] !opacity-0 !group-hover:opacity-100 !rounded-lg cursor-pointer" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="arrowLeft" class="text-gray-700 w-4 h-4" /> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template #nextArrow> |
<div class="z-10 arrow"> |
<NcButton |
type="secondary" |
size="xsmall" |
class="!absolute !right-1.5 !bottom-[-90px] !opacity-0 !group-hover:opacity-100 !rounded-lg cursor-pointer" |
> |
<GeneralIcon icon="arrowRight" class="text-gray-700 w-4 h-4" /> |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</template> |
<template v-for="(attachment, index) in attachments(record)"> |
<LazyCellAttachmentImage |
v-if="isImage(attachment.title, attachment.mimetype ?? attachment.type)" |
:key="`carousel-${record.row.id}-${index}`" |
class="h-52" |
:class="[`${coverImageObjectFitClass}`]" |
:srcs="getPossibleAttachmentSrc(attachment)" |
@click="expandFormClick($event, record)" |
/> |
</template> |
</a-carousel> |
<div v-else class="h-52 w-full !flex flex-row !border-b-1 !border-gray-200 items-center justify-center"> |
<img class="object-contain w-[48px] h-[48px]" src="~assets/icons/FileIconImageBox.png" /> |
</div> |
</template> |
<div class="flex flex-col gap-3 !children:pointer-events-none"> |
<h2 v-if="displayField" class="nc-card-display-value-wrapper"> |
<template v-if="!isRowEmpty(record, displayField)"> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(displayField)" |
v-model="record.row[displayField.title]" |
class="!text-brand-500" |
:column="displayField" |
:row="record" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="record.row[displayField.title]" |
class="!text-brand-500" |
:column="displayField" |
:edit-enabled="false" |
:read-only="true" |
/> |
</template> |
<template v-else> - </template> |
</h2> |
<div v-for="col in fieldsWithoutDisplay" :key="`record-${record.row.id}-${col.id}`"> |
<div class="flex flex-col rounded-lg w-full"> |
<div class="flex flex-row w-full justify-start"> |
<div class="nc-card-col-header w-full !children:text-gray-500"> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderVirtualCell v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" :column="col" :hide-menu="true" /> |
<LazySmartsheetHeaderCell v-else :column="col" :hide-menu="true" /> |
</div> |
</div> |
<div |
v-if="!isRowEmpty(record, col)" |
class="flex flex-row w-full text-gray-800 items-center justify-start min-h-7 py-1" |
> |
<LazySmartsheetVirtualCell |
v-if="isVirtualCol(col)" |
v-model="record.row[col.title]" |
:column="col" |
:row="record" |
class="!text-gray-800" |
/> |
<LazySmartsheetCell |
v-else |
v-model="record.row[col.title]" |
:column="col" |
:edit-enabled="false" |
:read-only="true" |
class="!text-gray-800" |
/> |
</div> |
<div v-else class="flex flex-row w-full h-7 pl-1 items-center justify-start">-</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</div> |
</a-card> |
</LazySmartsheetRow> |
</div> |
<template v-if="data.length <= 4"> |
<div v-for="index of Array(8 - data.length)" :key="index" class="nc-empty-card"></div> |
</template> |
</div> |
</div> |
</NcDropdown> |
<LazySmartsheetPagination |
v-model:pagination-data="paginationData" |
align-count-on-right |
show-api-timing |
:change-page="changePage" |
class="" |
> |
<template #add-record> |
<NcButton v-if="isUIAllowed('dataInsert')" size="xs" type="secondary" class="ml-2" @click="openNewRecordFormHook.trigger"> |
<div class="flex items-center gap-2"> |
<component :is="iconMap.plus" class="" /> |
{{ $t('activity.newRecord') }} |
</div> |
</NcButton> |
</template> |
</LazySmartsheetPagination> |
<Suspense> |
<LazySmartsheetExpandedForm |
v-if="expandedFormRow && expandedFormDlg" |
v-model="expandedFormDlg" |
:row="expandedFormRow" |
:load-row="!isPublic" |
:state="expandedFormRowState" |
:meta="meta" |
