mirror of https://github.com/nocodb/nocodb
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
279 lines
7.8 KiB
279 lines
7.8 KiB
<script lang="ts" setup> |
import { onKeyStroke } from '@vueuse/core' |
import { OrderedWorkspaceRoles, WorkspaceUserRoles } from 'nocodb-sdk' |
import { extractSdkResponseErrorMsg, useWorkspace } from '#imports' |
import { validateEmail } from '~/utils/validation' |
const inviteData = reactive({ |
email: '', |
roles: WorkspaceUserRoles.NO_ACCESS, |
}) |
const focusRef = ref<HTMLInputElement>() |
const isDivFocused = ref(false) |
const divRef = ref<HTMLDivElement>() |
const emailValidation = reactive({ |
isError: true, |
message: '', |
}) |
const singleEmailValue = ref('') |
const workspaceStore = useWorkspace() |
const { inviteCollaborator: _inviteCollaborator } = workspaceStore |
const { isInvitingCollaborators } = storeToRefs(workspaceStore) |
const { workspaceRoles } = useRoles() |
// all user input emails are stored here |
const emailBadges = ref<Array<string>>([]) |
const insertOrUpdateString = (str: string) => { |
// Check if the string already exists in the array |
const index = emailBadges.value.indexOf(str) |
if (index !== -1) { |
// If the string exists, remove it |
emailBadges.value.splice(index, 1) |
} |
// Add the new string to the array |
emailBadges.value.push(str) |
} |
const emailInputValidation = (input: string): boolean => { |
if (!input.length) { |
emailValidation.isError = true |
emailValidation.message = 'Email should not be empty' |
return false |
} |
if (!validateEmail(input.trim())) { |
emailValidation.isError = true |
emailValidation.message = 'Invalid Email' |
return false |
} |
return true |
} |
const isInvitButtonDiabled = computed(() => { |
if (!emailBadges.value.length && !singleEmailValue.value.length) { |
return true |
} |
if (emailBadges.value.length && inviteData.email) { |
return true |
} |
}) |
watch(inviteData, (newVal) => { |
// when user only want to enter a single email |
// we dont convert that as badge |
const isSingleEmailValid = validateEmail(newVal.email) |
if (isSingleEmailValid && !emailBadges.value.length) { |
singleEmailValue.value = newVal.email |
emailValidation.isError = false |
return |
} |
singleEmailValue.value = '' |
// when user enters multiple emails comma sepearted or space sepearted |
const isNewEmail = newVal.email.charAt(newVal.email.length - 1) === ',' || newVal.email.charAt(newVal.email.length - 1) === ' ' |
if (isNewEmail && newVal.email.trim().length) { |
const emailToAdd = newVal.email.split(',')[0].trim() || newVal.email.split(' ')[0].trim() |
if (!validateEmail(emailToAdd)) { |
emailValidation.isError = true |
emailValidation.message = 'Invalid Email' |
return |
} |
/** |
if email is already enterd we delete the already |
existing email and add new one |
**/ |
if (emailBadges.value.includes(emailToAdd)) { |
insertOrUpdateString(emailToAdd) |
inviteData.email = '' |
return |
} |
emailBadges.value.push(emailToAdd) |
inviteData.email = '' |
singleEmailValue.value = '' |
} |
if (!newVal.email.length && emailValidation.isError) { |
emailValidation.isError = false |
} |
}) |
const handleEnter = () => { |
const isEmailIsValid = emailInputValidation(inviteData.email) |
if (!isEmailIsValid) return |
inviteData.email += ' ' |
emailValidation.isError = false |
emailValidation.message = '' |
} |
const inviteCollaborator = async () => { |
try { |
const payloadData = singleEmailValue.value || emailBadges.value.join(',') |
if (!payloadData.includes(',')) { |
const validationStatus = validateEmail(payloadData) |
if (!validationStatus) { |
emailValidation.isError = true |
emailValidation.message = 'invalid email' |
} |
} |
await _inviteCollaborator(payloadData, inviteData.roles) |
