You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

253 lines
6.6 KiB

<script setup lang="ts">
import type { FunctionalComponent, SVGAttributes } from 'vue'
import Misc from './Misc.vue'
import DataSources from '~/components/dashboard/settings/DataSources.vue'
interface Props {
modelValue?: boolean
openKey?: string
dataSourcesState?: string
baseId?: string
interface SubTabGroup {
[key: string]: {
key: string
title: string
body: any
onClick?: () => void
interface TabGroup {
[key: string]: {
title: string
icon: FunctionalComponent<SVGAttributes, {}>
subTabs: SubTabGroup
onClick?: () => void
const props = defineProps<Props>()
const emits = defineEmits(['update:modelValue', 'update:openKey', 'update:dataSourcesState'])
const vModel = useVModel(props, 'modelValue', emits)
const vOpenKey = useVModel(props, 'openKey', emits)
const vDataState = useVModel(props, 'dataSourcesState', emits)
const baseId = toRef(props, 'baseId')
const { isUIAllowed } = useRoles()
provide(ProjectIdInj, baseId)
const { $e } = useNuxtApp()
const { t } = useI18n()
const dataSourcesReload = ref(false)
const tabsInfo: TabGroup = {
// teamAndAuth: {
// title: t('title.teamAndAuth'),
// icon: iconMap.users,
// subTabs: {
// ...(isUIAllowed('userMgmtTab')
// ? {
// usersManagement: {
// // Users Management
// title: t('title.userMgmt'),
// body: resolveComponent('TabsAuthUserManagement'),
// },
// }
// : {}),
// ...(isUIAllowed('apiTokenTab')
// ? {
// apiTokenManagement: {
// // API Tokens Management
// title: t('title.apiTokenMgmt'),
// body: resolveComponent('TabsAuthApiTokenManagement'),
// },
// }
// : {}),
// },
// onClick: () => {
// $e('c:settings:team-auth')
// },
// },
// audit: {
// // Audit
// title: t('title.audit'),
// icon: iconMap.book,
// subTabs: {
// audit: {
// // Audit
// title: t('title.audit'),
// body: resolveComponent('DashboardSettingsAuditTab'),
// },
// },
// onClick: () => {
// $e('c:settings:audit')
// },
// },
baseSettings: {
// Base Settings
title: t('labels.projectSettings'),
icon: iconMap.settings,
subTabs: {
misc: {
// Misc
key: 'Misc',
title: t('general.misc'),
body: Misc,
onClick: () => {
dataSources: {
// Data Sources
title: 'Data Sources',
icon: iconMap.database,
subTabs: {
dataSources: {
title: 'Data Sources',
body: DataSources,
onClick: () => {
vDataState.value = ''
const firstKeyOfObject = (obj: object) => Object.keys(obj)[0]
// Array of keys of tabs which are selected. In our case will be only one.
const selectedTabKeys = computed<string[]>({
get: () => [Object.keys(tabsInfo).find((key) => key === vOpenKey.value) || firstKeyOfObject(tabsInfo)],
set: (value) => {
vOpenKey.value = value[0]
const selectedTab = computed(() => tabsInfo[selectedTabKeys.value[0]])
const selectedSubTabKeys = ref<string[]>([firstKeyOfObject(selectedTab.value.subTabs)])
const selectedSubTab = computed(() => selectedTab.value.subTabs[selectedSubTabKeys.value[0]])
() => selectedTabKeys.value[0],
(newTabKey) => {
selectedSubTabKeys.value = [firstKeyOfObject(tabsInfo[newTabKey].subTabs)]
:class="{ active: vModel }"
width="max(90vw, 600px)"
class="!top-50px !bottom-50px"
@cancel="emits('update:modelValue', false)"
<!-- Settings -->
<div class="flex flex-row justify-between w-full items-center mb-1">
<a-typography-title class="ml-4 select-none" type="secondary" :level="5">
{{ $t('activity.settings') }}
class="!rounded-md border-none !px-1.5"
@click="vModel = false"
<component :is="iconMap.close" class="cursor-pointer nc-modal-close w-4" />
<a-layout class="mt-3 overflow-y-auto flex">
<!-- Side tabs -->
<a-menu v-model:selected-keys="selectedTabKeys" class="tabs-menu h-full" :open-keys="[]">
<template v-for="(tab, key) of tabsInfo" :key="key">
v-if="key !== 'dataSources' || isUIAllowed('sourceCreate')"
class="active:(!ring-0) hover:(!bg-primary !bg-opacity-25)"
<div class="flex items-center space-x-2" @click="tab.onClick">
<component :is="tab.icon" />
<div class="select-none">
{{ tab.title }}
<!-- Sub Tabs -->
<a-layout-content class="h-auto h-80vh px-4 scrollbar-thumb-gray-500">
v-if="selectedTabKeys[0] !== 'dataSources'"
v-for="(tab, key) of selectedTab.subTabs"
class="active:(!ring-0) select-none"
{{ tab.title }}
'h-full': selectedSubTabKeys[0] === 'dataSources',
v-if="selectedSubTabKeys[0] === 'dataSources'"
class="px-2 pb-2 h-full"
class="px-2 py-6"
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.tabs-menu {
:deep(.ant-menu-item-selected) {
@apply border-r-3 border-primary bg-primary !bg-opacity-25;