:view="view" |
/> |
</Suspense> |
<Suspense> |
<LazySmartsheetExpandedForm |
v-if="expandedFormOnRowIdDlg && meta?.id" |
v-model="expandedFormOnRowIdDlg" |
:row="expandedFormRow ?? { row: {}, oldRow: {}, rowMeta: {} }" |
:meta="meta" |
:load-row="!isPublic" |
:row-id="route.query.rowId" |
:view="view" |
show-next-prev-icons |
:expand-form="expandForm" |
@next="navigateToSiblingRow(NavigateDir.NEXT)" |
@prev="navigateToSiblingRow(NavigateDir.PREV)" |
/> |
</Suspense> |
</template> |
<style lang="scss" scoped> |
.nc-gallery-container, |
.nc-gallery-container-skeleton { |
@apply auto-rows-[1fr] grid-cols-[repeat(auto-fit,minmax(250px,1fr))]; |
} |
:deep(.slick-dots li button) { |
@apply !bg-black; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-dots) { |
@apply !w-full max-w-[calc(100%_-_36%)] absolute left-0 right-0 bottom-[-18px] h-6 overflow-x-auto nc-scrollbar-thin !mx-auto; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-dots li div > div) { |
@apply rounded-full border-0 cursor-pointer block opacity-100 p-0 outline-none transition-all duration-500 text-transparent h-2 w-2 bg-[#d9d9d9]; |
font-size: 0; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-dots li.slick-active div > div) { |
@apply bg-brand-500 opacity-100; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-dots li) { |
@apply !w-auto; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-prev) { |
@apply left-0; |
} |
.ant-carousel.gallery-carousel :deep(.slick-next) { |
@apply right-0; |
} |
:deep(.ant-card) { |
@apply transition-all duration-0.3s; |
box-shadow: 0px 2px 4px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.06), 0px 4px 4px -2px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.02); |
&:hover { |
@apply !border-gray-300; |
box-shadow: 0px 0px 24px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1), 0px 0px 8px 0px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.04); |
.nc-action-icon { |
@apply invisible; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-card-display-value-wrapper { |
@apply my-0 text-xl leading-8 text-gray-600; |
.nc-cell, |
.nc-virtual-cell { |
@apply text-xl leading-8; |
:deep(.nc-cell-field), |
:deep(input), |
:deep(textarea), |
:deep(.nc-cell-field-link) { |
@apply !text-xl leading-8 text-gray-600; |
} |
} |
} |
.nc-card-col-header { |
:deep(.nc-cell-icon), |
:deep(.nc-virtual-cell-icon) { |
@apply ml-0 !w-3.5 !h-3.5; |
} |
} |
:deep(.nc-cell), |
:deep(.nc-virtual-cell) { |
@apply text-small leading-[18px]; |
.nc-cell-field, |
input, |
textarea, |
.nc-cell-field-link { |
@apply !text-small !leading-[18px]; |
} |
} |
:deep(.nc-cell) { |
&.nc-cell-longtext { |
.long-text-wrapper { |
@apply min-h-1; |
.nc-readonly-rich-text-wrapper { |
@apply !min-h-1; |
} |
.nc-rich-text { |
@apply pl-0; |
.tiptap.ProseMirror { |
@apply -ml-1 min-h-1; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
&.nc-cell-checkbox { |
@apply children:pl-0; |
} |
&.nc-cell-singleselect .nc-cell-field > div { |
@apply flex items-center; |
} |
&.nc-cell-multiselect .nc-cell-field > div { |
@apply h-5; |
} |
&.nc-cell-email, |
&.nc-cell-phonenumber { |
@apply flex items-center; |
} |
&.nc-cell-email, |
&.nc-cell-phonenumber, |
&.nc-cell-url { |
.nc-cell-field-link { |
@apply py-0; |
} |
} |
} |
:deep(.nc-virtual-cell) { |
.nc-links-wrapper { |
@apply py-0 children:min-h-4; |
} |
&.nc-virtual-cell-linktoanotherrecord { |
.chips-wrapper { |
@apply min-h-4 !children:min-h-4; |
.chip.group { |
@apply my-0; |
} |
} |
} |
&.nc-virtual-cell-lookup { |
.nc-lookup-cell { |
@apply !h-5.5; |
.nc-cell-lookup-scroll { |
@apply py-0 h-auto; |
} |
} |
} |
&.nc-virtual-cell-formula { |
.nc-cell-field { |
@apply py-0; |
} |
} |
&.nc-virtual-cell-qrcode, |
&.nc-virtual-cell-barcode { |
@apply children:justify-start; |
} |
} |