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Formulas Formulas 43 Usage Formulas

Adding formula column


1. Click on '+' (Add column)

2. Populate column Name

3. Select column Type as 'Formula'

4. Insert required formula

  • Can use column names in equation
  • Can use explicit numberical values/ strings as needed
  • Table below lists supported formula & associated syntax
  • Nested formula (formula equation referring to another formula column) are not supported

5. Click on 'Save'

Available Formula Features


Name Syntax Sample Output Minimum arguments
AVG AVG(value1, [value2,...]) AVG(Column1, Column1) Average of input parameters 1
ADD ADD(value1, [value2,...]) ADD(Column1, Column1) Sum of input parameters 1
CONCAT CONCAT(value1, [value2,...]) CONCAT(FirstName, ' ', LastName) Concatenated string of input parameters
TRIM TRIM(value1) TRIM(Title) Removes trailing and leading whitespaces from input parameter
UPPER UPPER(value1) UPPER(Title) Upper case converted string of input parameter
LOWER LOWER(value1) LOWER(Title) Lower case converted string of input parameter
LEN LEN(value) LEN(Title) Input parameter charachter length
MIN MIN(value1, [value2,...]) MIN(Column1, Column2, Column3) Minimum value amongst input parameters
MAX MAX(value1, [value2,...]) MAX(Column1, Column2, Column3) Maximum value amongst input parameters
CEILING CEILING(value1) CEILING(Column) Rounded next largest integer value of input parameter
FLOOR FLOOR(value1) FLOOR(Column) Rounded largest integer less than or equal to input parameter
ROUND ROUND(value1) ROUND(Column) Nearest integer to the input parameter
MOD MOD(value1, value2) MOD(Column, 2) Remainder after integer division of input parameters 2
REPEAT REPEAT(value1, count) REPEAT(Column, 2) Specified copies of the input parameter string concatenated together
LOG LOG(value1, [base]) LOG(Column) Logarithm of input parameter to the base specified
EXP EXP(value1) EXP(Column) Exponential value of input parameter (e^x)
POWER POWER(base, exponent) POWER(Column, 3) base to the exponent power, as in base^exponent
SQRT SQRT(value1) SQRT(Column) Square root of the input parameter
ABS ABS(value1) ABS(Column) Absolute value of the input parameter
NOW NOW() NOW() Current date time
REPLACE REPLACE(value1, old_str,new_str) REPLACE(Column, old_string, new_String) String, after replacing all occurrences of old_string with new_String
SEARCH SEARCH(value1, search_val) SEARCH(Column, 'str') Index of sub-string specified if found, 0 otherwise
INT INT(value1) INT(Column) Integer value of input parameter
RIGHT RIGHT(value1, count) RIGHT(Column, 3) n characters from the end of input parameter
LEFT LEFT(value1, [value2,...]) LEFT(Column, 3) n characters from the beginning of input parameter
SUBSTR SUBTR(value1, position, [count]) SUBSTR(Column, 3, 2) Substring of length 'count' of input string, from the postition specified
MID SUBTR(value1, position, [count]) MID(Column, 3, 2) Alias for SUBSTR
IF IF(expression, success_case, [else_case]) IF(Column > 1, Value1, Value2) success_case if expression evaluates to TRUE, else_case otherwise
SWITCH SWITCH(expression, [pattern,value,..., default_value]) SWITCH(Column1, 1, 'One', 2, 'Two', '--') Switch case value based on expression output
AND AND(expression1, [expression2,...]) AND(Column > 2, Column < 10) TRUE if all expressions evaluate to TRUE
OR OR(expression1, [expression2,...]) OR(Column > 2, Column < 10) TRUE if at least one expression evaluates to TRUE

Numeric Operators

Operator Sample Description
+ column1 + column2 + 2 Addition of numeric values
- column1 - column2 Subtraction of numeric values
* column1 * column2 Multiplication of numeric values
- column1 / column2 Division of numeric values

Logical operators

Operator Sample Description
< column1 < column2 Less than
> column1 > column2 Greater than
<= column1 <= column2 Less than or equal to
>= column1 >= column2 Greater than or equal to
== column1 == column2 Equal to
!= column1 != column2 Not equal to