message.success('Invitation sent successfully') |
inviteData.email = '' |
emailBadges.value = [] |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} finally { |
singleEmailValue.value = '' |
} |
} |
// allow only lower roles to be assigned |
const allowedRoles = ref<WorkspaceUserRoles[]>([]) |
onMounted(async () => { |
try { |
const currentRoleIndex = OrderedWorkspaceRoles.findIndex( |
(role) => workspaceRoles.value && Object.keys(workspaceRoles.value).includes(role), |
) |
if (currentRoleIndex !== -1) { |
allowedRoles.value = OrderedWorkspaceRoles.slice(currentRoleIndex + 1).filter((r) => r) |
} |
} catch (e: any) { |
message.error(await extractSdkResponseErrorMsg(e)) |
} |
}) |
const focusOnDiv = () => { |
focusRef.value?.focus() |
isDivFocused.value = true |
} |
// remove one email per backspace |
onKeyStroke('Backspace', () => { |
if (isDivFocused.value && inviteData.email.length < 1) { |
emailBadges.value.pop() |
} |
}) |
// when bulk email is pasted |
const onPaste = (e: ClipboardEvent) => { |
const pastedText = e.clipboardData?.getData('text') |
const inputArray = pastedText?.split(',') || pastedText?.split(' ') |
// if data is pasted to a already existing text in input |
// we add existingInput + pasted data |
if (inputArray?.length === 1 && inviteData.email.length) { |
inputArray[0] = inviteData.email += inputArray[0] |
} |
inputArray?.forEach((el) => { |
const isEmailIsValid = emailInputValidation(el) |
if (!isEmailIsValid) return |
/** |
if email is already enterd we delete the already |
existing email and add new one |
**/ |
if (emailBadges.value.includes(el)) { |
insertOrUpdateString(el) |
return |
} |
emailBadges.value.push(el) |
inviteData.email = '' |
}) |
inviteData.email = '' |
} |
</script> |
<template> |
<div class="my-2 pt-3 ml-2" data-testid="invite"> |
<div class="flex gap-2"> |
<div class="flex flex-col"> |
<div |
ref="divRef" |
class="flex w-130 border-1 gap-1 items-center flex-wrap min-h-8 max-h-30 rounded-lg nc-scrollbar-md" |
tabindex="0" |
:class="{ |
'border-primary/100': isDivFocused, |
'p-1': emailBadges.length > 1, |
}" |
@click="focusOnDiv" |
@blur="isDivFocused = false" |
> |
<span |
v-for="(email, index) in emailBadges" |
:key="email" |
class="leading-4 border-1 text-brand-500 bg-brand-50 rounded-md ml-1 p-0.5" |
> |
{{ email }} |
<component |
:is="iconMap.close" |
class="ml-0.5 hover:cursor-pointer w-3.5 h-3.5" |
@click="emailBadges.splice(index, 1)" |
/> |
</span> |
<input |
id="email" |
ref="focusRef" |
v-model="inviteData.email" |
:placeholder="emailBadges.length < 1 ? 'Enter emails to send invitation' : ''" |
class="min-w-60 outline-0 ml-2 mr-3 flex-grow-1" |
data-testid="email-input" |
@keyup.enter="handleEnter" |
@blur="isDivFocused = false" |
@paste.prevent="onPaste" |
/> |
</div> |
<span v-if="emailValidation.isError && emailValidation.message" class="ml-2 text-red-500 text-[10px] mt-1.5">{{ |
emailValidation.message |
}}</span> |
</div> |
<RolesSelector |
size="md" |
class="px-1 min-w-[152px] nc-invite-role-selector" |
:role="inviteData.roles" |
:roles="allowedRoles" |
:on-role-change="(role) => (inviteData.roles = role as WorkspaceUserRoles)" |
:description="true" |
/> |
<NcButton |
type="primary" |
size="small" |
:disabled="isInvitButtonDiabled || isInvitingCollaborators || emailValidation.isError" |
:loading="isInvitingCollaborators" |
@click="inviteCollaborator" |
> |
<MdiPlus /> |
{{ isInvitingCollaborators ? 'Adding' : 'Add' }} Member(s) |
</NcButton> |
</div> |
</div> |
</template> |
<style scoped> |
:deep(.ant-select .ant-select-selector) { |
@apply rounded; |
} |
.badge-text { |
@apply text-[14px] pt-1 text-center; |
} |
:deep(.ant-select-selection-item) { |
@apply mt-0.75; |
} |
:deep(.nc-invite-role-selector .nc-role-badge) { |
@apply w-full; |
} |